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Aarhaug, T A; Kjos, O; Bacquart, T; Valter, V; Optenhostert, T (2021) Assessment of hydrogen quality dispensed for hydrogen refuelling stations in Europe. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (57). pp. 29501-29511.
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Allen, N D C; Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Lipscombe, R P; Woods, P T (2014) Intercomparison exercise for the analysis of components in indoor air. NPL Report. AS 86
Arrhenius, K; Bacquart, T; Schroeter, K; Carre, M; Gozlan, B; Beurey, C; Blondeel, C (2022) Detection of Contaminants in Hydrogen Fuel for Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicles with Sensors-Available Technology, Testing Protocols and Implementation Challenges. Processes, 10 (1). 20
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Arrhenius, K; Yaghooby, H; Rosell, L; Buker, O; Culleton, L; Bartlett, S; Murugan, A; Brewer, P J; Li, J R; van der Veen, A M H; Krom, I; Lestremau, F; Beranek, J (2017) Suitability of vessels and adsorbents for the short-term storage of biogas/biomethane for the determination of impurities - siloxanes, sulfur compounds, halogenated hydrocarbons, BTEX. Biomass Bioenergy, 105. pp. 127-135.
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Bacquart, T; Moore, N; Hart, N; Morris, A; Aarhaug, T A; Kjos, O; Aupretre, F; Colas, T; Haloua, F; Gozlan, B; Murugan, A (2020) Hydrogen quality sampling at the hydrogen refuelling station – lessons learnt on sampling at the production and at the nozzle. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (8). pp. 5565-5576. ISSN 03603199
Bacquart, T; Perkins, M; Ferracci, V; Martin, N A; Resner, K; Ward, M; Cassidy, N; Hook, J B; Brewer, P; Irvine, J T C; Connor, P A; Murugan, A (2018) Production and stability of low amount fraction of formaldehyde in hydrogen gas standards. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (13). pp. 6711-6722. ISSN 03603199
Beurey, C; Gozlan, B; Carré, M; Bacquart, T; Morris, A; Moore, N; Arrhenius, K; Meuzelaar, H; Persijn, S; Rojo, A; Murugan, A (2021) Review and Survey of Methods for Analysis of Impurities in Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Vehicles According to ISO 14687:2019. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8. 615149 ISSN 2296-598X
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Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Miller, M N; Minarro, M D; Murugan, A; Milton, M J T; Rhoderick, G C* (2014) Preparation and validation of fully-synthetic standard gas mixtures with atmospheric isotopic composition for global CO2 and CH4 monitoring. Anal. Chem., 86 (3). pp. 1887-1893.
Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Mussell Webber, E B; Van Aswegen, S; Ward, M K M; Hill-Pearce, R E; Worton, D R (2019) Breakthrough in Negating the Impact of Adsorption in Gas Reference Materials. Analytical Chemistry, 91 (8). pp. 5310-5315. ISSN 0003-2700
Brewer, P J; Brown, R J C; Resner, K V; Hill-Pearce, R E; Worton, D R; Allen, N D C; Blakley, K C; Benucci, D; Ellison, M R (2018) Influence of Pressure on the Composition of Gaseous Reference Materials. Analytical Chemistry, 90 (5). pp. 3490-3495. ISSN 0003-2700
Brewer, P J; Downey, M L; Atkins, E; Brown, R J C; Brown, A S; Zalewska, E T; van der Veen, A M H; Smeulders, D E; McCallum, J B; Satumba, R T; Kim, Y D; Kang, N; Bae, H K; Woo, J C; Konopelko, L A; Popova, T A; Meshkov, A V; Efremova, O V; Kustikov, Y (2018) International comparison CCQM-K119 liquefied petroleum gas. Metrologia, 55 (1A). 08004 ISSN 0026-1394
