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Allison, J M*; Birch, K P; Crowder, J G* (1994) Precise determination of refractometric parameters for anesthetic agent vapors. Appl. Opt., 33 (13). 2459 -2464

Allison, J M*; Birch, K P; Crowder, J G* (1994) The evaluation of interactions between anaesthetic agent vapours and carrier gases by laser refractometry. Phys. Med. Biol., 39 (4). 751 - 759

Allison, J M*; Birch, K P; Crowder, J G* (1993) A measurement system for precise determination of the refractive indices of anaesthetic agent vapours. Mater. Sci. Technol., 4. pp. 571-577.

Avella, A*; Brida, G*; Degiovanni, I P*; Genovese, M*; Gremegna, M*; Lolli, L*; Monticone, E*; Portesi, C*; Rajteri, M*; Rastello, M L*; Taralli, E*; Traina, P*; White, M (2011) Self consistent, absolute calibration technique for photon number resolving detectors. Opt. Express, 19 (23). pp. 23249-23257.


Baines, J; Frehill, C*; Raine, K (1994) Fiber diameter from the backscattered light pattern. (NIST Special Publication) Technical digest: symposium on optical fiber measurements, 864. 125 - 128

Ball, C P; Levick, A P; Woolliams, E R; Green, P D; Dury, M R; Winkler, R; Deadman, A J; Fox, N P; King, M D* (2013) Effects of the polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) phase transition at 19 °C on the use of Spectralon as a reference standard for reflectance. Appl. Opt., 52 (20). pp. 4806-4812.

Ball, CP*; Marks, A A*; Green, P D; MacArthur, A*; Maturilli, M*; Fox, N P; King, MD* (2015) Hemispherical-directional reflectance (HDRF) of windblown snow-covered Arctic tundra at large solar zenith angles. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53 (10). pp. 5377-5387.

Banks, A C; Melin, F* (2015) A satellite ocean colour specral library for the analysis and classification of extreme optical conditions in European seas. In: 2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 26-31 July 2015, Milan, Italy.

Barker, A; Banks, A; Bell, W*; Dowell, M*; Fox, N P; Green, P; Lecomte, P*; Merchant, C*; Saunders, R*; Schultz, J*; Whitney, M (2015) Metrology for climate. Metrology priorities for the earth observation and climate community. Technical Report.

Barker, A; Nightingale, J; Banks, A; Scanlon, T (2015) Quality assurance for FOREST data products: recommendations for future improvements. NPL Report. ENV 5

Barker, A; Origo, N; Nightingale, J (2015) Quality assurance framework for forest monitoring programmes. NPL Report. OP 10

Barton, H*; Goodman, T M; Miller, P; Gibbs, D R; Jones, F (2007) Guideline document for the optical measurement of LED clusters. Technical Report.

Barwood, G P; Gill, P; Rowley, W R C (1993) Optically narrowed Rb-stabilised GaAlAs diode laser frequency standards with 1.5x10-10 absolute accuracy. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 1837. pp. 262-270.

Bauwens, S*; Bartholomeus, H*; Calders, K; Lejeune, P* (2016) Forest inventory with terrestrial LiDAR: a comparison of static and hand-held mobile laser scanning. Forests, 7. p. 127.

Beaumont, A R; Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Ireland, J; White, M G (2009) Providing reference standards and metrology for the few photon - photon counting community. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 610 (1). pp. 183-187.

Behnert, I D; Pengrum-Browning, H; Deadman, A J (2010) Building and operating procedure for the Gonio RAdiometric Spectrometer System (GRASS). NPL Report. ENG 27

Bellassen, V*; Stephan, N*; Afriat, M*; Alberola, E*; Barker, A; Chang, J P*; Chiquet, C*; Cochran, I*; Deheza, M*; Dimopoulos, C; Foucherot, C*; Jacquier, G*; Morel, R*; Robinson, R; Shishlov, I* (2015) Monitoring, reporting and verifying emissions in the climate economy. Nature Climate Change, 5 (4). pp. 319-328.

