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Akoshima, M*; Hay, B*; Zhang, J*; Chapman, L; Baba, T* (2013) International comparison on thermal-diffusivity measurements for iron and isotropic graphite using the laser flash method in CCT-WG9. Int. J. Thermophysics, 34 (5). pp. 763-777.

Andon, R J L; Chapman, L; Day, A; Mills, K C (2000) Viscosities of liquid metals and commercial alloys. NPL Report. CMMT(A)167


Bennett, E G; Gant, A (2002) Extended field microscopy and image analysis of porosity in PM steels. NPL Report. MATC(MN)35

Brooks, R F; Quested, P N (2005) The surface tension of steels. J. Mater. Sci., 40 (9-10). pp. 2233-2238.


Carman, E J; Dawson, A J; Roebuck, B (1993) Electrical conductivity measurements on s SiCp/Al alloy metal matrix composite. NPL Report. DMM(A)85

Chapman, L A; Morrell, R; Quested, P N; Brooks, R F; Chen, L-H*; Ford, D* (2008) PAMRIC: Properties of Alloys and Moulds Relevant to Investment Casting. NPL Report. MAT 9

Clay, K*; Quested, P N; Morrell, R; Mingard, K P (2011) A review of the measurement of single crystal orientation parameters of nickel castings. Adv. Mater. Res., 278. pp. 84-89.

Cox, D C*; Roebuck, B; Rae, C M F*; Reed, R C* (2003) Recrystallisation of single crystal superalloy CMSX-4. Mater. Sci. Technol., 19 (4). pp. 440-446.

Cumpson, P J; Seah, M P (1996) Contamination and cleaning of a platinum alloy: models and measurements of the build up of carbonaceous and mercury contamination. In: Proc. 6th European conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ISBN 0471958999), May 1996.


D'Souza, N; Hardy, M C; Roebuck, B; Li, W; West, G D; Collins, D M (2022) On the Rate Dependence of Precipitate Formation and Dissolution in a Nickel-Base Superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53 (7). pp. 2480-2495.

D'Souza, N; Ravichandran, S; Donovan, S; Daum, P; Morrell, R; Nye, Z; Lancaster, R J (2022) On the design optimisation of direct energy deposited support structures to repair aeroengine turbine segments. Additive Manufacturing, 56. 102905

Darnbrough, J E*; Roebuck, B; Flewitt, P E J* (2015) The influence of temperature and grain boundary volume on the resistivity of nanocrystalline nickel. J. Appl. Phys., 118 (18). 184302

de Luca, F.; Nnamchi, P.; Younes, A.; Fry, A.T.; González, S. (2019) Stress-induced martensitic transformation of Cu50Zr50 shape memory alloy optimized through microalloying and co-microalloying. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 781. pp. 337-343. ISSN 09258388


Fry, A T (2021) Report of Stakeholder Consultation on Measurement Needs for Additive Manufacturing. NPL Report. MAT 101

Fry, A T; Banks, J P; Nunn, J; Brown, L J (2008) Comparison of the thermal cycling performance of thermal barrier coatings under isothermal and heat flux conditions. Mater. Sci. Forum, 595-59. pp. 77-85.

Fry, A T; Gorman, D; Crocker, L E; Gee, M G; Gant, A; Nicholls, J*; Rose, T*; Cernuschi, F*; Lorenzoni, L*; Guardamagna, C* (2016) Influence of apparatus design and test methods on the high temperature solid particle erosion of nimonic 80A. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, 10-14 October 2017, Algarve, Portugal.

Fry, A T; Lodeiro, M J; Mingard, K P; Nunn, J (2010) Advanced materials for low emission power plant phase 2 first annual report. NPL Report. MAT 45

Fry, A T; Lodeiro, M J; Mingard, K P; Nunn, J (2011) Advanced materials for low emission power plant: phase 2 second annual report. NPL Report. MAT 50


Gant, A J; Roebuck, B; James, W B* (2004) Notch fatigue tests on a hybrid alloy PM steel. In: PM 2004 World Conference on PM, October 2004, Vienna, Austria.

Gorman, D M*; Higginson, R L*; Du, H*; McColvin, G*; Fry, A T; Thomas, R C* (2013) Microstructural analysis of IN617 and IN625 oxidised in the presence of steam for use in ultra-supercritical power plant. Oxid. Met., 79 (5-6). pp. 553-566.

