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Andries, A; Morse, S; Murphy, R J; Lynch, J; Woolliams, E R (2019) Seeing Sustainability from Space: Using Earth Observation Data to Populate the UN Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. Sustainability, 11 (18). 5062 ISSN 2071-1050

Andries, A; Morse, S; Murphy, R J; Lynch, J; Woolliams, E R (2022) Using Data from Earth Observation to Support Sustainable Development Indicators: An Analysis of the Literature and Challenges for the Future. Sustainability, 1 (3). 1191

Antoine, D; Vellucci, V; Banks, A C; Bardey, P; Bretagnon, M; Bruniquel, V; Deru, A; Hembise Fanton d’Andon, O; Lerebourg, C; Mangin, A; Crozel, D; Victori, S; Kalampokis, A; Karageorgis, A P; Petihakis, G; Psarra, S; Golbol, M; Leymarie, E; Bialek, A; Fox, N; Hunt, S; Kuusk, J; Laizans, K; Kanakidou, M (2020) ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration Infrastructure. Remote Sensing, 12 (10). 1535 ISSN 2072-4292


Ball, C P; Levick, A P; Woolliams, E R; Green, P D; Dury, M R; Winkler, R; Deadman, A J; Fox, N P; King, M D* (2013) Effects of the polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) phase transition at 19 °C on the use of Spectralon as a reference standard for reflectance. Appl. Opt., 52 (20). pp. 4806-4812.

Ball, CP*; Marks, A A*; Green, P D; MacArthur, A*; Maturilli, M*; Fox, N P; King, MD* (2015) Hemispherical-directional reflectance (HDRF) of windblown snow-covered Arctic tundra at large solar zenith angles. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53 (10). pp. 5377-5387.

Banks, A C; Hunt, S E; Gorrono, J; Scanlon, T; Woolliams, E R; Fox, N P (2017) A comparison of validation and vicarious calibration of high and medium resolution satellite-borne sensors using RadCalNet. Proceedings of SPIE, 10423. 104231A

Banks, A C; Melin, F* (2015) A satellite ocean colour specral library for the analysis and classification of extreme optical conditions in European seas. In: 2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 26-31 July 2015, Milan, Italy.

Banks, A C; Vendt, R; Alikas, K; Bialek, A; Kuusk, J; Lerebourg, C; Ruddick, K; Tilstone, G; Vabson, V; Donlon, C; Casal, T (2020) Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC). Remote Sensing, 12 (8). 1322 ISSN 2072-4292

Barker, A; Banks, A; Bell, W*; Dowell, M*; Fox, N P; Green, P; Lecomte, P*; Merchant, C*; Saunders, R*; Schultz, J*; Whitney, M (2015) Metrology for climate. Metrology priorities for the earth observation and climate community. Technical Report.

Barker, A; Nightingale, J; Banks, A; Scanlon, T (2015) Quality assurance for FOREST data products: recommendations for future improvements. NPL Report. ENV 5

Barker, A; Origo, N; Nightingale, J (2015) Quality assurance framework for forest monitoring programmes. NPL Report. OP 10

Bauwens, S*; Bartholomeus, H*; Calders, K; Lejeune, P* (2016) Forest inventory with terrestrial LiDAR: a comparison of static and hand-held mobile laser scanning. Forests, 7. p. 127.

Behnert, I D; Pengrum-Browning, H; Deadman, A J (2010) Building and operating procedure for the Gonio RAdiometric Spectrometer System (GRASS). NPL Report. ENG 27

Bellassen, V*; Stephan, N*; Afriat, M*; Alberola, E*; Barker, A; Chang, J P*; Chiquet, C*; Cochran, I*; Deheza, M*; Dimopoulos, C; Foucherot, C*; Jacquier, G*; Morel, R*; Robinson, R; Shishlov, I* (2015) Monitoring, reporting and verifying emissions in the climate economy. Nature Climate Change, 5 (4). pp. 319-328.

