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Ainslie, M A*; de Jong, C A F*; Robinson, S P; Lepper, P A* (2012) What is the source level of pile-driving noise in water? In: Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer, pp. 445-448. ISBN 9781441973108

Aldridge, D C (1995) The calibration of microphones for the measurement of impulsive noise. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 17 (4). 247 -252

Aldridge, D C (1997) A method of determining the accuracy of sound level meter peak pressure measurements. NPL Report. CMAM 7

Aldridge, D C; Jarvis, D; Jones, B E*; Rakowski, R T* (1998) A method for demonstrating the linearity of microphones at high sound pressures. Acustica, 84. pp. 1167-1171.

Aldridge, D C; Jarvis, D; Jones, B E*; Rakowski, R T* (1998) A pressure-step method for determining the low frequency sensitivity of measurement microphones at high sound pressures. Acta Acoustica, 84 (6). pp. 1167-1171.

Alink, A*; Milton, M J T (1999) International comparison of primary standard gas mixtures. Metrologia, 36 (2). pp. 155-158.

Avison, J E M; Barham, R G (2014) Report on key comparison CCAUV.A-K5: pressure calibration of laboratory standard microphones in the frequency range 2 Hz to 10 kHz. NPL Report. AC 11

Avison, J E M; Jackett, R J (2015) Traceability in newborn hearing screening via an auditory-evoked response simulator. Int. J. Audiol., 54 (8). pp. 559-561.


Bacon, D R; Shaw, A (1993) Experimental validation of predicted temperature rises in tissue-mimicking materials. Phys. Med. Biol., 38 (11). pp. 1647-1659.

Barham, R (2016) Practical considerations for the application of ear simulators in the calibration of audiometers in the extended high frequency region. Int. J. Audiol., 55 (12). pp. 796-801.

Barham, R; Olsen, E S*; Rodrigues, D*; Barrera-Figueroa, S*; Sadikoglu, E*; Karaboce, B* (2016) The calibration of a prototype occluded ear simulator designed for neonatal hearing assessment applications. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 140 (2). pp. 806-813.

Barham, R G (1995) Free-field/pressure sensitivity differences for laboratory standard microphones. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 17. 253 - 259

Barham, R G (1994) The NPL laser pistonphone. J. Low Freq. Noise Vib., 12 (2). pp. 36-38.

Barham, R G (1993) The NPL laser pistonphone. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration, 1993.

Barham, R G (1999) The feasibility of using calibration methods recently developed for working standard microphones in the calibration of audiometric reference couplers and artificial ears. NPL Report. CMAM 35

Barham, R G; Barrera-Figueroa, S*; Avison, J E M (2014) Secondary pressure calibration of measurement microphones. Metrologia, 51 (3). pp. 129-138.

Barham, R G; Goldsmith, M J (2007) The application of the NPL laser pistonphone to the international comparison of measurement microphones. Metrologia, 44. pp. 210-216.

Barham, R G; Jarvis, D (1997) Recent developments in the primary free-field reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard microphones at NPL - A contribution to Euromet project A295. NPL Report. CIRA(EXT)019

Barham, R G; Rasmussen, K*; Fedtke, T*; Rodrigues, D*; Zmierczak, T* (2008) Measurement of the acoustical impedance of artificial ears. A report on EURAMET Project 791. NPL Report. AC 6

Bauer, M*; Baker, C; Barham, R G; Hensel, J; Kling, C*; Trahms, L*; Koch, C*; Sander, T* (2013) Magnetoencephalography of deep lying auditory sources using acoustical devices for intra- and ultrasound stimulation. Biomedizinische Technik, 58 (1E).

Beamiss, G A; Hayman, G; Robinson, S P (2001) The provision of standards for underwater acoustics at simulated ocean conditions by use of the NPL Acoustic Pressure Vessel. NPL Report. CMAM 76

Beamiss, G A; Hayman, G; Robinson, S P; Thompson, A D (2004) Improvements in the provision of standards for underwater acoustics at simulated ocean conditions. NPL Report. DQL-AC 010

Beamiss, G A; Robinson, S P; Hayman, G; Esward, T J (2002) Determination of the variation in free-field hydrophone response with temperature and depth. Acta Acust. - Acustica, 88 (5). pp. 799-802.