Griffiths, A J; Hutchings, R B; Turnbull, A (1994) Hydrogen uptake and transport in low alloy steels. In: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Interaction of steels with hydrogen in petroleum industry pressure vessels and pipeline service, October 1994, Vienna.

Griffiths, A J; Nimmo, W; Roebuck, B; Hinds, G; Turnbull, A (2004) A novel approach to characterising the mechanical properties of super 13 Cr steel welds. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, Struct. Mater., Prop. Microstruct., Process., 384. pp. 83-91.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1997) Hydrogen uptake and cracking in 22Cr duplex stainless steel under galvanic coupling conditions. Corrosion, 53 (9). pp. 700-704.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1996) Impact of coupling to carbon steel on hydrogen uptake and cracking of duplex stainless steel in oilfield environments. In: Proc. 11th European conference on fracture, 1996, EMAS, West Midlands.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1995) On the effective diffusivity of hydrogen in low alloy steels. Corros. Sci., 37 (11). p. 1879.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1997) Performance of duplex stainless steels coupled to carbon steels in oilfield environments. In: 5th World Conference on Duplex Stainless Steels, October 1997, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (1997) Performance of duplex stainless steels in oilfield environments. In: Euromat 97, 21-23 April 1997, Maastricht, The Netherlands.


Harmon, S; Henderson, L C A; Hall, M J (2009) Final report on EUROMET Project 427, EUROMET.EM-S7: comparison of AC and DC conductivity standards. Metrologia, 46 (1A). 01009.

Hinds, G; Zhao, J*; Griffiths, A J; Turnbull, A (2005) Hydrogen diffusion in super 13% chromium martensitic stainless steel. Corrosion, 61 (4). pp. 348-354.

Hou, X; Bushby, A J*; Jennett, N M (2008) Study of the interaction between the indentation size effect and Hall-Petch effect with spherical indenters on annealed polycrystalline copper. J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., 41 (7). 074006

Hou, X; Zhu, T T*; Jennett, N M; Bushby, A J* (2007) The indentation size effect and hall-petch behaviour of annealed polycrystalline copper. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 976. 0976-EE09-10

Hutchings, R B; Turnbull, A (1993) Effect of charging environment on hydrogen permeation in low alloy steels. In: Progress in the Understanding and Prevention of Corrosion, July 1993, Barcelona.


Kowalewski, Z L*; Hayhurst, D R*; Dyson, B F (1994) Mechanisms-based creep constitutive equations for an aluminium alloy. J. Strain Anal., 29 (4). 309 - 316


Liu, D*; Kyaw, S T*; Flewitt, P E J*; Seraffon, M; Simms, N J*; Pavier, M*; Jones, I A* (2014) Residual stresses in environmental and thermal barrier coatings on curved superalloy substrates: experimental measurements and modelling. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, Struct. Mater., Prop. Microstruct., Process., 606. pp. 117-126.

Lord, J D; Roebuck, B; Morrell, R; Lube, T* (2010) 25 year perspective aspects of strain and strength measurement in miniaturised testing for engineering metals and ceramics. Mater. Sci. Technol., 26 (2). pp. 127-148.

Loveday, M S; Bicego, V*; Hähner, P*; Klingelhöffer, H*; Kühn, H-J*; Roebuck, B (2008) Analysis of a European TMF inter-comparison exercise. Int. J. Fatigue, 30 (2). pp. 382-390.

Loveday, M S; Collins, A*; Hall, R* (2001) A West Midlands Advanced Metal Forming Centre. NPL Report. MATC(A)42

Loveday, M S; Lord, J D (2000) Temperature control and uncertainty in high temperature metalworking laboratory-scale tests. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)51

Loveday, M S; Roebuck, B (1998) Credible data for forging and rolling process modelling. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)034

Loveday, M S*; Roebuck, B (2006) Metallic materials: measurement of high temperature flow stress at medium to high strain rates. A general introduction. Mater. High Temp., 23 (2). pp. 55-58.


McCartney, L N (2008) Approximate method of predicting ply crack formation in general symmetric laminates subject to biaxial loading and bending. In: 13th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-13), 2-5 June 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.

