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Abda, J; Davies, H; Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2016) Novel approach to validation of thermodynamic models for the chemistry of oilfield environments. Corrosion, 72 (5). pp. 587-597.


Banks, J P; Gohil, D D; Saunders, S R J; Osgerby, S; Evans, H E*; Dooley, R B* (1997) Oxide scale cracking: Kinetic studies using crack decoration and acoustic emission techniques. Microscopy of Oxidation 3, 675. pp. 330-338.

Barry, T I; Dinsdale, A T (1994) High temperature corrosion and carbon deposition phenomena on stainless steels. Mater. Sci. Technol., 10. 1090 - 1095

Beake, B D; Goodes, S R; Zhang, H; Isern, L; Chalk, C; Nicholls, J R; Gee, M G (2024) Randomised nano-/micro- impact testing – a novel experimental test method to simulate erosive damage caused by solid particle impacts. Tribology International, 195. 109647

Becker, H; Dickinson, E J F; Lu, X K; Bexell, U; Proch, S; Moffatt, C; Stenstrom, M; Smith, G; Hinds, G (2022) Assessing potential profiles in water electrolysers to minimise titanium use. Energy & Environmental Science, 15 (6). pp. 2508-2518.

Broomfield, J P (2020) The corrosion of steel in concrete - basic understanding, monitoring and corrosion control methods. (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 9). Other.


Cheung, W K; Francis, P E; Turnbull, A (1995) Test method for measurement of pit propagation rates. Materials Science Forum, 192-19 (1). pp. 185-196.

Cockrem, J*; Dudziak, T P*; Simms, N*; Lukaszewicz, M; Oakey, J* (2013) Steam oxidation behaviour of plasma nitrided Fe-based alloys. Anti-corrosion Methods and Materials, 60 (6). pp. 288-294.

Coleman, D; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A; Song, J* (2000) The use of neural networks to predict the susceptibility of duplex stainless steels to sulphide stress corrosion cracking. In: Eurocorr 2000, September 2000, London, UK.


Dale, S E C*; Vuorema. A*,, ; Sillanpaa, M*; Weber, J; Wain, A J; Barnes, E O*; Compton, R G*; Marken, F* (2014) Nano-litre proton/hydrogen titration in a dual-plate platinum-platinum generator-collector electrode micro-trench. Electrochim. Acta, 125. pp. 94-100.

Dudziak, T*; Lukaszewicz, M; Sims, N*; Nicholls, J R* (2015) Steam oxidation of TP347HFG, super 304H and HR3C-analysis of significance of steam flowrate and specimen surface finish. Corros. Eng. Sci. Technol., 50 (4). pp. 272-282.


Exner, H E*; Hunan, A M*; Roebuck, B (1998) Electrochemical polarisation and corrosion behaviour of colbolt and Co(W,C) alloys in 1N sulphuric acid. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, Struct. Mater., Prop. Microstruct., Process., 241 (1-2). pp. 202-210.


Francis, P E; Cheung, W K (1994) Test method for measurement of pit propagation rates. NPL Report. DMM(A)124

Francis, P E; Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1997) Development of an improved test method to measure stress corrosion cracking under evaporation conditions. In: Eurocorr 97, 1997, Trondheim, Norway.

Francis, R; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2020) Bimetallic Corrosion (Guides for Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 5). Other.

Francis, R; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2020) Corrosion control for pumps and valves (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 6). Other.

Fry, A; Osgerby, S; Wright, M (2002) Oxidation of alloys in steam environments - a review. NPL Report. MATC(A)90

Fry, A T (2010) Simulation of steam pipe conditions using cyclic oxidation tests. NPL Report. MAT 46

Fry, A T; Brown, L J; Gee, M G; Piedra, E* (2010) Procedures for steam oxidation testing of static and dynamic specimens. NPL Report. MAT 41

Fry, A T; Piedra, E M* (2011) A review of factors affecting steam oxidation testing. Mater. High Temp., 28 (4). pp. 290-296.

