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Aalbers, A H L*; Hoornaert, M-T*; Palmans, H (2008) Code of Practice for the Absorbed Dose Determination in High Energy Photon and Electron Beams. Technical Report.

Ableitinger, A*; Vatnitsky, S*; Herrmann, R*; Bassler, N*; Palmans, H; Sharpe, P; Ecker, S*; Chaudhri, N*; Jakel, O*; Georg, D* (2013) Dosimetry auditing procedure with alanine dosimeters for light ion beam therapy. Radiother. Oncol., 108 (1). pp. 99-106.

Abolaban, F*; Zaman, S*; Cashmore, J*; Nisbet, A*; Clark, C H (2016) Changes in patterns of intensity-modulated radiotherapy verification and quality assurance in the UK. Clin. Oncol., 28 (8). E28-E34

Acheva, A*; Ghita, M*; Patel, G*; Prise, K M*; Schettino, G (2014) Mechanisms of DNA damage response to targeted irradiation in organotypic 3D skin cultures. PLOS One, 9 (2). p. 86092.

Acheva, A*; Schettino, G; Prise, K M* (2017) Pro-inflammatory signaling in a 3 D organotypic skin model after low LET irradiation-NF-kappa B, COX-2 activation and impact on cell differentiation. Frontiers in Immunology, 8. p. 82.

Adsley, I*; Andrew, D*; Arnold, D*; Bojanowski, R*; Bourlat, Y*; Byrne, A R*; Crespo, M T*; Desmond, J*; de Felice, P*; Fazio, A*; Gascon, J L*; Grieve, R S*; Holmes, A S*; Jerome, S M; Korun, M*; Magnoni, M*; Odell, K J*; Popplewell, D S*; Poupaki, I*; Sutton, G*; Toole, J*; Wakerley, M W*; Wershofen, H*; Woods, M J*; Youngman, M J* (1998) The characterisation of an intertidal sediment from the Cumbrian coastline. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 49. pp. 1295-1300.

Agnew, J*; O'Grady, F*; Young, R*; Duane, S; Budgell, S* (2017) Quantification of static magnetic field effects on radiotherapy ionization chambers. Phys. Med. Biol., 62 (5). pp. 1731-1743.

Ahmed, R*; Royle, G*; Lourenco, A; Schwarz, M*; Fracchiolla, F*; Ricketts, K* (2016) Investigation into the effects of high-Z nano materials in proton therapy. Phys. Med. Biol., 61 (12). pp. 4537-4550.

Aitkin-Smith, P M*; Collins, S M (2016) Measurement of the Pb-211 half-life using recoil atoms from Rn-219 decay. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 110. pp. 59-63.

Al-Sulaiti, L; Shipley, D; Thomas, R; Kacperek, A*; Regan, P*; Palmans, H (2010) Water equivalence of various materials for clinical proton dosimetry by experiment and Monte Carlo simulation. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 619 (1-3). pp. 344-347.

Al-Sulaiti, L; Shipley, D; Thomas, R A S; Owen, P*; Kacperek, A*; Regan, P H*; Palmans, H (2012) Water equivalence of some plastic-water phantom materials for clinical proton beam dosimetry. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 70 (7). pp. 1052-1057.

Alalawi, A I*; Jafari, S M*; Najem, M A*; Alsaleh, W*; Clark, C H; Nisbet, A*; Abolaban, F*; Hugtenburg, R P*; Hussein, M*; Alzimami, K S*; Bradley, D A*; Spyrou, N M* (2014) Preliminary investigations of two types of silica-based dosimeter for small-field radiotherapy. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 104. pp. 139-144.

Alazemi, N*; Bajoga, A D*; Bradley, D A*; Regan, P H; Shams, H* (2016) Soil radioactivity levels, radiological maps and risk assessment for the state of Kuwait. Chemosphere, 154. pp. 55-62.

Alevra, A V*; Thomas, D J (2003) Neutron spectrometry in mixed fields - multi-sphere spectrometers. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 107 (1-3). pp. 37-72.

Alfonso, R*; Andreo, P*; Capote, R*; Saiful Huq, M*; Kilby, W*; Kjäll, P*; Mackie, T R*; Palmans, H; Rosser, K*; Seuntjens, J*; Ullrich, W*; Vatnitsky, S* (2008) A new formalism for reference dosimetry of small and non-standard fields. Med. Phys., 35 (11). pp. 5179-5186.