Benson, J M (1999) Photonics Metrology: April 1998 to March 2001. Projects contracted to the National Physical Laboratory. First annual progress report: April 1998 to March 1999. NPL Report. COEM 28

Benson, J M; Jones, T C E; Wall, C F; Blasco, P*; Haigh, N R*; Rigby, D*; Soares, O D D*; Artiglia, M*; Ravet, F*; Corredera, P*; Levin-Jensen, L*; Goffin, A*; Hallam, A*; Walmsley, P*; Salieri, P* (1997) A european investigation of cut-off wavelength measurement, European Project Group. In: OFMC '97. 4th Optical Fibre Measurement Conf. Digest., 29 September-1 October 1997, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.

Bernard, F; McInnes, L (2007) Optical and electrical jitter reduction techniques for characterisation of 10G transceivers using sampling oscilloscope. In: OFMC 2007, 15-17 October 2007, NPL,UK.

Bialek, A; Greenwell, C; Lamare, M; Meygret, A*; Marcq, S*; Lacherade, S*; Woolliams, E R; Berthelot, B*; Bouvet, M*; King, M*; Underwood, C*; Fox, N P (2016) New radiometric calibration site located at Gobabeb, Namib desert. In: 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 10-15 July 2016, Beijing, CHina.

Bialek, A; Overvliet, K*; van der Heijden, G* (2009) On combining different psychophysical scaling methods. In: MINET Conference: Measurement, sensation and cognition, 10-12 November 2009, NPL, Teddington, UK.

Billington, R (1999) Measurement methods for stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering in optical fibres. NPL Report. COEM 31

Billington, R (2000) Requirements for the characterisation of non-linear effects in optical fibre amplifiers. NPL Report. COEM 41

Billington, R (1999) An assessment of four techniques for measuring the effective area of optical fibres. NPL Report. COEM 34

Billington, R (1999) A report of four-wave mixing in optical fibre and its metrological applications. NPL Report. COEM 24

Billington, R; Walker, B (2000) Experimental investigations into four-wave mixing in optical fibre. NPL Report. COEM 43

Billington, R*; Nelson, J*; Jones, T C E; Benson, J M (1997) Development of a multimode fibre simulation tool for characterising attenuation as a function of launch conditions and handling. In: OFMC 97. 4th Optical Fibre Measurement Conf. Digest, 29 September - 1 October 1997, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.

Birch, J R; Clarke, F J J (1998) Interreflection errors in Fourier transform spectroscopy: a preliminary appraisal. Anal. Chim. Acta, 380 (2-3). pp. 369-378.

Birch, K P; Downs, M J (1993) An updated Edlen equation for the refractive index of air. Metrologia, 30 (3). pp. 155-162.

Bock, M*; Lenhard, A*; Chunnilall, C J; Becher, C* (2016) A highly efficient heralded single-photon source for telecom wavelengths based on a PPLN waveguide. Opt. Express, 24 (21). pp. 23992-24001.

Boivin, L P*; Bamber, C*; Gaerter, A A*; Gerson, R K*; Woods, D J*; Woolliams, E R (2010) Wideband filter radiometers for blackbody temperature measurements. J. Mod. Opt., 57 (17). pp. 1648-1660.

Boucher, Y*; Viallefont, F*; Deadman, A J; Fox, N P; Behnert, I; Griffith, D*; Harris, P M; Helder, D*; Knaeps, E*; Leigh, L*; Li, Y*; Ozen, H*; Ponzoni, F*; Sterckx, S* (2011) Spectral reflectance measurement methodologies for TUZ GOLU field campaign. In: 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2011), 24-29 July 2011, Vancouver, Canada.

Brown, R J C (2004) Spectacular spectroscopy - surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Laboratory News (Novemb). pp. 28-29.

Brown, R J C; Taylor, A G* (2005) Optical second harmonic generation at platinum phthalocyanine-modified platinum electrodes. Thin Solid Films, 476 (2). pp. 373-378.


