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Ahmed, E*; Deep, A*; Kwon, E E*; Brown, R J C; Kim, K H* (2016) Performance comparison of MOF and other sorbent materials in removing key odorants emitted from pigeon slurry. Sci. Rep., 6. p. 31283.
Allerton, J; Tompkins, J; Matsakas, F; Butterfield, D; Brown, A; Buckley, P (2021) Testing of a fume and dust extraction system as mitigation for aerosol generating procedures in a dental surgery. NPL Report. ENV 41
Andrews, A S; Brand, J; Butterfield, D M; Gee, R M (2001) Summary of UK ambient hydrocarbon air quality network operations during 2000. NPL Report. COEM 61
Andrews, A S; Brand, J; Butterfield, D M; Gee, R M (2001) UK ambient hydrocarbon air quality network: 2000 audit report. NPL Report. COEM 64
Andrews, A S; Butterfield, D M; Gee, M G; Robinson, R A (2000) UK ambient hydrocarbon air quality network: 1999 audit report. NPL Report. COEM 52
Andrews, A S; Butterfield, D M; Robinson, R A; Alderwick, W A M; Gee, R M; Quaiter, C C (2000) Summary of UK hydrocarbon air quality network operations during 1999. NPL Report. COEM 50
Andrews, A S; Butterfield, D M; Robinson, R A; Odesola, L R (1999) Summary of UK Ambient Hydrocarbon Air Quality Network operations during 1998. NPL Report. COEM 36
Barker, A; Beckmann, M; Nightingale, J (2014) DEFRA: Review of UK applicability of worldwide forest carbon measurement techniques. NPL Report. CCM 1
Barreto, A.; Román, R.; Cuevas, E.; Pérez-Ramírez, D.; Berjón, A.J.; Kouremeti, N.; Kazadzis, S.; Gröbner, J.; Mazzola, M.; Toledano, C.; Benavent-Oltra, J.A.; Doppler, L.; Juryšek, J.; Almansa, A.F.; Victori, S.; Maupin, F.; Guirado-Fuentes, C.; González, R.; Vitale, V.; Goloub, P.; Blarel, L.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Woolliams, E.; Taylor, S.; Antuña, J.C.; Yela, M. (2019) Corrigendum to “Evaluation of night-time aerosols measurements and lunar irradiance models in the frame of the first multi-instrument nocturnal intercomparison campaign” [202C (April 2019) 190–211]. Atmospheric Environment, 214. 116841 ISSN 13522310
Barreto, A.; Román, R.; Cuevas, E.; Pérez-Ramírez, D.; Berjón, A.J.; Kouremeti, N.; Kazadzis, S.; Gröbner, J.; Mazzola, M.; Toledano, C.; Benavent-Oltra, J.A.; Doppler, L.; Juryšek, J.; Almansa, A.F.; Victori, S.; Maupin, F.; Guirado-Fuentes, C.; González, R.; Vitale, V.; Goloub, P.; Blarel, L.; Alados-Arboledas, L.; Woolliams, E.; Taylor, S.; Antuña, J.C.; Yela, M. (2019) Evaluation of night-time aerosols measurements and lunar irradiance models in the frame of the first multi-instrument nocturnal intercomparison campaign. Atmospheric Environment, 202. pp. 190-211. ISSN 13522310
Beccaceci, S; McGhee, E; Robins, C; Butterfield, D; Tompkins, J; Quincey, P; Brown, R J C; Green, C; Tremper, A; Priestman, M; Font Font, A (2016) Airborne Particulate Concentrations and Numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 3) Annual report 2015. NPL Report. ENV 11
Beccaceci, S; McGhee, E; Robins, C; Butterfield, D M; Tompkins, J; Quincey, P G; Brown, R J C; Brennan, S; Green, D*; Tremper, A*; Priestman, M*; Font Font, A* (2015) Airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 3), annual report 2014. NPL Report. ENV 6
Beliats, M J*; Martin, N A; Leming, E J*; Silva, S R P*; Henley, S J* (2011) Laser ablation direct writing of metal nanoparticles for hydrogen and humidity sensors. Langmuir, 27 (3). pp. 1241-1244.