Brewer, P J; Gieseking, B; Feracci, V F; Ward, M; van Wijk, J; van der Veen, A M H; Lima, A A; Augusto, C R; Oh, S H; Kim, B M; Lee, S; Konopelko, L A; Kustikov, Y; Shimosaka, T; Niederhauser, B; Guillevic, M; Pascale, C; Zhou, Z; Wang, D; Hu, S (2018) International comparison CCQM-K116: 10 μmol mol-1 water vapour in nitrogen. Metrologia, 55 (1A). 08018. ISSN 0026-1394
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Brewer, P J; Goody, B A; Gillam, T*; Brown, R J C; Milton, M J T (2010) High-accuracy stable gas flow dilution using a self-calibrating network of critical flow orifices. Meas. Sci. Technol., 21 (11). 115902
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Brewer, P J; Goody, B A; Woods, P T; Milton, M J T (2011) A dynamic gravimetric standard for trace water. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 82 (10). 105102
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Brewer, P J; Minarro, M D; Amico di Meane, E; Brown, R J C; Tuma, D*; Fröhlich, M*; Beránek, J*; Gilge, S*; Walden, J*; Cieciora, D*; Sega, M*; Lagler, F*; Mace, T*; Pascale, C*; Fükö, J*; Valkova, M*; Stummer, V*; Nieuwenkamp, G*; van der Veen, A M H* (2014) Key Comparison of nitrogen monoxide in nitrogen relevant to ambient levels (EURAMET QM-K26a / Project 1183). NPL Report. AS 87
Brewer, P J; Panagoulia, D; Brown, R J C; Tromans, A*; Reyes, A*; Arce, M*; Vospelova, A*; Rozikova, M*; Pratt, K W*; Asakai, T*; Jakobsen, P T*; Camoes, M F*; Oliveira, C S*; Godinho, I*; Spitzer, P*; Sander, B*; Mariassy, M*; Vyskocil, L*; Fisicaro, P*; Stoica, D*; Uysal, E* (2015) International comparison on Ag|AgCl electrodes for pH measurement. Measurement, 66. pp. 131-138.
Brewer, P J; di Meane, E A; Vargha, G M; Brown, R J C; Milton, M J T (2013) Gaseous reference standards of formaldehyde from trioxane. Talanta, 108. pp. 83-87.
Brown, A; Milton, M J T; Vargha, G M; Mounce, R*; Cowper, C*; Stokes, A*; Benton, A*; Bannister, M*; Ridge, A*; Lander, D*; Laughton, A* (2007) Comparison of methods for the measurement of hydrocarbon dew point of natural gas. NPL Report. AS 3
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Brown, A S; Downey, M L; Milton, M J T; van der Veen, A M H*; Zalewska, E T*; Li, J* (2013) EURAMET.QM-S6 / 1195: Bilateral comparison of liquefied hydrocarbon mixtures in constant pressure (piston) cylinders. NPL Report. AS 76
Brown, A S; Jones, D N; Milton, M J T; Downey, M L; Vargha, G M; van der Veen, A M H*; Ent, H*; Arrhenius, K*; Tuma, D* (2011) Towards a European infrastructure for the characterisation of energy gases. In: 2nd IMEKO TC11 International Symposium Metrological Infrastructure, 15-17 June 2011, Cavtat, Dubrovnik Riviera, Croatia.
Brown, A S; Milton, M J T; Brookes, C; Vargha, G M; Downey, M L; Uehara, S*; Rodrigues Augusto, C*; de Lima Fioravante, A*; Goncalves Sobrinho, D*; Dias, F*; Woo, J C*; Kim, B M*; Kim, J S*; Mace, T*; Tothne Fuko, J*; Qiao, H*; Guenther, F*; Rhoderick, J*; Gameson, L*; Botha, A*; Tshilongo, J*; Ntsasa, N G*; Val'kova, M*; Durisova, Z*; Kustikov, Y*; Konopelko, L*; Fatina, O*; Wessel, R* (2013) CCQM-K93: Preparative comparison of ethanol in nitrogen. Final report. NPL Report. AS 80
Brown, A S; Milton, M J T; Vargha, G M; Mounce, R*; Cowper, C J*; Stokes, A M V*; Benton, A J*; Lander, D F*; Ridge, A*; Laughton, A P* (2009) Measurement of the hydrocarbon dew point of real and synthetic natural gas mixtures by direct and indirect methods. Energy Fuels, 23 (3). pp. 1640-1650.
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Brown, A S; Vargha, G M; Downey, M L; Hart, N J*; Ferrier, G F*; Hall, K I* (2011) Methods for the analysis of trace-level impurities in hydrogen for fuel cell applications. NPL Report. AS 64
Brown, A S; van der Veen, A M H*; Arrhenius, K*; Downey, M L; Kuhnemuth, D*; Li, J R*; Ent, H*; Culleton, L P* (2014) Traceable reference gas mixtures for sulfur-free natural gas odorants. Anal. Chem., 86 (13). pp. 6695-6702.
