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Ahmed, E*; Kim, K H*; Jeon, E C*; Brown, R J C (2015) Long term trends of methane, non methane hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in urban atmosphere. Sci. Total Environ., 518. pp. 595-604.

Allen, N D C; Abad, G G*; Bernath, P F*; Boone, C D* (2013) Satellite observations of the global distribution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) from ACE. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 115. pp. 66-77.

Allen, N D C; Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Lipscombe, R P; Woods, P T (2014) Intercomparison exercise for the analysis of components in indoor air. NPL Report. AS 86

Allen, N D C; Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Lipscombe, R P; Woods, P T (2016) International comparison of key volatile organic components in indoor air. Measurement, 82. pp. 476-481.

Amador-Munoz, O*; Misztal, P K*; Weber, R*; Worton, D R; Zhang, H F*; Drozd, G*; Goldstein, A H* (2016) Sensitive detection of n-alkanes using a mixed ionization mode proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9 (11). pp. 5315-5329.

Andres, H*; Luond, F*; Schlatter, J*; Auderset, K*; Jordan-Gerkens, A*; Nowak, A*; Ebert, V*; Buhr, E*; Klein, T*; Tuch, T*; Wiedensohler, A*; Mamakos, A*; Riccobono, F*; Discherl, K*; Hogstrom, R*; Yli-Ojanpera, J*; Quincey, P (2014) Measuring soot particles from automotive exhaust emissions. EPJ Web of Conferences, 77. 00020.

Arrhenius, K*; Brown, A S; van der Veen, A M H* (2016) Suitability of different containers for the sampling and storage of biogas and biomethane for the determination of the trace-level impurities - a review. Anal. Chim. Acta, 902. pp. 22-32.


Baker, A M R*; Alexander-Webber, J A*; Altebaeumer, T*; McMullan, S D*; Janssen, T J B M; Tzalenchuk, A; Lara-Avila, S*; Kubatkin, S*; Yakimova, R*; Lin, C T*; Li, L J*; Nicholas, R J* (2013) Energy loss rates of hot Dirac fermions in epitaxial, exfoliated and CVD graphene. Phys. Rev. B, 87 (4). 045414

Baldan, A*; Ent, H*; van der Veen, A M H*; Held, A*; Ulberth-Buchgraber, M*; Daroda, R J*; da Cunha, V S*; Wise, S A*; Schantz, M*; Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C (2013) The BIOREMA project - part 1: Towards international comparability for biofuel analysis. Accred. Qual. Assur., 18 (1). pp. 19-28.

Beccaceci, S; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Harris, P M; Otjes, R P*; van Hoek, C*; Makkonen, U*; Catrambone, M*; Patier, R F*; Houtzager, M M G*; Putaud, J P* (2016) Standardisation of a European measurement method for the determination of anions and cations in PM2.5: results of field trial campaign and determination of measurement uncertainty. Environ. Sci. - Process. Impacts, 18 (12). pp. 1561-1571.

Beccaceci, S; McGhee, E; Robins, C; Tompkins, J; Quincey, P; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Green, D*; Tremper, A*; Priestman, M*; Font Font, A*; Jones, A* (2014) Airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 3). Annual report 2013. NPL Report. AS 93

Beccaceci, S; McGhee, E A; Brown, R J C; Green, D C* (2015) A comparison between a semi-continuous analyzer and filter-based method for measureing anion and cation concentrations in PM10 at an urban background site in London. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 49 (9). pp. 793-801.

