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Abbas, F; Gallop, J C; Langham, C D (1997) HTS/Ferroelectric microwave phase shifters. Cryogenics, 37 (10). pp. 681-684.

Abbas, F; Gallop, J C; Langham, C D (1997) Microwave ferroelectric superconducting phase shifter. In: Proc. 27th European Microwave 97 Conference and Exhibition, 8-12 September 1997, Jerusalem, Israel.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1995) HTS ferroelectric thin-films. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 1211-1214.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1995) SQUIDS inductivity coupled to superconducting transmission line for microwave phase shifters. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 1151-1154.

Abbas, F*; Davis, L E*; Gallop, J C (1995) Tunable microwave components based on dielectric nonlinearity by using HTS/Ferroelectric thin films. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 5 (4). pp. 3511-3517.

Alleaume, R*; Chapuran, T E*; Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Lutkenhaus, N*; Martin, V*; Mink, A*; Peev, M*; Lucamarini, M*; Ward, M*; Shields, A* (2014) Worldwide standardization activity for quantum key distribution. In: 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 8-12 December 2014, Austin, TX, USA.

Antonov, I. V.; Shaikhaidarov, R. S.; Antonov, V. N.; Astafiev, O. V. (2020) Superconducting ‘twin’ qubit. Physical Review B, 102 (11). 115422 ISSN 2469-9950

Avlund, M*; Ellegaard, C*; Oxborrow, M; Guhr, T*; Sondergaard, N* (2010) Observation of periodic orbits on curved two-dimensional geometries. Phys. Rev. Lett., 104 (16). 164101


Barnes, K M; Buyskikh, A; Chen, N Y; Gallardo, G; Ghibaudi, M; Ruszala, M J A; Underwood, D S; Agarwal, A; Lall, D; Rungger, I; Schoinas, N (2023) Optimising the quantum/classical interface for efficiency and portability with a multi-level hardware abstraction layer for quantum computers. EPJ Quantum Technology, 10. 36

Barratt, C J; Ryu, S; Clark, L A; Sim, H S; Kataoka, M; Emary, C (2021) Asymmetric arms maximize visibility in hot-electron interferometers. Physical Review B, 104 (3). 035436

Beaumont A R,, ; Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Dunn, M H*; Porrovecchio, G*; Smid, M*; Theocharous, E*; Thomas, P J* (2009) Towards quantum based metrology for photonic technologies. In: 9th Optical Fibre Measurement Conference (OFMC) Digest, 16-18 September 2009, NPL, Teddington,UK.

Bechstein, S*; Kirste, A*; Drung, D*; Regin, M*; Kazakova, O; Gallop, J; Hao, L; Cox, D; Schurig, T* (2013) Investigation of material effects with micro-sized SQUID sensors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 23 (3). 1602004

Bock, M*; Lenhard, A*; Chunnilall, C J; Becher, C* (2016) A highly efficient heralded single-photon source for telecom wavelengths based on a PPLN waveguide. Opt. Express, 24 (21). pp. 23992-24001.

Bolgar, A N; Kirichenko, D D; Shaikhaidarov, R S; Sanduleanu, S V; Semenov, A V; Dmitriev, A Y; Astafiev, O V (2020) A phononic crystal coupled to a transmission line via an artificial atom. Communications Physics, 3 (1). 201 ISSN 2399-3650

Brownnutt, M; Letchumanan, V; Wilpers, G; Thompson, R P; Gill, P; Sinclair, A G (2007) Controlled photoionization loading of 88Sr+ for precision ion-trap experiments. Appl. Phys. B, 87. pp. 411-415.

Burnett, J; Lindstrom, T; Oxborrow, M; Harada, Y*; Sekine, Y*; Meeson, P*; Tzalenchuk, A Ya (2013) Slow noise processes in superconducting resonators. Phys. Rev. B, 87 (14). 140501

Burnett, J J; Bengtsson, A; Scigliuzzo, M; Niepce, D; Kudra, M; Delsing, P; Bylander, J (2019) Decoherence benchmarking of superconducting qubits. NPJ Quantum Information, 5 (1). 9 ISSN 2056-6387


Carmon, T*; Schwefel, H G L*; Yang, L*; Oxborrow, M; Stone, A D*; Vahala, K J* (2008) Static envelope patterns in composite resonances generated by level crossing in toroidal microcavities. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100 (10). 103905