Bialek, A; Goodman, T; Woolliams, E; Brachmann, J F S; Schwarzmaier, T; Kuusk, J; Ansko, I; Vabson, V; Lau, I C; MacLellan, C; Marty, S; Ondrusek, M; Servantes, W; Taylor, S; Van Dommelen, R; Barnard, A; Vellucci, V; Banks, A C; Fox, N; Vendt, R; Donlon, C; Casal, T (2020) Results from Verification of Reference Irradiance and Radiance Sources Laboratory Calibration Experiment Campaign. Remote Sensing, 12 (14). 2220 ISSN 2072-4292

Bialek, A; Greenwell, C; Lamare, M; Meygret, A*; Marcq, S*; Lacherade, S*; Woolliams, E R; Berthelot, B*; Bouvet, M*; King, M*; Underwood, C*; Fox, N P (2016) New radiometric calibration site located at Gobabeb, Namib desert. In: 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 10-15 July 2016, Beijing, CHina.

Birch, J R; Clarke, F J J (1998) Interreflection errors in Fourier transform spectroscopy: a preliminary appraisal. Anal. Chim. Acta, 380 (2-3). pp. 369-378.

Boersma, K; Eskes, H J; Richter, A; De Smedt, I; Lorente, A; Beirle, S; van Geffen, J H G M; Zara, M; Peters, E; Van Roozendael, M; Wagner, T; Maasakkers, J D; van der A, R J; Nightingale, J; De Rudder, A; Irie, H; Pinardi, G; Lambert, J C; Compernolle, S C (2018) Improving algorithms and uncertainty estimates for satellite NO2 retrievals: results from the quality assurance for the essential climate variables (QA4ECV) project. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11 (12). pp. 6651-6678. ISSN 1867-8548

Boesch, H; Brindley, H; Carminati, F; Fox, N; Helder, D; Hewison, T; Houtz, D; Hunt, S; Kopp, G; Mlynczak, M; Pagano, T S; Revercomb, H; Richard, E; Rosenkranz, P; Shea, Y; Simis, S; Smith, D; Stone, T C; Sun, W; Xiong, J; Wielicki, B; Yang, H; Ye, X (2022) SI-traceable space-based climate observation system: a CEOS and GSICS workshop, National Physical Laboratory, London, UK, 9-11 Sept 2019. Other.

Boucher, Y*; Viallefont, F*; Deadman, A J; Fox, N P; Behnert, I; Griffith, D*; Harris, P M; Helder, D*; Knaeps, E*; Leigh, L*; Li, Y*; Ozen, H*; Ponzoni, F*; Sterckx, S* (2011) Spectral reflectance measurement methodologies for TUZ GOLU field campaign. In: 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2011), 24-29 July 2011, Vancouver, Canada.

Bouvet, M; Thome, K; Berthelot, B; Bialek, A; Czapla-Myers, J; Fox, N P; Goryl, P; Henry, P; Ma, L L; Marcq, S; Meygret, A; Wenny, B; Woolliams, E R (2019) RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Observing Imagers Operating in the Visible to Shortwave Infrared Spectral Range. Remote Sensing, 11 (20). 2401 ISSN 2072-4292

Brown, L A; Camacho, F; Garcia-Santos, V; Origo, N; Fuster, B; Morris, H; Pastor-Guzman, J; Sanchez-Zapero, J; Morrone, R; Ryder, J; Nightingale, J; Boccia, V; Dash, J (2021) Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation Bio-Geophysical Variables: An End-to-End Uncertainty Evaluation Framework. Remote Sensing, 13 (16). 3194

Bulgin, C E; Thomas, C M; Waller, J A; Woolliams, E R (2022) Representation Uncertainty in the Earth Sciences. Earth and Space Science, 9 (6). e2021EA002129


Calders, K; Burt, A*; Origo, N; Disney, M*; Nightingale, J; Raumonen, P*; Lewis, P* (2016) Large-area virtual forests from terrestrial laser scanning data. In: 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 10-15 July 2016, Beijing, China.

