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Local air quality management: detailed assessment for Castlereagh Borough Council.

Hayman, Garry (2009) Local air quality management: detailed assessment for Castlereagh Borough Council. NPL Report. AS 38

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Local authorities have a duty under the Environment Act 1995 and subsequent regulations to review and assess air quality in their areas on a periodic basis so as to identify all areas where air quality objectives are being or are likely to be exceeded. Diffusion tube measurements at Normandy Court on the A20 Upper Newtownards Road in Dundonald had indicated exceedences of the annual mean objective for nitrogen dioxide in both 2007 and 2008. There is relevant exposure at this location. As a result, the Council initiated monitoring in the vicinity of Normandy Court in 2007, involving automatic measurements of nitrogen dioxide (and particulate matter). Castlereagh Borough Council has now commissioned the National Physical Laboratory to undertake detailed assessment involving dispersion modelling. This report contains the detailed assessment. Modelling has been undertaken using the ADMS-Roads 2.3 dispersion model. NO2 and PM10 concentrations have been modelled at specific receptors along the A20 Upper Newtownards Road, in the vicinity of Normandy Court in Dundonald, where exceedences have been monitored. The model results have been verified against the continuous monitor and NO2 diffusion tube measurements in the assessment area. Recommendations were made to continue the automatic monitoring and to consider the declaration of an Air Quality Management Area.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: AS 38
Keywords: Air Quality, Local Authority, Review and Assessment
Subjects: Environmental Measurement
Environmental Measurement > Air Quality and Airborne Particulates
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:15
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/4438

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