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Ainslie, M A; Andrew, R K; Tyack, P L; Halvorsen, M B; Eickmeier, J M; MacGillivray, A O; Nedelec, S L; Robinson, S P (2023) Soundscape of the Northeast Pacific revisited. In: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783031104176
Ainslie, M A; Halvorsen, M B; Robinson, S P (2022) A terminology standard for underwater acoustics and the benefits of international standardization. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47 (1). pp. 179-200.
Ainslie, M A*; de Jong, C A F*; Robinson, S P; Lepper, P A* (2012) What is the source level of pile-driving noise in water? In: Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer, pp. 445-448. ISBN 9781441973108
Basan, F; Fischer, J-G; Putland, R; Brinkkemper, J; de Jong, C A F; Binnerts, B; Norro, A; Kuhnel, D; Odegaard, L-A; Andersson, M; Lalander, E; Tougaard, J; Griffiths, E T; Kosecka, M; Edwards, E; Merchant, N D; de Jong, K; Robinson, S; Wang, L; Kinneging, N (2024) The underwater soundscape of the North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 198. 115891
Beamiss, G A; Hayman, G; Robinson, S P (2001) The provision of standards for underwater acoustics at simulated ocean conditions by use of the NPL Acoustic Pressure Vessel. NPL Report. CMAM 76
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Fernandez-Betelu, O; Graham, I M; Malcher, F; Webster, E; Cheong, S-H; Wang, L; Iorio-Merlo, V; Robinson, S P; Thompson, P M (2024) Characterising underwater noise and changes in harbour porpoise behaviour during the decommissioning of an oil and gas platform. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 200. 116033
Foote, K G*; Theobald, P D (2015) Acousto-optic effect compensation for optical determination of the normal velocity distribution associated with acoustic transducer radiation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138 (3). pp. 1627-1636.
Ford, B; Robinson, S; Ablitt, J (2021) A study of the stability exhibited by hydrophones when exposed to variation in temperature and hydrostatic pressure. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 44 (1). 070024
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Harris, P; Sotirakopoulos, K; Robinson, S; Wang, L; Livina, V (2019) A statistical method for the evaluation of long term trends in underwater noise measurements. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145 (1). pp. 228-242. ISSN 0001-4966
Harris, P M; Philip, R*; Robinson, S P; Wang, L S (2016) Monitoring anthropogenic ocean sound from shipping using an acoustic sensor network and a compressive sensing approach. Sensors, 16 (3). p. 415.
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Hayman, G; Robinson, S P (2007) Phase calibration of hydrophones by the free-field reciprocity method in the frequency range 10 kHz to 400 kHz. NPL Report. AC 1
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Hazelwood, R A; Robinson, S P (2007) Underwater acoustic power measurements in reverberant fields. In: IEEE Ocean 2007 - Europe, 18-21 June 2007, Aberdeen, UK.
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Humphrey, V F*; Robinson, S P; Beamiss, G A; Hayman, Gary; Smith, J D* (2009) Sonar material acoustic property measurements using a parametric array. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125 (4). p. 2718.
Humphrey, V F*; Robinson, S P; Smith, J D*; Martin, M J*; Beamiss, G A; Hayman, G; Carroll, N L* (2008) Acoustic characterisation of panel materials under simulated ocean conditions using a parametric array source. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 124 (2). pp. 803-814.
Humphrey, V F*; Robinson, S P; Theobald, P D; Cooling, M P* (2007) Characterisation of high frequency, high amplitude sonar fields using optical measurement of transducer surface velocity. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results", 2007, Crete.
Kinneging, N; Andersson, M H; De Jong, C; De Jong, K; Fischer, J; Kosecka, M; Kvadsheim, P; Merchant, N; Norro, A; Robinson, S; Tougaard, J (2023) Joint Monitoring Program for Ambient Noise in the North Sea. In: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer.
Koukoulas, T; Piper, B; Robinson, S; Barham, R (2016) Uncertainty contributions in the optical measurement of free-field propagating sound waves in air and water. In: 22rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration: From Ancient to Modern Acoustics (ICSV23), 10-14 July 2016, Athens, Greece.
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Lepper, P A; Robinson, S P; Cheong, S-H; Wang, L; Tougaard, J; Griffiths, E T; Hartley, J (2024) Deflagration: A Method For Lowering Noise From Underwater Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Clearance Operations. In: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer. ISBN 9783031104176
Lepper, P A*; Robinson, S P (2016) Measurement of underwater operational noise emitted by wave and tidal stream energy devices. Advances in Experiemental Medicine and Biology, 875. pp. 615-622.
Lepper, P A*; Robinson, S P (2008) Monitoring the temporal and spatial characteristics of the noise radiated from marine piling. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (5). p. 2987.