Fry, A T; Roberts, S; Chapman, L (2007) Measuring heat transfer through steam grown oxide scales. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 043

Fry, A T; Wright, I G*; Simms, N J*; McGhee, B*; Holcomb, G R* (2013) Steam oxidation of fossil power plant materials: collaborative research to enable advanced steam power cycles. High Temp.-High Press., 30 (4). pp. 261-270.


Godbear, D (1999) Aqueous and high temperature corrosion sections. Bibliography of publications: 1983-1998. NPL Report. CMMT(A)145

Gohil, D D; Seraffon, M; Fry, A T (2015) Observation of a phase transformation and grain growth phenomena in aluminised super 304H during steam oxidation. Mater. High Temp., 32 (1-2). pp. 205-214.

Gorman, D; Fry, A T (2017) Porosity connectivity within the spinel layer of the 9 Cr steel grade 91 when exposed to high temperature steam. Oxidation of Metals, 88 (3-4). pp. 435-446.

Gorman, D M; Fry, A T (2016) The early morphological development of the near surface region of pickled grade 91 tubing exposed to steam and its long term implications. Metals, 6 (3). p. 62.

Gorman, D M; Fry, A T (2016) The influence of surface quality of grade 91 tubing on long term oxidation in steam. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, 10-14 October 2016, Algarve, Portugal.

Gorman, D M*; Higginson, R L*; McColvin, G*; Fry, A T; Thomson, R C* (2012) Microstructural analysis of steam oxidation in IN617 for use in ultra-supercritical steam plants. Mater. High Temp., 29 (2). pp. 81-88.

Griffiths, A J; Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2005) Monotonic and cyclic slow strain rate testing of super 13% chromium steel welds under cathodic protection. Corrosion, 61 (2). pp. 111-118.

Griffiths, A J; Hutchings, R B; Turnbull, A (1993) Validation of the role of bulk charging of hydrogen in the corrosion fatigue cracking of a low alloy steel. Scr. Metall. Mater., 29 (5). pp. 623-626.

Griffiths, A J; Mercer, A D; Turnbull, A (1999) Test methods for corrosion inhibitors. Technical Report. NPL, UK.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (2003) Assessment of the role of the acetic acid/acetate buffer in corrosion/stress corrosion testing of modified 13 Cr stainless steels and carbon steels. NPL Report. MATC(A)131

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1999) Corrosion testing of welds. Technical Report. NPL, UK.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (2001) Defining the limits of application of duplex stainless steel coupled to carbon steel in oilfield environments. Corrosion, 57 (2). pp. 165-174.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1998) Galvanic coupling of corrosion resistant alloys in seawater at elevated temperatures. Stainless Steel World, 10 (1). pp. 38-39.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1997) Hydrogen uptake and cracking in 22Cr duplex stainless steel under galvanic coupling conditions. Corrosion, 53 (9). pp. 700-704.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1996) Impact of long term exposure on corrosion fatigue crack growth of low alloy steels. In: Proc. CORROSION 96, NACE, 1996, Houston, Texas.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1994) Time dependent factors in the corrosion fatigue testing of cathodically protected low alloy steels. In: Proc. Structural Materials in Marine Environments, May 1994, London.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A; Francis, P E; Orkney, L P; Ryan, M; Hawkins, B (2001) Evaluation of electrochemical techniques for characterising the corrosion resistance of superduplex stainless steel welds. Stainless Steel World (Septem). pp. 21-23.

Guo, L; Zhou, S; Crocker, L; Turnbull, A (2016) Characterisation of initiation sites for cracks developed from pits in a shot-peened 12Cr blade steel. NPL Report. MAT 83

Guo, L; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A (2016) Electrochemical polarisation measurements on a 12Cr martensitic stainless steel in dilute NaCl. NPL Report. MAT 84

Guo, L; Zhou, S Q; Crocker, L; Turnbull, A (2017) Initiation sites for cracks developed from pits in a shot-peened 12Cr martensitic stainless steel. Int. J. Fatigue, 98. pp. 195-202.


Hamzah, M Z*; Yeo, W H*; Fry, A T; Inayat-Hussain, J I*; Ramesh, S*; Purbolaksono, J* (2013) Estimation of oxide scale growth and temperature increase of high (9-12%) chromium martensitic steels of superheater tubes. Eng. Failure Anal., 35. pp. 380-386.