Mills, K C (1992) Viscosities of molten slags. NPL Report. DMM(A)55

Mills, K C; Brooks, R F; Richardson, M J; Quested, P N (1994) Measurements of the physical properties of alloys. In: Morita Symposium, 12 - 13 October 1994, Osaka, Japan.

Mills, K C; Monaghan, B; Keene, B J (1997) Thermal conductivities of molten metals. Part 1 Pure Metals. NPL Report. CMMT(A)53

Mills, K C; Sridhar, S* (1999) Viscosities of iron and steelmaking slags. Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 26 (4). pp. 262-268.

Mills, K C; Susa, M (1992) Thermal conductivities of slags. NPL Report. DMM(A)68

Monaghan, B; Neale, J G J; Chapman, L (1999) Some thermal properties of a copper tin alloy. Int. J. Thermophysics., 20 (4). pp. 1051-1060.

Morrell, R; Brooks, R F (2005) Piston dilatometry applied to aluminium and nickel alloys. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 020

Morrell, R; Ford, D A*; Harris, K* (2004) Caculations of modulus in different directions for single-crystal alloys. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 004

Morrell, R; Quested, P N (1998) Dilatometric measurement of melting behaviour of metal alloys. NPL Report. CMMT(A)106

Morrell, R; Quested, P N (2003) Evaluation of piston dilatometry for studying the melting behaviour of metals and alloys. High Temp.-High Press., 35/36. pp. 417-435.


Naftaly, M*; Jha, A*; Taylor, E R*; Mills, K C (1997) Viscosity measurement in halide melts. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 213-21. pp. 106-112.

Nunn, J W (2014) Educational inductive gravimeter. Phys. Educ., 49 (1). pp. 41-49.


Olusanya, A (1998) The use of design of experiments techniques to determine the relative effectiveness of silane coupling agents on the durability of titanium alloy joints. A case study. NPL Report. CMMT(A)128

Osgerby, S; Dyson, B F (1994) Validation of a constitutive model for creep deformation and fracture in a 1Cr1/2Mo ferritic steel. In: Materials for Advanced Power Engineering, 3 - 6 October 1994, Liege, France.

Osgerby, S; Dyson, B F* (1995) Physically-based modelling of stress-relaxation in superalloys and ferritic steels. Institute of Materials, 607. pp. 362-373.

Owen-Jones, S (1997) Summary of wear test methods: notes on 10th international conference on wear of metals, Boston, 1995. NPL Report. CMMT(A)93


Panwisawas, C; D’Souza, N; Collins, D M; Bhowmik, A; Roebuck, B (2018) History Dependence of the Microstructure on Time-Dependent Deformation During In-Situ Cooling of a Nickel-Based Single-Crystal Superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49 (9). pp. 3963-3972. ISSN 1073-5623

Pietrzyk, M*; Kuziak, R*; Loveday, M S; Roebuck, B (2005) Effect of preheating and testing method on the flow stress of steels. In: Advanced Technology of Plasticity - 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, 9-13 October 2005, Verona, Italy.


Quested, P; Morrell, R; Dinsdale, A; Chapman, L (2018) The Measurement and Estimation of Density for Selected Liquid Alloys. High Temperatures - High Pressures, 47 (4). pp. 365-377.

Quested, P N; Brooks, R F; Hayes, D M; Mills, K C (1994) Evaluation of cleanness for advanced steels and nickel-based superalloys. In: Proc. 1994 Int. Symp. Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, September 1994, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Quested, P N; Brooks, R F; Monaghan, B J* (2002) The prediction of thermophysical properties for modelling solidification of metallic melts. In: Proceedings of the Mills Symposium: Metals, Slags, Glasses:High Temperature Properties and Phenomema, 22-23 August 2002, Institute of Metals, London, UK.

Quested, P N; Brooks, R F; Richardson, M J; Day, A; Mills, K C (1996) The physical properties of alloys relevant to spray forming. In: 3rd Int. Conference on Spray Forming 'Total Technology for Advanced Materials', 1996, Cardiff.