Alharbi, T*; Regan, P H; Marginean, N*; Podolyak, Z*; Bajoga, A*; Britton, R*; Bucurescu, D*; Deleanu, D*; Filipescu, D*; Ghita, D*; Glodariu, T*; Mihai, C*; Mulholland, K*; Marginean, R*; Negret, A*; Nita, C R*; Patel, Z*; Roberts, O J*; Stroe, L*; Sava, T*; Townsley, C*; Zamfir, N V* (2014) Sub-nanosecond half-life measurement of the yrast I-pi=5(-) state in the N=78 nucleus Ce-136(58) using fast-timing coincident gamma-ray spectroscopy. Nucl. Data Sheets, 120. pp. 59-61.

Alharbi, T*; Regan, P H; Marginean, N*; Podolyak, Z*; Roberts, O J*; Bruce, A M*; Alkhomashi, N*; Britton, R*; Bucurescu, D*; Deleanu, D*; Filipescu, D*; Ghita, D*; Glodariu, T*; Mihai, C*; Mulholland, K*; Lica, R*; Marginean, R*; Nakhostin, M*; Negret, A*; Nita, C R*; Stroe, L*; Sava, T*; Townsley, C*; Zamfir, N V* (2015) lifetime of the yrast I-pi=5(-) state and E1 hindrance in the transitional nucleus Ce-136(58). Phys. Rev. C, 91 (2). 027302

Almahwasi, A A*; Jeynes, J C*; Merchant, M J*; Bradley, D A*; Regan, P H (2017) Delayed persistence of giant-nucleated cells induced by x-ray and proton irradiation in the progeny of replicating normal human fibroblast cells. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 137. pp. 163-168.

Alshanqity, M*; Duane, S; Nisbet, A* (2012) A simple approach for EPID dosimetric calibration to overcome the effect of image-lag and ghosting. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 70 (7). pp. 1154-1157.

Alvarez, J T*; Sander, T; de Pooter, J A*; Allisy-Roberts, P J*; Kessler, C* (2014) Comparison BIPM.RI(I)-K8 of high dose rate 192Ir brachytherapy standards for reference air kerma rate of the NPL and the BIPM. Metrologia, 51 (1A). 06024.

Amiot, M N*; Chiste, V*; Fitzgerald, R*; Juget, F*; Michotte, C*; Pearce, A; Ratel, G*; Zimmerman, B E* (2015) Uncertainty evaluation in activity measurements using ionization chambers. Metrologia, 52 (3). S108-S122

Andreo, P*; Palmans, H (2016) Comment on "Experiemental determination of the PTW 60019 microDiamond dosimeter active area and volume"[Med. Phys. 43, 5205-5212 (2016)]. Med. Phys., 43 (12). p. 6667.

Andreo, P*; Palmans, H; Marteinsdottir, M*; Benmakhlouf, H*; Carlsson-Tedgren, A* (2016) On the Monte Carlo simulation of small-field micro-diamond detectors for megavoltage photon dosimetry. Phys. Med. Biol., 61 (1). L1-L10

Andreo, P*; Wulff, J*; Burns, D T*; Palmans, H (2013) Consistency in reference radiotherapy dosimetry: resolution of an apparent conundrum when Co-60 is the reference quality for charged-particle and photon beams. Phys. Med. Biol., 58 (19). pp. 6593-6621.

Angliss, R F (1994) Changes to the X-ray air kerma primary standards in the period 1 January 1970 to 31 December 1993. NPL Report. RSA(EXT)50

Angliss, R F; Bass, G A; Sander, T (2001) Brachytherapy, diagnostic radiology, mammographic radiology and ophthalmic applicators : An assessment of current and future needs in the UK and the role of NPL. NPL Report. CIRM 52

Angliss, R F; DuSautoy, A R (1996) Fourth Radiotherapy Standards Users Meeting - National Physical Laboratory 6th June 1996. Scope (IPEMB Journal), 5. pp. 49-51.

Angliss, R F; DuSautoy, A R (1997) Fourth Radiotherapy Standards Users Meeting - Report on a meeting organised by the National Physical Laboratory, held on 9th June 1996. Br. J. Radiol., 70. pp. 556-557.

