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Items where Subject is "Advanced Materials > Microstructural Characterisation"

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Bennett, E G (2002) Measurement routines for microstructural analysis by image analysis. NPL Report. MATC(MN)26

Chakravorty, S; Nottay, J S (2007) Three dimensional internal imaging of materials structure: a feasibility study. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 038

Clay, K*; Jackson, J D*; Quested, P N; Morrell, R (2009) Improving single-crystal orientation determination for advanced nickel-based alloys. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 112

Lord, J; Cox, D; Ratzke, A; Sebastiani, M; Korsunsky, A; Salvati, E; Mughal, M Z; Bemporad, E (2018) A good practice guide for measuring residual stresses using FIB-DIC. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 143

McDonald, P J*; Gajewicz, A M*; Morrell, R (2017) The characterisation of cement based materials using T2 1H nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation analysis. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 144

Mingard, K P (2023) The use of EBSD for analysis of additively manufactured materials. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 152

Mingard, K P; Bennett, E G; Ive, A J; Roebuck, B (2006) Microstructure mapping in high temperature compression testpieces - grain size metrology by electron back scatter diffraction. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 037

Mingard, K P; Cox, D C; Jones, H G; Gee, M G (2016) The use of focused ion beam microscopy for 3D material characterisation. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 141

Mingard, K P; Quested, P N; Peck, M S (2012) Determination of grain size by EBSD - Report on a round robin measurement of equiaxed titanium. NPL Report. MAT 56

Roebuck, B (1996) Uncertainties in the measurement of partially recrystallised microstructures. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)001

Roebuck, B; Mingard, K P; Brooks, M; Palmiere, E J*; Wynne, B P*; Thomas, M J*; Bryant, M*; Evans, W J* (2008) Good practice guide for quantifying microstructural heterogeneity in hot compression testpieces. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 106

Roebuck, B; Stewart, M; Varma, R K; Orkney, L P (1995) Partially recrystallised Nimonic microstructures - a UK interlaboratory comparison. NPL Report. CMMT(A)5

Tong, V; Mingard, K (2025) Interlaboratory comparison of EBSD grain size distribution analysis methods on an additively manufactured Ni alloy. NPL Report. MAT 130

Tong, V; Mingard, K P (2023) Uncertainties in scanning electron microscopy - dimensional measurement calibration and angular measurement with EBSD. NPL Report. MAT 125


UNSPECIFIED (2022) Micropillar compression of single crystal tungsten carbide, part 2: Lattice rotation axis to identify deformation slip mechanisms. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 103. 105734

Agrawal, A*; Pfefer, T J*; Woolliams, P D; Tomlins, P H*; Nehmetallal, G* (2017) Methods to assess sensitivity of optical coherence tomography systems. Biomed. Opt. Express, 8 (2). pp. 902-917.

Bennett, E G (1994) Interference film microscopy for materials characterisation and measurement. Proceedings RMS, 29 (5). pp. 311-313.

Borgh, I*; Hedstrom, P*; Odqvist, J*; Borgenstam, A*; Agren, J*; Gholinia, A*; Winiarski, B*; Withers, P J*; Thompson, G E*; Mingard, K P; Gee, M G (2013) On the three-dimensional structure of WC grains in cemented carbides. Acta Mater., 61 (13). pp. 4726-4733.

Britton, T B*; Maurice, C*; Fortunier, R*; Driver, J H*; Day, A P*; Meaden, G*; Dingley, D J*; Mingard, K P; Wilkinson, A J* (2010) Factors affecting the accuracy of high resolution electron backscatter diffraction when using simulated patterns. Ultramicroscopy, 110 (12). pp. 1443-1453.

Cai, Q; Cantor, B; Tong, V V S; Wang, F; Mendis, C L; Chang, I T H; Fan, Z Y (2022) Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Quaternary Al-Cu-Si-Mg Eutectic Alloy. Metals, 12 (1). 7

Chapman, J B J; Gindele, O T; Vecchini, C; Thompson, P; Stewart, M; Cain, M G; Duffy, D M; Kimmel, A V (2018) Low temperature ferroelectric behavior in morphotropic Pb (Zr1-xTix)0-3. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101 (2). pp. 874-882.

Clay, K*; Mingard, K P; Morrell, R; Quested, P N (2010) R-value measurement issues for grain boundaries in nickel single crystal castings. Mater. Sci. Technol., 26 (7). pp. 781-786.