Calders, K; Burt, A*; Origo, N; Disney, M*; Nightingale, J; Raumonen, P*; Lewis, P* (2016) Large-area virtual forests from terrestrial laser scanning data. In: 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 10-15 July 2016, Beijing, China.

Calders, K; Disney, M*; Armston, J*; Burt, A*; Brede, B*; Origo, N; Muir, J*; Nightingale, J (2017) Evaluation of the range accuracy and the radiometric calibration of multiple terrestrial laser scanning instruments for data interoperability. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 55 (5). pp. 2716-2724.

Campos, J*; Fontecha, J L*; Pons, A*; Hanson, A; Williams, D; Verrill, J (2000) NPL-CSIC comparison of regular reflectance measurements. Metrologia, 37 (4). pp. 323-327.

Cashmore, M T; Koutsourakis, G*; Gottschalg, R*; Hall, S R G (2016) Optical technique for photovoltaic spatial current response measurements using compressive sensing and random binary projections. J. Phonics Energy, 6 (2). 025508

Cashmore, M T*; Hall, S R G; Love, G D* (2014) Traceable interferometry using binary reconfigurable holograms. Appl. Opt., 53 (24). pp. 5353-5358.

Cessateur, G*; Schmutz, W*; Wehrli, C*; Grobner, J*; Haberreiter, M*; Kretzschmar, M*; Rozanov, E*; Scholl, M*; Shapiro, A*; Thuillier, G*; Egorova, T*; Finsterle, W*; Fox, N P; Hochedez, J F*; Koller, S*; Meftah, M*; Meindl, P*; Nyeki, S*; Pfiffner, D*; Roth, H*; Rouze, M*; Spescha, M*; Tagirov, R*; Werner, L*; Wyss, J U* (2016) Solar irradiance observations with PREMOS filter radiometers on the PICARD mission: in-flight performance and data release. Astron. Astrophys., 588 (2). A126.

Chander, G*; Hewison, T J*; Fox, N P; Wu, X Q*; Xiong, X X*; Blackwell, W J* (2013) Foreword to the special issue on intercalibration of satellite instruments. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51 (3). pp. 1052-1055.

Chander, G*; Hewison, T J*; Fox, N P; Wu, X Q*; Xiong, X X*; Blackwell, W J* (2013) Overview of intercalibration of satellite instruments. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51 (3). pp. 1056-1080.

Cheung, J; Midgall, A*; Rastello, M L* (2009) Introduction [to special issue of journal of modern optics on single photon source, detectors, applications and measurement methods]. J. Mod. Opt., 56 (2-3). pp. 139-140.

Cheung, J Y (2006) Made to measure. Phys. World, 19 (8). pp. 40-41.

Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Fox, N P (2006) Detecting photons - properties and challenges. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, Accel. Spectrom. Detec. Assoc. Equip., 567. pp. 100-103.

Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Porrovecchio, G*; Smid, M*; Theocharous, E (2011) Low optical power reference detector implemented in the validation of two independent techniques for calibrating photon counting detectors. Opt. Express, 19 (21). pp. 20347-20363.

Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Thomas, P (2007) Measurement challenges of secure communications research. In: OFMC 2007, 15-17 October 2007, NPL, UK.

Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Thomas, P J; Mountford, J R; Fox, N P (2007) Photon-counting - measurement challenges. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 6583. 6583OG

Cheung, J Y; Chunnilall, C J; Woolliams, E R; Fox, N P; Mountford, J R; Wang, J; Thomas, P (2007) The quantum candela: a re-definition of the standard units for optical radiation. J. Mod. Opt., 54 (2-3). pp. 373-396.

Cheung, J Y; Gardner, J*; Migdall, A*; Polyakov, S*; Ware, M* (2007) High accuracy dual lens transmittance measurements. Appl. Opt., 46 (22). pp. 5396-5403.