Harvey, D W (2019) Cathodic Protection (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 1). Other.

Harvey, D W; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2020) Corrosion control for buried pipelines (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control No.4). Other.

Harvey, D W* (2011) Corrosion control for buried pipelines. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 121

Hesketh, J; Cooling, P; Hinds, G (2015) Validation of oxygen purge techniques for stress corrosion cracking tests. NPL Report. MAT 71

Hesketh, J; Dickinson, E J F; McMahon, G; Martin, M; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2020) Influence of H2S on the localised corrosion of 316L stainless steel: Part 1 - Coupon testing. NPL Report. National Physical Laboratory. MAT 92

Hesketh, J; Dickinson, E J F; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2020) Influence of H2S on the localised corrosion of 316L stainless steel Part 2 - Electrochemical testing. NPL Report. National Physical Laboratory. MAT 94

Hesketh, J; Hinds, G; Morana, R (2018) effect of pigging damage on sulfide stress corrosion cracking of type 316L stainless steel cladding. Corrosion, 74 (4). pp. 487-495.

Hesketh, J; Hinds, G; Morana, R* (2016) Effect of pigging damage on sulphide stress corrosion cracking of corrosion resistant alloys. Corrosion, 72 (3). pp. 439-448.

Hesketh, J; Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2019) Sour Testing of 316L Stainless Steel: Comparison of Four-Point Bend and Uniaxial Tensile Test Methods. CORROSION, 75 (7). pp. 779-789. ISSN 0010-9312

Hesketh, J.; Dickinson, E.J.F.; Martin, M.L.; Hinds, G.; Turnbull, A. (2021) Influence of H2S on the pitting corrosion of 316L stainless steel in oilfield brine. Corrosion Science, 182. 109265 ISSN 0010938X

Higginson, R L*; Roebuck, B; Palmiere, E J* (2002) Texture development in oxide scales on steel substrates. Scr. Mater., 47. pp. 337-342.

Hinds, G; Cooling, P; Wain, A J; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A (2009) Measurement of pH in concentrated brines. Corrosion, 65 (10). pp. 635-638.

Hinds, G; Cooling, P; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A (2008) Underdeposit test method for assessing performance of corrosion inhibitors. In: Eurocorr 2008, 2008.

Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2005) Does calcareous scale formation on cathodically protected steel affect hydrogen uptake? Corrosion, 61 (9). pp. 835-837.

Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2010) Novel multi-electrode test method for evaluating inhibition of underdeposit corrosion. Part 1: Sweet conditions. Corrosion, 66 (4). 046001

Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2010) Novel multi-electrode test method for evaluating inhibition of underdeposit corrosion. Part 2: Sour conditions. Corrosion, 66 (5). 056002

Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2006) Testing of supermartensitic stainless steel welds under cathodic protection at very low strain rates. Corrosion, 62 (5). pp. 371-374.

Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2008) Threshold temperature for stress corrosion cracking of duplex stainless steel under evaporative seawater conditions. Corrosion, 64 (2). pp. 101-106.

Hinds, G; Wickstrom, L; Abda, J; Turnbull, A; Smith, V*; Woollam, R* (2014) Novel method for determination of pitting susceptibility in aggressive environments at elevated temperature and pressure. Corros. Sci., 85. pp. 33-41.

Hinds, G; Wickstrom, L; Mingard, K P; Turnbull, A (2013) Impact of surface condition on sulphide stress corrosion cracking of 316L stainless steel. Corros. Sci., 71. pp. 43-52.

Holcomb, G R*; McGhee, B F*; Fry, A T; Simms, N J*; Davis, K*; Shim, H S*; Bullard, S J* (2013) Boiler corrosion and monitoring. High Temp.-High Press., 30 (4). pp. 271-286.

Horner, D A*; Connolly, B J*; Zhou, S; Crocker, L E; Turnbull, A (2011) Novel images of stress corrosion cracks from corrosion pits. Corros. Sci., 53 (11). pp. 3466-3485.

