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Calonico, D; Clivati, C; Levi, F; Krehlik, P; Sliwczynski, L; Dostal, J; Radil, J; Smotlacha, V; Velc, R; Vojtech, J; Campanella, M; Cip, O; Rerucha, S; Holzwarth, R; Lessing, M; Saint-Jalm, S; Camargo, F; Desruelle, B; Lautier-Gaud, J; English, E L; Kronjager, J; Whibberley, P; John, F; Snajder, M; Stefl, J; Nogas, P; Urbaniak, R; Binczewski, A; Bogacki, W; Turza, K; Grosche, G; Schnatz, H; Camisard, E; Quintin, N; Diaz, J; Garcia, T; Ros, E; Galardini, A; Seeds, A; Yang, Z; Amy-Klein, A; Bookjans, E; Pottie, P-E; Tuckey, P (2018) The H2020 European project CLONETS: Clock services over optical-fibre networks in Europe. In: 2018 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 10-12 April 2018, Turin, Italy.
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Godun, R M; Baynham, C F A; Jones, J M; King, S A; Nisbet-Jones, P B R; Baynes, F; Rolland, A; Baird, P E G; Bongs, K; Gill, P; Petit, G; Margolis, H S (2018) Absolute frequency measurement of the ytterbium ion E3 optical clock transition using international atomic time. In: 2018 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 10-12 April 2018, Turin, Italy.
Gubin, M*; Kovalchuk, E*; Petrukhin, E*; Shelkovnikov, A*; Tyurikov, D*; Gamidov, R*; Erdogan, C*; Sahin, E*; Felder, R*; Gill, P; Lea, S N; Kramer, G*; Lipphardt, B* (2002) Absolute frequency measurements with a set of transportable He-Ne/CH4 optical frequency standards and prospects for future design and applications. In: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, 9-14 September 2001, University of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, UK.
Hill, I R; Hobson, R; Bowden, W; Schioppo, M; Silva, A; Gill, P; Margolis, H; Huillery, P H; Jones, M P A (2018) Sr Lattice Clocks at NPL. In: 2018 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), 21-24 May 2018, Olympic Valley, CA, USA.
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Hosaka, K; Webster, S A; Stannard, A; Margolis, H S; Lea, S N; Walton, B R; Gill, P (2006) An 171Yb+ optical frequency standard at 467 nm. In: CPEM 2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 9-14 July 2006, Torino, Italy.
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Krehlik, P; Sliwczynski, L; Dostal, J; Radil, J; Smotlacha, V; Velc, R; Vojtech, J; Campanella, M; Calonico, D; Clivati, C; Levi, F; Cip, O; Rerucha, S; Holzwarth, O; Lessing, M; Camargo, F; Desruelle, B; Lautier-Gaud, J; Laier English, E; Kronjaeger, J; Whibberley, P; Pottie, P-E; Tavares, R; Tuckey, P; John, F; Snajder, M; Stefl, J; Nogas, P; Urbaniak, R; Binczewski, A; Bogacki, W; Turza, K; Grosche, G; Schnatz, H; Camisard, E; Quintin, N; Diaz, J; Ros, E; Galardini, A; Seeds, A; Yang, Z; Amy-Klein, A (2017) CLONETS - clock network services: strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks. In: 2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2-6 July 2017, Girona, Spain.
Krehlik, P; Sliwczynski, L; Dostal, J; Radil, J; Smotlacha, V; Velc, R; Vojtech, J; Campanella, M; Calonico, D; Clivati, C; Levi, F; Cip, O; Rerucha, S; Holzwarth, R; Lessing, M; Camargo, F; Desruelle, B; Lautier-Gaud, J; Laier English, E; Kronjager, J; Whibberley, P; Pottie, P-E; Tavares, R; Tuckey, P; John, F; Snajder, M; Stefl, J; Nogas, P; Urbaniak, R; Binczewski, A; Bogacki, W; Turza, K; Grosche, G; Schnatz, H; Camisard, E; Quintin, N; Diaz, J; Garcia, T; Ros, E; Galardini, A; Seeds, A; Yang, Z; Amy-Klein, A (2017) CLONETS – Clock network services strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks. In: 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), 9-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
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Margolis, H S; Denker, H; Voigt, C; Timmen, L; Grotti, J; Koller, S; Vogt, S; Häfner, S; Sterr, U; Lisdat, C; Rolland, A; Baynes, F N; Zampaolo, M; Thoumany, P; Pizzocaro, M; Rauf, B; Bregolin, F; Tampellini, A; Barbieri, P; Zucco, M; Costanzo, G A; Clivati, C; Levi, F; Calonico, D (2019) Optical Atomic Clocks: From International Timekeeping to Gravity Potential Measurement. In: 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 5-10 May 2019, San Jose, CA, USA.
Margolis, H S; Godun, R M*; Gill, P; Johnson, L A M*; Shemar, S L*; Whibberley, P B; Calonico, D*; Levi, F*; Lorini, L*; Pizzocaro, M*; Delva, P*; Bize, S*; Achkar, J*; Denker, H*; Timmen, L*; Voigt, C*; Falke, S*; Piester, D*; Lisdat. C*,, ; Sterr, U*; Vogt, S*; Weyers, S*; Gersl, J*; Lindvall, T*; Merimaa, M* (2013) International timescales with optical cloacks (ITOC). In: 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency COntrol Symposium (EFTF/IFC 2013), 21-25 July 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.
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Ovchinnikov, Y B; Moore, R; Bunting, A; Risske, J O; Ayi-Yovo, F; Guarrera, V; Edris, S (2018) Towards continuous all-optical waveguide interferometers for matter waves. In: 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL'2018), 9-11 May 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
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Shautsova, V; Güsken, N A; Sidiropoulos, T; Xiao, X F; Black, N C G; Gilbertson, A M; Giannini, V; Maier, S A; Cohen, L F; Oulton, R F (2019) Plasmonic photo-thermo-electric effect in graphene. In: 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 5-10 May 2019, San Jose, CA, USA.
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Svela, A O; Silver, J M; Bino, L D; Ghalanos, G; Moroney, N; Woodley, M T M; Zhang, S Y; Vanner, M R; Del'Haye, P (2019) Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Based Near-Field Sensing with a Microresonator. In: 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 5-10 May 2019, San Jose, CA, USA.
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