Bell, W; Paton Walsh, C; Woods, P T; Donohoe, L; Gould, A; Secker, D; Naughten, S; Swann, N R; Martin, N A; Page, L E; Chipperfield, M P*; Lee, A M*; Pullen, S* (1998) Groundbased FTIR measurements of stratospheric trace species from Aberdeen during winter and spring 1993/94 and 1994/95 and comparison with a 3D model. J. Atmos. Chem., 30 (1). pp. 119-130.
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Bescond, A; Oster, C; Fisicaro, P; Goddard, S; Quincey, P; Tsakanika, L A; Lymperopoulou, T; Ochsenkuehn-Petropoulou, M (2021) Method for Preparation of a Candidate Reference Material of PM10 and PM2.5 Airborne Particulate Filters Loaded with Incineration Ash-Inter Comparison Results for Metal Concentrations. Atmosphere, 12 (1). 67 ISSN 2073-4433
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Brown, A; Quincey, P (2006) Gravimetry of ambient air monitoring filters: development of an optimised weighing protocol and selection of filter materials. VAM Bulletin, 35. pp. 23-26.
Brown, A; Quincey, P; Ebert, V; Nowak, A; Tompkins, J; Hessey, I; Ciupek, K; Schaefer, C; Werhahn, O; Vasilatou, K; Luond, F; Mace, T; Gaie-Levrel, F; Bregonzio-Rozier, L; Oganyan, N; Belenkii, D; Sakurai, H; Murashima, Y; Liu, J; Jung, J; Seeger, S (2023) International Comparison CCQM-K150: Particle number concentration (100 to 20 000 cm-3) and particle charge concentration (0.15 to 3 fC cm-3). NPL Report. ENV 46
Brown, A; Quincey, P; Ebert, V; Nowak, A; Tompkins, J; Hessey, I; Ciupek, K; Schaefer, C; Werhahn, O; Vasilatou, K; Luond, F; Mace, T; Gaie-Levrel, F; Bregonzio-Rozier, L; Oganyan, N; Belenkii, D; Sakurai, H; Murashima, Y; Liu, J; Jung, J; Seeger, S; Wiedensohler, A; Tuch, T; Merkel, M; Weinhold, K (2023) International Comparison CCQM-P189: Particle number concentration (100 to 20 000 cm-3) and particle charge concentration (0.15 to 3 fC cm-3). NPL Report. ENV 47
Brown, A S; Barker, S J; Brown, R J C; Wyche, K P; Butterfield, D M (2024) A robust regression analysis method to determine the significance of trends concentrations of heavy metals in UK ambient air and improve network design and emissions inventories. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196. 101
Brown, A S; Yardley, R E; Quincey, P G; Butterfield, D M (2005) Ambient air particulate matter: quantifying errors in gravimetric measurements. NPL Report. DQL-AS 015
Brown, A S; Yardley, R E; Quincey, P G; Butterfield, D M (2006) Studies of the effect of humidity and other factors on some different filter materials used for gavimetric measurements of ambient particulate matter. Atmos. Environ., 40. pp. 4670-4678.
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Brown, R J C; Brown, A S; Woods, P T; Brown, R S (2007) Monitoring benzo-a-pyrene (B[a]P) emissions at two oil refineries. NPL Report. AS 1
Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Goddard, S L; Muhunthan, D; Brown, A S; Williams, M (2009) Annual Report for 2008 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. AS 34
Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Goddard, S L; Muhunthan, D; Williams, M; Yardley, R E (2008) Annual Report for 2007 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. AS 20
Brown, R J C; Goddard, S L; Harris, P M; Malcolm, H M; Thacker, S A; Lawlor, A J; Guyatt, H J (2020) Consistency and uncertainty of UK measurements of mercury in precipitation. Chemosphere, 258. 127330 ISSN 00456535
Brown, R J C; Harris, P M (2017) Predicting the frequency of extreme air quality events. Environmental Science - Processes & Impact, 19 (12). pp. 1499-1504.
Brown, R J C; Harrision, N J; Brown, A S; Yardley, R E; Velummylum, D (2006) Report to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by the National Physical Laboratory: annual report for 2004 on the UK Heavy Metals Network. NPL Report. DQL-AS 024
Brown, R J C; Shaw, M C*; Roberts, M R* (2006) Practical methodology for the solubility speciation analysis of ambient dust deposits for heavy metals: application to a 6-month measurement campaign. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 86 (6). pp. 453-460.
