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Abbas, F (1997) Frequency stable superconducting resonator with buffer layers. Rev. Sci. Insrum., 68 (9). pp. 3579-3582.

Abbas, F; Gallop, J C; Hao, L* (1997) Microwave dielectric composite puck resonators. Appl. Supercond., 1. pp. 315-318.

Abbas, F; Gallop, J C; Hao, L* (1997) A quantum statistics approach for characterising superconductors. In: Proc. International conference on materials and mechanisms of superconductivity, High temperature superconductors V, 1997, North Holland.

Abbas, F; Gallop, J C; Hodge, C (1997) Frequency stability in a superconducting transmission line with buffer layers. In: Proc. 11th European Frequency and Time Forum, 1997, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Abbas, F; Gallop, J C; Langham, C D (1997) HTS/Ferroelectric microwave phase shifters. Cryogenics, 37 (10). pp. 681-684.

Abbas, F; Gallop, J C; Langham, C D (1997) Microwave ferroelectric superconducting phase shifter. In: Proc. 27th European Microwave 97 Conference and Exhibition, 8-12 September 1997, Jerusalem, Israel.

Abbas, F* (1996) A ferroelectric superconducting thin films microwave phase shifter. In: Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, December 1996, New Delhi, India.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1993) Field solution for thin film superconducting parallel-plate transmission line. Physica, C215. pp. 132-144.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1995) HTS ferroelectric thin-films. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 1211-1214.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1995) SQUIDS inductivity coupled to superconducting transmission line for microwave phase shifters. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 1151-1154.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1995) Superconductor-dielectric microwave resonators with ultra-high Q values. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 1147-1150.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1995) Tunable microwave components based on dielectric nonlinearity by using HTS/Ferroelectric thin films. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 5 (4). pp. 3511-3517.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1994) Ultra-high-Q resonators for low-noise, microwave signal generation using sapphire buffer layers and superconducting thin films. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 7. 495 -501

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1996) A distributed ferroelectric superconducting transmission-line phase shifter. In: Digest: IEEE-MTT-S International Microwave symposium, June 1996, San Francisco, USA.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C; Langham, C D (1996) Microwave properties of high temperature superconductors. In: Proc. 1996 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 1996, New Delhi, India.

Abu Bakar, M*; Velichko, A V*; Lancaster, M J*; Porch, A*; Gallop, J C; Hao, L; Cohen, L F*; Zhukov, A* (2002) Microwave intermodulation distotion measurements in unpatterned and patterned YBCO thin film. Physica C, 372-37 (2). pp. 692-695.

Adabi, M*; Lischner, J*; Hanham, S M*; Mihai, A P*; Shaforost, O; Wang, R; Hao, L; Petrov, P K*; Klein, N* (2017) Microwave study of field-effect devices based on graphene/aluminum nitride/graphene structures. Sci. Rep., 7. p. 44202.

Adamyan, A A*; de Graaf, S E; Kubatkin, S E*; Danilov, A V* (2015) Kinetic inductance as a microwave circuit design variable by multilayer fabrication. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 28 (8). 085007

Adamyan, A A*; de Graaf, S E; Kubatkin, S E*; Danilov, A V* (2016) Superconducting microwave parametric amplifier based on a quasi-fractal slow propagation line. J. Appl. Phys., 119 (8). 083901

Ago, H*; Fukamachi, S*; Endo, H*; Solis-Fernandez, P*; Yunus, R M*; Uchida, Y*; Panchal, V; Kazakova, O; Tsuji, M* (2016) Visualization of grain structure and boundaries of polycrystalline graphene and two-dimensional materials by epitaxial growth of transition metal dichalcogenides. ACS Nano, 10 (3). pp. 3233-3240.

Ahn, Y-H*; Seo, M*; Giblin, S P; Kataoka, M; Chung, Y*; Kim, N*; Bae, M-H* (2016) Robustness of potential-profile-tunable electron pump. In: 2016 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 10-15 July 2016, Ottawa, Canada.