Beccaceci, S; Muhunthan, D; Butterfield, D M; Gilham, R; Tompkins, J; Sweeney, B; Brown, R J C; Quincey, P; Green, D*; Alexander, J*; Grieve, A* (2010) CPEA 28: Airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 2) 2009 annual audit report. NPL Report. AS 51

Beccaceci, S; Muhunthan, D; Sarantaridis, D; Tompkins, J; Butterfield, D M; Quincey, P; Brown, R J C; Green, D*; Grieve, A*; Fuller, G*; Jones, A* (2011) CPEA 28: Airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 2). NPL Report. AS 65

Beccaceci, S; Mustoe, C L; Butterfield, D M; Tompkins, J; Sarantaridis, D; Quincey, P; Brown, R J C; Green, D*; Fuller, G*; Tremper, A*; Font Font, A*; Jones, A* (2013) Airborne Particulate Concentrations and Numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 3). Annual report 2012. NPL Report. AS 83

Beccaceci, S; Mustoe, C L; Butterfield, D M; Tompkins, J; Sarantaridis, D; Quincey, P; Brown, R J C; Green, D*; Grieve, A*; Jones, A* (2013) Airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 3). Annual report 2011. NPL Report. AS 74

Bell, W; Woods, P T; Martin, N A; Gardiner, T D; Swann, N R; Paton-Walsh, C (1995) The development and utilisation of advanced remote monitoring techniques for atmospheric measurements. NPL Report. QU 110

Bharath, V J*; Millichamp, J*; Neville, T P*; Mason, T J*; Shearing, P R*; Brown, R J C; Manos, G*; Brett, D J L* (2016) Measurement of water uptake in thin-film Nafion and anion alkaline exchange membranes using the quartz crystal microbalance. J. Membr. Sci., 497. pp. 229-238.

Bharath, V L*; Jervis, R*; Millichamp, J*; Neville, T P*; Mason, T*; Tjaden, B*; Shearing, P R*; Brown, R J C; Manos, G*; Brett, D J L* (2017) Alkaline anion exchange membrane degradation as a function of humidity measured using the quartz crystal microbalance. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 42 (9). pp. 6243-6249.

Bowfield, A; Bunch, J; Salter, T L; Stevens, R T; Gilmore, I S; Barrett, D A*; Alexander, M R*; Mckay, K*; Bradley, J W* (2014) Characterisation of micro-plasmas for ambient mass spectrometry imaging. Analyst, 139 (21). pp. 5430-5438.

Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C (2010) Effect of silver annealing conditions on the performance of electrolytic silver/silver chloride electrodes used in harned cell measurements of pH. Sensors, 10 (3). pp. 2202-2216.

Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C (2009) Effect of structural design of silver/silver chloride electrodes on stability and response time and the implications for improved accuracy in pH measurement. Sensors, 9 (1). pp. 118-130.

Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Gonzaga, F B*; Hongyu, X*; Bing, W*; Spitzer, P*; Jakobsen, P T*; Chanpion, R*; Fisicaro, P*; Stoica, D*; Ohata, M*; Vyskocil, L*; Mariassy, M*; Pratt, K*; Monroy, M*; Reyes, A*; Kozlowski, W*; Kardash, E*; Ivanova, D*; Camoes, M F*; Lee, H*; Hwang, E* (2011) CCQM P37.1: preparation of Ag/AgCl electrodes for harned cell measurements. NPL Report. AS 60

Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Miller, M N; Minarro, M D; Murugan, A; Milton, M J T; Rhoderick, G C* (2014) Preparation and validation of fully-synthetic standard gas mixtures with atmospheric isotopic composition for global CO2 and CH4 monitoring. Anal. Chem., 86 (3). pp. 1887-1893.

Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Panagoulia, D; Tromans, A*; Reyes, A*; Arce, M*; Vospelova, A*; Pratt, K W*; Asakai, T*; Jakobsen, P T*; Jensen, H*; Oliveira, C S*; Camoes, M F*; Spitzer, P*; Adel, B*; Mariassy, M*; Vyskocil, L*; Fisicaro, P*; Stoica, D*; Uysal, E* (2014) CCQM P37.2: international comparison on Ag|AgCl electrodes for pH measurement. NPL Report. AS 89

Brewer, P J; Goody, B A; Gillam, T*; Brown, R J C; Milton, M J T (2010) High-accuracy stable gas flow dilution using a self-calibrating network of critical flow orifices. Meas. Sci. Technol., 21 (11). 115902

Brewer, P J; Goody, B A; Kumar, Y; Milton, M J T (2012) Accurate measurements of water vapour transmission through high-performance barrier layers. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83 (7). 075118

Brewer, P J; Goody, B A; Woods, P T; Milton, M J T (2011) A dynamic gravimetric standard for trace water. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 82 (10). 105102

Brewer, P J; Leach, A S*; Brown, R J C (2015) The role of the electrolyte in the fabrication of Ag|AgCl reference electrodes for pH measurement. Electrochim. Acta, 161. pp. 80-83.