Calders, K; Disney, M*; Armston, J*; Burt, A*; Brede, B*; Origo, N; Muir, J*; Nightingale, J (2017) Evaluation of the range accuracy and the radiometric calibration of multiple terrestrial laser scanning instruments for data interoperability. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 55 (5). pp. 2716-2724.

Calders, K; Jonckheere, I; Nightingale, J; Vastaranta, M (2020) Remote Sensing Technology Applications in Forestry and REDD+. Forests, 11 (2). 188 ISSN 1999-4907

Calders, K; Origo, N; Disney, M; Nightingale, J; Woodgate, W; Armston, J; Lewis, P (2018) Variability and bias in active and passive ground-based measurements of effective plant, wood and leaf area index. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 252. pp. 231-240.

Calders, K; Verbeek, H; Burt, A; Origo, N; Nightingale, J; Malhi, Y; Wilkes, P; Raumoner, P; Bunce, R G H; Disney, M (2022) Laser scanning reveals potential underestimation of biomass carbon in temperate forests. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3 (4). e12197

Campos, J; Ferrero, A; Woolliams, E; Greenwell, C; Bialek, A; Hernanz, L; Pons, A (2018) Principal component analysis of reference sites used for calibration and validation of Earth observation satellites. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 972. 012004 ISSN 1742-6588

Cao, Y; Koutsourakis, G; Sutton, G J M; Kneller, J W E; Wood, S; Blakesley, J; Castro, F A (2019) In situ contactless thermal characterisation and imaging of encapsulated photovoltaic devices using phosphor thermometry. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 27 (8). pp. 673-681. ISSN 1062-7995

Cessateur, G*; Schmutz, W*; Wehrli, C*; Grobner, J*; Haberreiter, M*; Kretzschmar, M*; Rozanov, E*; Scholl, M*; Shapiro, A*; Thuillier, G*; Egorova, T*; Finsterle, W*; Fox, N P; Hochedez, J F*; Koller, S*; Meftah, M*; Meindl, P*; Nyeki, S*; Pfiffner, D*; Roth, H*; Rouze, M*; Spescha, M*; Tagirov, R*; Werner, L*; Wyss, J U* (2016) Solar irradiance observations with PREMOS filter radiometers on the PICARD mission: in-flight performance and data release. Astron. Astrophys., 588 (2). A126.

Clarke, F J J; Birch, J R; Chunnilall, C J; Smart, M P (2002) FTIR measurements - standards and accuracy. Vib. Spectrosc., 30 (1). pp. 25-9.

Clarke, H*; Halstall, K*; Fox, N P; Nightingale, T* (2013) The CEMS data integrity pilot project. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium. Proceedings, 9-13 September 2013, Edinburgh, UK.

Clerc, S; Donlon, C; Borde, F; Lamquin, N; Hunt, S E; Smith, D; McMillan, M; Mittaz, J; Woolliams, E; Hammond, M; Banks, C; Moreau, T; Picard, B; Raynal, M; Rieu, P; Guérou, A (2020) Benefits and Lessons Learned from the Sentinel-3 Tandem Phase. Remote Sensing, 12 (17). 2668 ISSN 2072-4292

Coll, C; Niclòs, R; Puchades, J; García-Santos, V; Galve, J M; Pérez-Planells, L; Valor, E; Theocharous, E (2019) Laboratory calibration and field measurement of land surface temperature and emissivity using thermal infrared multiband radiometers. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 78. pp. 227-239. ISSN 03032434

Cuni-Sanchez, A*; Pfeifer, M*; Marchant, R*; Calders, K; Sorensen, C L*; Pompeu, P V*; Lewis, S L*; Burgess, N D* (2017) New insights on above ground biomass and forest attributes in tropical montane forests. Forest Ecol. Manage., 399. pp. 235-246.