Al-Taie, H*; Smith, L W*; Lesage, A A J*; See, P; Griffiths, J P*; Beere, H E*; Jones, G A C*; Ritchie, D A*; Kelly, M J*; Smith, C G* (2015) Spatial mapping and statistical reproducibility of an array of 256 one-dimensional quantum wires. J. Appl. Phys., 118 (7). 075703

Al-Taie, H*; Smith, L W*; Puddy, R K*; See, P; Griffiths, J P*; Farrer, I*; Jones, G A C*; Ritchie, D A*; Smith, C G*; Kelly, M J* (2014) Threshold tuning method for arrays of split-gate nanostructure transistors in series. In: 14th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 18-21 August 2014, Toronto, Canada.

Al-Taie, H*; Smith, L W*; Xu, B*; See, P; Griffiths, J P*; Beere, H E*; Jones, G A C*; Ritchie, D A*; Kelly, M J*; Smith, C G* (2013) Cryogenic on-chip multiplexer for the study of quantum transport in 256 split-gate devices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 102 (24). 243102

Al-Taie, H*; Smith, L W*; Xu, B*; See, P; Griffiths, J P*; Beere, H E*; Jones, G A C*; Ritchie, D A*; Kelly, M J*; Smith, C G* (2013) Erratum: "Cryogenic on-chip multiplexer for the study of quantum transport in 256 split-gate devices" [vol 102, 243102, (2013)]. Appl. Phys. Lett., 103 (9). 099901

Alexander-Webber, J A*; Baker, A M R*; Janssen, T J B M; Tzalenchuk, A; Lara-Avila, S*; Kubatkin, S*; Yakimova, R*; Piot, B A*; Maude, D K*; Nicholas, R J* (2013) Phase space for the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111 (9). 096601

Alexander-Webber, J A*; Huang, J*; Maude, D K*; Janssen, T J B M; Tzalenchuk, A; Antonov, V*; Yager, T*; Lara-Avila, S*; Kubatkin, S*; Yakimova, R*; Nicholas, R J* (2016) Giant quantum Hall plateaus generated by charge transfer in epitaxial graphene. Sci. Rep., 6. p. 30296.

Alleaume, R*; Chapuran, T E*; Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Lutkenhaus, N*; Martin, V*; Mink, A*; Peev, M*; Lucamarini, M*; Ward, M*; Shields, A* (2014) Worldwide standardization activity for quantum key distribution. In: 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, TX, USA.

Andreone, A*; Di Gennaro, E*; Lamura, G*; Salluzzo, M*; Purnell, A*; Cohen, L F*; Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Cantoni, C*; Paranthaman, M* (2003) A study on the nonlinear microwave electrodynamic response of e-beam evaporated MgB2 superconducting thin films. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 16. pp. 260-263.

Astley, M R*; Kataoka, M; Ford, C J B*; Barnes, C H W*; Anderson, D*; Jones, G A C*; Farrer, I*; Ritchie, D A*; Pepper, M* (2016) Non-invasive charge detection in surface-acoustic-wave-defined dymanic quantum dots. Appl. Phys. Lett., 109 (18). 183501

Avlund, M*; Ellegaard, C*; Oxborrow, M; Guhr, T*; Sondergaard, N* (2010) Observation of periodic orbits on curved two-dimensional geometries. Phys. Rev. Lett., 104 (16). 164101


Beattie, N S*; Zoppi, G*; See, P; Farrer, I*; Duchamp, M*; Morrison, D J*; Miles, R W;; Richie, D A* (2014) Analysis of InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cells using Suns-Voc measurements. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 130. pp. 241-245.

Beaumont A R,, ; Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Dunn, M H*; Porrovecchio, G*; Smid, M*; Theocharous, E*; Thomas, P J* (2009) Towards quantum based metrology for photonic technologies. In: 9th Optical Fibre Measurement Conference (OFMC) Digest, 16-18 September 2009, NPL, Teddington,UK.

