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GAUGE: the GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer

Amelino-Camelia, G*; Aplin, K*; Arndt, M*; Barrow, J D*; Bingham, R J*; Borde, C*; Bouyer, P*; Caldwell, M*; Cruise, A M*; Damour, T*; D'Arrigo, P*; Dittus, H*; Ertmer, W*; Foulon, B*; Gill, P; Hammond, G D*; Hough, J*; Jentsch, C*; Johann, U*; Jetzer, P*; Klein, H A; Lambrecht, A*; Lamine, B*; Lammerzahl, C*; Lockerbie, N*; Loeffler, F*; Mendonca, J T*; Mester, J*; Ni, W T*; Pegrum, C*; Peters, A*; Rasel, E*; Reynaud, S*; Shaul, D*; Sumner, T J*; Theil, S*; Torrie, C*; Touboul, P*; Trenkel, C*; Vitale, S*; Vodel, W*; Wang, C*; Ward, H*; Woodgate, A* (2009) GAUGE: the GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer. Exp. Astron., 23 (2). pp. 549-572.

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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Time and Frequency
Time and Frequency > Optical Frequency Standards and Metrology
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:15
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/5120

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