Lepper, P A*; Robinson, S P; Ainslie, M A*; Theobald, P D; de Jong, C A F* (2012) Assessment of cumulative sound exposure levels for marine piling events. In: Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer, pp. 453-457. ISBN 9781441973108
Lepper, P A*; Theobald, P D; Robinson, S P; Pangerc, T (2014) Significance of dynamic variation in renewable energy device noise to background noise levels under varying conditions. In: OCEANS 2014, 14-19 September 2014, St. John's, Canada.
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Lippert, S*; Nijhof, M*; Lippert, T*; Wilkes, D*; Gaveilov, A*; Heitmann, K*; Ruhnau, M*; von Estorff, O*; Schafke, A*; Schafer, I*; Ehrlich, J*; MacGillivray, A*; Park, J*; Seong, W*; Ainslie, M A*; de Jong, C*; Wood, M*; Wang, L S; Theobald, P (2016) COMPILE - a generic benchmark case for predictions of marine pile driving noise. IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., 41 (4). pp. 1061-1071.
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Malcher, F; Ford, B; Barham, R; Robinson, S; Ward, J; Wang, L; Bridges, A; Yacoot, A; Cheong, S H; Rodrigues, D; Barrera-Figueroa, S (2024) A calculable pistonphone for the absolute calibration of hydrophones in the frequency range from 0.5 Hz to 250 Hz. Metrologia, 61 (2). 025011
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Martin, M J*; Hugin, C T*; Robinson, S P; Beamiss, G A; Haymanb, G*; Smith, J D*; Humphrey, V F* (2007) The low frequency characterisation of underwater material properties in a pressure vessel via single, dual and multiple hydrophone techniques. In: 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results", June 2007, Crete.
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Nam, G H*; Cox, M G; Harris, P M; Robinson, S P; Hayman, G; Beamiss, G A; Esward, T J; Smith, I M (2007) A model for characterizing the frequency-dependent variation in sensitivity with temperature of underwater acoustic transducers from historical calibration data. Meas. Sci. Technol., 18. pp. 1553-1562.
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Preston, R C; Robinson, S P; Zeqiri, B; Esward, T J; Gelat, P N; Lee, N D (1999) Primary calibration of membrane hydrophones in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 60 MHz. Metrologia, 36 (4). pp. 331-334.
Prior, M K; Ainslie, M A; Halvorsen, M B; Hartstra, I; Laws, R M; MacGillivray, A; Muller, R; Robinson, S; Wang, L (2021) Characterization of the acoustic output of single marine-seismic airguns and clusters: the Svein Vaage dataset. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150 (5). pp. 3675-3692.
Rajagopal, S; Fury, C R; Zeqiri, B; Brandt, M*; Wilkens, V*; Koch, C*; Matsuda, Y*; Yoshioka, M*; Ping, Y*; Yan, Z*; Wenping, B*; Felix, R P*; Oliveira, E G*; Uchida, T*; Horiuchi, R*; Xing, G Z* (2016) Report on BIPM/CIPM key comparison CCAUV.U-K4: Absolute calibration of medical hydrophones in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 20 MHZ. Final report. Metrologia, 53 (1A). 09004.
Robb, G B N*; Robinson, S P; Theobald, P D; Hayman, Gary; Humphrey, V F*; Leighton, T G*; Lian Sheng Wang*, (2009) Absolute calibration of hydrophones immersed in sandy sediment. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125 (5). pp. 2918-2927.
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Robinson, S P; Doré, G R; Zhang, J*; Humphrey, V F*; Derell, O*; Larsen, M* (1996) A collaborative project to develop new reference hydrophones for the frequency range 100-500kHz. In: Proc. 3rd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Fourth-IACM, June 1996, Crete.
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Robinson, S P; Green, G J (1997) Intercomparison to validate calibration methods for hydrophones in the frequency range 10-315 kHz. NPL Report. CIRA(EXT)020
Robinson, S P; Green, G J; Preston, R C; Peirlinckx, L*; Kofoed, L*; Skodborg, C*; Roy, A*; Mori, Y*; Brenner, A*; Kruger, D*; Buogo, S*; Cannelli, G*; Troiano, L*; Runborg, C*; Gooch, G* (1999) International comparison of free-field hydrophone calibrations in the frequency range 10 kHz to 315kHz. Metrologia, 36 (4). pp. 287-96.
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Robinson, S P; Harris, P M (1999) Modelling acoustic signals in the calibration of underwater electroacoustic transducers in reverberant laboratory tanks. NPL Report. CMAM 29
Robinson, S P; Harris, P M; Ablitt, J; Hayman, G; Thompson, A; Isaev, A E*; Enyakov, A M*; Purcell, C*; Houqing, Z*; Yuebing, W*; Yue, Z*; Botha, P*; Krüger, D* (2006) An international key comparison of free-field hydrophone calibrations in the frequency range 1 to 500 kHz. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 120 (3). pp. 1366-1373.