Cheung, J Y; Usadi, E; Chunnilall, C J (2008) Laser techniques for high accuracy spectrometric measurements of parallel-sided samples. In: Fifth Oxford Conference on Spectroscopy, 26-28 June 2006, NPL, Teddington, UK.

Cheung, J Y; Vaughan, M P; Mountford, J R; Chunnilall, C J (2004) Correlated photon metrology of detectors and sources. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 5161 (1). pp. 365-376.

Choi, I*; Zhou, Y R*; Dynes, J F*; Yuan, Z L*; Klar, A*; Sharpe, A*; Plews, A*; Lucamarini, M*; Radig, C*; Neubert, J*; Griesser, H*; Eiselt, M*; Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G*; Sinclair, A G; Elbers, J P*; Lord, A*; Shields, A* (2014) Field trial of a quantum secured 10 Gb/s DWDM transmission system over a single installed fiber. Opt. Express, 22 (19). pp. 23121-23128.

Chunnilall, C J; Clarke, F J J; Rowell, N L* (2003) NPL-NRC comparison of mid-infrared regular transmittance. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4826. pp. 12-20.

Chunnilall, C J; Clarke, F J J; Shaw, M J (2003) Diffuse reflectance scales at NPL. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4826. pp. 129-136.

Chunnilall, C J; Clarke, F J J; Smart, M P; Hanssen, L M*; Kaplan, S G* (2003) NIST-NPL comparison of mid-infrared regular transmittance and reflectance. Metrologia, 40 (1). S55-S59

Chunnilall, C J; Deadman, A J; Crane, L; Usadi, E (2003) NPL scales for radiance factor and total diffuse reflectance. Metrologia, 40 (1). S192-S195

Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Kuck, S*; Muller, I*; Sinclair, A G (2014) Errata: metrology of single-photon sources and detectors: a review (vol 53, 081910, 2014). Opt. Eng., 53 (8). 089801

Chunnilall, C J; Degiovanni, I P*; Kuck, S*; Muller, I*; Sinclair, A G (2014) Metrology of single-photon sources and detectors: a review. Opt. Eng., 53 (8). 081910

Chunnilall, C J; Fox, N P (1998) Radiometric applications of Fourier-transform (FT) spectrometers. Metrologia, 35 (4). pp. 529-534.

Chunnilall, C J; Fox, N P; Theocharous, E (1997) Radiometric applications of Fourier-Transform spectrometers. Mikrochim. Acta, 14. pp. 175-177.

Chunnilall, C J; Lehman, J H*; Theocharous, E; Sanders, A* (2012) Infrared hemispherical reflectance of carbon nanotube mats and arrays in the 5 um to 50 um wavelength region. Carbon, 50 (14). pp. 5348-5350.

Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Allerton, J J; Hart, C J; Sinclair, A G (2015) Corrigendum: Traceable metrology for characterizing quantum optical communication devices (vol 51, pg S258, 2014). Metrologia, 52 (2). p. 444.

Chunnilall, C J; Lepert, G; Allerton, J J; Hart, C J; Sinclair, A G (2014) Traceable metrology for characterizing quantum optical communication devices. Metrologia, 51 (6). S258-S266

Chunnilall, C J; Shaw, M J (2003) Goniometric realization of diffuse reflectance scales at NPL. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 5192 (1). pp. 123-128.

Chunnilall, C J; Theocharous, E (2012) Infrared hemispherical reflectance measurements in the 2.5 µm to 50 µm wavelength region using an Fourier transform spectrometer. Metrologia, 49 (2). S73-S80

Clarke, F J J; Birch, J R; Chunnilall, C J; Smart, M P (2002) FTIR measurements - standards and accuracy. Vib. Spectrosc., 30 (1). pp. 25-9.

Clarke, F J J; Chunnilall, C J; Rogers, L J (2003) Recent progress at NPL in the development of mid-infrared spectrometric measurements. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 5192 (1). pp. 111-122.