Chalupczak, W; Josephs-Franks, P W; Godun, R M; Pustelny, S* (2013) Radio-frequency spectroscopy in the dark. Phys. Rev. A, 88 (5). 052508

Chalupczak, W; Josephs-Franks, P W; Pustelny, S*; Gawlik, W* (2010) Optical-radio frequency resonances free from power-broadening. Phys. Rev. A, 81 (1). 013422

Choi, I*; Yu Rong Zhou*,, ; Dynes, J*; Zhiliang Yuan*,, ; Klar, A*; Sharpe, A*; Plews, A*; Lucamarini, M*; Radig, C*; Neubert, J*; Griesser, H*; Eiselt, M*; Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Sinclair, A G; Elbers, J P*; Lord, A*; Sheilds, A* (2014) First quantum secured 10Gb/s DWDM transmission over the same installed fiber. In: European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) 2014, 21-25 September 2014, Cannes, France.

Choi, I*; Zhou, Y R*; Dynes, J F*; Yuan, Z L*; Klar, A*; Sharpe, A*; Plews, A*; Lucamarini, M*; Radig, C*; Neubert, J*; Griesser, H*; Eiselt, M*; Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G*; Sinclair, A G; Elbers, J P*; Lord, A*; Shields, A* (2014) Field trial of a quantum secured 10 Gb/s DWDM transmission system over a single installed fiber. Opt. Express, 22 (19). pp. 23121-23128.

Choonee, K; Wilpers, G; Sinclair, A G (2017) Silicon microfabrication linear segmented ion traps for quantum technologies. In: 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-state Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 18-22 June 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Chunnilall, C; Lindstrom, T; Rungger, I; Godun, R; Kazakova, O; Margolis, H; Bhandari, S; May, I; Lewis, R (2021) International standards development for quantum technologies (NPL representation and provision of technical expertise). NPL Report. TQE 19

Chunnilall, C; Spiller, T (2019) Ensuring quantum-secured communications. Laser Focus World, 55 (1). pp. 81-84.

Chunnilall, C J (2015) Metrology for quantum communications. In: 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 10-15 May 2015, San Jose, CA, USA.

Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Kuck, S*; Muller, I*; Sinclair, A G (2014) Errata: metrology of single-photon sources and detectors: a review (vol 53, 081910, 2014). Opt. Eng., 53 (8). 089801

Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Kuck, S*; Muller, I*; Sinclair, A G (2014) Metrology of single-photon sources and detectors: a review. Opt. Eng., 53 (8). 081910

Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Allerton, J J; Hart, C J; Sinclair, A G (2015) Corrigendum: Traceable metrology for characterizing quantum optical communication devices (vol 51, pg S258, 2014). Metrologia, 52 (2). p. 444.

Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Allerton, J J; Hart, C J; Sinclair, A G (2014) Traceable metrology for characterizing quantum optical communication devices. Metrologia, 51 (6). S258-S266

Clark, J H*; Gallop, J C (1995) Noise thermometry with HTS SQUIDS. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 1529-1532.

Cohen, L F*; Cowie, A; Gallop, J C (1997) Temperature variation of the microwave power dependence in HTS thin films. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 33-36.

Cohen, L F*; Cowie, A L*; Purnell, A*; Lindop, N A*; Thiess, S*; Gallop, J C (2002) Thermally induced nonlinear behaviour of HTS film at high microwave power. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 15. pp. 559-565.


Dandridge, R (2023) Quantum Industry Needs Assessment 2022-2023. NPL Report. TQE 26

Day, M L; Choonee, K; Chaboyer, Z; Gross, S; Withford, M J; Sinclair, A G; Marshall, G D (2021) A micro-optical module for multi-wavelength addressing of trapped ions. Quantum Science and Technology, 6 (2). 024007 ISSN 2058-9565

Debnath, K; Dold, G; Morton, J J L; Mølmer, K (2020) Self-Stimulated Pulse Echo Trains from Inhomogeneously Broadened Spin Ensembles. Physical Review Letters, 125 (13). 137702 ISSN 0031-9007

Devaney, J (2023) Engaging UK Industry in the development of new standards for quantum technologies. NPL Report. TQE 27

Dixon, T.; Dunstan, J.W.; Long, G.B.; Williams, J.M.; Meeson, P.J.; Shelly, C.D. (2020) Capturing Complex Behavior in Josephson Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifiers. Physical Review Applied, 14 (3). 034058 ISSN 2331-7019