Cuni-Sanchez, A*; White, L J T*; Calders, K; Jeffery, K J*; Abernethy, K*; Burt, A*; Disney, M*; Gilpin, M*; Gomez-Dans, J L*; Lewis, S L* (2016) Africian savanna-forest boundary dynamics: a 20 year study. PLOS One, 11 (6). e0156934


Da Silva, E; Woolliams, E R; Picot, N; Poisson, J-C; Skourup, H; Moholdt, G; Fleury, S; Behnia, S; Facier, V; Arnaud, L; Aublanc, J; Fouqueau, V; Taburet, N; Renou, J; Yesou, H; Tarpanelli, A; Camici, S; Hansen, R M F; Nielsen, K; Vivier, F; Boy, F; Fjortoft, R; Cancet, M; Ferrari, R; Picard, G; Tourian, M J; Sneeuw, N; Munesa, E; Calzas, M; Paris, A; Le Meur, E; Rabatel, A; Valladeau, G; Bonnefond, P; Labroue, S; Andersen, O; El Hajj, M; Catapano, F; Famenias, P (2023) Towards operational Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM) data for the calibration and validation of the Sentinel-3 surface topography mission over inland waters, sea ice and land ice. Remote Sensing, 15 (19). 4826

De Vis, P; Melin, F; Hunt, S E; Morrone, R; Sinclair, M; Bell, B (2022) Ancillary Data Uncertainties within the SeaDAS Uncertainty Budget for Ocean Colour Retrievals. Remote Sensing, 14 (3). 497

Disney, M I; Vicari, M B; Boni, B A; Calders, K; Lewis, S L; Raumonen, P; Wilkes, P (2018) Weighing trees with lasers: advances, challenges and opportunities. Interface Focus, 8 (2). 20170048


Fox, N P (1995) Improved radiometric calibration techniques for multi-spectral remote sensing satellite instrumentation. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 2585. pp. 257-266.

Fox, N P; Green, P D; Brindley, H*; Russell, J*; Smith, D*; Lobb, D*; Cutter, M*; Barnes, A* (2013) TRUTHS (Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio-Studies) a mission to achive 'climate quality' data. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium. Proceedings, 9-13 September 2013, Edinburgh, UK.

Fox, N P; Green, P D; Winkler, R; Lobb, D*; Friend, J* (2016) Traceble Radiometery Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio- Studies (TRUTHS): establishing a climate and calibration observatory in space. In: 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 10-15 July 2016, Beijing, China.

Fox, N P; Kaiser-Weiss, A*; Schmutz, W*; Thome, K*; Young, D*; Wielicki, B*; Winkler, R; Woolliams, E (2011) Accurate radiometry from space: an essential tool for climate studies. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 369 (1953). pp. 4028-4063.

Fox, Nigel; Green, Paul (2020) Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio-Studies (TRUTHS): An Element of a Space-Based Climate and Calibration Observatory. Remote Sensing, 12 (15). 2400 ISSN 2072-4292


Giering, R; Quast, R; Mittaz, J P D; Hunt, S E; Harris, P M; Woolliams, E R; Merchant, C J (2019) A Novel Framework to Harmonise Satellite Data Series for Climate Applications. Remote Sensing, 11 (9). 1002 ISSN 2072-4292

Gonzalez de Tanago, J; Lau, A; Bartholomeus, H; Herold, M; Avitabile, V; Raumonen, P; Martius, C; Goodman, R C; Disney, M; Manuri, S; Burt, A; Calders, K; Kriticos, D (2018) Estimation of above-ground biomass of large tropical trees with terrestrial LiDAR. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (2). pp. 223-234. ISSN 2041210X

Gorrono, J; Banks, A C; Fox, N P; Underwood, C (2017) Radiometric inter-sensor cross-calibration uncertainty using a traceable high accuracy reference hyperspectral imager. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 130. pp. 393-417.

Gorrono, J; Bialek, A; Green, P D; Harris, P M; Scanlon, T; Fox, N P; Underwood, C* (2016) Non-normal distribution of the top-of-atmosphere satellite optical measurements over calibration sites. Int. J. Remote Sens., 37 (19). pp. 4665-4682.

Gorrono, J; Fomferra, N*; Peters, M*; Gascon, F*; Underwood, C I*; Fox, N P; Kirches, G*; Brockmann, C* (2017) A radiometric uncertainty tool for the Sentinel 2 mission. Remote Sens., 9 (2). p. 178.