Brown, R J C; Williams, M; Butterfield, D M; Yardley, R E; Muhunthan, D; Goddard, S L (2007) Report to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by the National Physical Laboratory: annual report for 2006 on UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. DQL-AS 036
Brown, R J C; Williams, M; Butterfield, D M; Yardley, R E; Muhunthan, D; Woods, P T (2006) Annual report for 2005 on the UK Heavy Metals Network. NPL Report. DQL-AS 026
Brown, R J C; Woods, P T (2005) CEN and air quality standards in Europe. VAM Bulletin, 33. pp. 13-15.
Brown, R J C; Yardley, R E; Brown, A S; Milton, M J T (2003) Inter-laboratory study of the measurement of Ni, As, Cd and Pb contents of ambient air. NPL Report. COAM 20
Butterfield, D (2021) Market Review of Gas Sensors for Industrial Applications. NPL Report. ENV 40
Butterfield, D; Beccaceci, S; Quincey, P; Sweeney, B; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Fuller, G*; Green, D*; Font Font, A* (2016) 2015 Annual report for the UK Black Carbon Network. NPL Report. ENV 7
Butterfield, D; Lipscombe, R P; Brown, R J C; Williams, M (2008) UK Heavy Metals Network expansion report. NPL Report. AS 28
Butterfield, D; Martin, N A; Coppin, G; Fryer, D E (2022) Corrigendum to: Equivalence of UK nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube data to the EU reference method (Atmos. Environ. 262 (2021) 118616). Atmospheric Environment, 270. 118830
Butterfield, D; Tompkins, J (2021) Measurement of Airborne Particles in a Dental Practice using Multiple Optical Particle Counter Instruments. NPL Report. ENV 37
Butterfield, D M (2005) UK Heavy Metals Network audit report for 2005. NPL Report. DQL-AS 021
Butterfield, D M; Beccaceci, S; Harris, P M (2015) Statistical analysis of Organic Carbon (OC), Elemental Carbon (EC) & Total Carbon (TC) concentrations collected on filters from field validation exercise. NPL Report. AS 96
Butterfield, D M; Beccaceci, S; Quincey, P; Sweeney, B P; Whiteside, K; Fuller, G*; Green, D*; Grieve, A* (2012) 2011 annual report for the UK black carbon network. NPL Report. AS 70
Butterfield, D M; Beccaceci, S; Sweeney, B P; Williams, M; Fuller, G*; Green, D*; Grieve, A* (2011) 2010 Annual Report for the UK Black Carbon Network. NPL Report. AS 63
Butterfield, D M; Quincey, P (2007) Measurement science issues relating to PM10 and PM2.5 airborne particles. NPL Report. AS 15
Butterfield, D M; Quincey, P; Yardley, R E; Hughey, P; Lipscombe, R (2007) 2006 Annual report for the UK Black Smoke Network. NPL Report. AS 2
Butterfield, D M; Sweeney, B P (2005) CPEA 28: airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 2). State of network report. NPL Report. DQL-AS 019
Butterfield, D M; Whiteside, K; Hughey, P; Quincey, P (2010) UK Non-Automatic Hydrocarbon Network: Annual Report for 2009. NPL Report. AS 50
Butterfield, D M; Whiteside, K; Quincey, P (2007) UK Non-Automatic Hydrocarbon Network: annual report for 2006. NPL Report. AS 12
Butterfield, D M; Whiteside, K; Quincey, P (2005) UK non-automatic hydrocarbon network: annual report for 2004. NPL Report. DQL-AS 016
Butterfield, D M; Whiteside, K; Quincey, P (2006) UK non-automatic hydrocarbon network: annual report for 2005. NPL Report. DQL-AS 027
Butterfield, D M; Whiteside, K; Quincey, P G (2008) UK Non-Automatic Hydrocarbon Network. Annual report for 2007. NPL Report. AS 23
Butterfield, D M; Woolley, A M; Sweeney, B P (2001) London air quality network: ratification report for July to December 2000. NPL Report. COEM 62
Butterfield, D M; Woolley, A M; Sweeney, B P (2001) UK automatic rural network: ratification report for July to December 2000. NPL Report. COEM 63
Butterfield, D M; Yardley, R E; Hughey, P; Lipscombe, R (2008) 2007 annual report for the UK Black Smoke Network. NPL Report. AS 22