Hou, X D; Zhang, H X; Seraffon, M; Fry, A T (2020) Steam oxidation and mechanical performance of a ferritic–martensitic steel with slurry aluminide coating. Materials and Corrosion, 71 (8). pp. 1310-1320. ISSN 0947-5117

Hudson, R (2020) Coatings for the protection of structural steelworks. Other.

Hudson, R (2020) Surface preparation for coating (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 2). Other.

Hutchings, R B; Ferriss, D H; Turnbull, A (1993) Ratio of specimen thickness to charging area for reliable hydrogen permeation measurement. Br. Corros. J., 28 (4). pp. 309-312.

Hutchings, R B; Ferriss, D H; Turnbull, A (1993) Ratio of specimen thickness to detection area for reliable hydrogen permeation measurement. NPL Report. DMM(A)103


Jothi, S*; Croft, T N*; Wright, L; Turnbull, A; Brown, S G R* (2015) Multi-phase modelling of intergranular hydrogen segregation/trapping for hydrogen embrittlement. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 40 (43). pp. 15105-15123.


Kairy, S; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2023) Corrosion of pipeline steel in dense phase CO2 containing impurities: A critical review of test methodologies. Corrosion Science, 214. 110986


Larrosa, N O; Ainsworth, R A; Akid, R; Budden, P J; Davies, C M; Hadley, I; Tice, D R; Turnbull, A; Zhou, S (2017) 'Mind the gap' in fitness-for-service assessment procedures-review and summary of a recent workshop. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 158. pp. 1-19.

Loveday, M S; Saunders, S R J; Gee, M G (1998) Some methods for the determination of the strength of oxides. NPL Report. CMMT(A)96

Lukaszewicz, M*; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A (2015) Novel concepts on the growth of corrosion fatigue small and short cracks. Solid State Phenomena, 227. pp. 3-6.

Lukaszewicz, M*; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A (2015) Novel concepts on the growth of corrosion fatigue small and short cracks. Mater. Corros. Werkst. Korros., 66 (12). pp. 1488-1490.


Martínez-Pañeda, E; Díaz, A; Wright, L; Turnbull, A (2020) Generalised boundary conditions for hydrogen transport at crack tips. Corrosion Science, 173. p. 108698. ISSN 0010938X

Maxwell, A S (2001) Practical guide for designers and manufacturers of mouldings to reduce the risk of environment stress cracking. NPL Report. MATC(A)5

Maxwell, A S; Turnbull, A (2003) Chemical probe technique for assessing the susceptibility of polymeric mouldings to environmental stress cracking. Polym. Test., 22. pp. 259-265.

Mercer, A D; Lumbard, E A (1995) The corrosion of mild steel in water. Br. Corros. J., 30 (1). pp. 43-55.

Mogire, E O*; Higginson, R L*; Fry, A T; Thomson, R C* (2011) Microstructural characterization of oxide scales formed on steels P91 and P02. Mater. High Temp., 28 (4). pp. 361-368.

Morrell, R (1999) Pre-cracking test-pieces of brittle materials for fracture toughness measurement. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)35

Mulligan, E; Griffiths, A J; Nimmo, W (2001) When welds corrode. Mater. World (Dec). pp. 27-28.

Munn, P* (2011) Avoidance of corrosion in plumbing systems. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 120


Nagl, M M*; Saunders, S R J; Evans, W T*; Hall, D J (1993) The tensile failure of nickle oxide scales at ambient and at growth temperatures. Corros. Sci., 35 (5-8). pp. 965-977.

Neville, A*; Hesketh, J; Beadling, A R*; Bryant, M G*; Dowson, D* (2016) Incorporating corrosion measurement in hip wear simulators: an added complication or a necessity? Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. H, J. Eng. Med., 230 (5). pp. 406-420.

Nimmo, W; Griffiths, A J; Orkney, L P; Mensah, A; Turnbull, A (2001) Evaluation of techniques for measuring the corrosion activity of carbon steel welds. NPL Report. MATC(A)34

Nimmo, W; Orkney, L P; Mensah, A; Griffiths, A J (2001) Assessing the corrosion susceptibility of carbon steel welds - evaluating the test methods. Weld. Met. Fabr. (UK) (June). pp. 12-14.