Angliss, R F; Moretti, C J (2000) Review of requirements for a primary standard of air kerma for 60Co and 137Cs gamma-rays at protection level air kerma rates. NPL Report. CIRM 36

Angliss, R F; Moretti, C J; Nutbrown, R F (2001) Proposed specification for a primary standard of air kerma for 60Co, 137Cs and 192Ir -ray sources. NPL Report. CIRM 53

Arinc, A; Johansson, L C; Gilligan, C R D; Pearce, A K (2011) Standardisation of 210Pb by Cerenkov counting. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 69 (5). pp. 768-772.

Arinc, A; Parfitt, M J; Keightley, J D; Wilson, A (2016) Defined solid angle alpha counting at NPL. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 109. pp. 198-204.

Arinc, A; Woods, D H; Jerome, S M; Collins, S M; Pearce, A K; Gilligan, C R D; Chari, K V; Baker, M; Petrie, N E; Stroak, A J; Phillips, H C; Harms, A V (2004) Environmental radioactivity comparison exercise 2003 (overseas report). NPL Report. DQL-RN 002

Arinc, A; Woods, D H; Jerome, S M; Collins, S M; Pearce, A K; Gilligan, C R D; Chari, K V; Baker, M; Petrie, N E; Stroak, A J; Phillips, H C; Harms, A V (2004) Environmental radioactivity comparison exercise 2003. NPL Report. DQL-RN 001

Aspinall, M D*; D'Mellow, B*; Mackin, R O*; Joyce, M J*; Hawkes, N P; Thomas, D J; Jarrah, Z*; Peyton, A J*; Nolan, P J*; Boston, A J* (2007) Verification of the digital discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays using pulse gradient analysis by digital measurement of time of flight. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 583. pp. 432-438.

Aspinall, M D*; Joyce, M J*; Mackin, R O*; Jarrah, Z*; Boston, A J*; Nolan, P J*; Peyton, A J*; Hawkes, N P (2009) Sample-interpolation timing: an optimized technique for the digital measurement of time of flight for gamma rays and neutrons at relatively low sampling rates. Meas. Sci. Technol., 20 (1). 015104

Aspradakis, M M*; Byrne, J P*; Palmans, H; Conway, J*; Rosser, K*; Warrington, J A P*; Duane, S (2010) Small field MV photon dosimetry. Technical Report. IPEM.

Atanackovic, J*; Thomas, D J; Roberts, N J; Witharana, S*; Dubeau, J*; Yonkeu, A* (2014) Correction and verification of AECL Bonner Sphere response function matrix based on mono-energetic neutron calibration performed at NPL. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 161 (1-4). pp. 216-220.

Azangwe, G*; Grochowska, P*; Georg, D*; Izewska, J*; Hopfgartner, J*; Lechner, W*; Andersen, C E*; Beierholm, A R*; Helt-Hansen, J*; Mizuno, H*; Fukumura, A*; Yajima, K*; Gouldstone, C; Sharpe, P; Meghzifene, A*; Palmans, H (2014) Detector to detector corrections: a comprehensive experimental study of detector specific correction factors for beam output measurements for small radiotherapy beams. Med. Phys., 41 (7). 072103


Baglin, C M*; MacMahon, T D (2006) Data evaluation of 56Co e+ß+ decay. NPL Report. DQL-RN 010

Bailat, C J*; Keightley, J D; Nedjadi, Y*; Li Mo*,, ; Ratel, G*; Michotte, C*; Roteta, M*; Sahagia, M*; Watjen, A C*; Ming-Chen Yuan*,, ; Jong Man Lee*,, ; Tae Soon Park*,, ; Lee, K B*; Sang Han Lee*,, ; Pil Jae Oh*,, ; Iwahara, A*; Sato, Y*; Unno, Y*; Yunoki, A*; van Wyngaardt, W M*; Lubbe, J*; van Staden, M J*; Simpson, B R S*; Zanevsky, A V*; Bochud, F O* (2014) International comparison CCRI(II)-S7 on the analysis of uncertainty budgets for 4pß coincidence counting. Metrologia, 51 (1A). 06018.

Bailey, M; Dean, J C J; Pearce, A; Taylor, G C; Burgess, P*; Greenhalgh, B*; Hatt, T*; Major, B*; McMillan, N*; Pearman, I*; Rushby, M* (2015) Manager's guide to mathematical modelling for gamma assays. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 135

Bailey, M; Sephton, J P; Sharpe, P H G (2009) Monte Carlo modelling and real time dosemeter measurements of dose rate distribution at a Co-60 industrial irradiation plant. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 78 (7-8). pp. 453-456.