Beissner, K*; Oosterbaan, W A*; Hekkenberg, R T*; Shaw, A (1996) European intercomparison of ultrasonic power measurements. Acustica - Acta Acust., 82. pp. 450-458.

Berry, B F (1995) The 1996 edition of BS4142: an overview. In: Proc. Institute of Acoustics, Autumn Conference, October 1995.

Berry, B F (1993) BS 4142:1990 - The Sequel, Towards 1994. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 15 (8). pp. 159-164.

Berry, B F (1993) BS 4142:1990. The sequel, towards 1994. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 15 (8). pp. 159-164.

Berry, B F (1998) Standards for a quieter world: some acoustical reflections from the UK National Physical Laboratory. Acoust. Bull., 23 (5). pp. 17-28.

Berry, B F (1997) Standards for a quieter world: some acoustical reflections from the UK National Physical Laboratory. In: Proc. Internoise 97, 1997, Budapest.

Berry, B F (1998) Standards for a quieter world: some acoustical reflections from the UK National Physical Laboratory. In: Proc. Internoise 97, August 1997, Budapest.

Berry, B F (1995) Towards a standardisation descriptor of the impulsive noise caused by low-altitude military aircraft. In: Proc. Internoise 95, July 1995, Newport Beach, USA.

Berry, B F (1996) Towards a standardised descriptor of the impulsive noise caused by low-altitude military aircraft. Acoust. Bull., 21 (4). pp. 31-38.

Berry, B F (1994) A comparison of 3 methods for the quantification of the onset-rate of the noise of low-altitude military aircraft. In: Proc. NATO.CCMS symposium on aircraft noise receiver technology, 16 - 20 May 1994, Baltimore..

Berry, B F; Flindell, I H (1998) Noise effects research: the importance of estimating noise exposure properly. In: NOISE EFFECTS '98, November 1998, Sydney, Australia.

Berry, B F; Harris, A L; Weston, R J*; Steele, D* (1993) Exercise Keevil: Noise levels of six military helicopters. NPL Report. RSA(EXT)0042

Berry, B F; Jiggins, M (1999) An inventory of UK research on noise and health from 1994 to 1999. NPL Report. CMAM 40

Berry, B F; Jiggins, M; Porter, N D*; Flindell, I H* (1999) Can we base environmental noise standards on health effects? Proc. Inst. Acoust., 21 (7). pp. 35-42.

Berry, B F; Kennell, P; Cain, M G (1999) Foresight associated programmes at the National Physical Laboratory. In: National Measurement Conference (NMC) 1999, 2-4 November 1999, Brighton, UK.

Berry, B F; Porter, N D (1993) Standards for industrial environmental noise exposure: current UK research (summary). In: 6th Int.Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem: Noise and Man, 5-9 July 1993, Nice, France.

Berry, B F; Porter, N D (1993) Standards for industrial environmental noise exposure: current UK research. In: Proc. 6th Int. Congress of Noise as a Public Health Problem, 1993.

Berry, B F; Porter, N D (1994) The evaluation of acoustic features in industrial noise. In: Internoise 94, 29 - 31 August 1994, Yokohama, Japan.

Berry, B F; Porter, N D; Flindell, I H (1999) Health effect based noise assessment methods. Acoust. Bull., 24 (1). pp. 13-16.

Berry, B F; Porter, N D; Flindell, I H (1998) The feasibility of linking future noise standards to health effects. In: NOISE EFFECTS '98, November 1998, Sydney, Australia.

Bobkova, S*; Gavrilov, L*; Khokhlova, V*; Shaw, A; Hand, J* (2010) Focusing of high intensity ultrasound through the rib cage using a therapeutic random phased array. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 36 (6). pp. 888-906.