Clarke, H*; Halstall, K*; Fox, N P; Nightingale, T* (2013) The CEMS data integrity pilot project. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium. Proceedings, 9-13 September 2013, Edinburgh, UK.

Clarke, P J (1998) COOMET international comparison of relative reflectance measurements. Report on NPL measurements for PTB, Friedrichshagen, Berlin. NPL Report. COEM 23

Clarke, P J (2003) The NPL correction kit for enhanced and traceable reflectance measurement. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4826. pp. 123-128.

Clarke, P J (2006) Regular transmittance measurements. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 97

Clarke, P J (2006) Surface colour measurements. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 96

Clarke, P J; Hanson, A R (2002) Determination and correction of errors in surface colour measurement. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4421. pp. 803-807.

Clarke, P J; Hanson, A R (2002) Harmonization of scales of color measurement. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4421. pp. 794-797.

Clarke, P J; Hanson, A R; Verrill, J F (1999) Determination of colorimetric uncertainties in the spectrophotometric measurement of colour. Anal. Chim. Acta, 380. pp. 277-284.

Coote, J*; Woolliams, E R; Fox, N P; Goodyer, I D*; Sweeney, S J* (2014) Design and simulation of a semiconductor chip-based visible - NIR spectrometer for Earth observation. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 8988. 898819

Crane, L (2005) Report on Ceravision consultancy joint industry project. NPL Report. DQL-OR 013

Cuni-Sanchez, A*; Pfeifer, M*; Marchant, R*; Calders, K; Sorensen, C L*; Pompeu, P V*; Lewis, S L*; Burgess, N D* (2017) New insights on above ground biomass and forest attributes in tropical montane forests. Forest Ecol. Manage., 399. pp. 235-246.

Cuni-Sanchez, A*; White, L J T*; Calders, K; Jeffery, K J*; Abernethy, K*; Burt, A*; Disney, M*; Gilpin, M*; Gomez-Dans, J L*; Lewis, S L* (2016) Africian savanna-forest boundary dynamics: a 20 year study. PLOS One, 11 (6). e0156934


Daly, D; Ferguson, R*; Hutley, M C (1997) Replication of optical components using a silicone rubber intermediate replica. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 3099. pp. 83-88.

Daly, D; Hutley, M C; Hunt, R A; Khand, K; Stevens, R F; Wilson, R* (1997) The use of a series of lens arrays to match optical arrays of different pitch. Image Science Journal, 45 (1). pp. 45-47.

Daly, D; Hutley, M C; Stevens, R F (1994) Mach-Zehnder interferometer for measuring microlenses. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2340. pp. 258-263.

Darrodi, M M*; Finlayson, G*; Goodman, T M; Mackiewicz, M* (2015) Reference data set for camera spectral sensitivity estimation. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 32 (3). pp. 381-391.

Deadman, A J (2000) Diffuse reflectance measurements carried out in the visible region with improved accuracy. NPL Report. COEM 45

Deadman, A J; Behnert, I; Fox, N P; Griffith, D* (2011) Laboratory panel and radiometer calibration. In: 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2011), 24-29 July 2011, Vancouver, Canada.

Downs, M J; Birch, K P; Cox, M G; Nunn, J W (1995) Verification of a polarization-insensitive optical interferometer system with subnanometric capability. Precision Engineering, 17 (2). 84 - 88

Downs, M J; Birch, K P; Cox, M G; Nunn, J W (1994) The verification of a polarisation insensitive optical interferometer system with subnanometric capability. European Optical Society Topical Meetings Digest, 4. pp. 10-11.

Downs, M J; Rowley, W R C (1993) A proposed design for a polarization-insensitive optical interferometer system with subnanometric capability. Precision Engineering, 15 (4). pp. 281-286.

Durant, N M; Fox, N P (1996) Evaluation of solid-state detectors for ultraviolet radiometric applications. Metrologia, 32 (6). pp. 505-508.