Bailey, M; Shipley, D R; Manning, J W (2015) Roos and NACP-02 ion chamber perturbations and water-air stopping-power ratios for clinical electron beams for energies from 4 to 22 MeV. Phys. Med. Biol., 60 (3). pp. 1087-1105.

Bajoga, A D*; Alazemi, N*; Regan, P H; Bradley, D A* (2015) Radioactive investigation of NORM samples from Southern Kuwait soil using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 116. pp. 305-311.

Bajoga, A D*; Alazemi, N*; Shams, H*; Regan, P H; Bradley, D A* (2017) Evaluation of naturally occurring radioactivity across the State of Kuwait using high-resolution gamma-ray. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 137. pp. 203-209.

Baker, A*; Clark, C H; Ciurlionis, L*; Distefano, G*; Hatton, M*; Jain, P*; Lilley, J*; Mayles, H*; Miles, E*; Scott, A*; Webster, G* (2013) Clinical implementation of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) for NSCLC in the UK. Lung Cancer, 79. S61.

Baker, C*; Shipley, D R; Palmans, H; Kacperek, A* (2006) Monte Carlo modelling of a clinical proton beam-line for the treatment of ocular tumours. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 532. pp. 1005-1008.

Baker, M; Bass, G A; Woods, M J (2002) Calibration of the NPL secondary standard radionuclide calibrator for 125I seeds used for prostate brachytherapy. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 56 (1-2). pp. 321-325.

Baker, M; Chari, K; Judge, S M; MacMahon, T D; Stroak, A J (2005) A review of commercial radionuclide calibrators. NPL Report. DQL-RN 003

Baker, M; Woods, M J (2001) Comparison of 201Tl solution sources in UK hospitals, 2001. NPL Report. CIRM 47

Baker, M; Woods, M J (2000) Intercomparison of 123I solution sources in UK hospitals, 2000. NPL Report. CIRM 38

Baker, M*; Fenwick, A J; Ferreira, K; Keightley, J D; Johansson, L C; Collins, S M (2014) Migration to new ampoule types for the NPL secondary standard ionisation chambers. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 87. pp. 224-228.

Balmer, M J I*; Gamage, K A A*; Taylor, G C (2015) Comparative analysis of pulse shape discrimination methods in a Li-6 loaded plastic scintillator. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 788. pp. 146-153.

Balmer, M J I*; Gamage, K A A*; Taylor, G C (2014) Critical review of directional neutron survey meters. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 735. pp. 7-11.

Balmer, M J I*; Gamage, K A A*; Taylor, G C (2015) Detecting energy dependent neutron capture distributions in a liquid scintillator. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 776. pp. 1-7.

Balmer, M J I*; Gamage, K A A*; Taylor, G C (2015) Neutron assay in mixed radiation fields with a 6Li-loaded plastic scintillator. J. Instrum., 10 (8). P08012

Balmer, M J I*; Gamage, K A A*; Taylor, G C (2014) An investigation into a suitable scintillator for localising neutron capture within a detector. J. Instrum., 9 (1). P01007

Balmer, M J I*; Gamage, K A A*; Taylor, G C (2016) A novel approach to neutron dosimetry. Med. Phys., 43 (11). p. 5981.

Bardell, A G; Burke, M; Hunt, J B; Thomas, D J (1998) Anisotropy of emmision from radionuclide neutron sources. NPL Report. CIRM 24

Bardell, A G; Thomas, D J (1995) Calibration and type testing of neutron radiation protection instrumentation. In: Proc. International Conference on Radiation Dose Management in the Nuclear Industry, 9-11 November 1995, Windermere, Cumbria.

Bardell, A G; Thomas, D J (1995) Neutron spectrometry for protection dosimetry at very low levels. In: Proc. International Conference on Radiation Dose Management in the Nuclear Industry, 9 - 11 November 1995, Windermere, Cumbria.

Bardell, A G; Zieba, K J; Böttger,R*,, ; Klein, H* (1994) EUROMAT Project No.221 final report: bilateral intercomparison of the neutron emission rate of a 252Cf spontaneous fission source between the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK. and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany. NPL Report. RSA(EXT) 47

Bartlett, D J*; Tanner, R J*; Thomas, D J (1999) Active neutron personal dosemeters - a review of current status. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 86 (2). pp. 107-122.

Bartlett, D T*; Tanner, R J*; Tagziria, H; Thomas, D J (2001) Response characteristics of neutron survey instruments. Technical Report. NRPB, UK.

