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Aitkin, R J*; Hankin, S M*; Tran, C L*; Donaldson, K*; Stone, V*; Cumpson, P J; Johnstone, J; Chaudhry, Q*; Cash, S*; Garrod, J* (2008) A multidisciplinary approach to the identification of reference materials for engineered nanoparticle toxicology. Nanotoxicology, 2 (2). pp. 71-78.

Aldrich-Smith, G; Jennett, N M (2004) Static and dynamic calibrations of the nanotest at NPL. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 004

Alexander, M R*; Gilmore, I S (2011) Analytical techniques: surface and interfacial characterisation. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., 15 (5). pp. 664-666.

Amato, I*; Maretto, B*; Morrell, R (1996) Sintering and mechanical behaviour of silicon nitride-silicon carbide nanocomposites. In: European Conference on Advances in Hard Materials Production, May 1996, Stockholm, Sweden.

Andresen, H*; Mager, M*; Griessner, M*; Charchar, P*; Todorova, N*; Bell, N; Theocharidis, G*; Bertazzo, S*; Yarovsky, I*; Stevens, M M* (2014) Single-step homogeneous immunoassays utilizing epitope-tagged gold nanoparticles: on the mechanism, feasibility and limitation. Chem. Mater., 26 (16). pp. 4696-4704.

Angelerou, M G F*; Sabri, A*; Creasey, R*; Angelerou, P*; Marlow, M*; Zelzer, M (2016) Surface-directed modulation of supramolecular gel properties. Chem. Comms., 52 (23). pp. 4298-4300.

Aoyagi, S*; Gilmore, I S; Mihara, I*; Seah, M P; Fletcher, I W* (2012) Identification and separation of protein, contaminant and substrate peaks using gentle-secondary ion mass spectrometry and the g-ogram. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 26 (23). pp. 2815-2821.

Attwood, S J*; Simpson, A M C*; Hamaia, S W*; Bihan, D*; Roy, D; Ferndale, R W* (2013) Measurement of the interaction between recombinant I-domain from integrin alpha 2 beta 1 and a triple helical collagen peptide with the GFOGER binding motif using molecular force spectroscopy. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 14 (2). pp. 2832-2845.

Attwood, S J*; Simpson, A M C*; Stone, R*; Hamaia, S W*; Roy, D; Farndale, R W*; Ouberal, M*; Welland, M E* (2012) A simple bioconjugate attachment protocol for use in single molecule force spectroscopy experiments based on mixed self-assembled monolayers. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 13 (10). pp. 13521-13541.


Baer, D R*; Lea, A S*; Geller, J D*; Hammond, J S*; Kover, L*; Powell, C J*; Seah, M P; Suzuki, M*; Watts, J F*; Wolstenholme, J* (2010) Approaches to analyzing insulators with Auger electron spectroscopy: update and overview. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 176 (1-3). pp. 80-94.

Bailey, J*; Havelund, R; Shard, A G; Gilmore, I S; Alexander, M R*; Sharp, J S*; Scurr, D J* (2015) 3D ToF-SIMS imaging pf polymer multi layer films using argon cluster sputter depth profiling. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7 (4). pp. 2654-2659.

Bailey, M J*; Bradshaw, R*; Francese, S*; Salter, T L; Costa, C*; Ismail, M*; Webb, R P*; Bosman, I*; Wolff, K*; de Puit, M* (2015) Rapid detection of cocaine, benzoylecgonine and methylecgonine in fingerprints using surface mass spectroscopy. Analyst, 140 (18). pp. 6254-6259.

Bailey, M J*; Randall, E C; Costa, C*; Salter, T L; Race, A M; de Puit, M*; Koeberg, M*; Baumert, M*; Bunch, J (2016) Analysis of urine, oral fluid and fingerprints by liquid extraction surface analysis coupled to high resolution MS and MS/MS - opportunities for forensic and biomedical science. Anal. Methods, 8 (16). pp. 3373-3382.