Osgerby, S (1999) The development of weak, de-alloyed zones during oxidation of high temperature alloys. NPL Report. CMMT(A)221

Osgerby, S; Fry, A T (2011) Laboratory test procedures to high temperature steam atmosphere. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 74

Osgerby, S; Gohil, D D; Saunders, S R J (1998) Cyclic high temperature corrosion in coal gasification plant and downtime corrosion: a procedure for laboratory tests to simulate industrial experience. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)025

Osgerby, S; Gohil, D D; Saunders, S R J; Evans, H* (1998) Measurement of growth strain in oxide scales by parallel beam x-ray diffraction. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)027

Osgerby, S; Peck, M S (1994) Characterisation of tensile creep behaviour of HIP Si3N4. NPL Report. DMM(A)159

Osgerby, S; Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P; Gohil, D D (1998) Mechanical properties of high temperature corrosion scales on materials for high temperature heat exchangers. WP13, project UK5, final report to cost 501. NPL Report. CMMT(A)139

Osgerby, S; Saunders, S R J; Evans, H E*; Gohil, D D; Banks, J P (1998) Lifetime prediction of high temperature components: breakdown of the protective oxide scale. NPL Report. CMMT(A)131

Osgerby, S; Saunders, S R J; Gohil, D D; Shafirstein, G (1997) Mechanical and chemical characterisation of coated systems. Materials Science Forum, 251-25 (2). pp. 737-744.

Osgerby, S; Saunders, S R J; Mulligan, E (2001) Corrosion issues at high temperature. In: National Measurement Conference (NMC) 2001, 6-8 November 2001, Harrogate, UK.


Piedra Gonzalez, E M*; Fry, A T (2012) High temperature steam oxidation of power plant alloys by means of a new specimen design with contacting surfaces. Oxid. Met., 77 (3-4). pp. 189-207.


Roebuck, B (2007) Oxidation studies on miniaturised mechanical testpieces. NPL Report. MN 1

Roebuck, B; Edwards, G J; Gee, M G (2005) Characterisation of oxidising metal surfaces with a two colour pyrometer. Meas. Sci. Technol., 21 (7). pp. 831-840.

Rogers, R; Morgan, P; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2020) Temporary Corrosion Protection (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 7). Other.

Rogers, R* (2012) Guide to temporary corrosion protective. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 122


Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P (1998) Measurement of thermal mechanical fatigue (TMF) resistance of coatings used in gas turbines. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)029

Saunders, S R J; Evans, H E*; M, Li*; Gohil, D D; Osgerby, S (1997) Oxidation growth stresses in an alumina-forming ferritic steel measured by creep deflection. Oxid. Met., 48 (3-4). pp. 189-200.

Saunders, S R J; Gohil, D D; Osgerby, S (1997) The combined effects of downtime corrosion and sulphidation on the degradation of commercial alloys. Mater. High Temp., 14 (3). pp. 237-243.

Saunders, S R J; McCartney, L N (2006) Current understanding of steam oxidation - power plant and laboratory experience. Mater. Sci. Forum, 522-52. pp. 119-128.

Saunders, S R J; Nicholls, J R* (1995) Hot-salt corrosion testing - in international intercomparison. Materials at high temperatures, 13 (3). pp. 115-120.

Saunders, S R J; Osgerby, S; Banks, J P; Sheriff, M U (1998) Code of practice for characterising gas turbine blade coatings. NPL Report. CMMT(A)132

Schonbauer, B M*; Stanzl-Tschegg, S E*; Perlega, A*; Salzman, R N*; Rieger, N F*; Turnbull, A; Zhou, S Q; Lukaszewicz, M; Gandy, D* (2015) The influence of corrosion pits on the fatigue life of 17-4PH steam turbine blade steel. Eng. Fract. Mech., 147. pp. 158-175.

Schonbauer, B M*; Stanzl-Tschegg, S E*; Perlega, A*; Salzman, R N*; Rieger, N F*; Zhou, S; Turnbull, A; Gandy, D* (2014) Fatigue life estimation of pitted 12% Cr steam turbine blade steel in difference environments and different stress ratios. Int. J. Fatigue, 65. pp. 33-43.