Brown, A S; van der Veen, A M H*; Arrhenius, K*; Murugan, A; Culleton, L; Ziel, P R*; Li, J* (2015) Sampling of gaseous sulfur-containing compounds at low concentrations with a review of best-practice methods for biogas and natural gas applications. TRAC Trends Anal. Chem., 64. pp. 42-52.
Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J (2021) Reporting uncertainty for gas certified reference materials: balancing customer requirements with calibration and measurement capabilities. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 26 (1). pp. 41-45. ISSN 0949-1775
Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J; Harris, P M; Davidson, S; van der Veen, A M H*; Ent, H* (2017) On the traceability of gaseous reference materials. Metrologia, 54 (3). L11-L18
Butterfield, D M; Beccaceci, S; Hughey, P; Green, D*; Alexander, J* (2009) 2008 Annual Report for the UK Black Smoke Network. NPL Report. AS 37
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Culleton, L P; Amico di Meane, E; Ward, M K M; Ferracci, V; Persijn, S; Holmqvist, A; Arrhenius, K; Murugan, A; Brewer, P J (2022) Characterization of Fourier Transform Infrared, Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy and Optical Feedback Cavity-enhanced Absorption SPectroscopy Instruments for the Analysis of Ammonia in Biogas and Biomethane. Analytical Chemistry, 94 (44). pp. 15207-15214.
Culleton, L P; Brown, A S; Murugan, A; van der Veen, A*; Van Osselen, D*; Ziel, P*; Li, J*; Tuma, D*; Schulz, G*; Näther, S*; Arrhenius, K*; Kühnemuth, D*; Beránek, J*; Fuko, J*; Val'ková, M* (2013) Results of an international comparison on the analysis of real non-conventional energy gases. NPL Report. AS 77
Ferracci, V; Brown, A S; Harris, P M; Brown, R J C (2013) An investigation of the matrix sensitivity of refinery gas analysis using gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection. NPL Report. AS 82
Ferracci, V; Brown, A S; Harris, P M; Brown, R J C (2015) An investigation of the matrix sensitivity of refinery gas analysis using gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection. J. Chromatography A, 1383. pp. 14-150.
Gardiner, T D; Coleman, M D; Banerji, M; Leggett, G A; Milton, M J T; Woods, P T (2006) Validation of infrared spectroscopic methods for high-accuracy measurements of gases. In: CPEM 2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 9-14 July 2006, Torino, Italy.
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; McGhee, E; Robins, C; Brown, A S; Beccaceci, S; Whiteside, K J; Bradshaw, C; Brennan, S (2015) Annual report for 2013 on the UK Heavy Metals Network. NPL Report. ENV 1
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; McGhee, E A; Robins, C; Brown, A S; Beccaceci, S; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Brennan, S (2015) Annual report for 2014 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. ENV 2
Grenfell, R; Brookes, C; Vargha, G; Quincey, P; Milton, M J T; Woods, P T; Harris, P M (2008) EURAMET 886 comparison of multicomponent ambient VOC measurements - Final report. NPL Report. AS 29
Grenfell, R J P; Milton, M J T; Harling, A M; Vargha, G M; Brookes, C; Quincey, P G; Woods, P T (2010) Standard mixtures of ambient volatile organic compounds in synthetic and whole air with stable reference values. J. Geophys. Res., 115. D14302
Halliday, J*; Lewis, A C*; Hamilton, J F*; Rhodes, C*; Bartle, K D*; Homewood, P*; Grenfell, R J P; Goody, B A; Harling, A M; Brewer, P J; Vargha, G; Milton, M J T (2010) Lab-on-a-chip GC for environmental research. LC GC Europe, 23 (10). p. 514.
Haloua, F; Bacquart, T; Arrhenius, K; Delobelle, B; Ent, H (2018) Metrology for hydrogen energy applications: a project to address normative requirements. Measurement Science and Technology, 29 (3). 034001
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Hepburn, C A*; Vale, P*; Brown, A S; Simms, N J*; McAdam, E J* (2015) Development of on-line FTIR spectroscopy for siloxane detection in biogas to enhance carbon contactor management. Talanta, 141. pp. 128-136.
Hill, I*; Milton, M J T (2009) Amount of substance and the mole. Chem. Int., 31 (2).
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Kovacich, R P*; Martin, N A; Clift, M G; Stocks, C*; Gaskin, I*; Hobby, J* (2006) Highly accurate measurement of oxygen using a paramagnetic sensor. Meas. Sci. Technol., 17. pp. 1579-1585.