Baker, A M R*; Alexander-Webber, J A*; Altebaeumer, T*; Janssen, T J B M; Tzalenchuk, A; Lara-Avila, S*; Kubatkin, S*; Yakimova, R*; Lin, C-T*; Li, L-J*; Nicholas, R J* (2012) Weak localization scattering lengths in epitaxial and CVD graphene. Phys. Rev. B, 86 (23). 235441

Baker, M A*; Monclus, M A; Rebholz, C*; Gibson, P N*; Leyland, A*; Matthews, A* (2010) A study of the nanostructure and hardness of electron beam evaporated TiAlBN coatings. Thin Solid Films, 518 (15). pp. 4273-4280.

Barrientos, I J H*; Paladino, E*; Brozio, S*; Passarelli, M K; Moug, S*; Black, R A*; Wilson, C G*; Lamprou, D A* (2017) Fabrication and characterisation of drug-loaded electrospun polymeric nanofibers for controlled release in hernia repair. Int. J. Pharm., 517 (1-2). pp. 329-337.

Barry, L*; Holmes, J D*; Otway, D J*; Copley, M P*; Kazakova, O; Morris, M A* (2010) Unusual magnetism in templated NiS nanoparticles. J. Phys., Condens. Matter, 22 (7). 076001

Barth, S*; Kazakova, O; Estrade, S*; Hobbs, R G*; Peiro, F*; Morris, M A*; Holmes, J D* (2011) Synthesis and magnetic characterization of Coaxial Ge(1-x)Mn(x)/a-Si heterostructures. Cryst. Growth Des., 11 (12). pp. 5253-5259.

Beer, M V*; Hahn, K*; Diederichs, S*; Fabry, M*; Singh, S*; Spencer, S J; Salber, J*; Moller, M*; Shard, A G; Groll, J* (2015) Quantifying ligand-cell interactions and determination of the surface concentrations of ligands on hydrogel films: the measurement challenge. Biointerphases, 10 (2). 021007

Beguivin, A*; Corte-Leon, H*; Manzin, A*; Nabaei, V*; Krzysteczko, P*; Schumacher, H W*; Petit, D*; Cowburn, R P*; Kazakova, O (2014) Simultaneous magnetoresistance and magneto-optical measurements of domain wall properties in nanodevices. J. Appl. Phys., 115 (17). 17C718

Bell, N C; Minelli, C; Shard, A G (2013) Quantitation of IgG protein adsorption to gold nanoparticles using particle size measurement. Anal. Methods, 5 (18). pp. 4591-4601.

Bell, N C; Minelli, C; Tompkins, J; Stevens, M M*; Shard, A G (2012) Emerging techniques for submicrometer particle sizing applied to Stöber silica. Langmuir, 28 (29). pp. 10860-10872.

Belsey, N A; Cant, D J H; Minelli, C; Araujo, J R*; Bock, B*; Bruner, P*; Castner, D G*; Ceccone, G*; Counsell, J D P*; Dietrich, P M*; Engelhard, M H*; Spampinato, V*; Fearn, S*; Galhardo, C E*; Kalbe, H*; Kim, J W*; Lartundo-Rojas, L*; Luftman, H S*; Nunney, T S*; Pseiner, J*; Smith, E F*; Spampinato, V*; Sturm, J M*; Thomas, A G*; Treaty, J P W*; Veith, L*; Wagstaffe, M*; Wang, H*; Wang, M L*; Wang, Y C*; Werner, W*; Yang, L*; Shard, A G (2016) Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards interlaboratory study on measuring the thickness and chemistry of nanoparticle coatings using XPS and LEIS. J. Phys. Chem. C, 120 (42). pp. 24070-24079.

Belsey, N A; Cant, D J H; Shard, A G; Minelli, C (2015) VAMAS TWA 2: Project A19: Inter-laboratory study of the measurement of chemistry and thickness of nanoparticle coatings: Protocol for sample preparation. NPL Report. AS 95

Belsey, N A; Shard, A G; Minelli, C (2015) Analysis of protein coatings on gold nanoparticles by XPS and liquid-based particle sizing techniques. Biointerphases, 10 (1). 019012

Blum, C*; Opilik, L*; Atkin, J M*; Braun, K*; Kammer, S B*; Kravtsov, V*; Kumar, N*; Lemeshko, S*; Li, J F*; Luszcz, K*; Maleki, T*; Meixner, A J*; Minne, S*; Raschke, M B*; Ren, B*; Rogalski, J*; Roy, D; Stephanidis, B*; Wang, X*; Zhang, D*; Zhong, J H*; Zenobi, R* (2014) Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy - an interlaboratory reproducibility and comparison study. J. Raman Spectrosc., 45 (1). pp. 22-31.