Brewer, P J; Leese, R J*; Brown, R J C (2012) An improved approach for fabricating Ag/AgCl reference electrodes. Electrochim. Acta, 71. pp. 252-257.

Brewer, P J; Milton, M J T; Harris, P M; Bell, S A; Stevens, M; Scace, G*; Abe, H*; Mackrodt, P* (2011) EURAMET 1002: International comparability in measurements of trace water vapour. NPL Report. AS 59

Brewer, P J; Minarro, M D; Amico di Meane, E; Brown, R J C; Tuma, D*; Fröhlich, M*; Beránek, J*; Gilge, S*; Walden, J*; Cieciora, D*; Sega, M*; Lagler, F*; Mace, T*; Pascale, C*; Fükö, J*; Valkova, M*; Stummer, V*; Nieuwenkamp, G*; van der Veen, A M H* (2014) Key Comparison of nitrogen monoxide in nitrogen relevant to ambient levels (EURAMET QM-K26a / Project 1183). NPL Report. AS 87

Brewer, P J; Minarro, M D; di Meane, E A; Brown, R J C (2014) A high accuracy dilution system for generating low concentration reference standards of reactive gases. Measurement, 47. pp. 607-612.

Brewer, P J; Panagoulia, D; Brown, R J C; Tromans, A*; Reyes, A*; Arce, M*; Vospelova, A*; Rozikova, M*; Pratt, K W*; Asakai, T*; Jakobsen, P T*; Camoes, M F*; Oliveira, C S*; Godinho, I*; Spitzer, P*; Sander, B*; Mariassy, M*; Vyskocil, L*; Fisicaro, P*; Stoica, D*; Uysal, E* (2015) International comparison on Ag|AgCl electrodes for pH measurement. Measurement, 66. pp. 131-138.

Brewer, P J; Stoica, D*; Brown, R J C (2011) Sensitivities of key parameters in the preparation of silver / silver chloride electrodes used in harned cell measurements of pH. Sensors, 11 (8). pp. 8072-8084.

Brewer, P J; di Meane, E A; Vargha, G M; Brown, R J C; Milton, M J T (2013) Gaseous reference standards of formaldehyde from trioxane. Talanta, 108. pp. 83-87.

Brown, A S (2009) GravCalc2 (version 2.3.0) User Guide. NPL Report. AS 42

Brown, A S (2006) Standards in odorant emissions analysis. Local Authority Waste and Management (June). pp. 18-19.

Brown, A S; Brown, R J C (2012) Correlations in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in UK ambient air and implications for source apportionment. J. Enviorn. Monit., 14 (8). pp. 2072-2082.

Brown, A S; Brown, R J C (2008) A study of the critical uncertainty contributions in the analysis of PCBs in ambient air. Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry, 2008. 179498

Brown, A S; Brown, R J C; Coleman, P J*; Conolly, C*; Sweetman, A J*; Jones, K C*; Butterfield, D M; Sarantaridis, D; Donovan, B J*; Roberts, I* (2013) Twenty years of measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in UK ambient air by nationwide air quality networks. Environ. Sci. - Process. Impacts, 15 (6). pp. 1199-1215.

Brown, A S; Brown, R J C; Corns, W T*; Stockwell, P B* (2008) Establishing SI traceability for measurements of mercury vapour. Analyst, 133 (7). pp. 946-953.

Brown, A S; Brown, R J C; Dexter, M A*; Corns, W T*; Stockwell, P B* (2010) A novel automatic method for the measurement of mercury vapour in ambient air, and comparison of uncertainty with established semi-automatic and manual methods. Anal. Methods, 2 (7). pp. 954-966.