Bornmann, P*; Hemsel, T*; Sextro, W*; Memoli, G; Hodnett, M; Zeqiri, B (2015) Cavitation detection by a self-sensing ultrasound transducer. tm-Technisches Messen, 82 (2). pp. 73-84.

Bornmann, P*; Hemsel, T*; Sextro, W*; Memoli, G; Hodnett, M; Zeqiri, B (2014) Self-sensing ultrasound transducer for cavitation detection. In: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2014, 3-6 September 2014, Chicago, IL, USA.

Bravo, A*; Barham, R G; Ruiz, M*; Loacutepez, J M*; De Arcas, G*; Alonso, J* (2012) A new 3-D finite element model of the IEC 60318-1 artificial ear. Part II. experimental and numerical validation. Metrologia, 49 (6). pp. 785-802.

Bravo, A*; Barham, R G; Ruiz, M*; Lopez, J M*; De Arcas, G*; Recuero, M* (2008) A new 3-D finite element model of the IEC 60318-1 artificial ear. Metrologia, 45 (4). pp. 448-458.

Brickley, C J; Zeqiri, B; Robinson, S R (2004) Providing primary standard calibrations beyond 20 MHz. J. Phys., Conf. Ser., 1. pp. 20-25.

Butterworth, I; Barrie, J; Zeqiri, B; Zauhar, G*; Parisot, B (2012) Exploiting thermochromic materials for the rapid quality assurance of physiotherapy ultrasound treatment heads. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 38 (5). pp. 767-776.


Choi. M J*,, ; Cho, S C*; Kang, G S*; Paeng, D G*; Lee, K I*; Hodnett, M; Zeqiri, B; Coleman, A J* (2008) Quantification of acoustic cavitation produced by a clinical extracorporeal shock wave therapy system using a passive cylindrical detector. Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 22 (11). pp. 809-814.

Coates, R*; Ablitt, J (2007) "The whale that swam to London": noise, navigation temporal awareness. In: Oceans 2007 - Europe, 18-21 June 2007, Aberdeen, UK.

Comesana, D F*; Koukoulas, T; Piper, B; Jongh, E J* (2016) Calibration of acoustic particle velocity sensors using a laser based method. In: 22rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration: From Ancient to Modern Acoustics (ICSV23), 10-14 July 2016, Athens, Greece.

Cooling, M P*; Humphrey, V F*; Theobald, P D; Robinson, S P (2009) Transducer characterization by laser Doppler vibrometry. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125 (4). p. 2557.

Cooling, M*; Humphrey, V*; Theobald, P; Robinson, S P (2010) Underwater ultrasonic field characterisation using laser Doppler vibrometry of transducer motion. In: ICA 2010: 20th International Congress on Acoustics, 23-27 August 2010, Sydney, Australia.


Dekeling, R*; Tasker, M*; Ainslie, M*; Andersson, M*; Andre, M*; Borsani, F*; Brensing, K*; Castellote, M*; Dalen, J*; Folegot, T*; van der Graaf, S*; Leaper, R*; Liebschner, A*; Pajala, J*; Robinson, S P; Sigray, P*; Sutton, G*; Thomsen, F*; Werner, S*; Wittekind, D*; Young, J V* (2016) The European marine strategy - noise monitoring in European marine waters from 2014. Advances in Experiemental Medicine and Biology, 875. pp. 615-622.

Dowson, S P (1994) Calibration and verification of sound level meters and calibrators. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 16 (2). 279 -285

Dowson, S P (1995) Current issues in the standardisation of sound level meters and sound calibrators. In: Proc. Internoise 95, July 1995, Newport Beach, USA.

Dowson, S P (1994) Measurement of sound calibrator characteristics: NPL contribution to an EC intercomparison. NPL Report. RSA(EXT) 45

Dowson, S P (2003) Sound calibrators - a new standard IEC 60942:2003. Acoust. Bull., 28 (3). pp. 20-22.

Dowson, S P (1993) Sound level meter calibration and verification. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 15 (5). pp. 5-10.

Dowson, S P (1996) Sound level meters - specification standards and testing. Institute of Acoustics, 21 (2). pp. 5-8.

