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Multifunctional nanoprobes for nanoscale chemical imaging and localized chemical delivery at surfaces and interfaces.

Takahashi, Y*; Shevchuk, A I*; Novak, P*; Zhang, Y*; Ebejer, N*; Macpherson, J V*; Unwin, P R*; Pollard, A J; Roy, D; Clifford, C A; Shiku, H*; Matsue, T*; Klenerman, D*; Korchev, Y E* (2011) Multifunctional nanoprobes for nanoscale chemical imaging and localized chemical delivery at surfaces and interfaces. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 50. pp. 9638-9642.

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Herein, we introduce an extremely quick (<2 min) and simple process with a high success rate for making doublebarrel carbon nanoprobes (DBCNPs) for use in SECM-SICM. The overall probe radius is controllable on the nanoto microscale (see below), and the probes can be used for simultaneous chemical and topographical imaging, nanopositioning, and localized chemical delivery and detection by using SICM distance feedback control. We first demonstrate its capability with approach curve measurements and by imaging test samples, and then by demonstrating its application to rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cells (PC12) by the simultaneous high-resolution imaging of the topography and electrochemical activity. Finally, exemplar studies of the localized chemical stimulation and detection of neurotransmitter release from PC12 cells by using DBCNPs is reported, which provides a platform for many future applications in cell biology.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: scanning electrochemical microscopy, ion conductance microscopy, atomic-force microscopy, living cells, electrodes, secm, probe, mode, topography, nanopipet
Subjects: Nanoscience
Nanoscience > Surface and Nanoanalysis
Identification number/DOI: 10.1002/anie.201102796
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:14
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/5510

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