Dmitriev, A. Yu.; Shaikhaidarov, R.; Hoenigl-Decrinis, T.; de Graaf, S. E.; Antonov, V. N.; Astafiev, O. V. (2019) Probing photon statistics of coherent states by continuous wave mixing on a two-level system. Physical Review A, 100 (1). 013808 ISSN 2469-9926

Dold, G; Zollitsch, C W; O’Sullivan, J; Welinski, S; Ferrier, A; Goldner, P; de Graaf, S E; Lindstrom, T; Morton, J J L (2019) High-Cooperativity Coupling of a Rare-Earth Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator Using Yttrium Orthosilicate as a Substrate. Physical Review Applied, 11 (5). 054082 ISSN 2331-7019

Droghetti, Andrea; Rungger, I (2020) Enhanced thermopower in covalent graphite–molecule contacts. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22 (3). pp. 1466-1474. ISSN 1463-9076

Durant, N M; Fox, N (1993) A physical basis for the extrapolation of silicon photodiode quantum efficiency into ultraviolet. Metrologia, 30 (4). pp. 345-350.

de Graaf, S E (2020) Dual Fraunhofer interference and charge fluctuations in long quantum phase slip wires. Physical Review B, 102 (14). 144509 ISSN 2469-9950

de Graaf, S E; Jayaraman, A; Kubatkin, S E; Danilov, A V; Ranjan, V (2024) Scaling of self-stimulated spin echoes. Applied Physics Letters, 124 (2). 024001

de Graaf, S E; Mahashabde, S; Kubatkin, S E; Tzalenchuk, A Ya; Danilov, A V (2021) Quantifying dynamics and interactions of individual spurious low-energy fluctuators in superconducting circuits. Physical Review B, 103 (17). 174103 ISSN 2469-9950

de Graaf, S E; Un, S; Shard, A G; Lindstrom, T (2022) Chemical and structural identification of material defects in superconducting quantum circuits. Materials for Quantum Technology, 2 (3). 032001

de Graaf, S. E.; Faoro, L.; Ioffe, L. B.; Mahashabde, S.; Burnett, J. J.; Lindstrom, T.; Kubatkin, S. E.; Danilov, A. V.; Tzalenchuk, A. Y. (2020) Two-level systems in superconducting quantum devices due to trapped quasiparticles. Science Advances, 6 (51). eabc5055 ISSN 2375-2548

de Graaf, S. E.; Shaikhaidarov, R.; Lindstrom, T.; Tzalenchuk, A. Y.; Astafiev, O. V. (2019) Charge control of blockade of Cooper pair tunneling in highly disordered TiN nanowires in an inductive environment. Physical Review B, 99 (20). 205115 ISSN 2469-9950


Ebbecke, J; Fletcher, N E; Janssen, T J B M; Ahlers, F J*; Pepper, M*; Beere, H E*; Ritchie, D A* (2004) Quantized charge pumping through a quantum dot by surface acoustic waves. Appl. Phys. Lett., 84 (21). pp. 4319-4321.

Emary, C*; Dyson, A*; Sungguen Ryu*,, ; Sim, H S*; Kataoka, M (2016) Phonon emission and arrival times of electrons from a single-electron source. Phys. Rev. B, 93 (3). 035436


Fedorov, G P; Remizov, S V; Shapiro, D S; Pogosov, W V; Egorova, E; Tsitsilin, I; Andronik, M; Dobronosova, A A; Rodionov, I A; Astafiev, O V; Ustinov, A V (2021) Photon Transport in a Bose-Hubbard Chain of Superconducting Artificial Atoms. Physical Review Letters, 126 (18). 180503

Fedorov, G. P.; Yursa, V. B.; Efimov, A. E.; Shiianov, K. I.; Dmitriev, A. Yu.; Rodionov, I. A.; Dobronosova, A. A.; Moskalev, D. O.; Pishchimova, A. A.; Malevannaya, E. I.; Astafiev, O. V. (2020) Light dressing of a diatomic superconducting artificial molecule. Physical Review A, 102 (1). 013707 ISSN 2469-9926

Fletcher, J D; See, P; Howe, H*; Pepper, M*; Giblin, S P; Griffiths, J P*; Jones, G A C*; Farrer, I*; Ritchie, D A*; Janssen, T J B M; Kataoka, M (2013) Clock-controlled emission of single-electron wavepackets in a solid-state circuit. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111 (21). 216807