Gorrono, J; Fox, N P; Bialek, A; Green, P; Scanlon, T (2015) Truths cross-calibration uncertainty tool. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 26-31 July 2015, Milan, Italy.

Gorrono, J; Gascon, F* (2013) Sentinel-2 radiometric uncertainty tool. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium. Proceedings, 9-13 September 2013, Edinburgh, UK.

Gorrono, J; Hunt, S; Scanlon, T; Banks, A; Fox, N P; Woolliams, E; Underwood, C; Gascon, F; Peters, M; Fomferra, N; Govaerts, Y; Lamquin, N; Bruniquel, V (2018) Providing uncertainty estimates of the Sentinel-2 top-of-atmosphere measurements for radiometric validation activities. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 51 (1). pp. 650-666. ISSN 2279-7254

Green, P D; Fox, N P; Lobb, D*; Friend, J* (2015) The Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial and Helio Studies (TRUTHS) mission. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 9639. 96391C

Griffith, D W T*; Jones, N B*; McNamara, B*; Paton Walsh, C; Bell, W; Bernardo, C* (2003) Intercomparison of NDSC ground-based solar FTIR measurements of atmospheric gases at Lauder, New Zealand. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 20 (8). pp. 1138-1153.

Grotti, M; Calders, K; Origo, N; Puletti, N; Alivernini, A; Ferrara, C; Chianucci, F (2020) An intensity, image-based method to estimate gap fraction, canopy openness and effective leaf area index from phase-shift terrestrial laser scanning. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 280. 107766 ISSN 01681923

Gutschwager, B*; Theocharous, E; Monte, C*; Adibekyan, A*; Reiniger, M*; Fox, N P; Hollandt, J* (2013) Comparison of the radiation temperature scales of the PTB and the NPL in the temperature range from -57 °C to 50 °C. Meas. Sci. Technol., 24 (6). 065002


Hakala, T; Markelin, L; Honkavaara, E; Scott, B; Theocharous, T; Nevalainen, O; Näsi, R; Suomalainen, J; Viljanen, N; Greenwell, C; Fox, N (2018) Direct Reflectance Measurements from Drones: Sensor Absolute Radiometric Calibration and System Tests for Forest Reflectance Characterization. Sensors, 18 (5). 1417 ISSN 1424-8220

Harrison, N J; Fox, N P; Sperfeld, P*; Metzdorf, J*; Khlevnoy, B B*; Stolyarevskaya, R I*; Khromchenko, V B*; Mekhontsev, S N*; Shapoval, V I*; Zelener, M F*; Sapritsky, V I (1998) International comparison of radiation-temperature measurements with filtered detectors over the temperature range 1380 K to 3100 K. Metrologia, 35 (4). pp. 283-288.

Herold, M; Carter, S; Avitabile, V; Espejo, A B; Jonckheere, I; Lucas, R; McRoberts, R E; Næsset, E; Nightingale, J; Petersen, R; Reiche, J; Romijn, E; Rosenqvist, A; Rozendaal, D M A; Seifert, F M; Sanz, M J; De Sy, V (2019) The Role and Need for Space-Based Forest Biomass-Related Measurements in Environmental Management and Policy. Surveys in Geophysics, 40 (4). pp. 757-778. ISSN 0169-3298

Hofman, J*; Bartholomeus, H*; Janssen, S*; Calders, K; Wuyts, K*; Van Wittenberghe, S*; Samson, R* (2016) Influence of tree crown characteristics on the local PM10 distribution inside an urban street canyon in Antwerp (Belgium): a model and experiemental approach. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 20. pp. 265-276.

Hueni, A*; Bialek, A (2017) Cause effect and correction of field spectroradiometer inter-channel radiometric steps. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens., 10 (4). pp. 1542-1551.