Butterfield, D M; Yardley, R E; Quincey, P G; Green, D* (2007) Comparison of methods for organic and elemental carbon PM10 concentrations at Marylebone Road for the period 07/09/06 to 31/12/06. NPL Report. DQL-AS 035
Ciupek, K; Butterfield, D; Quincey, P; Sweeney, B; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Fuller, G; Green, D; Font Font, A (2021) 2019 Annual Report for the UK Black Carbon Network. NPL Report. ENV 38
Ciupek, K; McGhee, E; Tompkins, J; Williams, K; Brown, A; Butterfield, D; Allerton, J; Bradshaw, C; Buckley, P; Lilley, A; Kantilal, V; Robins, C; Sweeney, B; Brown, R; Priestman, M; Font Font, A; Fuller, G; Green, D; Tremper, A (2022) Airborne particle concentrations, particle number and black carbon in the United Kingdom - annual report 2021. NPL Report. ENV 43
Ciupek, K; McGhee, E; Tompkins, J; Williams, K; Brown, A; Butterfield, D; Allerton, J; Bradshaw, C; Lilley, A; Kantilal, V; Robins, C; Sweeney, B; Brown, R J C; Priestman, M; Fuller, G; Green, D; Tremper, A (2023) Airborne Particle Concentrations, Particle Numbers and Black Carbon in the United Kingdom - Annual report 2022. NPL Report. ENV 50
Ciupek, K; McGhee, E; Tompkins, J; Williams, K; Brown, A; Butterfield, D; Karimi, C; Allerton, J; Bradshaw, C; Buckley, P; Lilley, A; Robins, C; Sweeney, B; Brown, R; Quincey, P; Sims, A; Priestman, M; Font Font, A; Fuller, G; Green, D; Tremper, A (2022) Airborne particle concentrations, particle number and black carbon in the United Kingdom - annual report 2020. NPL Report. ENV 42
Ciupek, K; Tompkins, J; Williams, K; Brown, A; Robins, C; Allerton, J; McGhee, E; Kantilal, V; Walker, D; Bradshaw, C; Lilley, A; Butterfield, D; Brown, R J C; Priestman, M; Tremper, A; Ek, D; Green, D (2024) Airborne particle concentrations, particle numbers, and black carbon in the United Kingdom - annual report 2023. NPL Report. ENV 57
Ciupek, K; Walker, Douglas (2024) Black Carbon Measurements in the United Kingdom - Trial Campaign 2023. NPL Report. ENV 56
Cleasby, F; Zhang, Y (2024) Future Trends in Air Quality Measurement. NPL Report. ENV 54
Coleman, M D; Gardiner, T D (2009) Sensitivity of model-based quantitative FTIR to instrumental and spectroscopic database error sources. Vib. Spectrosc., 51 (2). pp. 177-183.
Coleman, M D; Render, S; Dimopoulos, C; Robinson, R; Lilley, A; Camm, R*; Standring, R* (2013) TGN M22 Measuring stack gas emissions using FTIR instruments: testing equivalence to H2O, CO, NO, SO2 and HCl SRMs in accordance with CEN/TS 14793. NPL Report. AS 75
Coleman, M D; Render, S*; Dimopoulos, C; Lilley, A; Robinson, R A; Smith, T O M; Camm, R*; Standring, R* (2015) Testing equivalency of an alternative method based on portable FTIR to the European standard reference methods for monitoring emissions to air of CO, NOx, SO2, HCl and H2O. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 65 (8). pp. 1011-1019.
Cox, M G; Vargha, G; Milton, M J T; Kamvissis, S (2005) Harmonisation of coupled calibration curves to reduce correlated effects in the analysis of natural gas by gas. J. Chromatography A, 1062. pp. 239-245.
D'Souza, H; Henderson, D; Quincey, P (2005) UK non-automatic hydrocarbon network: measurement of selected ozone precursors from existing chromatograms. NPL Report. DQL-AS 017
Dai, J*; Kim, K H*; Dutta, T*; Park, W M*; Hong, J K*; Jung, K*; Brown, R J C (2016) Monitoring of airborne particulate matter at mountainous urban sites. Environ. Monit. Assess., 188 (8). p. 490.
Derwent, D*; Harrison, R*; Woods, P T; Quincey, P; Williams, M (2005) CPEA 28: airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 2). Strategic Network review. NPL Report. DQL-AS 020
Fuller, G W*; Tremper, A H*; Baker, T D*; Yttri, K E*; Butterfield, D M (2014) Contribution of wood burning to PM10 in London. Atmos. Environ., 87. pp. 87-94.