Dowson, S P (1998) Specification standards for acoustical instruments - the impact of measurement uncertainties. In: Internoise 98, November 1998, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Dowson, S P (1998) Specification standards for acoustical instruments - the impact of measurement uncertainties. In: Proc. Internoise 98, 16-20 November 1998, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Dowson, S P (2001) Standards for sound level meters and sound calibrators, the current status. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 23 (1). pp. 9-18.

Dowson, S P (1998) Trials of new sound level meter verification tests. Euromet project no. 394. NPL Report. CMAM 25

Dowson, S P (1999) Uncertainties of measurement and IEC 61672. In: Conference Proceedings of the Joint ASA/EAA Meeting, March 1999, Berlin, Germany.

Dowson, S P (1997) The importance of measurement uncertainty during testing. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 19 (4). pp. 47-52.

Dowson, S P; Hanes, P (1995) Performance testing of sound calibrators. In: Proc. 15th International Congress on Acoustics, June 1995, Trondheim, Norway.

Dowson, S P; Jiggins, M (2001) A review report of the current status of specification standards, calibration and testing of noise-measuring instrumentation in the UK and their applications to MCERTS. NPL Report. CMAM 70

Durando, G*; Guglielmone, C*; Haller, J*; Georg, O*; Shaw, A; Martin, E*; Karaboce, B* (2015) Towards comparison of ultrasound dose measurements - current capabilities and open challenges. Physics Procedia, 70. pp. 1114-1118.


Ebbecke, J*; Fletcher, N E; Ahlers, F J*; Hartland, A; Janssen, T J B M (2003) Study of the limitations of the quantized acoustic current technique at PTB and NPL. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 52 (2). pp. 594-8.

Esward, T J (1998) An assessment of medical ultrasonic field measurement methods: final technical report for EC contract no. MAT1-CT940064. NPL Report. CMAM 17

Esward, T J; Ablitt, J; Robinson, S P; Beamiss, G A (2000) Development of a primary standard for hydrophone calibrations in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 2kHz based on the principle of coupler reciprocity. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, July 2000, Lyon, France.

Esward, T J; Bangash, M A (1998) Prediction of near-field behaviour of transducers: a comparison of the finite element, boundary element and angular plane wave spectrum methods and the consequences for measurements in the near field. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (3). pp. 47-55.

Esward, T J; Bangash, M A (1998) Prediction of the near-field behaviour of transducers: a comparison of the finite element, boundary element and angular plane wave spectrum methods and the consequences for measurements in the near-field. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (3). pp. 47-56.

Esward, T J; Bangash, M A (1998) Prediction of the near-field behaviour of transducers: a comparison of the finite element, boundary element and angular plane-wave spectrum methods. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (3). pp. 47-55.

Esward, T J; Persson, H*; Kollman, C*; Chinchurreta Segovia, F J*; Beissner, K*; Ludwig, G*; Ward, B*; Whittingham, T A*; Eisenberg, A*; Pessel, M*; Hekkenberg, R T*; Duck, F A*; Knuuttila, J* (2000) A european comparison of medical ultrasonic field measurements: interpreting IEC 61157. Acustica - Acta Acust., 86 (6). pp. 1000-1010.

Esward, T J; Preston, R C; Gélat, P N (2003) Piston-cylinder pressure balance design with a negligible distortion coefficient. Meas. Sci. Technol., 14 (6). pp. 796-806.

Esward, T J; Robinson, S P (1999) Extending the frequency range of the NPL primary standard laser interferometer for hydrophone calibrations to 60MHz. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Feroelectr. Freq. Control, 46 (3). pp. 737-744.

Esward, T J; Theobald, P D; Dowson, S P; Preston, R C (2002) An investigation into the establishment and assessment of a test facility for the calibration of acoustic emission sensors. NPL Report. CMAM 82


Finegold, L*; Schomer, P*; von Gierke, H*; Berry, B F (1999) Proposal for monitoring worldwide noise exposure and assessing the effectiveness of national noise control policies and regulations. In: Proc. Internoise 99, 1999, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

Flindell, I H*; Porter, N D; Berry, B F (1998) The assessment of environmental noise - the revision of ISO 1996. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (1). pp. 19-26.