Bowfield, A*; Barrett, D A; Alexander, M R*; Ortori, C A*; Rutten, F M*; Salter, T L; Gilmore, I S; Bradley, J W (2012) Surface analysis using a new plasma assisted desorption ionisation source for mass spectrometry in ambient air. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83 (6). 063503

Boyd, R D; Cuenat, A (2011) New analysis procedure for fast and reliable size measurement of nanoparticles from atomic force microscopy images. J. Nanoparticle Res., 13 (1). pp. 105-113.

Boyd, R D; Cuenat, A; Meli, F*; Klein, T*; Frase, C G*; Gleber, G*; Krumrey, M*; Duta, A*; Duta, S*; Hogstrom, R*; Prieto, E* (2011) Good practice guide for the determination of the size distributions of spherical nanoparticle samples. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 119

Boyd, R D; Pichaimuthu, S K; Cuenat, A (2011) New approach to inter-technique comparisons for nanoparticle size measurements; using atomic force microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis and dynamic light scattering. Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 387 (1-3). pp. 35-42.

Boyd, R D; Young, T J; Stolojan, V* (2012) Characterisation of gold nanoparticles and rods using high angle annular dark field imaging. J. Nanoparticle Res., 14 (4). pp. 797-820.

Braeuninger-Weimer, P*; Brennan, B; Pollard, A J; Hofmann, S* (2016) Understanding and controlling Cu-catalyzed graphene nucleation: the role of impurities, roughness and oxygen scavenging. Chem. Mater., 28 (24). pp. 8905-8915.

Brennan, B; Spencer, S; Belsey, N A; Faris, T*; Cronin, H*; Silva, S R P*; Sainsbury, T; Gilmore, I S; Stoeva, Z*; Pollard, A J (2017) Structural, chemical and electrical characterisation of conductive graphene-polymer composite films. Appl. Surf. Sci., 403. pp. 403-412.

Broughton, W R (2008) Characterization of nanosized filled particles in polymeric systems: a review. NPL Report. MAT 12

Broughton, W R; Crocker, L E; Lodeiro, M J (2006) Characterising micro and nanoscale interfaces in advanced composites: a review. NPL Report. DEPC-MPR 055

Broughton, W R; Koukoulas, T; Woolliams, P D; Williams, J*; Rahatekar, S S* (2013) Assessment of nanoparticle loading and dispersion in polymeric materials using optical coherence tomography. Polym. Test., 32 (7). pp. 1290-1298.

Brown, R J C; Krishnadasan, S*; deMello, A J*; deMello, J C* (2007) Intelligent routes to the controlled synthesis of nanoparticles. Lab on a Chip, 7 (11). pp. 1434-1441.

Brown, R J C; Wang, J; Milton, M J T (2007) Electromagnetic modelling of Raman enhancement from nanoscale structures as a means to predict the efficacy of SERS substrates. Journal of Nanomaterials. Article ID: 12086

Brown, R J C; Wang, J; Tantra, R; Yardley, R E; Milton, M J T (2006) Electromagnetic modelling of Raman enhancement from nanoscale substrates: a route to estimation of the magnitude of the chemical enhancement mechanism in SERS. Faraday Discuss., 132. pp. 201-213.

Burnett, T; Yakimova, R*; Kazakova, O (2011) Mapping of local electrical properties in epitaxial graphene using electrostatic force microscopy. NanoLetters, 11 (6). pp. 2324-2330.

Byrne, C*; Brennen, B; McCoy, A P*; Bogan, J*; Brady, A*; Hughes, G* (2016) In-situ XPS chemical analysis of MnSiO3 copper diffusion barrier layer formation and simultaneous fabrication of metal oxide semiconductor electrical test MOS structures. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8 (4). pp. 2470-2477.


Caneva, S*; Weatherup, R S*; Bayer, B C*; Brennan, B*; Spencer, S J; Mingard, K P; Cabrero-Vilatela, A*; Baehtz, C*; Pollard, A J (2015) Nucleation control for large, single crystalline domains of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride via Si-doped Fe catalysts. Nano Lett., 15 (3). pp. 1867-1875.