Bartlett, DT*; Chartier, J-L*; Matzke, M*; Rimpler, A*; Thomas, D J (2003) Concepts and quantities in spectrometry and radiation protection. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 107 (1-3). pp. 21-32.

Bass, G A; Thomas, R A S; Pearce, J A D (2009) The calibration of parallel-plate electron ionisation chambers at NPL for use with the IPEM 2003 Code of Practice: summary data. Phys. Med. Biol., 54 (8). N115-N124

Bass, G A; Thomas, R A S; Pearce, J A D (2008) A review of the calibration of parallel-plate electron ionisation chambers at NPL for use with the IPEM 2003 code of practice. NPL Report. IR 5

Bassler, N*; Hansen, J W*; Palmans, H; Holtzscheiter, M H*; Kovacevic, S* (2008) The antiproton depth dose curve measured with alanine detectors. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B, Beam Interact. Mater. At., 266 (6). pp. 929-936.

Be, M M*; Chechev, V P*; Pearce, A (2015) Uncertainties in nuclear decay data evaluations. Metrologia, 52 (3). S66-S72

Beck, P*; Bartlett, D T*; Bilski, P*; Dyer, C*; Cluckiger, E*; Fuller, N*; Lantos, P*; Reitz, G*; Ruhm, W*; Spurny, F*; Taylor, G C; Trompier, F*; Wissmann, F* (2008) Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events at aircraft altitudes. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 131 (1). pp. 51-58.

Bedogni, R*; Domingo, C*; Roberts, N J; Thomas, D J; Chiti, M*; Esposito, A*; Garcia, M J*; Gentile, A*; Liu, Z Z*; de-San-Pedro, M* (2014) Investigation of the neutron spectrum of americium-beryllium sources by Bonner sphere spectrometry. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 763. pp. 547-552.

Bell, S J; Aitken-Smith, P; Beeke, S; Collins, S M; Regan, P H; Shearman, R (2016) A comparison of emerging gamma detector technologies for airborne radiation monitoring. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 763. 012010

Bell, S J; Baker, M A*; Duarte, D D*; Schneider, A*; Seller, P*; Sellin, P J*; Veale, M C*; Wilson, M D* (2017) Performance comparison of small-pixel CdZnTe radiation detectors with gold contacts formed by sputter and electroless deposition. J. Instrum., 12 (6). P06015

Bell, S J; Baker, M S*; Duarte, D D*; Schneider, A*; Seller, P*; Sellin, P J*; Veale, M C*; Wilson, M D* (2015) Characterization of the metal-semiconductor interface of gold contacts on CdZnTe formed by electroless deposition. J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., 48 (27). 275304

Bell, S J*; Judge, S M; Regan, P H* (2012) An investigation of HPGe gamma efficiency calibration software (ANGLE V.3) for applications in nuclear decommissioning. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 70 (12). pp. 2737-2741.

Bentely, R D*; Iles, R H A*; Jones, J B L*; Hunter, R*; Taylor, G C; Thomas, D J (2001) Monitoring cosmic radiation on aircraft. In: Proceedings of the Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconference, 24-29 September 2001.

Biagini,R*,, ; Dersch, R*; de Felice, P*; Jerome, S M; Perkin, E M E; Pona, C*; de Sanoit, J*; Woods, M J (1995) Homogeneity testing of spiked reference materials. Science of the Total Environment, 173-17. pp. 267-274.

Bidmead, A M*; Sander, T; Locks, S M*; Lee, C D*; Aird, E G A*; Nutbrown, R F; Flynn, A* (2010) The IPEM code of practice for determination of the reference air kerma rate for HDR Ir-192 brachytherapy sources based on the NPL air kerma standard. Phys. Med. Biol., 55 (11). pp. 3145-3159.

Billas, I; Shipley, D; Galer, S; Bass, G; Sander, T; Fenwick, A; Duane, S; Smyth, V (2017) Reply to comment on `Development of a primary standard for absorbed dose from unsealed radionuclide solutions'. Metrologia, 54 (4). pp. 615-616.

Billas, I; Shipley, D; Galer, S; Bass, G; Sander, T; Fenwick, A; Smyth, V (2016) Development of a primary standard for absorbed dose from unsealed radionuclide solutions. Metrologia, 53 (6). pp. 1259-1271.