D'Souza, N; Roebuck, B; Collins, D M; West, G D; Panwisawas, C (2020) Relating micro-segregation to site specific high temperature deformation in single crystal nickel-base superalloy castings. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 773. 138862 ISSN 09215093

Fry, A T; Patel, M; Gorman, D; Farooqui, At; Wu, J; Wright, L; Baker, M A; Watts, J F (2021) The Effect of Cracking of Thermally Grown Oxide Layers in Thermal Barrier Coatings Examined Using FIB Tomography and Inverse Modelling. Oxidation of Metals, 96. pp. 157-168.

Gant, A.J.; Morrell, R.; Wronski, A.S.; Jones, H.G (2018) Edge toughness of tungsten carbide based hardmetals. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 75. pp. 262-278. ISSN 02634368

Gorman, D; Fry, A T (2017) Porosity connectivity within the spinel layer of the 9 Cr steel grade 91 when exposed to high temperature steam. Oxidation of Metals, 88 (3-4). pp. 435-446.

Griffiths, A J; Nimmo, W; Roebuck, B; Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2004) A novel approach to characterising the mechanical properties of super 13 Cr steel welds. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, Struct. Mater., Prop. Microstruct., Process., 384. pp. 83-91.

Gu, T; Tong, V S; Gourlay, C M; Britton, T B (2020) In-situ study of creep in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder. Acta Materialia, 196. pp. 31-43. ISSN 13596454

Harrer, W*; Deluca, M*; Morrell, R (2014) Failure analysis of a ceramic ball race bearing made of Y-TZP zirconia. Eng. Failure Anal., 36. pp. 262-268.

Iakovakis, E; Roy, M J; Gee, M G; Matthews, A (2020) Evaluation of wear mechanisms in additive manufactured carbide-rich tool steels. Wear, 462-46. 203449 ISSN 00431648

Jablon, B.M; Mingard, K.; Winkelmann, A.; Naresh-Kumar, G.; Hourahine, B.; Trager-Cowan, C. (2020) Subgrain structure and dislocations in WC-Co hard metals revealed by electron channelling contrast imaging. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 87. 105159 ISSN 02634368

Jones, H; Tong, V V; Ramachandramoorthy, R; Mingard, K; Michler, J; Gee, M (2022) Micropillar compression of single crystal tungsten carbide, Part 1: Temperature and orientation dependence of deformation behaviour. International Journal of Thermophysics, 102. 105729

Jones, H G; Day, A P*; Cox, D C (2016) Electron backscatter diffraction studies of focused ion beam induced phase transformation in cobalt. Mater. Charact., 120. pp. 210-219.

Jones, H G; Mingard, K P; Cox, D C (2014) Investigation of slice thickness and shape milled by a focused ion beam for three-dimensional reconstruction of microstructures. Ultramicroscopy, 139. pp. 20-28.

Koko, A; Tong, V; Wilkigson, A J; Marrow, T J (2023) An iterative method for reference pattern selection in high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD). Ultramicroscopy, 248. 113705

Konyashin, I*; Ries, B*; Lachmann, F*; Fry, A T (2013) Gradient WC-Co hardmetals : theory and practice. Int. J. Refrac. Met. Hard Mat., 36. pp. 10-21.

Konyashin, I*; Ries, B*; Lachmann, F*; Fry, A T (2012) A novel sintering techniques for fabrication of functionally gradient WC-Co cemented carbides. J. Mater. Sci., 47 (20). pp. 7072-7084.

Konyashin, I.; Farag, S.; Ries, B.; Roebuck, B. (2019) WC-Co-Re cemented carbides: Structure, properties and potential applications. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 78. pp. 247-253. ISSN 02634368

Li, Z; Koval, V; Mahajan, A; Gao, Z; Vecchini, C; Stewart, M; Cain, M G; Tao, K; Jia, C; Viola, G; Yan, H (2020) Room-temperature multiferroic behavior in layer-structured Aurivillius phase ceramics. Applied Physics Letters, 117 (5). 052903 ISSN 0003-6951

Liu, D; Mingard, K; Lord, O T; Flewitt, P (2017) On the damage and fracture of nuclear graphite at multiple length-scales. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 493. pp. 246-254.

Maurice, C*; Fortunier, R*; Driver, J*; Day, A*; Mingard, K P; Meaden, G* (2010) Comments on the paper "Bragg's Law diffraction simulations for electron backscatter diffraction analysis". Ultramicroscopy, 110 (7). pp. 758-759.

Mingard, K; Roebuck, B; Jones, H; Stewart, M; Cox, D; Gee, M G (2018) Visualisation and measurement of hardmetal microstructures in 3D. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 71. pp. 285-291.

Mingard, K; Stewart, M; Gee, M G; Vespucci, S; Trager-Cowan, C (2018) Practical application of direct electron detectors to EBSD mapping in 2D and 3D. Ultramicroscopy, 184. pp. 242-251.