Lee, J S; Moon, D M; Lee, J B; Lim, J; Hall, B; Novelli, P; Brewer, P; Miller, M; Murugun, A; Minarro, M; Qiao, H; Shuguo, H; Konopelko, L A; Kustikov, Y A; Kolobova, A V; Pankratov, V V; Wasserman, I I; Zav'yalov, S V; Efremova, O V; Pavlov, M V; Mitchell, G; Guenther, F; Walden, J; Aoki, N; Shimosaka, T; Mace, T; Lagler, F; Borowiak, A (2017) International comparison CCQM-K84—carbon monoxide in synthetic air at ambient level. Metrologia, 54 (1A). 08016 ISSN 0026-1394
Lee, S*; Heo, G S*; Kim, Y*; Oh, S*; Han, Q*; Wu, H*; Konopelko, L A*; Kustikov, Y A*; Kolobova, A V*; Efremova, O V*; Pankratov, V V*; Pavlov, M V*; Culleton, L P; Brown, A S; Brookes, C; Li, J R*; Ziel, P R*; van der Veen, A M H* (2016) International key comparison CCQM-K94 (10 µmol/mol dimethyl sulfide in nitrogen). Metrologia, 53 (1A). 08002.
Lewis, A C*; Hamilton, J F*; Rhodes, C N*; Halliday, J*; Bartle, K D*; Homewood, P*; Grenfell, R J P*; Goody, B; Harling, A M; Brewer, P; Vargha, G; Milton, M J T (2010) Microfabricated planar glass gas chromatography with photoionization detection. J. Chromatography A, 1217 (5). pp. 768-774.
Martin, N A; Goody, B A; Wang, J; Milton, M J T (2012) Accurate and adjustable calibration gas flow by switching permeation and diffusion devices. Meas. Sci. Technol., 23 (10). 105005
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Milton, M J T; Guenther, F*; Miller, W R*; Brown, A S (2006) Validation of the gravimetric values and uncertainties of independently prepared primary standard gas mixtures. Metrologia, 43. L7-L10
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Milton, M J T; Vargha, G M; Brown, A S (2011) Gravimetric methods for the preparation of standard gas mixtures. Metrologia, 48 (5). R1-R9.
Milton, M J T; Williams, J M; Forbes, A B (2010) The quantum metrology triangle and the redefinition of the SI ampere and kilogram; analysis of a reduced set of observational equations. Metrologia, 47 (3). pp. 279-286.
Minarro, M D; Brown, R J C; Brewer, P J (2013) Review of existing methods for generating dynamic reference standards of key airborne molecular contaminants. NPL Report. AS 81
Mouli-Castillo, J; Bartlett, S; Murugan, A; Badham, P; Wrynne, A; Haszeldine, S; Wheeldon, M; McIntosh, A (2020) Olfactory appraisal of odorants for 100% hydrogen networks. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (20). pp. 11875-11884. ISSN 03603199
Murugan, A; Brown, A S (2014) Advancing the analysis of impurities in hydrogen by use of a novel tracer enrichment method. Anal. Methods, 6 (15). pp. 5472-5482.
Murugan, A; Brown, A S (2015) Review of purity analysis methods for performing quality assurance of fuel cell hydrogen. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 40 (11). pp. 4219-4233.
Murugan, A; de Huu, M; Bacquart, T; van Wijk, J; Arrhenius, K; te Ronde, I; Hemfrey, D (2019) Measurement challenges for hydrogen vehicles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (35). pp. 19326-19333. ISSN 03603199
Murugan, Arul; Gardiner, Tom; Brown, Richard J C; Brewer, Paul J; Worton, Dave; Bacquart, Thomas; Robinson, Rod A; Finlayson, Andrew (2019) Purity requirements of carbon dioxide for carbon capture and storage. NPL Report. ENV 23
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Penkett, S*; Gilge, S*; Plass-Duelmer, C*; Galbally, I*; Brough, N*; Bottenheim, J*; Flocke, F*; Gerwig, H*; Lee, J*; Milton, M J T; Rohrer, F*; Ryerson, T*; Steinbacher, M*; Torseth, K*; Wielgosz, R* (2011) WMO/GAW Expert workshop on global long-term measurements of nitrogen oxides and recommendations for GAW nitrogen oxides network. Technical Report.