Bechstein, S*; Kirste, A*; Drung, D*; Regin, M*; Kazakova, O; Gallop, J; Hao, L; Cox, D; Schurig, T* (2013) Investigation of material effects with micro-sized SQUID sensors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 23 (3). 1602004

Bechstein, S*; Ruede, F*; Drung, D*; Storm, J-H*; Kohn, C*; Kieler, O F*; Kohlmann, J*; Weimann, T*; Patel, T*; Bo Li*,, ; Cox, D; Gallop, J C; Hao, L; Schurig, T* (2015) Design and fabrication of coupled nanoSQUIDs and NEMS. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 25 (3). 1602604

Blois, A*; Rozhko, S*; Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Romans, E J* (2017) Heat propagation models for superconducting nanobridges at millikelvin temperatures. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 30 (1). 014003

Blois, A*; Rozhko, S*; Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Romans, E J* (2013) Proximity effect bilayer nano superconducting quantum interference devices for millikelvin magnetometry. J. Appl. Phys., 114 (23). 233907

Blumenthal, M D; Kaestner, B*; Li, L*; Giblin, S; Janssen, T J B M; Pepper, M*; Anderson, D*; Jones, G*; Ritchie, D A* (2007) Gigahertz quantized charge pumping. Nature Physics, 3 (5). pp. 343-347.

Blumenthal, M D*; Kaestner, B*; Li, L*; Giblin, S P; Janssen, T J B M; Pepper, M*; Anderson, D*; Jones, G*; Ritchie, D A* (2008) Electron pumping through quantum dots defined in parallel etched quantum wires. Microelectron. J., 39 (3-4). pp. 365-368.

Bock, M*; Lenhard, A*; Chunnilall, C J; Becher, C* (2016) A highly efficient heralded single-photon source for telecom wavelengths based on a PPLN waveguide. Opt. Express, 24 (21). pp. 23992-24001.

Bogren, S*; Fornara, A*; Ludwig, F*; Morales, M D*; Steinhoff, U*; Hansen, M F*; Kazakova, O; Johansson, C* (2015) Classification of magnetic nanoparticle systems-synthesis, standardization and analysis methods in the NanoMag project. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 16 (9). pp. 20308-20325.

Bointon, T H*; Jones, G F*; De Sanctis, A*; Hill-Pearce, R; Cracium, M F*; Russo, S* (2015) Large-area functionalized CVD graphene for work function matched transparent electrodes. Sci. Rep., 5. p. 16464.

Breeze, J*; Oxborrow, M; Alford, N M* (2011) Better than Bragg: optimising the quality factor of resonators with aperiodic dielectric reflectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 99 (11). 113515

Brown, E; Hao, L; Gallop, J C; MacFarlane, J C (2004) Thermal measurements on multi-wall nanotubes. AIP Conf. Proc., 723. pp. 91-94.

Brown, E; Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C; Josephs-Franks, P W; Cohen, L F* (2006) The effect of molecular oxygen on the thermal conductance of multi-walled nanotubes - a preliminary investigation. Phys. Stat. Sol. B, 243 (13). pp. 3380-3384.

Brown, E; Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J*; Cohen, L* (2005) Ballistic thermal and electrical conductance measurements on individual multi-wall carbon nanotubes. Appl. Phys. Lett., 87. 023107

Brownnutt, M; Letchumanan, V; Wilpers, G; Thompson, R P; Gill, P; Sinclair, A G (2007) Controlled photoionization loading of 88Sr+ for precision ion-trap experiments. Appl. Phys. B, 87. pp. 411-415.

Brownnutt, M; Wilpers, G; Gill, P; Thompson, R C*; Sinclair, A G (2006) Zero-point cooling and heating rate measurements of a single strontium 88 ion. In: Optical Frequency Combs for Space International Workshop, 2-3 October 2006, NPL, UK.