Hunt, S E; Mittaz, J P D; Smith, D; Polehampton, E; Yemelyanova, R; Woolliams, E R; Donlon, C (2020) Comparison of the Sentinel-3A and B SLSTR Tandem Phase Data Using Metrological Principles. Remote Sensing, 12 (18). 2893 ISSN 2072-4292

Hunt, S E; Quast, R; Harris, P M; Mittaz, J P D; Woolliams, E R; Giering, R; Dilo, A; Merchant, C J (2018) A Metrological Approach to Producing Harmonised Fundamental Climate Data Records from Long-Term Sensor Series Data. In: IGARSS 2018 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 22-27 July 2018, Valencia, Spain.


Imani, G*; Boyemb, F*; Lewis, S*; Nabahungu, N L*; Calders, K; Zapfack, L*; Riera, B*; Balegamire, C*; Cuni-Sanchez, A* (2017) Height-diameter allometry and above ground biomass in tropical montane forests: insights from the Albertine Rift in Africa. PLOS One, 12 (6). e0179653


Jaanson, P; Bialek, A; Greenwell, C; Mantynen, H; Widlowski, J L; Manoocheri, F; Lassila, A; Fox, Nigel; Ikonen, E (2018) Toward SI Traceability of a Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Model in the Visible Range. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56 (3). pp. 1360-1373. ISSN 0196-2892

Jackson, T.; Shenkin, A.; Moore, J.; Bunce, A.; van Emmerik, T.; Kane, B.; Burcham, D.; James, K.; Selker, J.; Calders, K.; Origo, N.; Disney, M.; Burt, A.; Wilkes, P.; Raumonen, P.; Gonzalez de Tanago Menaca, J.; Lau, A.; Herold, M.; Goodman, R. C.; Fourcaud, T.; Malhi, Y. (2019) An architectural understanding of natural sway frequencies in trees. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 16 (155). 20190116 ISSN 1742-5689

Jackson, T.; Shenkin, A.; Wellpott, A.; Calders, K.; Origo, N.; Disney, M.; Burt, A.; Raumonen, P.; Gardiner, B.; Herold, M.; Fourcaud, T.; Malhi, Y. (2019) Finite element analysis of trees in the wind based on terrestrial laser scanning data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 265. pp. 137-144. ISSN 01681923

Juchheim, J; Annighofer, P; Ammer, C; Calders, K; Raumonen, P; Seidel, D (2017) How management intensity and neighborhood composition affect the structure of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees. Trees - Structure and Function, 31 (5). pp. 1723-1735.


Karageorgis, A.P.; Drakopoulos, P.G.; Psarra, S.; Pagou, K.; Krasakopoulou, E.; Banks, A.C.; Velaoras, D.; Spyridakis, N.; Papathanassiou, E. (2017) Particle characterization and composition in the NE Aegean Sea: Combining optical methods and biogeochemical parameters. Continental Shelf Research, 149. pp. 96-111. ISSN 02784343

Kharbouche, S*; Muller, J P*; Gatebe, C K*; Scanlon, T; Banks, A C (2017) Assessment of satellite-derived surface reflectances by NASA's CAR airborne radiometer over railroad valley playa. Remote Sens., 9 (6). p. 562.

Khlevnoy, B B; Harrison, N J; Rogers, L J; Pollard, D F; Fox, N P; Sperfeld, P*; Fischer, J*; Friedrich, R*; Metzdorf, J*; Seidel, J*; Samoylov, M L*; Stolyarevskaya, R I*; Khromchenko, V B*; Osgarev, S A*; Sapritsky, V I* (2003) Intercomparison of radiation temperature measurements over the temperature range from 1600 K to 3300K. Metrologia, 40 (1). S39-S44


Leigh, L*; Helder,D*,, ; Behnert, I; Deadman, A J; Fox, N P; Leloglu, U M*; Ozen, H*; Griffith, D* (2011) Tuz Golu site characteristics. In: 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2011), 24-29 July 2011, Vancouver, Canada.

Levick, A P; Greenwell, C L; Irland, J; Woolliams, E R; Goodman, T M; Bialek, A; Fox, N P (2014) A spectral radiance source based on a supercontinuum laser and wavelength tunable bandpass filter: the spectrally tuneable absolute irradiance and radiance source. Appl. Opt., 53 (16). pp. 3508-3519.