Shingledeckar, J P*; Pint, B A*; Sabau, A S*; Fry, A T; Wright, I G* (2013) Managing steam-side oxidation and exfoliation in USC boiler tubes. Adv. Mater. Process., 171 (1). pp. 23-25.

Slavcheva, E*; Shone, B*; Turnbull, A (1997) Factors controlling naphthenic acid corrosion. In: Proc. Corrosion '97, NACE, March 1997, Houston, USA.

Slavcheva, E*; Shone, B*; Turnbull, A (1999) Review of naphthenic acid corrosion. Br. Corros. J., 34 (2). pp. 125-131.


Tiller, A K (2020) Corrosion control checklist (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Contril No. 11). Other.

Tiller, A K; Morgan, P G (2020) Avoidance of corrosion of metal gutter systems (Guides in Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 10). Other.

Tiller, A K; Munn, P; Turnbull, A; Hinds, G (2020) Avoidance of corrosion in plumbing systems (Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control No. 8). Other.

Tortorelli, P F*; Saunders, S R J; Shafirstein, G; Hall, D J (1994) Use of the mechanical properties microprobe for characterization of oxide scales. Mater. High Temp., 12 (2-3). 95 - 101

Trethewey, K R*; Wenman, M*; Chard-Tuckey, P*; Roebuck, B (2008) Correlation of meso- and micro-scale hardness measurements with the pitting of plastically-deformed type 304L stainless steel. Corros. Sci., 50 (4). pp. 1132-1141.

Turnbull, A (2010) 2009 W R Whitney award lecture: Local hydrogen generation and its impact on environment assisted cracking and on crevice corrosion. Corrosion, 66 (5). 055001

Turnbull, A (1993) Anodic ion oxide films and their effect on the hydrogen permeation through steel, by P. Bruzzoni and R. Garavaglia. Corros. Sci., 34 (10). pp. 1751-1752.

Turnbull, A (2017) Characterizing the early stages of crack development in environment assisted cracking. Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, 52 (7). pp. 533-540.

Turnbull, A (2017) Corrosion issues associated with additive manufacturing with stainless steel - implications for testing. NPL Report. MAT 86

Turnbull, A (2014) Corrosion pitting and environmentally assisted small crack growth. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 470 (2169). 20140254

Turnbull, A (1998) Current issues in hydrogen embrittlement. In: ECF 12. 12th Biennial Conference: Fracture from Defects, September 1998, Sheffield, UK.

Turnbull, A (2005) Electrochemical scanning probe microscopy - an overview. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 011

Turnbull, A (2001) Enviornment assisted cracking of metals - engineering challenges. In: National Measurement Conference (NMC) 2001, 6-8 November 2001, Harrogate, UK.

Turnbull, A (1997) Graphite gaskets - benefit or risk. In: Proc. Corrosion Matters, Institute of Corrosion, October 1997, London.

Turnbull, A (1999) Impact of graphite gasket/duplex stainless steel couples on crevice chemistry and likelihood of crevice attack in seawater. Corrosion, 55 (2). pp. 206-212.

Turnbull, A (1997) Implications of internal cathodic reactions for crevice attack of stainless steels in chloride environments. Br. Corros. J., 32 (4). pp. 283-290.

Turnbull, A (1999) Importance of internal cathodic reactions on the chemistry and electrochemistry in crevices and cracks. In: Proceedings of Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials, 1999, Gdansk.

Turnbull, A (1993) Mathematical modelling of localised corrosion. In: Proc. Conf. Modelling of aqueous corrosion, 1993, Plymouth,.

Turnbull, A (1997) Modelling of crack chemistry in sensitized stainless steel in boiling water reactor environments. Corros. Sci., 39 (4). pp. 789-805.

Turnbull, A (1993) Modelling of environment assisted cracking. Corros. Sci., 34 (6). pp. 921-960.

Turnbull, A (2014) On irreversible trapping of hydrogen in metals. NPL Report. MAT 68

Turnbull, A (2015) Perspectives on hydrogen uptake, diffusion and trapping. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 40 (47). pp. 16961-16970.