Burch, H J; Davies, J A; Brown, E; Hao, L; Antoranz Contera, S*; Grobert, N*; Ryan, J F* (2006) Electrical conductance and breakdown in individual CNx multiwalled nanotubes. Appl. Phys. Lett., 89. 143110

Burch, H J*; Brown, E*; Contera, S A*; Toledo, N C*; Cox, D C; Grobert, N*; Hao, L; Ryan, J F*; Davies, J A (2008) Effect of acid treatment on the structure and electrical properties of nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes. J. Phys. Chem. C, 112 (6). pp. 1908-1912.

Burnett, J; Lindstrom, T; Oxborrow, M; Harada, Y*; Sekine, Y*; Meeson, P*; Tzalenchuk, A Ya (2013) Slow noise processes in superconducting resonators. Phys. Rev. B, 87 (14). 140501

Burnett, J*; Faoro, L*; Lindstrom, T (2016) Analysis of high quality superconducting resonators: consequences for TLS properties in amorphous oxides. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 29 (4). 044008

Burnett, J*; Faoro, L*; Wisby, I*; Gurtovoi, V L*; Chernykh, A V*; Mikhailov, G M*; Tulin, V A*; Shaikhaidarov, R*; Antonov, V*; Meeson, P J*; Tzalenchuk, A Y; Lindstrom, T (2014) Evidence for interacting two-level systems from the 1/f noise of a superconducting resonator. Nature Comms., 5. p. 4119.

Burnett, J*; Lindstrom, T; Wisby, I*; de Graaf, S*; Adamyan, A*; Danilov, A V*; Kubatkin, S*; Meeson, P J*; Tzalenchuk, A Ya (2013) Identifying noise processes in superconducting resonators. In: 2013 IEEE 14th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC 2013), 7-11 July 2013, Cambridge, MA, USA.


Carmon, T*; Schwefel, H G L*; Yang, L*; Oxborrow, M; Stone, A D*; Vahala, K J* (2008) Static envelope patterns in composite resonances generated by level crossing in toroidal microcavities. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100 (10). 103905

Chalupczak, W; Josephs-Franks, P W; Godun, R M; Pustelny, S* (2013) Radio-frequency spectroscopy in the dark. Phys. Rev. A, 88 (5). 052508

Chalupczak, W; Josephs-Franks, P W; Pustelny, S*; Gawlik, W* (2010) Optical-radio frequency resonances free from power-broadening. Phys. Rev. A, 81 (1). 013422

Chiu, K L*; Connolly, M R; Cresti, A*; Griffiths, J P*; Jones, G A C*; Smith, C G* (2015) Magnetic-field-induced charge redistribution in disordered graphene double quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B, 92 (15). 155408

Choi, I*; Yu Rong Zhou*,, ; Dynes, J*; Zhiliang Yuan*,, ; Klar, A*; Sharpe, A*; Plews, A*; Lucamarini, M*; Radig, C*; Neubert, J*; Griesser, H*; Eiselt, M*; Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Sinclair, A G; Elbers, J P*; Lord, A*; Sheilds, A* (2014) First quantum secured 10Gb/s DWDM transmission over the same installed fiber. In: European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) 2014, 21-25 September 2014, Cannes, France.

Choi, I*; Zhou, Y R*; Dynes, J F*; Yuan, Z L*; Klar, A*; Sharpe, A*; Plews, A*; Lucamarini, M*; Radig, C*; Neubert, J*; Griesser, H*; Eiselt, M*; Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G*; Sinclair, A G; Elbers, J P*; Lord, A*; Shields, A* (2014) Field trial of a quantum secured 10 Gb/s DWDM transmission system over a single installed fiber. Opt. Express, 22 (19). pp. 23121-23128.

