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SI-traceable space-based climate observation system: a CEOS and GSICS workshop, National Physical Laboratory, London, UK, 9-11 Sept 2019

Boesch, H; Brindley, H; Carminati, F; Fox, N; Helder, D; Hewison, T; Houtz, D; Hunt, S; Kopp, G; Mlynczak, M; Pagano, T S; Revercomb, H; Richard, E; Rosenkranz, P; Shea, Y; Simis, S; Smith, D; Stone, T C; Sun, W; Xiong, J; Wielicki, B; Yang, H; Ye, X (2022) SI-traceable space-based climate observation system: a CEOS and GSICS workshop, National Physical Laboratory, London, UK, 9-11 Sept 2019. Other.

SITSCOS Workshop Report.pdf - Published Version

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The SI-Traceable Space-based Climate Observing System Workshop (hereafter denoted SITSCOS) was hosted by the National Physical Laboratory in London, UK, 9-11 September 2019 and sponsored by the UK Space Agency. The workshop was organized under the auspices of the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites - Working Group on Calibration and Validation (CEOS-WGCV). The goal of the workshop was to quantify the benefits and resulting requirements of a space-based climate observing system and produce this Workshop Report summarizing current measurement capabilities, climate-based needs, and future plans for implementation. The international workshop included about 100 attendees and spanned users, satellite instrument designer/builders, metrologists, and space agencies with expertise across a wide range of applications and technologies. This is the report of that workshop

Item Type: Report/Guide (Other)
Subjects: Optical Radiation and Photonics > Environment and Climate Change
Divisions: Thermal & Radiometric Metrology
Identification number/DOI: 10.47120/npl.9319
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2022 13:13
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/9319

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