Gilham, R; Quincey, P (2007) Particle measurement programme - analysis of errors. NPL Report. AS 17
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; McGhee, E A; Robins, C; Beccaceci, S; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Haynes, E (2020) Annual Report for 2016 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. ENV 31
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; McGhee, E A; Robins, C; Beccaceci, S; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Haynes, E (2016) Annual report for 2015 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. ENV 9
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; McGhee, E A; Robins, C; Williams, K; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Haynes, E; Brown, L (2020) Annual report for 2017 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. ENV 28
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; McGhee, E A; Robins, C; Williams, K; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Sweeney, B; Brown, L (2020) Annual Report for 2018 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. ENV 29
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Robins, C; Williams, K; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Sweeney, B; Brown, L; Sims, A (2020) Annual Report for 2019 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. ENV 30
Goddard, S L; Brown, R J C; Ghatora, B K* (2016) Determination of beryllium concentrations in UK ambient air. Atmos. Environ., 147. pp. 320-329.
Goddard, S L; Williams, K R; Brown, R J C; Butterfield, D M; Robins, C; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Sweeney, B; Brown, A S; Sims, A (2023) Annual Report for 2020 on the UK Heavy Metals Monitoring Network. NPL Report. ENV 48
Goddard, S L; Williams, K R; Robins, C; Brown, R J C (2019) Determination of antimony and barium in UK air quality samples as indicators of non-exhaust traffic emissions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191 (11). 641 ISSN 0167-6369
Goddard, S L; Williams, K R; Robins, C; Butterfield, D M; Brown, R J C (2019) Concentration trends of metals in ambient air in the UK: a review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191 (11). 683 ISSN 0167-6369
Grover, A; Mohiuddin, I; Malik, A K; Aulakh, J S; Vikrant, K; Kim, K H; Brown, R J C (2022) Magnesium/aluminum layered double hydroxides intercalated with starch for effective adsorptive removal of anionic dyes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424. 127454
Han, Y; Lee, J; Haiping, G; Kim, K H; Wanxi, P; Bhardwaj, N; Oh, J M; Brown, R J C (2022) Plant-based remediation of air pollution: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, 301. 113860
Hayman, G; Yardley, R E; Quincey, P; Butterfield, D M; Green, D*; Alexander, J*; Johnson, P*; Tremper, A* (2008) CPEA 28: Airborne Particulate Concentrations and Numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 2): Annual Report - 2007. NPL Report. AS 25
Hayman, G D (2009) Atmospheric dispersion modelling of nickel in the Swansea area. NPL Report. AS 30
Hayman, Garry (2009) 2009 Air quality updating and screening assessment for Castlereagh Borough Council. NPL Report. AS 35
Hayman, Garry (2009) Local air quality management: detailed assessment for Castlereagh Borough Council. NPL Report. AS 38
Heal, M R*; Quincey, P (2012) The relationship between black carbon concentration and black smoke: a more general approach. Atmos. Environ., 54. pp. 538-544.
Henderson, B; Ruszkiewicz, D M; Wilkinson, M; Beauchamp, J D; Cristescu, S M; Fowler, S J; Salman, D; Francesco, F D; Koppen, G; Langejürgen, J; Holz, O; Hadjithekli, A; Moreno, S; Pedrotti, M; Sinues, P; Slingers, G; Wilde, M; Lomonaco, T; Zanella, D; Zenobi, R; Focant, J-F; Grassin-Delyle, S; Franchina, F A; Malásková, M; Stefanuto, P-H; Pugliese, G; Mayhew, C; Thomas, C L P (2020) A benchmarking protocol for breath analysis: the peppermint experiment. Journal of Breath Research, 14 (4). 046008 ISSN 1752-7163
Hessey, I; Butterfield, D M; Beccaceci, S; Quincey, P; Sweeney, B; Lilley, A; Bradshaw, C; Fuller, G*; Green, D*; Font Font, A (2017) 2016 Annual Report for the UK Black Carbon network. NPL Report. ENV 21
Hill-Pearce, R E; Resner, K V; Worton, D R; Brewer, P J (2019) Synthetic Zero Air Reference Material for High Accuracy Greenhouse Gas Measurements. Analytical Chemistry, 91 (3). pp. 1974-1979. ISSN 0003-2700
Horender, S; Auderset, K; Quincey, P; Seeger, S; Skov, S N; Dirscherl, K; Smith, T O M; Williams, K; Aegerter, C C; Kalbermatter, D M; Gaie-Levrel, F; Vasilatou, K (2021) Facility for production of ambient-like model aerosols (PALMA) in the laboratory: application in the intercomparison of automated PM monitors with the reference gravimetric method. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14 (2). pp. 1225-1238. ISSN 1867-8548
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Khan, A; Kim, K H; Szulejko, J E; Brown, R J C; Jeon, E C; Oh, J M; Shin, Y S; Adelodun, A A (2017) Long-term trends in airborne SO2 in an air quality monitoring station in Seoul, Korea, from 1987 to 2013. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 67 (8). pp. 923-932.