Flindell, I H*; Porter, N D; Berry, B F (1997) The assessment of environmental noise - the revision of ISO 1996. Acoust. Bull., 22 (6). pp. 5-10.

Fonseca, M*; Saratoon, T*; Zeqiri, B; Beard, P*; Cox, B* (2016) Sensitivity of quantitative photoacoustic tomography inversion schemes to experimental uncertainty. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 9708. 97084X

Fonseca, M*; Zeqiri, B; Beard, P C*; Cox, B T* (2016) Characterisation of a phantom for multiwavelength quantitative photoacoustic imaging. Phys. Med. Biol., 61 (13). pp. 4950-4973.

Fonseca, M*; Zeqiri, B; Beard, P*; Cox, B* (2015) Characterisation of a PVCP-based tissue-mimicking phantom for quantitative photoacoustic imaging. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 9539. 953911

Foote, K G*; Theobald, P D (2015) Acousto-optic effect compensation for optical determination of the normal velocity distribution associated with acoustic transducer radiation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138 (3). pp. 1627-1636.

Fury, C; Harfield, C; Jones, P H*; Stride, E*; Memoli, G (2014) Experimental characterisation of holographic optical traps for microbubbles. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 9126. 91263L

Fury, C R*; Jones, P H*; Memoli, G (2014) Multi scale manipulation of microbubbles employing simultaneous optical and acoustical trapping. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 9164. 91642Z

Fury, C*; Gélat, P N; Jones, P H*; Memoli, G (2014) Laser vibrometry characterisation of a microfluidic lab-on-a-chip device: a preliminary investigation. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 498. 012002


Galloway, P C M (1995) A review of current research on optical techniques for acoustic measurements in lithotripsy. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 98 (5, Par). Abstract raPA2

Galloway, P C M; Preston, R C; Bacon, D R (1995) Velocity interferometer for measurement of high-amplitude acoustic pulses. In: Proc. 1995 World Congress of Ultrasonics, September 1995, Berlin.

Gatto, M*; Memoli, G; Shaw, A; Sadhoo, N; Gélat, P N; Harris, R A* (2012) Three-dimensional printing (3DP) of neonatal head phantom for ultrasound: thermocouple embedding and simulation of bone. Med. Eng. Phys., 34 (7). pp. 929-937.

Gelat, P N; Hodnett, M; Zeqiri, B (2000) Establishing a reference ultrasonic cleaning vessel: Part 1 supporting infrastructure and early measurements. NPL Report. CMAM 55

Gelat, P N; Shaw, A (2015) Relationship between acoustic power and acoustic radiation force on absorbing and reflecting targets for spherically focusing radiators. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 41 (3). pp. 832-844.

Gelat, P N; Ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2013) Towards the optimisation of acoustic fields for ablative therapies of tumours in the upper abdomen. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 547. 012002

Gelat, P N; ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2012) The optimisation of acoustic fields for ablative therapies of tumours in the upper abdomen. Phys. Med. Biol., 57 (24). pp. 8471-8497.

Gélat, P N (2003) Testing of IEC 61220 criteria using the NPL-developed hydrophone-amplifier model. NPL Report. CAIR 4

Gélat, P N; Preston, R C; Hurrell, A* (2001) Development, validation and publication of a complete model for hydrophone/amplifier transfer characteristics. NPL Report. CMAM 61

Gélat, P N; Wright, L; Bickley, C J; Sadhoo, N (2007) Magnitude and phase characterisation of a reference broadband membrane hydrophone up to 100 MHz using nonlinear field modelling. NPL Report. AC 3

Gélat, P N; ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2011) Modelling of the acoustic field of a multi-element HIFU array scattered by human ribs. Phys. Med. Biol., 56 (17). pp. 5553-5581.

Gélat, P N; ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2013) Scattering of high-intensity focused ultrasound by the ribs: constrained optimisation with a complex surface impedance boundary condition. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134 (5). p. 4213.