Perez-Sanz, F.J.; Sarge, S.M.; van der Veen, A.; Culleton, L.; Beaumont, O.; Haloua, F. (2019) First experimental comparison of calorific value measurements of real biogas with reference and field calorimeters subjected to different standard methods. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 135. pp. 72-82. ISSN 12900729
Quincey, P G (2013) Planck's constant as a natural unit of measurement. Phys. Educ., 48 (5). pp. 597-600.
Quincey, P G; Sarantaridis, D; Tuch, T*; Yli-Ojanperä, J*; Högström, R*; Lüönd, F*; Nowak, A*; Jordan-Gerkens, A*; Riccobono, F*; Iida, K*; Sakurai, H*; Owen, M* (2014) EURAMET Comparison 1282: Comparison of condensation particle counters. Final Report. NPL Report. AS 94
Rhoderick, G C; Cecelski, C E; Miller, W R; Worton, D R; Moreno, S; Brewer, P J; Viallon, J; Idrees, F; Moussay, P; Kim, Y D; Kim, D; Lee, S; Baldan, A; Li, J (2019) Stability of gaseous volatile organic compounds contained in gas cylinders with different internal wall treatments. Elem Sci Anth, 7 (1). 28 ISSN 2325-1026
Rhoderick, G C*; Duewer, D L*; Apel, E*; Baldan, A*; Hall, B*; Harling, A M; Helmig, D*; Heo, G S*; Hueber, J*; KIm, M E*; Kim, Y D*; Miller, B*; Montzka, S*; Riemer, D* (2014) International comparison of a hydrocarbon gas standard at the picomol per mol level. Anal. Chem., 86 (5). pp. 2580-2589.
Sweeney, B P; Quincey, P G; Green, D*; Fuller, G W* (2015) Quantifying the impact of nitric oxide calibration gas mixture oxidation on reported nitrogen dioxide concentration. Atmos. Environ., 105. pp. 169-172.
Szulejko, J E*; Kim, K H*; Brown, R J C; Bae, M S* (2014) Review of progress in solvent-extraction techniques for the determination of polyaromatic hydrocarbons as airborne pollutants. TRAC Trends Anal. Chem., 61. pp. 40-48.
Valkiers, S*; Varlam, M*; Ruße, K*; Berlund, M*; Taylor, P*; Wang, J; Milton, M J T; De Bièvre, P* (2007) Preparation of synthetic isotope mixtures for the calibration of carbon and oxygen isotope ratio measurement (in carbon dioxide) to the SI. Int. J Mass Spectrom., 264 (1). pp. 10-21.
Vargha, G; Milton, M J T; Heine, H-J*; Martin, B*; Pérez Castorena, A*; Serrano Caballero, V*; Rangel Murillo, F*; Avila Salas, M*; Ramírez Nambo, C*; Pérez Urquiza, M*; Carbajal Alarcón, C*; Jin Chun Woo*,, ; Mace, T*; van der Veen, A*; Wessel, R*; Ziel, P*; Smeulders, D*; Matsumoto, N*; Konopelko, L*; Kustikov, Y* (2007) A preparative comparison using the 'harmonisation' method on standards of synthetic natural gas (CCQM-P87). NPL Report. AS 13
Viallon, J; Flores, E; Idrees, F; Moussay, P; Wielgosz, R I; Oh, S H; Lee, S; Kim, B M; Nieuwenkamp, G; van der Veen, A; Efremova, O V; Konopelko, L A; Kustikov, Y A; Kolobova, A V; Shuguo, H; Carney, J; Kelley, M E; Rhoderick, G C; Hodges, J T; Uehara, S; Akima, D; Brewer, P; Worton, D; Macé, T; Smeulders, D; Fükö, J; Ntsasa, N; Leshabane, N; Ramahala, K; Tshilongo, J; Cieciora, D; Shimosaka, T; Matsumoto, N (2020) CCQM-K137, nitrogen monoxide (NO) in nitrogen. Metrologia, 57 (1A). 08001 ISSN 0026-1394
Viallon, J; Flores, E; Moussay, P; Chubchenko, I; Rolle, F; Zhang, T; Mussell Webber, E B; Wielgosz, R I (2020) An optimized sampling system for highly reproducible isotope ratio measurements (δ 13C and δ 18O) of pure CO2 gas by infrared spectroscopy. Metrologia, 57 (5). 055004 ISSN 0026-1394
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