Robinson, S P; Harris, P M; Ford, B; Ablitt, J; Chen, Y; Biber, A; Corakci, A C; Costa-Felix, R; Crocker, S; Isaev, A; Tyalimpi, V; Latha, G (2022) CCAUV.W-K2 Final Report - Key Comparison CCAUV.W-K2: Calibration of hydrophones in the frequency range from 250 Hz to 500 kHz. NPL Report. AC 20
Robinson, S P; Hayman, G; Harris, P M; Beamiss, G A (2018) Signal-modelling methods applied to the free-field calibration of hydrophones and projectors in laboratory test tanks. Measurement Science and Technology, 29 (8). 085001 ISSN 0957-0233
Robinson, S P; Hazelwood, R A (2007) Underwater acoustic power measurements in reverberant fields. In: IEEE Oceans 2007, June 2007, Aberdeen, UK.
Robinson, S P; Humphrey, V F*; Theobald, P D; Hayman, G; Cooling, M P* (2008) A comparison of hydrophone near-field scans and optical techniques for characterising high frequency sonar transducers. In: Proceedings of 9th ECUA2008 (Acoustics08), 29 June - 4 July 2008, Paris, France.
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Robinson, S P; Preston, R C; Green, G J (1998) An intercomparison of hydrophone calibrations within Europe. In: 16th Meeting Acoustical Society of America, June 1998, Seattle, USA.
Robinson, S P; Preston, R C; Green, G J (1998) An intercomparison of hydrophone calibrations within Europe. Proc. Inst. Acoust., 20 (3). pp. 1-8.
Robinson, S P; Theobald, P; Humphrey, V*; Haymana, G*; Cooling, M* (2007) Mapping the acoustical field produced by high frequency sonar transducers using optical tomographic techniques. In: 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results., June 2007, Crete.
Robinson, S P; Theobald, P D (2008) Validation of primary hydrophone calibrations by inter-laboratory comparisons and by independent calibration methods. In: Proceedings of 9th ECUA2008 (Acoustics08), 29 June - 4 July 2008, Paris, France.
Robinson, S P; Theobald, P D; Foote, K G* (2014) Calibration of hydrophones and electroacoustic transducers: a contribution to the OES standards initiative. In: Oceans 2014 -Taipei, 7-10 April 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
Robinson, S P; Theobald, P D; Hayman, G; Wang, L S; Lepper, P A*; Humphrey, V*; Mumford, S* (2011) Measurement of underwater noise arising from marine aggregate dredging operations. Technical Report. Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund MALSF.
Robinson, S P; Theobald, P D; Lepper, P A*; Hayman, G; Humphrey, V F*; Wang, L S*; Mumford, S* (2012) Measurement of underwater noise arising from marine aggregate operations. In: Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer, pp. 465-468. ISBN 9781441973108
Robinson, S P; Wang, L; Cheong, S H; Lepper, P A; Hartley, J P; Thompson, M; Edwards, E; Bellmann, M (2022) Acoustic characterisation of unexploded ordnance disposal in the North Sea using high order detonations. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 184. 114178
Robinson, S P; Wang, L; Cheong, S-H; Lepper, P A; Marubini, F; Hartley, J P (2020) Underwater acoustic characterisation of unexploded ordnance disposal using deflagration. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160. 111646 ISSN 0025326X
Robinson, S P; de Jong, C*; Mueller, A*; Theobald, P D (2013) Toward a standard for measurement of underwater noise from marine impact piling. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134 (5). p. 4024.
Robinson, S P; de Jong, C*; Mueller, A*; Theobald, P D (2013) Toward a standard for measurement of underwater noise from marine impact piling. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134 (5). p. 4024.
Theobald, P; Pangerc, T (2016) Review of methods for the calibration of vector sensors for the measurement of underwater acoustic fields. NPL Report. AC 17
Theobald, P; Robinson, S P; Thompson, A D (2005) An optical method for hydrophone calibration. Acoust. Bull., 30 (6). pp. 18-22.
Theobald, P; Thompson, A D; Robinson, S P; Preston, R C; Lepper, P*; Swift, C*; Yuebing, W*; Tyrer, J* (2004) Fundamental standards for acoustics based on optical methods - phase three report for sound in water. NPL Report. CAIR 9
Theobald, P D; Bickley, C J; Robinson, S P (2003) Recent progress at NPL in the use of optical techniques for hydrophone calibration. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics meeting on Underwater Acoustic Measurement and Testing., 9-10 January 2003, NPL, UK.
Theobald, P D; Lepper, P*; Robinson, S P; Hazelwood, R A (2009) Cumulative noise exposure assessment for marine mammals using sound exposure level as a metric. In: 3rd Underwater Acoustic Measurement Conference (UAM 2009), 21-26 June 2009, Nafplion, Greece.
Theobald, P D; Robinson, S P (2007) A comparison of free-field calibration techniques for hydrophones using the reciprocity and optical methods. In: 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results", June 2007, Crete.
Theobald, P D; Robinson, S P; Koukoulas, T; Hayman, Gary (2009) Measurement and imaging of high-frequency sonar fields using acousto-optic tomography. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125 (4). p. 2555.
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