Fletcher, J.D; Johnson, N.; Locane, E.; See, P.; Griffiths, J. P.; Farrer, I.; Ritchie, D. A.; Brouwer, P. W.; Kashcheyevs, V.; Kataoka, M. (2019) Continuous-variable tomography of solitary electrons. Nature Communications, 10 (1). 5298 ISSN 2041-1723

Fletcher, N E; Ebbecke, J; Janssen, T J B M (2003) Quantized acoustoelectric current transport through a static quantum dot using a surface acoustic wave. Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter, 68 (24). 245310

Fletcher, N E; Janssen, T J B M; Hartland, A (2001) Temperature as a limitation to the accuracy of SETSAW devices as quantum standards of current. In: BEMC 2001- 10th British Electromagnetic Measurement Conference, 6-8 November 2001, Harrogate, UK.

Fletcher, N E; Janssen, T J B M; Hartland, A (2002) Temperature as a limitation to the accuracy of SETSAW devices as quantum standards of current. IEE Proc. Sci. Meas. Technol., 149 (6). pp. 299-301.

Flowers, J L (2010) Quantum electrodynamics: a chink in the armour? Nature, 466 (7303). pp. 195-196.

Flowers, J L (2005) A roadmap for quantum metrology. NPL Report. DEM-TQD 001

Flowers, J L; Bickley, C J; Josephs-Franks, P W; Petley, B W (1996) Optical pumping of helium-3 at 0.6 T (for proton moment measurement). In: Proc. Conference Digest on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 17-21 June 1996, Braunschweig, Germany.

Flowers, J L; Bickley, C J*; Josephs-Franks, P W; Petley, B W (1997) Optically pumped 3He and atomic hydrogen ESR at 0.6 T. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 46 (2). pp. 104-107.

Flowers, J L; Josephs-Franks, P W; Petley, B W (1995) Correcting high precision pulsed NMR flux density measurements for asymmetries in the lineshape. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 44 (2). pp. 488-490.

Flowers, J L; Josephs-Franks, P W; Petley, B W (1995) Optically pumped 3He NMR and the Bohr Magneton. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 44 (2). pp. 572-574.

Flowers, J L; Petley, B W (2008) Planck, units and modern metrology. Annalen de Physik, 17 (2-3). pp. 101-114.

Fortana, E; Fitzpatrick, N; Ramo, D M; Duncan, R; Rungger, I (2021) Evaluating the noise resilience of variational quantum algorithms. Physical Review A, 104 (2). 022403

Frangou, G J; Chretien, S; Rungger, I (2020) The First Quantum Co-processor Hybrid for Processing Quantum Point Cloud Multimodal Sensor Data. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1069. pp. 411-426. ISSN 2194-5357


Gallop, J C; Cowie, A; Cohen, L F* (1997) Variation in microwave losses induced by DC and RF magnetic fields in HTS thin films. In: Proc. International conference on materials and mechanisms of superconductivity; high tempertature superconductors V, 1997, North Holland.

Gallop, J C; Cox, D; Hao, L (2015) Nanobridge SQUIDs as calorimetric inductive particle detectors. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 28 (8). 084002

Gallop, J C; Hao, L (2000) Applications of coupled dielectric resonantors using HTS coated pucks: tunable resonators and novel thermometry. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 167. pp. 319-322.

Gallop, J C; Hao, L (2001) Applications of coupled dielectric resonators using SrTiO3 pucks: tunable resonators and novel thermometry. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 50. pp. 526-530.

Gallop, J C; Hao, L (2000) Applications of coupled dielectric resonators using SrTiO3 pucks: tunable resonators and novel thermometry. In: Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) 2000, 14-19 May 2000, Sydney, Australia.

Gallop, J C; Hao, L (1999) Applications of coupled dielectric resonators using SrTiO3 pucks: tuneable resonators and Novel thermometry. In: Proc. Joint Meeting EFTF-IEEE FCS, 1999.

Gallop, J C; Hao, L; Abbas, F*; Langham, C D (1997) Frequency stability of dielectric loaded HTS microwave resonators. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 7 (2). pp. 3504-3507.

Gallop, J C; Hao, L*; Abbas, F (1997) Spatially resolved measurements of HTS microwave surface impedance. In: Proc. International conference on materials and mechanisms of superconductivity; high temperature superconductors V, 1997, North Holland.

Gallop, J C; Hao, L*; Abbas, F*; Langham, C D (1997) Frequency stability of dielectric loaded HTS microwave resonators. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 7 (2). pp. 3504-3507.