Canning, A*; Pasquazi, A*; Fijten, M*; Rajput, S*; Buttery, L*; Aylott, J W*; Zelzer, M (2016) Tuning the conformation of synthetic co-polypeptides of serine and glutamic acid through control over polymer composition.l. J. Polym. Sci. A - Polym. Chem., 54 (15). pp. 2331-2336.

Cant, D J H*; Wang, Y C*; Castner, D G*; Shard, A G (2016) A technique for calculation of shell thickness for core-shell-shell nanoparticles from XPS data. Surf. Interface Anal., 48 (5). pp. 274-282.

Carter, R*; Suyetin, M*; Lister, S*; Dyson, M A*; Trewhitt, H*; Goel, S*; Liu, Z*; Giusca, C E; Kashtiban, R J*; Hutchinson, J L*; Dore, J C*; Bell, G R*; Bichoutskaia, E*; Sloan, J* (2014) Band gap expansion, shear inversion phase change behaviour and low-voltage induced crystal oscillation in low-dimensional tin selenide crystals. Dalton Trans., 43 (20). pp. 7391-7399.

Carvalho, B R*; Wang, Y X*; Mignuzzi, S; Roy, D; Terrones, M*; Fantini, C*; Crespi, V H*; Malard, L M*; Pimenta, M A* (2017) Intervalley scattering by acoustic phonons in two-dimensional MoS2 revealed by double-resonance Raman spectroscopy. Nature Comms., 8. p. 14670.

Ceccone, G*; Shard, A G (2016) Preface: in focus issue on nanoparticle interface. Biointerphases, 11 (4). 04B101

Chakraborty, B R*; Shard, A G; Dalai, M K*; Sehgal, G* (2014) Depth profiling of Irganox-3114 nanoscale delta layers in a matrix of Irganox-1010 using conventional Cs+ and O-2(+) ion beams. Surf. Interface Anal., 46 (1). pp. 36-41.

Chua, C*; Connolly, M; Lartsev, A*; Yager, T*; Lara-Avila, S*; Kubatkin, S*; Kopylov, S*; Fal'ko, V*; Yakimova, R*; Pearce, R; Janssen, T J B M; Tzalenchuk, A; Smith, C G* (2014) Quantum Hall effect and quantum point contact in bilayer-patched epitaxial graphene. Nano Lett., 14 (6). pp. 3369-3373.

Chudoba, T*; Jennett, N M (2008) Higher accuracy analysis of instrumented indentation data obtained with pointed indenters. J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., 41 (21). 215407

Chudzicki, M*; Werner, W S M*; Shard, A G; Wang, Y C*; Castner, D G*; Powell, C J* (2015) Evaluating the internal structure of core-shell nanoparticles using X-ray photoelectron intensities and simulated spectra. J. Phys. Chem. C, 119 (31). pp. 17687-17696.

Clifford, C A (2017) Summary of ISO/TC 201 Standard: ISO 11775:2015 - Surface chemical analysis - Scanning probe microscopy - Determination of cantilever normal spring constants. Surf. Interface Anal., 49 (3). pp. 171-172.

Clifford, C A; Cumpson, P J; Seah, M P (2004) Nano-analysis using Atomic Force Microscopy. VAM Bulletin, 31. pp. 21-25.

Clifford, C A; Sano, N*; Doyle, P*; Seah, M P (2012) Nanomechanical measurements of hair as an example of micro-fibres analysis using atomic force microscopy nanoindentation. Ultramicroscopy, 114. pp. 38-45.

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2009) Improved methods and uncertainty analysis in the calibration of the spring constant of an atomic force microscope cantilever using static experimental methods. Meas. Sci. Technol., 12 (12). 125501

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2006) Interlaboratory comparison of reduced modulus measurement of polymers at the nanoscale using an AFM or a nanoindenter - protocol for analysis. NPL Report. DQL-AS 030

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2009) International interlaboratory comparison of AFM spring constant calibration and force-distance curves - protocol for analysis. NPL Report. AS 41

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2006) Modelling of nanomechanical nanoindentation measurements using an AFM or nanoindenter for compliant layers on stiffer substrates. Nanotechnology, 17. pp. 5283-5292.