Chua, C*; Lartsev, A*; Sui, J*; Panchal, V; Puddy, R*; Richardson, C*; Smith, C G*; Janssen, T J B M; Tzalenchuk, A; Yakimova, R*; Kubatkin, S*; Connolly, M R* (2017) Observation of Coulomb blockade in nanostructured epitaxial bilayer graphene on SiC. Carbon, 119. pp. 426-430.

Chua, S W*; Kibble, B P; Hartland, A (1998) Comparison of capacitance with AC quantized Hall resistance. In: CPEM '98 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements Conference Digest, 6-10 July 2003, Washington DC, USA.

Chunnilall, C J (2015) Metrology for quantum communications. In: 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 10-15 May 2015, San Jose, CA, USA.

Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Kuck, S*; Muller, I*; Sinclair, A G (2014) Errata: metrology of single-photon sources and detectors: a review (vol 53, 081910, 2014). Opt. Eng., 53 (8). 089801

Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Kuck, S*; Muller, I*; Sinclair, A G (2014) Metrology of single-photon sources and detectors: a review. Opt. Eng., 53 (8). 081910

Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Allerton, J J; Hart, C J; Sinclair, A G (2015) Corrigendum: Traceable metrology for characterizing quantum optical communication devices (vol 51, pg S258, 2014). Metrologia, 52 (2). p. 444.

Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Allerton, J J; Hart, C J; Sinclair, A G (2014) Traceable metrology for characterizing quantum optical communication devices. Metrologia, 51 (6). S258-S266

Clark, J H*; Donaldson, G B*; Gallop, J C; Bowman, R M* (1995) Temperature dependence of surface of pulsed-laser deposited YBCO. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 5 (2). pp. 2555-2558.

Clark, J H*; Gallop, J C (1995) Noise thermometry with HTS SQUIDS. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 1529-1532.

Cohen, L F*; Cowie, A; Gallop, J C (1997) Temperature variation of the microwave power dependence in HTS thin films. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 33-36.

Cohen, L F*; Cowie, A L*; Purnell, A*; Lindop, N A*; Thiess, S*; Gallop, J C (2002) Thermally induced nonlinear behaviour of HTS film at high microwave power. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 15. pp. 559-565.

Connolly, M R; Chiu, K L*; Giblin, S P; Kataoka, M; Fletcher, J D; Chua, C*; Griffiths, J P*; Jones, G A C*; Fal'ko, V I*; Smith, C G*; Janssen, T J B M (2013) Gigahertz quantized charge pumping in graphene quantum dots. Nature Nanotechnol., 8 (6). pp. 417-420.

Connolly, M R; Herbschleb, E D*; Puddy, R K*; Roy, M*; Anderson, D*; Jones, G A C*; Maksym, P*; Smith, C G* (2012) Reading and writing charge on graphene devices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 101 (2). 023505

Connolly, M R; Puddy, R K*; Logoteta, D*; Marconcini, P*; Roy, M*; Griffiths, J P*; Jones, G A C*; Maksym, P A*; Macucci, M*; Smith, C G* (2012) Unraveling quantum Hall breakdown in bilayer graphene with scanning gate microscopy. Nano Lett., 12 (11). pp. 5448-5454.

Corte-Leon, H; Beguivin, A*; Krzysteczko, P*; Schmacher, H W*; Manzin, A*; Cowburn, R P*; Antonov, V*; Kazakova, O (2015) Influence of geometry on domain wall dynamics in permalloy nanodevices. IEEE Trans. Magn., 51 (1). 4001304

Corte-Leon, H; Fernandez-Scarioni, A*; Mansell, R*; Krzysteczko, P*; Cox, D; McGrouther, D*; McVitie, S*; Cowburn, R*; Schumacher, H W*; Antonov, V*; Kazakova, O (2017) Magnetic scanning gate microscopy of CoFeB lateral spin valve. AIP Advances, 7 (5). 056808

Corte-Leon, H; Gribkov, B; Krzysteczko, P*; Marchi, F*; Motte, J F*; Schumacher, H W*; Antonov, V*; Kazakova, O (2016) Magnetic scanning gate microscopy of a domain wall nanosensor using microparticle probe. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 400. pp. 225-229.