Blaauw, M*; Garcia-Torano, E*; Woods, S; Fazinic, S* (1999) The 1997 IAEA Intercomparison of commercially available PC-based software for Alpha-particle spectrometry. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 428 (2-3). pp. 317-329.

Blowers, P*; Caborn, J*; Dell, T*; Gingell, T*; Harms, A; Long, S*; Sleep, D*; Stewart, C*; Walker, J*; Warwick, P E* (2011) Determination of Carbon-14 in environmental level, solid reference materials. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 69 (10). pp. 1323-1329.

Bocchi, G*; Leoni, S*; Fornal, B*; Colo, G*; Bortignon, P F*; Bottoni, S*; Bracco, A*; Michelagnoli, C*; Bazzacco, D*; Blanc, A*; de France, G*; Jentschel, M*; Koster, U*; Mutti, P*; Regis, J M*; Simpson, G*; Soldner, T*; Ur, C A*; Urban, W*; Fraile, L M*; Lozeva, R*; Belvito, B*; Bruce, A*; Carroll, R*; Cieplicka-Orynczak, N*; Crespi, F C L*; Didierjean, F*; Jolie, J*; Korten, W*; Kroll, T*; Lalkovski, S*; Mach, H*; Marginean, N*; Melon, B*; Mengoni, D*; Million, B*; Nannini, A*; Napoli, D*; Olaizola, B*; Paziy, V*; Podolyak, Z*; Regan, P H; Saed-Samii, N*; Szpak, B*; Vedia, V* (2016) The mutuable nature of particle-core excitations with spin in the one-valence-proton nucleus Sb-133. Phys. Lett. B, 760. pp. 273-278.

Bond, A D; Preston, R C (1998) The NPL Doppler fetal heart beat detector test facility. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 24 (3). pp. 443-450.

Bouchard, H; Bielajew, A* (2015) Lorentz force correction to the Boltzmann radiation transport equation and its implications on Monte Carlo algorithms. Phys. Med. Biol., 60 (13). pp. 4963-4971.

Bouchard, H; Kamio, Y*; Palmans, H; Seuntjens, J*; Duane, S (2015) Detector dose response in megavoltage small photon beams. II. Pencil beam perturbation effects. Med. Phys., 42 (10). pp. 4048-6061.

Bouchard, H; Seuntjens, J*; Duane, S; Kamilo, Y*; Palmans, H (2015) Detector dose response in megavoltage small photon beams. I. theoretical concepts. Med. Phys., 42 (10). pp. 6033-6047.

Bouchard, H; de Pooter, J*; Bielajew, A*; Duane, S (2015) Reference dosimetry in the presence of magnetic fields: conditions to validate Monte Carlo simulations. Phys. Med. Biol., 60 (17). pp. 6639-6654.

Bouchard, H*; Seuntjens, J*; Palmans, H (2012) On charged particle equilibrium violation in external photon fields. Med. Phys., 39 (3). pp. 1473-1480.

Boutillon, M*; Coursey, B M*; Hohlfeld, K*; Owen, B; Rogers, D W O* (1994) Comparison of primary water absorbed dose standards. IAEA Publication STI/PUB/930. 95 - 111

Bowles, N E; Woods, S A; Woods, D H; Jerome, S M; Woods, M J; de Lavison, P A G; Lineham, S; Keightley, J D; Poupaki, I* (1998) Standardisation of 153Sm. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 49 (9-11). pp. 1345-1347.

Bowles, N E; Woods, S A; Woods, D H; Jerome, S M; Woods, M J; de Lavison, P A G; Lineham, S; Keightley, J D; Poupaki, I* (1998) Standardisation of 153Sm. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 49. pp. 1345-1347.

British Committee on Radiation Units and Measurements, (1997) Advice on the implications of the conversion coefficients for external radiations published in ICRP publication 74 and by ICRU publication 57. Br. J. Radiol., 70. pp. 1270-1273.

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British Committee on Radiation Units and Measurements, (1998) BCRU advice on RBE values for the retrospective calculation of risk to specific organs as a result of neutron radiation. Br. J. Radiol., 71. pp. 669-671.

British Committee on Radiation Units and Measurements, (1997) BCRU advice on RBE values for the retrospective calculation of risk to specific organs as a result of neutron radiation. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 74. pp. 109-112.

British Committee on Radiation Units and Measurements, (1998) BCRU advice on RBE values for the retrospective calculation of risk to specific organs as a result of neutron radiation. J. Radiol. Prot., 18. pp. 43-46.

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