Mingard, K P; Day, A P*; Quested, P N (2014) Recent developments in two fundamental aspects of electron backscatter diffraction. IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Eng., 55. 012011

Mingard, K P; Day, A*; Maurice, C*; Quested, P N (2011) Towards high accuracy calibration of electron backscatter diffraction systems. Ultramicroscopy, 111 (5). pp. 320-329.

Mingard, K P; Jones, H G; Gee, M G (2014) Metrological challenges for reconstruction of 3D microstructures by focused ion beam tomography methods. J. Microsc., 253 (2). pp. 93-108.

Mingard, K P; Jones, H G; Gee, M G; Roebuck, B; Nunn, J W (2013) In situ observation of crack growth in a WC-Co hardmetal and characterisation of crack growth morphologies by EBSD. Int. J. Refrac. Met. Hard Mat., 36. pp. 136-142.

Mingard, K P; Roebuck, B (2019) Interlaboratory Measurements of Contiguity in WC-Co Hardmetals. Metals, 9 (3). 328 ISSN 2075-4701

Mingard, K P; Roebuck, B; Marshall, J*; Sweetman, G* (2011) Some aspects of the structure of hardmetal binder phases. Acta. Mater., 59 (6). pp. 2277-2290.

Mingard, K P; Roebuck, B; Quested, P N; Bennett, E G (2010) Challenges in microstructural metrology for advanced engineered materials. Metrologia, 47 (2). S67-S82

Mingard, K.; Moseley, S.; Norgren, S.; Zakaria, H.; Jones, D.; Roebuck, B. (2021) Microstructural observations of high temperature creep processes in hardmetals. Powder Metallurgy, 64 (2). pp. 97-107. ISSN 0032-5899

Morrell, R; Mingard, K; Zunega, J* (2017) Fractography of hardmetal dies used for the manufacture of polycrystalline diamond. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 37 (14). pp. 4259-4264.

Naresh-Kumar, G.; Alasmari, A.; Kusch, G.; Edwards, P.R.; Martin, R.W.; Mingard, K.P.; Trager-Cowan, C. (2020) Metrology of crystal defects through intensity variations in secondary electrons from the diffraction of primary electrons in a scanning electron microscope. Ultramicroscopy, 213. 112977 ISSN 03043991

Nunn, J (2016) DIY soundcard based temperature logging system. Part I: design. Phys. Educ., 51 (6). 065002

Nunn, J (2016) DIY soundcard based temperature logging system. Part II: applications. Phys. Educ., 51 (6). 065003

Panwisawas, C; D’Souza, N; Collins, D M; Bhowmik, A; Roebuck, B (2018) History Dependence of the Microstructure on Time-Dependent Deformation During In-Situ Cooling of a Nickel-Based Single-Crystal Superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49 (9). pp. 3963-3972. ISSN 1073-5623

Pascal, E.; Hourahine, B.; Naresh-Kumar, G.; Mingard, K.; Trager-Cowan, C. (2018) Dislocation contrast in electron channelling contrast images as projections of strain-like components. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5 (6). pp. 14652-14661. ISSN 22147853

Paton, K R; Despotelis, K; Kumar, N; Turner, P; Pollard, A J (2023) On the use of Raman Spectroscopy to Characterize Mass Produced Graphene Nanoplatelets. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 14. pp. 509-521.

Quested, P N; Hayes, D M; Mills, K C (1993) Factors affecting raft formation in electron beam buttons. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, Struct. Mater., Prop. Microstruct., Process., A173. pp. 371-377.

Rivas Santos, V M; Thompson, A; Sims-Waterhouse, D; Maskery, I; Woolliams, P; Leach, R (2020) Design and characterisation of an additive manufacturing benchmarking artefact following a design-for-metrology approach. Additive Manufacturing, 32. 100964 ISSN 22148604

Roebuck, B; Klose, P*; Mingard, K P (2012) Hardness of hexagonal tungsten carbide crystals as a function of orientation. Acta Mater., 60 (17). pp. 6131-6143.

Roebuck, B; Mingard. K P,, ; Brooks, M; Palmiere, E J*; Wynne, B P*; Thomas, M J* (2008) Mapping microstructure in AC and PSC testpieces deformed at high temperature. Comput. Methods Mater. Sci., 7 (4). pp. 406-415.

Sun, L*; Thomas, M J*; Wynne, B P*; Palmiere, E J*; Mingard, K P; Roebuck, B (2010) Mapping microstructure inhomogeneity using electron backscatter diffraction in 316L stainless steel subjected to hot plane strain compression tests. Mater. Sci. Technol., 26 (12). pp. 1477-1486.