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2012) Modelling of surface nanoparticle inclusions for nanomechanical measurements by an AFM or nanoindenter: spatial issues. Nanotechnology, 23 (16). 165704

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2009) Nanoindentation measurement of Young's modulus for compliant layers on stiffer substrates including the effect of Poisson's ratios. Nanotechnology, 20 (14). 145708

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2005) Quantification issues in the identification of nanoscale regions of homopolymers using modulus measurements via AFM nanoindentation. Appl. Surf. Sci., 252 (5). pp. 1915-1933.

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2009) Simplified drift characterisation in scanning probe microscopes using a simple two-point method. Meas. Sci. Technol., 20 (9). 095103

Clifford, C A; Seah, M P (2005) The determination of atomic force microscope cantilever spring constants via dimensional methods for nanomechanical analysis. Nanotechnology, 16 (9). pp. 1666-1680.

Cokeliler, D*; Erkut, S*; Shard, A G; Akdogan, E*; Ozden, N*; Imirzalioglu, P*; Mutlu, M* (2008) A novel approach for improvement of the binding of ceramics for dental materials: chemical treatment and oxygen plasma etching. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 110 (5). pp. 2656-2664.

Collins, S M; Lee, C (2006) Third IRMF comparison of surface contamination monitor calibrations 2004 - 2005. NPL Report. DQL-RN 016

Corte-Leon, H; Krzysteczko, P*; Schumacher, H W*; Manzin, A*; Cox, D; Antonov, V*; Kazakova, O (2015) Magnetic bead detection using domain wall-based nanosensor. J. Appl. Phys., 117 (17). 17E313

Cuenat, A; Muñiz-Piniella, A; Muñoz-Rojo, M; Tsoi, W C*; Murphy, C E (2012) Quantitative nanoscale surface voltage measurement on organic semiconductor blends. Nanotechnology, 23 (4). 045703

Cumpson, P J (1995) Angle-resolved XPS and AES: depth resolution limits and a general comparison of properties of depth profile reconstruction methods. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 73 (1). 25 - 52

Cumpson, P J (1999) Angle-resolved XPS depth-profiling strategies. Appl. Surf. Sci., 144-14. pp. 16-20.

Cumpson, P J (1993) Elastic scattering corrections in AES and XPS: I. Rapid Monte-Carlo methods for calculating the depth-distribution function. Surf. Interface Anal., 20. pp. 727-736.

Cumpson, P J (1997) Elastic scattering corrections in AES and XPS: III. Behaviour of electron transport mean free path in solids for kinetic energies in the range 100eV<E<400eV. Surf. Interface Anal., 25. pp. 447-456.

Cumpson, P J (1997) Quartz-crystal microbalance: a new design eliminates sensitivity outside the electrodes. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 15. pp. 2407-2410.

Cumpson, P J; Clifford, C A; Hedley, J* (2004) Quantitative analytical atomic force microscopy: a cantilever reference device for easy and accurate AFM spring-constant calibration. Meas. Sci. Technol., 15. pp. 1337-1346.

Cumpson, P J; Hedley, J* (2003) Accurate analytical measurements in the atomic force microscope: a microfabricated spring constant standard potentially traceable to the SI. Nanotechnology, 14. pp. 1279-1288.

Cumpson, P J; Hedley, J*; Clifford, C A (2005) Microelectromechanical device for lateral force calibration in the atomic force microscope: lateral electrical nanobalance. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 23 (5). pp. 1992-1997.

Cumpson, P J; Hedley, J*; Clifford, C A (2005) Microelectromechanical device for lateral force calibration in the atomic force microscope: lateral electrical nanobalance. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 23 (5). pp. 1992-1997.

Cumpson, P J; Hedley, J*; Clifford, C A; Chen, X*; Allen, S* (2004) Microelectromechanical systems device for calibration of atomic force microscope cantilever spring constants between 0.01 and 4 N/m. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 22 (4). pp. 1444-1449.