Dury, M R; Arneil, T C*; Machin, G; Goodman, T M (2014) Size-of-source effect sensitivities in radiometers. Int. J. Thermophysics, 35 (6-7). pp. 1391-1400.

Dury, M R; Goodman, T M; Lowe, D H; Machin, G; Woolliams, E R (2013) Development of a new radiometer for the thermodynamic measurement of high temperature fixed points. AIP Conf. Proc., 1552. pp. 65-70.

Dury, M R; Theocharous, E; Harrison, N; Fox, N P; Hilton, M* (2007) Common black coatings - reflectance and ageing characteristics in the 0.32 - 14.3 µm wavelength range. Opt. Commun., 270. pp. 262-272.

Dury, M R*; Theocharous, E; Harrison, N J; Hilton, M*; Fox, N P (2004) The NPL wide-area, MIR calibration source. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 5405 (1). pp. 532-540.


Eadie, E*; Miller, P; Goodman, T; Moseley, H* (2009) Assessment of the optical radiation hazard from a home-use intense pulsed light (IPL) source. Lasers Surg. Med., 41 (7). pp. 534-539.

Eadie, E*; Miller, P; Goodman, T M; Moseley, H* (2009) Calibrated spectral radiant exposure measurement of intense pulsed light (IPL) sources at the near-field limit of ocular exposure. Lasers Surg. Med., 41 (S21). p. 52.

Eadie, E*; Miller, P; Goodman, T M; Moseley, H* (2009) Time resolved measurement shows a spectral distribution shift in an intense pulsed light system. Lasers in Med. Sci., 24 (1). pp. 35-43.

Eadie, E*; Miller, P; Goodman, T M; Moseley, H* (2008) A comparison of emission spectra from intense pulsed light sources using novel fast spectroscopy techniques. Lasers Surg. Med., 40 (S20).

Erry, G R G; Bazant-Hegemark, F*; Read, M D*; Stone, N* (2011) Screening cervical and aesophageal tissues using optical coherence tomography. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 8091. 809122

Etchegoin, P*; Cohen, L F*; Hartigan, H; Brown, R J C; Milton, M J T; Gallop, J C (2003) Electromagnetic contribution to surface enhanced Raman scattering revisited. J. Chem. Phys., 119 (10). pp. 5281-5289.

Etchegoin, P*; Liem, H*; Maher, R C*; Cohen, L F*; Brown, R J C; Hartigan, H; Milton, M J T; Gallop, J C (2002) A novel amplification mechanism for surface enhanced Raman scattering. Chem. Phys. Lett., 366 (1-2). pp. 115-121.

Etchegoin, P*; Maher, R C*; Cohen, L F*; Hartigan, H; Brown, R J C; Milton, M J T; Gallop, J C (2003) New limits in ultrasensitive trace detection by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Chem. Phys. Lett., 375 (1-2). pp. 84-90.


Fatadin, I; Ives, D (2009) Amplitude and phase measurements of optical signals using a coherent technique. In: 9th Optical Fibre Measurement Conference (OFMC) Digest, 16-18 September 2009, NPL, Teddington,UK.

Fatadin, I; Ives, D; Savory, S J* (2010) Laser linewidth tolerance for 16-QAM coherent optical systems using QPSK partitioning. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 22 (9). pp. 631-633.

Fatadin, I; Ives, D J; Savory, S J* (2009) Blind equalization and carrier phase recovery in a 16-QAM optical coherent system. J. Lightwave Technol., 27 (15). pp. 3042-3049.

Fatadin, I; Ives, D J; Savory, S J* (2010) Compensation of frequency offset for differentially Encoded 16- and 64-QAM in the presence of laser phase noise. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 22 (3). pp. 176-178.

Fatadin, I; Ives, D J; Wicks, M C (2008) Intensity and phase measurements of asymmetric mode profiles and the transform in the near- to far-field transitions. Appl. Opt., 47 (7). pp. 1002-1009.