Gallop, J C; Josephs-Franks, P W; Davies, J; Hao, L; Macfarlane, J* (2002) Miniature dc SQUID devices for the detection of single atomic spin-flips. Physica C, 368. pp. 109-113.

Gallop, J C; Langham, C D; Hao, L*; Abbas, F (1997) Dielectric loaded HTS resonators as frequency standards and low phase noise oscillators. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 46 (2). pp. 122-125.

Gartman, R.; Guarrera, V.; Bevilacqua, G.; Chalupczak, W. (2018) Linear and nonlinear coherent coupling in a Bell-Bloom magnetometer. Physical Review A, 98 (6). 061401 ISSN 2469-9926

Geaney, S.; Cox, D.; Hoenigl-Decrinis, T.; Shaikhaidarov, R.; Kubatkin, S. E.; Lindstrom, T.; Danilov, A. V.; de Graaf, S. E. (2019) Near-Field Scanning Microwave Microscopy in the Single Photon Regime. Scientific Reports, 9 (1). 12539 ISSN 2045-2322

Giblin, S P; Kataoka, M; Fletcher, J D; See, P; Janssen, T J B M; Griffiths, J P*; Jones, G A C*; Farrer, I*; Ritchie, D A* (2013) Rectification in mesoscopic alternating current-gated semiconductor devices. J. Appl. Phys., 114 (16). 164505

Godfrey, T; Long, G; Gallop, J; Cox, D; Polychroniou, E; Chen, J; Romans, E; Hao, L (2020) Microwave Inductive Readout of EBL Nanobridge SQUIDs. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 30 (7). 1601104 ISSN 1051-8223

Guarrera, V; Gartman, R; Bevilacqua, G; Chalupczak, W (2021) Spin-noise spectroscopy of a noise-squeezed atomic state. Physical Review Research, 3 (3). L032015


Hao, L; Gallop, J C (2000) Spatial variation of the non-linear surface impedance of HTS films. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 167. pp. 33-36.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C (1999) Spatially resolved measurements of HTS microwave surface impedance. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 9 (2). pp. 1944-1947.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Cox, D C; Chen, J* (2015) Fabrication and analogue applications of nanoSQUIDs using Dayem bridge junctions. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., 21 (2). 9100108

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Klein, N*; Winter, M* (2001) Low phase noise temperature - compensated cryogenic whispering gallery mode resonator operated at 63 K in a closed cycle cooler. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 50. pp. 515-518.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Klein, N*; Winter, M* (2000) Low phase noise temperature-compensated cryogenic whispering gallery mode resonator operated at 63 K in a closed cycle cooler. In: Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) 2000, 14-19 May 2000, Sydney, Australia.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Lacey, D*; Davis, L* (1999) Fine tuning of high Q HTS shielded resonators using HTS coated STO pucks. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 9 (2). pp. 2870-2873.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C; Carr, C* (2000) HTS SQUID current comparator for ion beam measurements. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 167. pp. 445-448.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C; Carr, C* (2002) HTS cryogenic current comparator for non-invasive sensing of charged-particle beams. Physica C, 368. pp. 114-118.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C; Carr, C* (2001) HTS flux concentrator for non-invasive sensing of charged-particle beams. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 14. pp. 1115-1118.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C; Peden, D A*; Pegrum, C M* (2000) Simulations and experiments on HTS resistive SQUIDs. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 167. pp. 469-472.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C*; Carr, C* (1999) HTS SQUID current comparator for ion beam measurements. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 167 (2). pp. 445-448.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C*; Carr, C* (2003) HTS cryogenic current comparator for non-invasive sensing of charged particle beams. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 52 (2). pp. 617-620.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Macfarlane, J C*; Peden, D A*; Pengrum, C M* (1999) Simulations and experiments on HTS resistive SQUIDs. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 167 (2). pp. 469-472.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Parnell, A*; Cohan, L*; Thiess, S* (2001) Non-linear microwave response og HTS thin films: a comparison of intermodulation and conventional measurements. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 11. pp. 3411-34114.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Purnell, A*; Cohan, L* (2002) Intermodulation distortion in HTS thin films: a global heating model. Physica C, 372-37 (1). pp. 469-473.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Reed, R P; MacFarlane, J C*; Romans, E* (1997) Shunted YBCO bicrystal junctions for noise thermometry. Appl. Supercond., 5 (7-12). pp. 297-301.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Reed, R P; Peden, D A*; Macfarlane, J C* (1999) HTS SQUID application as a quantum roulette noise thermometer. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 9 (2). pp. 2971-2974.