Brown, A S; Brown, R J C; Robinson, R A (2007) A novel calibration procedure for trace analytical measurements: application to the analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers by GC-MS. Analyst, 132 (9). pp. 922-928.

Brown, A S; Butterfield, D M; Brown, R J C; Hughey, P; Whiteside, K; Goddard, S L; Williams, M (2011) Annual Report for 2010 on the UK PAH Monitoring and Analysis Network. NPL Report. AS 62

Brown, A S; Downey, M L; Milton, M J T; van der Veen, A M H*; Zalewska, E T*; Li, J R* (2013) Final report on EURAMET.QM-S6/1195: bilateral comparison of liquefied hydrocarbon mixtures in constant pressure (piston) cylinders. Metrologia, 50 (1A). 08015.

Brown, A S; Downey, M L; Milton, M J T; van der Veen, A M H*; Zalewska, E T*; Li, J* (2013) EURAMET.QM-S6 / 1195: Bilateral comparison of liquefied hydrocarbon mixtures in constant pressure (piston) cylinders. NPL Report. AS 76

Brown, A S; Jones, D N; Milton, M J T; Downey, M L; Vargha, G M; van der Veen, A M H*; Ent, H*; Arrhenius, K*; Tuma, D* (2011) Towards a European infrastructure for the characterisation of energy gases. In: 2nd IMEKO TC11 International Symposium Metrological Infrastructure, 15-17 June 2011, Cavtat, Dubrovnik Riviera, Croatia.

Brown, A S; Milton, M J T; Brookes, C; Vargha, G M; Downey, M L; Uehara, S*; Rodrigues Augusto, C*; de Lima Fioravante, A*; Goncalves Sobrinho, D*; Dias, F*; Woo, J C*; Kim, B M*; Kim, J S*; Mace, T*; Tothne Fuko, J*; Qiao, H*; Guenther, F*; Rhoderick, J*; Gameson, L*; Botha, A*; Tshilongo, J*; Ntsasa, N G*; Val'kova, M*; Durisova, Z*; Kustikov, Y*; Konopelko, L*; Fatina, O*; Wessel, R* (2013) CCQM-K93: Preparative comparison of ethanol in nitrogen. Final report. NPL Report. AS 80

Brown, A S; Milton, M J T; Cowper, C J*; Squire, G D*; Bremser, W*; Branch, R W* (2004) Analysis of natural gas by gas chromatography reduction of correlated uncertainties by normalisation. Journal of Chromatography A, 1040 (2). pp. 215-225.

Brown, A S; Milton, M J T; Vargha, G M; Mounce, R*; Cowper, C J*; Stokes, A M V*; Benton, A J*; Lander, D F*; Ridge, A*; Laughton, A P* (2009) Measurement of the hydrocarbon dew point of real and synthetic natural gas mixtures by direct and indirect methods. Energy Fuels, 23 (3). pp. 1640-1650.

Brown, A S; Murugan, A; Brown, R J C (2015) Measurement of `total halogenated compounds' in hydrogen: is the ISO 14687 specification achievable? Accred. Qual. Assur., 20 (3). pp. 223-227.

Brown, A S; Sarantaridis, D; Butterfield, D M; Brown, R J C; Whiteside, K J; Hughey, P; Goddard, S L; Hussain, D; Williams, M (2012) Annual Report for 2011 on the UK PAH Monitoring and Analysis Network. NPL Report. AS 71

Brown, A S; Vargha, G M; Downey, M L; Hart, N J*; Ferrier, G F*; Hall, K I* (2011) Methods for the analysis of trace-level impurities in hydrogen for fuel cell applications. NPL Report. AS 64

Brown, A S; van der Veen, A M H*; Arrhenius, K*; Downey, M L; Kuhnemuth, D*; Li, J R*; Ent, H*; Culleton, L P* (2014) Traceable reference gas mixtures for sulfur-free natural gas odorants. Anal. Chem., 86 (13). pp. 6695-6702.