Turnbull, A (1993) Review of modelling of pit propagation kinetics. Br. Corros. J., 28 (4). pp. 297-308.

Turnbull, A (1994) Standardisation of hydrogen permeation measurement by the electrochemical technique. In: Hydrogen Transport and Cracking in Metals, April 1994, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.

Turnbull, A (2005) Stress corrosion cracking of duplex stainless steels in concentrated brines - a critique of testing. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 008

Turnbull, A (1999) Testing and modelling for prediction of hydrogen embrittlement. In: International Conference on Ageing Studies and Lifetime Extension of Material, July 1999, Oxford, UK.

Turnbull, A (2012) The environmentally small/short crack growth effect : current understanding. Corros. Rev., 30 (1-2). pp. 1-17.

Turnbull, A; Coleman, D; Griffiths, A J (2001) Assessment of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of corrosion inhabitors in retarding propagation of localised corrosion. Br. Corros. J., 36 (3). pp. 210-214.

Turnbull, A; Coleman, D; Griffiths, A J; Francis, P E (2002) Effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors in retarding propagation of localised corrosion. In: Corrosion 2002, 8-12 April 2002, Denver, USA.

Turnbull, A; Crocker, L (2020) Finite element calculation of stress intensity factor for cracks developing from corrosion pit. NPL Report. National Physical Laboratory. MAT 95

Turnbull, A; Crocker, L E (2016) Finite element analysis of stress distribution around corrosion pit in shot-peened steel. NPL Report. MAT 81

Turnbull, A; Crocker, L E (2011) Finite element analysis of the effect of pit shape on local stress and strain distribution. NPL Report. MAT 51

Turnbull, A; Crocker, L E (2013) Finite element analysis of the effect of residual stress on the distribution of stress and strain associated with a single pit. NPL Report. MAT 60

Turnbull, A; Crocker, L E (2006) Finite element analysis of the stress and strain associated with a corrosion pit in a cylindrical specimen under applied tensile loading. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 034

Turnbull, A; Crocker, L E (2014) Four point bend testing - finite element analysis of the stress and strain distribution accounting for lateral specimen curvature. NPL Report. MAT 66

Turnbull, A; Crocker, L E (2014) Four point bend testing - finite element analysis of the stress and strain distribution. NPL Report. MAT 63

Turnbull, A; Dietzel, W*; Griffiths, A J (1996) Prenormalisation research in environment assisted cracking. In: Corrosion Standards II, National European and International Standards, 1990-1995, 1996, Institute of Materials.

Turnbull, A; Ferris, D H (1996) Modelling of the hydrogen distribution at a crack tip. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, Struct. Mater., Prop. Microstruct., Process., 206 (1). pp. 1-13.

Turnbull, A; Francis, P E; Griffiths, A J; Bennett, E G; Nimmo, W (2000) Measurement of corrosion resistance of super-duplex stainless steel welds by electrochemical techniques. In: Eurocorr 2000, September 2000, London, UK.

Turnbull, A; Francis, P E; Ryan, M P*; Orkney, L P; Griffiths, A J; Hawkins, B* (2002) A novel approach to characterizing the corrosion resistance of super duplex stainless steel welds. Corrosion, 58 (12). pp. 1039-1048.

Turnbull, A; Griffiths, A J (2002) Corrosion and cracking of weldable 13 Cr Martensitic Stainless Steel - a review. NPL Report. MATC(A)108

Turnbull, A; Griffiths, A J (2003) Corrosion and cracking of weldable 13 wt-%Cr martensitic stainless steels for application in the oil and gas industry. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 38 (1). pp. 21-50.

Turnbull, A; Griffiths, A J (1994) Implications of hydrogen uptake and transport for EAC testing and interpretation of results. In: UK Corrosion and Eurocorr 94, October 1994, Bournemouth.

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Turnbull, A; Griffiths, A J (2002) An evaluation of the effect of artificial buffers on the corrosion and electrochemistry of super 13 Cr steel. In: Supermartensitic Stainless Steels 2002, October 2002, Brussels.

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