Knight, A; Kumarswami, N; Lamarre, B; Lipscombe, R P; Robinson, R A; Williams, M (2009) Rapid and responsive monitoring network for bioaerosol emissions: final report. NPL Report. AS 33
Kulbuscj, T A J*; Quincey, P; Fuller, G W*; Kelly, F*; Mudway, I*; Viana, M*; Querol, X*; Alastuey, A*; Katsouyanni, K*; Weijers, E*; Borowiak, A*; Gehrig, R*; Hueglin, C*; Bruckmann, P*; Favez, O*; Sciare, J*; Hoffmann, B*; EspenYttri, K*; Torseth, K*; Sager, U*; Asbach, C*; Quass, U* (2014) New directions: the future of European urban air quality monitoring. Atmos. Environ., 87. pp. 258-260.
Kumar, P*; Robins, A*; Vardoulakis, S*; Quincey, P (2011) Technical challenges in trackling regulatory concerns for urban atmospheric nanoparticles. Particuol., 9 (6). pp. 566-571.
Leni, Z; Ess, M N; Keller, A; Allen, J D; Hellen, H; Saarnio, K; Williams, K R; Brown, A S; Salathe, M; Baumlin, N; Vasilatou, K; Geiser, M (2022) Role of secondary organic matter on soot particle toxicity in reconstituted human bronchial epithelia exposed at the air-liquid interface. Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (23). pp. 17007-17017.
Littlefair, J E; Allerton, J J; Brown, A S; Butterfield, D M; Robins, C; Economou, C K; Garrett, N R; Clare, E L (2023) Air-quality networks collect environmental DNA with the potential to measure biodiversity at continental scales. Current Biology, 33 (11). R426-R428.
Malley, C S*; Heal, M R*; Braban, C F*; Kentisbeer, J*; Leeson, S R*; Malcolm, H*; Lingard, J J N*; Ritchie, S*; Maggs, R*; Beccaceci, S; Quincey, P; Brown, R J C; Twigg, M M* (2016) The contributions to long-term health-relevant particulate matter at the UK EMEP supersites between 2010 and 2013: quantifying the mitigation challenge. Environ. Int., 95. pp. 98-111.
Martin, N A; Leming, E J; Henderson, M H; Lipscombe, R P; Black, J K; Jarvis, S D (2010) Verification of diffusive and pumped samplers for volatile organic compounds using a controlled atmosphere test facility. Atmos. Environ., 44 (28). pp. 3378-3385.
Martin, N A; Marlow, D J; Henderson, M H; Goody, B A; Quincey, P G (2003) Studies using the sorbent Carbopack X for measuring environmental benzene with Perkin-Elmer-type pumped and diffusive samplers. Atmos. Environ., 37 (7). pp. 871-879.
McGhee, E; Tompkins, J; Hessey, I; Robins, C; Butterfield, D; Quincey, P; Brown, R; Green, D; Tremper, A; Priestman, M; Font Font, A (2017) Airborne Particulate Concentrations and Numbers in the United Kingdom (phase 3), Annual report 2016. NPL Report. ENV 26
McGhee, E; Tompkins, J; Hessey, I; Robins, C; Quincey, P; Brown, R; Green, D; Tremper, A; Priestman, M; Font Font, A (2018) Airborne particulate concentrations and numbers in the United Kingdom, annual report 2017. NPL Report. ENV 27
Milton, M J T; Woods, P T (2004) Demonstrating the traceability of gas standards in europe for ambient air quality, natural gas analysis and motor vehicle emissions. In: 2004 Pittsburge Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (PITTCON), March 2004, Chicago, USA.
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