Brown, A S; van der Veen, A M H*; Arrhenius, K*; Murugan, A; Culleton, L; Ziel, P R*; Li, J* (2015) Sampling of gaseous sulfur-containing compounds at low concentrations with a review of best-practice methods for biogas and natural gas applications. TRAC Trends Anal. Chem., 64. pp. 42-52.

Brown, A S (editor) (2006) The 2006-2009 VAM-Physical Programme: version for public release. NPL Report. DQL-AS 034

Brown, R J C (2011) Comment on 'Recommendations on quantities, symbols and measurement units for publications in ACQUAL: preparation of tables and graphs'. Accred. Qual. Assur., 16 (4-5). pp. 271-272.

Brown, R J C (2010) Comparison of estimated annual emissions and measured annual ambient concentrations of metals in the United Kingdom 1980-2007. J. Enviorn. Monit., 12 (3). pp. 665-671.

Brown, R J C (2011) Comparison of the extrapolation precision of sequential and conventional standard addition calibrations. Measurement, 44 (8). pp. 1487-1490.

Brown, R J C (2013) Data loss from time series of pollutants in ambient air exhibiting seasonality: consequences and strategies for data prediction. Environ. Sci. - Process. Impacts, 15 (3). pp. 545-553.

Brown, R J C (2007) Errors in the Analysis of Minor Components within Environmental Samples Caused by the Physical Matrix Effect: Implications for Automated Analysis and Standardised Methods. J. Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 30 (16). pp. 2445-2457.

Brown, R J C (2009) Explaining the distinction between accuracy and reliability in scientific measurement. School Science Review, 91 (335). pp. 24-28.

Brown, R J C (2010) Novel method for producing uncertainty-weighted averages from a time series of ambient air measurements. Int. J. Enviorn. Pollut., 41 (3-4). pp. 355-368.

Brown, R J C (2008) Quantities and units in analytical chemistry. Int. J. Env. Anal. Chem., 88 (10). pp. 681-687.

Brown, R J C (2009) Recent changes to the monitoring of ambient heavy metals in the UK. AWE International Magazine, 18. pp. 36-41.

Brown, R J C (2009) Systematic error arising from 'sequential' standard addition calibrations. 2: Determination of analyte mass fraction in blank solutions. Anal. Chim. Acta, 648 (2). pp. 153-156.

Brown, R J C (2013) Units and quantities for expressing the results of chemical measurement. Measurement, 46 (1). pp. 843-845.

Brown, R J C (2009) The rise of environmental analytical chemistry as an inter disciplinary activity. The Scientific World Journal, 9. pp. 536-538.

Brown, R J C (2006) The risk of meeting a hazard. School Science Review, 88 (322). p. 17.

Brown, R J C (2009) A simple method for excluding self-citation from the h-index: the b-index. Online Information Review, 33 (6). pp. 1129-1136.

Brown, R J C (2008) The use and abuse of limits of detection in environmental analytical chemistry. The Scientific World Journal, 8. pp. 796-801.

Brown, R J C (2007) The use of Zipf's law in the screening of analytical data: a step beyond Benford. Analyst, 132 (4). pp. 344-349.

Brown, R J C; Braysher, E C*; McGhee, E A; Goddard, S L; Ent, H*; Kim, K H*; Nielsen, J* (2017) Characterising and reducing the blank response from mercury vapour sorbent tubes. Anal. Methods, 9 (18). pp. 2654-2659.

Brown, R J C; Brett, D J L* (2009) Microelectrode voltammetry as a high accuracy method for in-situ diffusion coefficient determination. Microchimica Acta, 164 (3-4). pp. 337-344.

Brown, R J C; Brett, D J L*; Kucernak, A R J* (2009) An electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of platinum phthalocyanine thin films. J. Electroanal. Chem., 633 (2). pp. 339-346.

Brown, R J C; Brewer, P; Milton, M J T (2002) The physical and chemical properties of electroless nickel phosphorus alloys and low reflectance nickel phosphorus black surfaces. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12 (9). pp. 2749-2754.

Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J (2015) Proposals for nomenclature to clarify the expression of units for counting quantities. Metrologia, 52 (1). L1-L3.

Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J; Brett, D J L* (2009) Long-term equilibrium potential and electrochemical impedance study of Ag/AgCl electrodes used in Harned Cell measurements of pH. Accred. Qual. Assur., 14 (3). pp. 139-145.

Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J; Ent, H*; Fisicaro, P*; Horvat, M*; Kim, K-H*; Quetel, C R* (2015) Who should take responsibility for decisions on internationally recommended datasets? The case of the mass concentration of mercury in air at saturation. Metrologia, 52 (5). L25-L30

Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J; Harris, P M; Davidson, S; van der Veen, A M H*; Ent, H* (2017) On the traceability of gaseous reference materials. Metrologia, 54 (3). L11-L18

Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J; Kim, K H* (2017) Fixed volume sequential standard addition calibration: value assignment of impurities in zero gas. Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 164. pp. 52-55.

Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J; Milton, M J T (2013) On the validity of acidity function extrapolation to zero added ionic strength and its impact on the uncertainty of primary pH measurements using the Harned cell. Measurement, 46 (5). pp. 1726-1733.

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S (2008) Accurate calibration of mercury vapour measurements. Analyst, 133 (11). pp. 1611-1618.

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S (2013) Assessment of the effect of degradation by atmospheric gaseous oxidants on measured annual average benzo[a]pyrene mass concentrations. Chemosphere, 90 (2). pp. 417-422.

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S (2012) Principal component analysis as an outlier detection tool for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in ambient air. Water Air Soil Pollut., 223 (7). pp. 3807-3816.

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S (2012) The effect of degradation by gaseous oxidants on measured benzo[a]pyrene concentrations. NPL Report. AS 72

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S; Corns, W T*; Stockwell, P B* (2008) Accurate calibration of mercury vapour indicators for occupational exposure measurements using a dynamic mercury vapour generator. Instrum. Sci. Technol., 36 (6). pp. 611-622.

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S; Kim, H* (2013) A temperature-based approach to predicting lost data from highly seasonal pollutant data sets. Environ. Sci. - Process. Impacts, 15 (6). pp. 1256-1263.

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S; Woods, P T; Brown, R S (2008) Ambient monitoring of benzo-a-pyrene (B[a]P) emissions at two oil refineries. Technical Report.

Brown, R J C; Brown, A S; Yardley, R E; Corns, W T*, Stockwell (2008) A practical uncertainty budget for ambient mercury vapour measurement. Atmos. Environ., 42 (10). pp. 2504-2517.

Brown, R J C; Burdon, M K*; Brown, A S; Kim, K H* (2012) Assessment of pumped mercury vapour adsorption tubes as passive samplers using a micro-exposure chamber. J. Enviorn. Monit., 14 (9). pp. 2456-2463.

Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Goddard, S L; Hussain, D; Quincey, P G; Fuller, G W* (2016) Wavelength dependent light absorption as a cost effective, real-time surrogate for ambient concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Atmos. Environ., 127. pp. 125-132.

Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Goddard, S L; Muhunthan, D; Brown, A S; Beccaceci, S; Williams, M (2010) Annual Report for 2009 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. AS 49

Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Goddard, S L; Muhunthan, D; Robins, C; Brown, A S; Beccaceci, S; Williams, M (2011) Report to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Welsh Government, the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland, and the Scottish Government, by the National Physical Laboratory: Annual report for 2010 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. AS 61

Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Goddard, S L; Mustoe, C L; Robins, C; Brown, A S; Beccaceci, S; Whiteside, K J; Williams, M (2012) Annual report for 2011 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. AS 69

Brown, R J C; Dyson, P J*; Ellis, D J*; Welton, T* (2001) 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium cobolt tetracarbonyl [bmin][Co(CO)4]: a catalytically active organometallic ion liquid. Chem. Commun.. pp. 1862-1863.

Brown, R J C; Edwards, P R* (2009) Measurement of anions in ambient particulate matter by ion chromatography: a novel sample preparation technique and development of a generic uncertainty budget. Talanta, 80 (2). pp. 1020-1024.