Toller-Nordström, L.; Mingard, K.; Norgren, S. (2019) Deformation induced martensite in a Fe-Ni-Co binder phase of a hardmetal. Materials Characterization, 155. 109783 ISSN 10445803

Townsend, A; Racasan, R; Leach, R; Senin, N; Thompson, A; Ramsey, A; Bate, D; Woolliams, P; Brown, S; Blunt, L (2018) An interlaboratory comparison of X-ray computed tomography measurement for texture and dimensional characterisation of additively manufactured parts. Additive Manufacturing, 23. pp. 422-432. ISSN 22148604

Trager-Cowan, C; Alasmari, A; Avis, W; Bruckbauer, J; Edwards, P R; Hourahine, B; Kraeusel, S; Kusch, G; Jablon, B M; Johnston, R; Martin, R W; Mcdermott, R; Naresh-Kumar, G; Nouf-Allehiani, M; Pascal, E; Thomson, D; Vespucci, S; Mingard, K; Parbrook, P J; Smith, M D; Enslin, J; Mehnke, F; Kneissl, M; Kuhn, C; Wernicke, T; Knauer, A; Hagedorn, S; Walde, S; Weyers, M; Coulon, P-M; Shields, P A; Zhang, Y; Jiu, L; Gong, Y; Smith, R M; Wang, T; Winkelmann, A (2020) Advances in electron channelling contrast imaging and electron backscatter diffraction for imaging and analysis of structural defects in the scanning electron microscope. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 891. 012023 ISSN 1757-899X

Vespucci, S*; Naresh-Kumar, G*; Trager-Cowan, C*; Mingard, K P; Maneuski, D*; O'Shea, V*; Winkelmann, A* (2017) Diffractive triangulation of radiative point sources. Appl. Phys. Lett., 110 (12). 124103

Vespucci, S*; Winkelmann, A*; Mingard, K; Maneuski, D*; O'Shea, V*; Trager-Cowen, C* (2017) Exploring transmission Kikuchi diffraction using Timepix detector. J. Instrum., 12 (2). C02075

Vespucci, S*; Winklemann, A*; Naresh-Kumar, G*; Mingard, K P; Maneuski, D*; Edwards, P R*; Day, A P*; O'Shea, V*; Trager-Cowan, C* (2015) Digital direct electron imaging of energy-filtered electron backscatter diffraction patterns. Phys. Rev. B, 92 (20). 205301

Wertheim, D*; Gillmore, G*; Brown, L; Petford, N* (2010) 3D imaging of particle tracks in solid state nuclear track detectors. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10 (5). pp. 1033-1036.

Wertheim, D*; Gilmore, G*; Brown, L J; Petfords, N* (2010) A new method of imaging particle tracks in solid state nuclear track detectors. J. Microsc., 237 (1). pp. 1-6.

Williamson, E H; Gee, M; Robertson, D; Watts, J F; Whiting, M J; Yeomans, J A (2022) A comparative study of the wear performance of hard coatings for nuclear applications. Wear, 488. 204124

Winiarski, B; Gholinia, A; Mingard, K; Gee, M; Thompson, G; Withers, P J (2021) Correction of artefacts associated with large area EBSD. Ultramicroscopy, 226. 113315

Winiarski, B; Gholinia, A*; Mingard, K; Gee, M; Thompson, G E*; Withers, P J* (2017) Broad ion beam serial section tomography. Ultramicroscopy, 172. pp. 52-64.

Winklemann, A; Jablon, B M; Tong, V S; Troger-Cowan, C; Mingard, K P (2020) Improving EBSD precision by orientation refinement with full pattern matching. Journal of Microscopy, 277 (2). pp. 79-92. ISSN 0022-2720

Wooldridge, J; Ryding, S*; Brown, S*; Burnett, T L; Cain, M G; Cernik, R*; Hino, R*; Stewart, M; Thompson, P (2012) Simultaneous measurement of X-ray diffraction and ferroelectric polarization data as a function of applied electric field and frequency. J. Synchrotron Radiat., 19 (5). pp. 710-716.

Conference or Workshop Item

Koko, A; Bond, W; Simpson, R; Lodeiro, M; Mendieta, A; Sutton, G (2024) Investigating the Microstructural Evolution of Inconel 718 Under a Controlled Thermal Gradient. In: 10th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Repair for Power Plants (AM-EPRI 2024), 15-18 October 2024, Bonita Springs, FL, USA.

Mavalankar, A; Cameron, J; Gomes, I; Sottini, S; Fohler, M; Soloviev, V; Travish, G; Mingard, K; Minelli, C (2018) Controlling thermal failure of silicon field emitters in a commercial X-ray source. In: 2018 31st International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), 9-13 July 2018, Kyoto, Japan.

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