Fatadin, I; Ives, D*; Savory, S J* (2014) Carrier phase estimation for 16-QAM optical coherent systems using QPSK partitioning with barycenter approximation. J. Lightwave Technol., 32 (13). pp. 2420-2427.

Fatadin, I; Ives, D*; Savory, S J* (2014) Carrier phase recovery for 16-QAM using QPSK partitioning and sliding window averaging. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 26 (9). pp. 854-857.

Fatadin, I; Ives, D*; Savory, S J* (2013) Differential carrier phase recovery for QPSK optical coherent systems with integrated tunable lasers. Opt. Express, 21 (8). pp. 10166-10171.

Fatadin, I; Savory, S J* (2011) Compensation of frequency offset for 16-QAM optical coherent systems using QPSK partitioning. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 23 (17). pp. 1246-1248.

Fatadin, I; Savory, S J* (2010) Impact of phase to amplitude noise conversion in coherent optical systems with digital dispersion compensation. Opt. Express, 18 (15). pp. 16273-16278.

Fatadin, I M A; Ives, D J (2005) Calibration and correction of the non-linearity of the response of an InGaAs array for mode field profiling. In: OFMC 2005 - 7th Optical Fibre Measurement Conference, 21-23 September 2005, NPL, UK.

Fatadin, I M A; Ives, D J (2007) Measurement techniques for extraction of parameters in lightwave systems for simulation purposes. In: OFMC 2007, 15-17 October 2007, NPL, UK.

Fatadin, I M A; Savory, S J*; Ives, D J (2008) Compensation of quadrature imbalance in an optical QPSK coherent receiver. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 20 (17-20). pp. 1733-1735.

Fehlmann, A*; Kopp, G*; Schmutz, W*; Winkler, R; Finsterle, W*; Fox N P, (2012) Fourth World Radiometric Reference to SI radiometric scale comparison and implications for on-orbit measurements of the total solar irradiance. Metrologia, 49 (2). S34-S38

Ferguson, R (2007) The development of a spectral scanning system utilising controlled launch conditions for the characterisation of polymer optical fibre (POF). NPL Report. OP 1

Ferguson, R; Harris, S (2007) Development of an optical system with controlled launch conditions for the characterisation of polymer optical fibre (POF). In: OFMC 2007, 15-17 October 2007, NPL, UK.

Ferguson, R A (2012) Waveguides need characterization, too. Photonic spectra, 46 (2). pp. 58-60.

Ferguson, R A; Fatadin, I; Harris, S; Allerton, J (2013) Far-field scatter measurements of planar optical waveguides using a variable launch system. In: International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2013), 20-21 February 2013, Barcelona, Spain.

Fotios, S*; Goodman, T M (2012) Proposed UK guidance for lighting in residential roads. Lighting Res. Technol., 44 (1). pp. 69-83.

Fouad, A*; Pfefer, T J*; Chen, C W*; Gong, W*; Agrawal, A*; Tomlins, P H*; Woolliams, P D; Drezek, R A*; Chen, Y* (2014) Variations in optical coherence tomography resolution and uniformity: a multi-system performance comparison. Biomed. Opt. Express, 5 (7). pp. 2066-2081.

Fox, N (1993) Improved near infrared detectors. Metrologia, 30 (4). pp. 321-325.

Fox, N P (2001) Developments in optical radiation measurements at NPL. 1. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4450. pp. 140-154.

Fox, N P (2001) Developments in optical radiation measurements at NPL. 2. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4450. pp. 155-167.

Fox, N P (1995) Improved radiometric calibration techniques for multi-spectral remote sensing satellite instrumentation. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2585. pp. 257-266.

Fox, N P; Chunnilall, C J; Harrison, N J; Hartree, W S (1996) High accuracy characterisation and applications of filter radiometers. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2815. pp. 32-41.

Fox, N P; Chunnilall, C J; White, M G* (1998) Detector based transfer standards for improved accuracy in spectral irradiance and radiance measurements. Metrologia, 35 (4). pp. 555-561.

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