Corte-Leon, H; Krzysteczko, P*; Marchi, F*; Motte, J F*; Manzin, A*; Schumacher, H W*; Antonov, V*; Kazakova, O (2016) Detection of a magnetic bead by hybrid nanodevices using scanning gate microscopy. AIP Advances, 6 (5). 056502

Corte-Leon, H; Krzysteczko, P*; Schumacher, H W*; Manzin, A*; Antonov, V*; Kazakova, O (2014) Tailoring of domain wall devices for sensing applications. IEEE Trans. Magn., 50 (11). 7101004

Corte-Leon, H; Nabaei, V*; Manzin, A*; Fletcher, J D; Krzysteczko, P*; Schumacher, H W*; Kazakova, O (2014) Anisotropic magnetoresistance state space of permalloy nanowires with domain wall pinning geometry. Sci. Rep., 4. p. 6045.

Cowie, A; Cohen, L F*; Gibson, G; Li, Y H*; MacManus-Driscoll, J*; Gallop, J C (1997) Raman and XRD characterisation microstructure and microwave loss in YBCO 123 thin films. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 53-56.

Cox, D C; Gallop, J C; Hao, L (2014) Focused ion beam processing of superconducting junctions and SQUID based devices. Nanofabrication, 1 (1). pp. 53-64.


Dankert, A*; Pashaei, P*; Kamalakar, M V*; Gaur, A P S*; Sahoo, S*; Rungger, I; Narayan, A*; Dolui, K*; Hoque, M A*; Patel, R S*; de Jong, M P*; Katiyar, R S*; Sanvito, S*; Dash, S P* (2017) Spin-polarized tunneling through chemical vapor deposited multilayer molybdenum disulfide. ACS Nano, 11 (6). pp. 6389-6395.

Delahaye, F*; Kibble, B P; Zarka, A* (2000) Effect of a back gate on the AC characteristics of quantum hall devices. In: Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) 2000, 14-19 May 2000, Sydney, Australia.

Di Michele, L; Shelly, C; de Marco, P; See, P; Cox, D; Kazakova, O (2011) Detection and susceptibility measurements of a single Dynal bead. J. Appl. Phys., 110 (6). 063916

Di Michele, L*; Shelly, C*; Gallop, J C; Kazakova, O (2010) Single particle detection: phase control in submicron Hall sensors. J. Appl. Phys., 108 (10). 103918

Dmitriev, A I*; Morgunov, R B*; Kazakova, O L (2010) Effect of annealing on the microwave magnetoresistance of thim Ge0.96Mn0.04 films. Semiconductors, 44 (3). pp. 303-308.

Droghetti, A*; Thielen, P*; Rungger, I; Haag, N*; Grossmann, N*; Stockl, J*; Stadtmuller, B*; Aeschlimann, M*; Sanvito, S*; Cinchetti, M* (2016) Dynamic spin filtering at the Co/Alq(3) interface mediated by weekly coupled second layer molecules. Nature Comms., 7. p. 12668.

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Du, J*; Macfarlane, J C; Hao, L (2008) Noise temperature and linewidth of high-temperature-superconducting heterodyne gigahertz oscillators. Appl. Phys. Lett., 93 (3). 033507

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de Graaf, S E; Adamyan, A A*; Lindstrom, T; Erts, D*; Kubatkin, S E*; Tzalenchuk, A Ya; Danilov, A V* (2017) Direct identification of dilute surface spins on Al2O3: origin of flux noise in quantum circuits. Phys. Rev. Lett., 118 (5). 057703

de Graaf, S E; Danilov, A V*; Kubatkin, S E* (2015) Coherent interaction with two-level fluctuators using near field scanning microwave microscopy. Sci. Rep., 5. p. 17176.