Gélat, P N; ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2013) Scattering of high-intensity focused ultrasound by the ribs: constrained optimisation with a complex surface impedance boundary condition. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134 (5). p. 4213.

Gélat, P N; ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2012) Scattering of the field of a multi-element phased array by human ribs. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 353. 012010

Gélat, P N; ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2014) A comparison of methods for focusing the field of a HIFU array transducer through human ribs. Phys. Med. Biol., 59 (12). pp. 3139-3171.

Gélat, P N; ter Haar, G*; Saffari, N* (2012) The optimisation of acoustic fields for ablative therapies of tumours in the upper abdomen. Phys. Med. Biol., 57 (24). p. 8471.

Gélat, P N; terHaar, G*; Saffari, N* (2014) HIFU scattering by the ribs: constrained optimisation with a complex surface impedance boundary condition. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 498. 012004


Haller, J*; Jenderka, K V*; Durando, G*; Shaw, A (2012) A comparative evaluation of three hydrophones and a numerical model in high intensity focused ultrasound fields. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131 (2). pp. 1121-1130.

Haller, J*; Jenderka, K V*; Shaw, A; Durando, G*; Karaboce, B* (2012) Metrology of high-intensity therapeutic ultrasound within the EMRP project 'External beam cancer therapy' . Characterization of sources. Metrologia, 49 (5). S267-S270

Haller, J*; Jenderka, K-V*; Koch, C*; Seifert, F*; Klepsch, T*; Shaw, A (2012) A low-cost, easy-to-handle calibration phantom for MR thermometry in HIFU fields. AIP Conf. Proc., 1481. pp. 125-130.

Haller, J*; Jenderka, K-V*; Seifert, F*; Klepsch, T*; Martin, E; Shaw, A; Durando, G*; Guglielmone, C*; Girard, F* (2012) A comparison of three different types of temperature measurements in HITU fields. Metrologia, 49 (5). S279-S281

Haller, J*; Jenderka, K-V*; Shaw, A; Durando, G*; Karaboumice, B* (2012) Metrology of high-intensity therapeutic ultrasound within the EMRP project 'external beam cancer therapy'. Characterization of sources. Metrologia, 49 (5). S267-S270

Hand, J W*; Shaw, A; Sadhoo, N; Rajagopal, S*; Dickinson, R J*; Gavrilov, L R* (2009) A random phased array device for delivery of high intensity focused ultrasound. Phys. Med. Biol., 54 (19). pp. 5675-5693.

Hand, J W*; Shaw, A; Sadhoo, N; Rajagopol, S*; Dickinson, R J*; Gavrilov, L R* (2009) A random phased array device for delivery of high intensity focused ultrasound. Phys. Med. Biol., 54 (19). pp. 5675-5693.

Hanes, P (2001) Comparison of measurement uncertainty budgets for calibration of sound calibrators: Euromet projet 576. NPL Report. CMAM 73

Hanes, P (1999) DAT'll be the day. Acoust. Bull., 24 (5). p. 37.

Hanes, P (1997) IEC 1672: The new international standard for sound level meters. Acoust. Bull., 22 (4). p. 28.

Hanes, P (1999) Measurement of the free-field sensitivity of a working standard microphone using the MLS technique. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 1999.

Hanes, P (2000) Methods of free-field calibration of working standard microphones by comparison techniques: Euromat project 400. NPL Report. CMAM 57

Hanes, P (2000) Shaking all over. Acoust. Bull., 25 (5). p. 36.

Hanes, P (1995) Sound calibrators: calibration, verification and pattern evaluations. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 17 (5). pp. 53-56.

Hanes, P (1997) Sound intensity - Theory and practice. Acoust. Bull. (Novemb).

Hanes, P; Dowson, S P (1996) Pattern evaluation and periodic verification of sound calibrators. In: Proc. Internoise 96, July 1996, Liverpool.

Hanes, P; Dowson, S P (1996) Pattern evaluation and periodic verification of sound calibrators. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 18 (7). pp. 19-22.