Cumpson, P J; Hedley, J*; Zhdan, P* (2003) Accurate force measurement in the atomic force microscope: a microfabricated array of reference springs for easy cantilever calibrations. Nanotechnology, 14. pp. 918-924.

Cumpson, P J; Seah, M P (1997) Elastic scattering corrections in AES and XPS: II. Estimating attenuation lengths and conditions required for their valid use in overlayer/substrate experiments. Surf. Interface Anal., 25. pp. 430-446.

Cumpson, P J; Seah, M P (1994) Stability of reference masses III: mechanism and long term effects of mercury contamination on platinum-iridium mass standards. NPL Report. DMM(A)125

Cumpson, P J; Seah, M P (1994) Stability of reference masses IV: growth of carbonaceous contamination on platinum-iridium alloy surfaces, and its cleaning by UV/ozone treatment. NPL Report. DMM(A)126

Cumpson, P J; Zhdan, P*; Hedley, J* (2004) Calibration of AFM cantilever stiffness: a microfabricated array of reflective springs. Ultramicroscopy, 100. pp. 241-251.


Davies, J T*; Lam, J*; Tomlins, P E; Marshall, D* (2010) An in vitro multi-parametric approach to measuring the effect of implant surface characteristics on cell behaviour. Biomed. Mater., 5 (1). 015002

Decker, J E*; Walker, A R H*; Bosnick, K*; Clifford, C A; Dai, L*; Fagan, J*; Hooker, S*; Jakubek, Z J*; Kingston, C*; Makar, J*; Mansfield, E*; Postek, M T*; Simard, B*; Sturgeon, R*; Wise, S*; Vladar, A E*; Yang, L*; Zeisler, R* (2009) Sample preparation protocols for realization of reproducible characterization of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Metrologia, 46 (6). pp. 682-692.

Devarepally, K K*; Cox, D C; Fry, A T; Stolojan, V*; Curry, R J*; Munz, M (2012) Synthesis of linear ZnO structures by a thermal decomposition method and their characterisation. J. Mater. Sci., 47 (4). pp. 1893-1901.

Dexter, A; Race, A M; Styles, I B*; Bunch, J (2016) Testing for multivariate normality in mass spectrometry imaging data: a robust statistical approach for clustering evaluation and the generation of synthetic mass spectrometry imaging data sets. Anal. Chem., 88 (22). pp. 10893-10899.

Dhowre, H S*; Rajput, S*; Russell, N A*; Zelzer, M (2015) Responsive cell-material interface. Nanomed., 10 (5). pp. 849-871.

Dietrich, P M*; Horlacher, T*; Gross, T*; Wirth, T*; Castelli, R*; Shard, A G; Alexander, M*; Seeberger, P H*; Unger, W E S* (2010) Surface analytical characterization of carbohydrate microarrays. Surf. Interface Anal., 42 (6-7). pp. 1188-1192.

Dura, J A*; Seah, M P (2004) Advances in measurement: neutron reflectometry for highly accurate nanometer metrology.


Fabrega, J*; Tantra, R; Amer, A*; Stolpe, B*; Tompkins, J; Fry, A T; Lead, J R*; Tyler, C R*; Galloway, T S* (2012) Sequestration of zinc from zinc oxide nanoparticles and life cycle effects in the sediment dweller amphipod corophium volutator. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46 (2). pp. 1128-1135.

Faruqui, N; Bella, A; Ravi, J; Ray, S; Lamarre, B; Ryadnov, M G (2014) Differentially instructive extracellular protein micro-nets. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136 (22). pp. 7889-7898.

Fischer, T*; Dietrich, P M*; Streeck, C*; Ray, S; Nutsch, A*; Shard, A G; Beckoff, B*; Unger, W E S*; Rurack, K* (2015) Quantification of variable functional-group densitites of mixed-silane monolayers on surfaces via a duel-mode fluorescence and XPS label. Anal. Chem., 87 (5). pp. 2685-2692.

Flater, E E*; Zacharakis-Jutz, G E*; Dunba, B A*; White, I A*; Clifford, C A (2014) Towards easy and reliable AFM tip shape determination using blind tip reconstruction. Ultramicroscopy, 146. pp. 130-143.