Hao, L; Gallop, J C; Reed, R*; Macfarlane, J C; Romans, E* (1998) Shunted YBCO bi-crystal junctions for noise thermometry. Appl. Supercond., 5 (7-12). pp. 297-301.

Hao, L; Klein, N*; Gallop, J C; Winter, M* (1999) Compact temperature-compensated cryogenic whispering gallery made resonator operated at 63 K in a closed cycle cooler. In: Proc. Joint Meeting EFTF-IEEE FCS, 1999.

Hao, L; Macfarlane, J C; Gallop, J C (2001) Ion beam measurements with HTS SQUID and current comparator. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 50 (2). pp. 302-305.

Hao, L; Macfarlane, J C; Pegrum, C M*; Sloggett, G J*; Foley, C P* (1997) Magnetic field and microwave effects on critical current fluctuations in HTS grain-boundary Josephson junctions. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 7 (2). pp. 2840-2843.

Hao, L; Macfarlane, J C*; Carr, C*; Gallop, J C (2003) HTS current concentrator for remote sensing of charged particle beams. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 13 (2). pp. 739-742.

Hao, L; Macfarlane, J C*; Haining, S*; Gallop, J C (2005) HTS superconducting current comparator: dynamic range and noise limits. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 54 (2). pp. 584-587.

Hao, L; Macfarlane, J C*; Lam, S K H*; Foley, C P*; Josephs-Franks, P W; Gallop, J C (2005) Inductive sensor based on Nano-scale SQUIDS. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15 (2). pp. 514-517.

Hao, L; Macfarlane, J C*; Peden, D A*; Lee, R A M*; Gallop, J C; Carr, C* (2001) Design and performance of an HTS current comparator for charged-particle-beam measurements. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 11. pp. 635-638.

Hao, L; Pedan, D A*; Macfarlane, J C*; Gallop, J C (2001) Characterisation of YBCO/Au/YBCO resistors for HTS Josephson noise thermometry. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 50. pp. 314-317.

Hao, L; Peden, D A; Macfarlane, J C*; Gallop, J C (2000) Characterisation of TBCO/Au/YBCO resistors for HTS Josephson noise thermometry. In: Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) 2000, 14-19 May 2000, Sydney, Australia.

Hao, L; Peden, D A*; Macfarlane, J C; Gallop, J C (2001) Tuneable HTS RF Josephson-effect oscillator based on YBCO-Au-YBCO resistive SQUID. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 14. pp. 1119-1123.

Hao, L*; Gallop, J C; Abbas, F; Hodge, C (1997) Performance limits on dielectric loaded HTS resonators as frequency standards. In: Proc. 11th European Frequency and Time Forum, FRSM, 1997, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Hao, L*; Gallop, J C; Klein, N* (1998) Comparison of TE01N and whispering gallery modes for dialectric resonator frequency standards. In: EFTF 98- 12th European Frequency and Time Forum, March 1998, Warsaw, Poland.

Hao, L*; Gallop, J C; Reed, R (1997) Non-dissipative noise thermometry measured with an HTS SQUID. Appl. Supercond.. pp. 655-658.

Haver, S A; Ginossar, E; de Graaf, S E; Grosfeld, E (2023) Electromagnetic response of the surface states of a topological insulator nanowire embedded within a resonator. Communications Physics, 6. 101

Healey, J E*; Lindstrom, T; Colclough, M S*; Muirhead, C M*; Tzalenchuk, A Y (2008) Magnetic field tuning of coplanar waveguide resonators. Appl. Phys. Lett., 93 (4). 043513

Hegedus, M.; Fedorov, K.; Antonov, I.; Karataev, P.; Antonov, V. N. (2020) Detection of black body radiation using a compact terahertz imager. Applied Physics Letters, 117 (23). 231106 ISSN 0003-6951

Hubbard, R; Ovchinnikov, Y B; Hayes, J*; Richardson, D J*; Fu, Y J*; Lin, S D*; See, P; Sinclair, A G (2010) Wide spectral range confocal microscope based on endlessly single-mode fiber. Opt. Express, 18 (18). pp. 18811-18819.

Hönigl-Decrinis, T.; Shaikhaidarov, R.; de Graaf, S.E.; Antonov, V.N.; Astafiev, O.V. (2020) Two-Level System as a Quantum Sensor for Absolute Calibration of Power. Physical Review Applied, 13 (2). 024066 ISSN 2331-7019


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