Hanes, P; Tyler, R* (1998) Good practice in acoustical measurements. Acoust. Bull., 23 (4). p. 38.

Harfield, C J*; Ovenden, N C*; Memoli, G; Jones, P H*; Stride, E P J* (2013) Theoretical characterisation of the radial and translational motion of coated microbubbles under acoustic excitation. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 457. 012001

Harfield, C*; Fury, C R; Memoli, G; Jones, P*; Ovenden, N*; Stride, E* (2016) Analysis of the uncertainty in microbubble characterization. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 42 (6). pp. 1412-1418.

Harland, A R*; Petzing, J N*; Tyrer, J R*; Bickley, C J; Robinson, S P; Preston, R C (2003) Application and assessment of laser Doppler velocimetry for underwater acoustic measurements. J. Sound Vib., 265 (3). pp. 627-645.

Harris, G R*; Preston, R C; De Reggi, A S* (2000) The impact of piezoelectric PVDF on medical ultrasound exposure measurements, standards and regulations. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Feroelectr. Freq. Control, 47 (6). pp. 1321-1335.

Harris, P M; Philip, R*; Robinson, S P; Wang, L S (2016) Monitoring anthropogenic ocean sound from shipping using an acoustic sensor network and a compressive sensing approach. Sensors, 16 (3). p. 415.

Harris, P M; Robinson, S P (1998) Acoustic signal modelling and its application to the calibration of underwater electroacoustic transducers in reverberant laboratory tanks. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (3). pp. 13-20.

Harris, P M; Robinson, S P (1998) Acoustic signal modelling and its application to the calibration of underwater electroacoustic transducers in reverberant tanks.. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (3). pp. 13-20.

Hayman, G; Robinson, S P (2007) Phase calibration of hydrophones by the free-field reciprocity method in the frequency range 10 kHz to 400 kHz. NPL Report. AC 1

Hayman, G; Robinson, S P; Lepper, P* (2016) Calibration and characterization of autonomous recorders used in the measurement of underwater noise. Advances in Experiemental Medicine and Biology, 875. pp. 441-445.

Hayman, G; Theobald, P; Rebb, G*; Robinson, S P; Humphrey, V* (2007) Hydrophone performance in sediment. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results", June 2007, Crete.

Hayman, G; Wang, Y B*; Robinson, S P (2013) A comparison of two methods for phase response calibration of hydrophones in the frequency range 10 kHz - 400 kHz. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 133 (2). pp. 750-759.

Hayman, G; Wells, G; Boys, P; Chambers, C (2007) Free-field calibration of hydrophones at frequencies from 250 Hz to 1 kHz. NPL Report. DQL-AC 019

Hazelwood, R A; Robinson, S P (2007) Underwater acoustic power measurements in reverberant fields. In: IEEE Ocean 2007 - Europe, 18-21 June 2007, Aberdeen, UK.

Hazelwood, R A*; Robinson, S P (1998) Acoustic power calibration in reverberant tanks. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (3). pp. 103-110.

Hekkenberg, R T*; Beissner, K*; Zeqiri, B; Bezemer, R A*; Hodnett, M (2001) Validated ultrasonic power measurements up to 20 W. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 27 (3). pp. 427-438.

Hekkenberg, R T*; Reibold, R*; Zeqiri, B (1994) Development of standard measurement methods for essential properties of ultrasound therapy equipment. Ultrasound Med. Biol., 20 (1). pp. 83-98.

Higginson, R F (1993) EC Directives require product noise testing. Hewlett Packard Realtime Update (Spring). pp. 1-2.

Higginson, R F (1993) Noise from machinery. BSI News (June). pp. 14-15.

Higginson, R F; Hanes, P (1993) Measurement uncertainties in determination of noise emission (in Chinese). Chine Automotive J., 9 (2). pp. 33-37.

Higginson, R F; Hanes, P (1993) Measurement uncertainties in determination of noise emission: a review. Noise Control Eng. J., 40 (2). pp. 173-178.

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