Brown, R J C; Edwards, P R* (2006) The effect of the physical matrix on accurate measurements using fixed volume analytical techniques. Journal of Separation Science, 29 (13). pp. 2072-2077.

Brown, R J C; Gilham, R J J (2010) AMC Technical Brief: Nanoparticle Characterisation. Technical Report. Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Methods Committee.

Brown, R J C; Gillam, T P S* (2012) Comparison of quantification strategies for one-point standard addition calibration: The heteroscedastic case. Measurement, 45 (6). pp. 1670-1673.

Brown, R J C; Gillam, T P S* (2012) Comparison of quantification strategies for one-point standard addition calibration: the homoscedastic case. Anal. Chim. Acta, 716. pp. 108-111.

Brown, R J C; Gillam, T P S* (2012) On the generalised case of sequential standard addition calibration. Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 110 (1). pp. 97-101.

Brown, R J C; Goddard, S L; Blakley, K C; Brown, A S (2011) Improvements to standard methodologies for the analytical determination of metals in stationary source emissions samples. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 61. pp. 764-770.

Brown, R J C; Goddard, S L; Brown, A S (2010) Using principal component analysis to detect outliers in ambient air monitoring studies. Int. J. Env. Anal. Chem., 90 (10). pp. 761-772.

Brown, R J C; Goddard, S L; Brown, A S; Yardley, R E (2008) The effect of isotopic composition on the uncertainty of routine metal mass concentration measurements in ambient air. J. Auto. Methods Manage. Chem.. 504092

Brown, R J C; Goddard, S L; Butterfield, D M; Brown, A S; Robins, C; Mustoe, C L; McGhee, E A (2015) Ten years of mercury measurement at urban and industrial air quality monitoring stations in the UK. Atmos. Environ., 109. pp. 1-8.

Brown, R J C; Harris, P M; Cox, M G (2014) Assessing the performance of standard methods to predict the standard uncertainty of air quality data having incomplete time coverage. Environ. Sci. - Process. Impacts, 16 (7). pp. 1700-1704.

Brown, R J C; Harris, P M; Cox, M G (2013) Improved strategies for calculating annual averages of ambient air pollutants in cases of incomplete data coverage. Environ. Sci. - Process. Impacts, 15 (5). pp. 904-911.

Brown, R J C; Hood, D*; Brown, A S (2008) On the optimum sampling time for the measurement of pollutants in ambient atmospheres. Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry. Article ID: 814715

Brown, R J C; Jarvis, K E*; Disch, B A*; Goddard, S L (2013) An investigation of calibration materials for the measurement of metals in ambient particulate matter on filters by LA-ICP-MS. Int. J. Env. Anal. Chem., 93 (3). pp. 335-348.

Brown, R J C; Jarvis, K E*; Disch, B A*; Goddard, S L; Adriaenssens, E*; Claeye, N* (2010) Comparison of ED-XRF and LA-ICP-MS with the European reference method for the measurements of metals in ambient particulate matter. Accred. Qual. Assur., 15 (9). pp. 493-502.

Brown, R J C; Jarvis, K E*; Disch, B A*; Goddard, S L; Brown, A S (2009) Spatial inhomogeneity of metals in particulate matter on ambient air filters determined by LA-ICP-MS and comparison with acid digestion ICP-MS. J. Enviorn. Monit., 11 (11). pp. 2022-2029.

Brown, R J C; Keates, A C* (2011) Spatial inhomogeneity of anions in ambient particulate matter collected on air filters: determination using a drift-corrected ion chromatography technique. Talanta, 84 (3). pp. 918-923.

Brown, R J C; Keates, A C*; Brewer, P J (2010) Sensitivities of a standard test method for the determination of the pHe of bioethanol and suggestions for improvement. Sensors, 10 (11). pp. 9982-9993.

Brown, R J C; Keates, A C*; Brown, A S (2011) Optimised determinations of water in ethanol by encoded photometric near-infrared spectroscopy: a special case of sequential standard addition calibration. Anal. Chim. Acta, 690 (1). pp. 47-52.

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