Li, L; Wu, Z; Woolliams, E R; Dai, C; Wang, Y (2022) A simple method of UV stray light correction for field spectrometers in Ground Validation Sites. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2149. 012004

Lobelle, D.; Beaulieu, C.; Livina, V.; Sévellec, F.; Frajka‐Williams, E. (2020) Detectability of an AMOC Decline in Current and Projected Climate Changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (20). e2020GL089974 ISSN 0094-8276

Lolli, L*; Pisani, M*; Rajteri, M*; Widlowski, J-L*; Bialek, A*; Greenwell, C*; Fox, N P (2014) Phytos: a portable goniometer for it situ spectro-directional measurements of leaves. Metrologia, 51 (6). S309-S313


Ma, L; Zhao, Y; Woolliams, E R; Dai, C; Wang, N; Liu, Y; Li, L; Wang, X; Gao, C; Li, C; Tang, L (2020) Uncertainty Analysis for RadCalNet Instrumented Test Sites Using the Baotou Sites BTCN and BSCN as Examples. Remote Sensing, 12 (11). 1696 ISSN 2072-4292

Malhi, Y; Jackson, T; Patrick Bentley, L; Lau, A; Shenkin, A; Herold, M; Calders, K; Bartholomeus, H; Disney, M I (2018) New perspectives on the ecology of tree structure and tree communities through terrestrial laser scanning. Interface Focus, 8 (2). 20170052 ISSN 2042-8898

Mannan, R; Halsall, K; Albinet, C; Ottavianelli, G; Goryl, P; Boccia, V; Melchiorre, A; Piro, A; Giudici, D; Fox, N; Hunt, S; Saunier, S (2019) ESA's Earthnet Data Assessment Pilot: paving the way for new space players. Proceedings of SPIE, 11151. 111511X

Marks, A; Fragiacomo, C*; MacArthur, A*; Zibordi, G*; Fox, N P; King, M D* (2015) Characterisation of the HDRF (as a proxy for BRDF) of snow surfaces at Dome C, Antarctica, for the inter-calibration and inter-comparison of satellite optical data. Remote Sens. Environ., 158. pp. 407-416.

Meier, A*; Paton-Walsh, C*; Bell, W*; Blumenstock, T*; Hase, F*; Goldman, A*; Steen, A*; Kift, R; Woods, P T; Kondo, Y* (2005) Evidence of reduced measurement uncertainties from an FTIR instrument intercomparison at Kiruna, Sweden. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 96. pp. 75-84.

Melin, F; Colandrea, P; De Vis, P; Hunt, S M (2022) Sensitivity of Ocean Color Atmospheric Correction to Uncertainties in Ancillary Data: A Global Analysis With SeaWiFS Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60. 5619018

Merchant, C J; Holl, G; Mittaz, J P D; Woolliams, E R (2019) Radiance Uncertainty Characterisation to Facilitate Climate Data Record Creation. Remote Sensing, 11 (5). 474 ISSN 2072-4292

Merchant, C J*; Paul, F*; Popp, T*; Ablain, M*; Bontemps, S*; Defourny, P*; Hollmann, R*; Lavergne, T*; Laeng, A*; de Leeuw, G*; Mittaz, J; Poulsen, C*; Povey, A C*; Reuter, M*; Sathyendranath, S*; Sandven, S*; Sofieva, V F*; Wagner, W* (2017) Uncertainty information in climate data records from Earth observations. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9 (2). pp. 511-527.

Middleton, C; Woolliams, E; Maclellan, C; Underwood, C; Fox, N (2021) Calibration of Chaff: Cubesat Hyperspectral Application for Farming. In: 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 11-16 July 2021, Brussels, Belgium.

Milton, E J*; Schaepman, M E*; Anderson, K*; Kneubuhler, M*; Fox, N P (2009) Progress in field spectroscopy. Remote Sens. Environ., 113. S92-S109

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