de Graaf, S E; Tzalenchuk, A Y; Lindstrom, T (2018) 1/f frequency noise of superconducting resonators in large magnetic fields. Applied Physics Letters, 113 (14). 142601 ISSN 0003-6951

de Graaf, S E*; Leppakangas, J*; Adamyan, A*; Danilov, A V*; Lindstrom, T; Fogelstrom, M*; Bauch, T*; Johansson, G*; Kubatkin, S E* (2013) Charge qubit coupled to an intense microwave electromagnetic field in a superconducting Nb device: evidence for photon-assisted quasiparticle tunneling. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111 (13). 137002


Ebbecke, J; Fletcher, N E; Janssen, T J B M; Ahlers, F J*; Pepper, M*; Beere, H E*; Ritchie, D A* (2004) Quantized charge pumping through a quantum dot by surface acoustic waves. Appl. Phys. Lett., 84 (21). pp. 4319-4321.

Ebbecke, J*; Fletcher, N E; Ahlers, F J*; Hartland, A; Janssen, T J B M (2002) Study of the limitations of quantized acoustic current devices at PTB and NPL. In: 2002 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 16-21 June 2002, Ottawa, Canada.

Edwards, C S; Margolis, H S; Barwood, G P; Lea, S N; Gill, P; Huang, G; Rowley, W R C (2004) Absolute frequency measurement of a 1.5µm acetylene standard by use of a combined frequency chain and femtosecond comb. Opt. Lett., 29 (6). pp. 566-568.

Eless, V; Yakimova, R*; Pearce, R E (2014) Controlling the carrier concentration of epitaxial graphene by ultraviolet illumination. Mater. Sci. Forum, 778-78. pp. 1137-1141.

Eless, V*; Yager, T*; Spasov, S*; Lara-Avila, S*; Yakimova, R*; Kubatkin, S*; Janssen, T J B; Tzalenchuk, A; Antonov, V* (2013) Phase coherence and energy relaxation in epitaxial graphene under microwave radiation. Appl. Phys. Lett., 103 (9). 093103

Emary, C*; Dyson, A*; Sungguen Ryu*,, ; Sim, H S*; Kataoka, M (2016) Phonon emission and arrival times of electrons from a single-electron source. Phys. Rev. B, 93 (3). 035436


Fletcher, J D; Kataoka, M; Giblin, S P; Park, S*; Sim, H S*; See, P; Ritchie, D A*; Griffiths, J P*; Jones, G A C*; Beere, H E*; Janssen, T J B M (2012) Stabilization of single-electron pumps by high magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B, 86 (15). 155311

Fletcher, J D; See, P; Howe, H*; Pepper, M*; Giblin, S P; Griffiths, J P*; Jones, G A C*; Farrer, I*; Ritchie, D A*; Janssen, T J B M; Kataoka, M (2013) Clock-controlled emission of single-electron wavepackets in a solid-state circuit. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111 (21). 216807

Fletcher, N E; Ebbecke, J; Janssen, T J B M (2003) Quantized acoustoelectric current transport through a static quantum dot using a surface acoustic wave. Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter, 68 (24). 245310

Fletcher, N E; Janssen, T J B M; Hartland, A (2001) Temperature as a limitation to the accuracy of SETSAW devices as quantum standards of current. In: BEMC 2001- 10th British Electromagnetic Measurement Conference, 6-8 November 2001, Harrogate, UK.

Fletcher, N E; Janssen, T J B M; Hartland, A (2002) Temperature as a limitation to the accuracy of SETSAW devices as quantum standards of current. IEE Proc. Sci. Meas. Technol., 149 (6). pp. 299-301.

Fletcher, N E; Janssen, T J B M; Williams, J M (2001) A cryogenic current comparator based resistance bridge for the range 10 k to 1 G . In: BEMC 2001- 10th British Electromagnetic Measurement Conference, 6-8 November 2001, Harrogate, UK.

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