Fleischmann, C*; Conard, T*; Havelund, R; Franquet, A*; Poleunis, C*; Voroshazi, E*; Delcorte, A*; Vandervorst, W* (2014) Fundamental aspects of Ar-n(+) SIMS profiling of common organic semiconductors. Surf. Interface Anal., 46. pp. 54-57.

Franquet, A*; Fleischmann, C*; Conrad, T*; Voroshazi, E*; Poleunis, C*; Havelund, R; Delcorte, A*; Vandervorst, W* (2014) G-SIMS analysis of organic solar cell materials. Surf. Interface Anal., 46. pp. 96-99.


Gangopadhyay, S*; Woolley, R A J*; Danza, R*; Philips, M A; Schulte, K*; Wang, L*; Dhanak, V R*; Moriarty, P J* (2009) C-60 submonolayers on Si(111)-(7x7) surface: does a mixture of physisorbed and chemisorbed states exist? Surf. Sci., 603 (18). pp. 2896-2901.

Garcia-Diez, R*; Sikora, A; Gollwitzer, C*; Minelli, C; Krumrey, M* (2016) Simultaneous size and density determination of polymeric colloids by continuous contrast variation in small angle x-ray scattering. Eur. Polym. J., 81. pp. 641-649.

Geissler, D*; Gollwitzer, C*; Sikora, A; Minelli, C; Krumrey, M*; Resch-Genger, U* (2015) Effect of fluorescent staining on size measurements of polymeric nanoparticles using DLS and SAXS. Anal. Methods, 7 (23). pp. 9785-9790.

Gilham, R J J (2010) Design, construction and testing of a humidity management system for ultrafine particle field measurements. NPL Report. AS 48

Gilham, R J J (2008) Investigations relating to airborne nanoparticle sizing and number concentration. NPL Report. AS 24

Gilham, R J J; Quincey, P (2009) Measurement and mitigation of response discontinuities of a widely used condensation particle counter. J. Aerosol. Sci., 40 (7). pp. 633-637.

Gilham, R J J; Quincey, P G (2009) Measurement and mitigation of response discontinuities of a widely used condensation particle counter. J. Aerosol. Sci., 40 (7). pp. 633-637.

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Gilmore, I S (2001) Optimisation of operating conditions. In: ToF-SIMS: surface analysis by mass spectrometry. SurfaceSpectra/IMPublications. ISBN 1901019039

Gilmore, I S (2013) SIMS of organics - advances in 2D and 3D imaging and future outlook. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 31 (5). 050819

Gilmore, I S; Green, F M; Seah, M P (2006) G-SIMS-FPM: Molecular structure at surfaces - a combined positive and negative secondary ion study. Appl. Surf. Sci., 252 (19). pp. 6601-6604.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P (2002) Electron flood gun damage in the analysis of polymers and organics in time of flight SIMS. Appl. Surf. Sci., 187. pp. 89-100.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P (2003) G-SIMS of crystallisable organics. Appl. Surf. Sci., 203-20. pp. 551-555.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P (2003) Investigating the difficulty of eliminating flood gun damage in TOF-SIMS. Appl. Surf. Sci., 203-20. pp. 600-604.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P (2004) Organic molecule characterization - G-SIMS. Appl. Surf. Sci., 231-23. pp. 224-229.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P (2001) VAMAS 2002: Static ToF SIMS inter-laboratory study - protocol for analysis. NPL Report. COAM 6

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P; Green, F M (2005) Static TOF-SIMS - a VAMAS interlaboratory study. Part 1. Repeatability and reproducibility of spectra. Surf. Interface Anal., 37. pp. 651-672.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P; Green, F M (2005) Static TOF-SIMS - a VAMAS interlaboratory study. Part 1. Repeatability and reproducibility of spectra. Surf. Interface Anal., 37 (8). pp. 651-672.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P; Henderson, A* (2004) Summary of ISO/TC 201 standard: XXII. ISO 22048:2004 - surface chemical analysis - information format for static secondary ion mass spectrometry. Surf. Interface Anal., 36. pp. 1642-1644.

Gilmore, I S; Seah, M P; Johnstone, J E (2003) Quantification issues in ToF-SSIMS and AFM co-analysis in two-phase systems, exampled by a polymer blend. Surf. Interface Anal., 35. pp. 888-896.

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