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Factors affecting the accuracy of high resolution electron backscatter diffraction when using simulated patterns.

Britton, T B*; Maurice, C*; Fortunier, R*; Driver, J H*; Day, A P*; Meaden, G*; Dingley, D J*; Mingard, K P; Wilkinson, A J* (2010) Factors affecting the accuracy of high resolution electron backscatter diffraction when using simulated patterns. Ultramicroscopy, 110 (12). pp. 1443-1453.

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High resolution EBSD directly compares electron backscattering patterns (EBSPs) ,generated in a scanning electron microscope, to measure relative strain and rotation to a precision of 10_4 in strain and 10_4 rad (0.0061) in rotation. However the measurement of absolute strain and rotation requires reference EBSPs of known strain and orientation (or a far field region of known strain).Recent suggestions of using simulated EBSPs with known strain show much promise. However precise measurement of the experimental geometry (pattern centre) is required. Common uncertainties of 0.5% in pattern centre result in uncertainty of 10_3 in strain state. Aberrations in the compact lenses used for EBSP capture can also result in image shifts that correspond to strains/rotations of 10_3 between experimental and simulated EBSPs. Simulated EBSPs can be generated using dynamical or kinematic models (or a combination of the two). The choice in simulation model has a significant effect on the measured shifts, particularly at zone axis and high structure factor bands, due to large intensity variations, and for simple kinematic simulations can result in the measurement of rogue shifts and thus erroneous strain measurements. Calibrant samples of known strain provide a method of measuring the experimental geometry but imprecise stage movement combined with the high depth of field in the SEM could also result in uncertainties in strain of 10_3.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials > Microstructural Characterisation
Identification number/DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.08.001
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:14
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/4872

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