Quested, P N; Dinsdale, A T; Robinson, J A J; Mills, K C*; Hunt, J D* (2000) The prediction of the thermophysical properties and the solidification of commercial alloys. NPL Report. CMMT(A)275

Quested, P N; Hayes, D M (1993) Method of test for cleanness assessment of metal alloys. The preparation of button specimens by electron beam melting and the characterisation of recovered inclusions. NPL Report. DMM(A)130

Quested, P N; Valencia, J J* (2010) Thermophysical properties. In: ASM Handbook Vol. 22B: Metals process simulation. ASM. ISBN 9781615030057


Roebuck, B (2022) ETMT Digital calibration for Temperature and Resistivity. NPL Report. MAT 110

Roebuck, B (2000) Measurement of grain size and size distribution in engineering alloys. Mater. Sci. Technol., 16 (10). pp. 1167-1174.

Roebuck, B (2001) Miniature testpiece for the assessment of the dimensional stability of monolithic and metal composite aluminium alloys. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)069

Roebuck, B (2000) Physical properties of representative engineering alloys for high rate deformation modelling. NPL Report. CMMT(A)283

Roebuck, B (2004) Rapid prototype testing of multicomponent metallics. NPL Report. MATC(MN)55

Roebuck, B (2007) Setting standards that will underpin the science of PM. Met. Powd. Rep., 62 (6). pp. 22-27.

Roebuck, B; Brooks, M (2007) Uniaxial tests using a miniaturised test method p11 and p12 alloy steels. NPL Report. DEPC_MPE 030

Roebuck, B; Cox, D C*; Reed, R C* (2004) An innovative device for the mechanical testing of miniature specimens of the superalloys. In: Seven Springs Superalloy Conference, September 2004, Penn, USA.

Roebuck, B; Cox, D*; Reed, R (2001) Measurement of the temperature dependance of ` volume fraction in Ni-based single crystal superalloy from resistivity measurements. Scr. Mater., 44 (6). pp. 917-921.

Roebuck, B; Gee, M G; Lord, J D; McCartney, L N (1998) Miniature thermal cycling tests on aluminium alloy metal matrix composites. Mater. Sci. Technol., 14 (Sept -). pp. 1001-1008.

Roebuck, B; Loveday, M S; Brooks, M (2008) Characterisation of Nimonic 90 by the use of miniaturised multiproperty mechanical and physical tests. Int. J. Fatigue, 30 (2). pp. 345-351.

Roebuck, B; Maderud, C*; Morrell, R (2008) Elevated temperature fatigue testing of hardmetals using notched testpieces. Int. J. Refrac. Hard Mat., 26 (1). pp. 19-27.

Roebuck, B; Moseley, S* (2015) Tensile and compressive asymmetry in creep and monotonic deformation of WC/Co hardmetals at high temperature. Int. J. Refrac. Met. Hard Mat., 48. pp. 126-133.


Saunders, S R J; Gohil, D D; Brydson, R* (1993) The behaviour of high alloy steels used as heat exchange components in coal gasification plants. Mater. High Temp., 11 (1-4). pp. 51-58.

Schofield, E J*; Ingham, B*; Turnbull, A; Toney, M F*; Ryan, M P* (2008) Strain development in nanoporous metallic foils formed by dealloying. Appl. Phys. Lett., 92 (4). 043118

Semiatin, S L*; Zhang, F*; Larsen, R*; Chapman, L A; Furrer, D U* (2016) Precipitation in powder-metallurgy, nickel-based superalloys: review of modelling approach and formation of engineering methods to determine input data. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovations, 5 (1). p. 3.

Sharma, D; Kada, S R; Fabijanic, D; Parfitt, D; Chen, B; Roebuck, B; Fitzpatrick, M E; Barnett, M R (2021) The ageing response of direct laser deposited metastable beta-Ti alloy, Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr. Additive Manufacturing, 48. 102384

Sharma, D; Parfitt, D; Roebuck, B; Kada, S R; Fabijanic, D; Fitzpatrick, M E (2022) Precipitation behaviour of single and duplex aged metastable β-Ti alloy, Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr. Materials Science and Technology, 38 (14). pp. 1110-1117.

Sulzer, S; Alabort, E; Németh, A; Roebuck, B; Reed, R (2018) On the Rapid Assessment of Mechanical Behavior of a Prototype Nickel-Based Superalloy using Small-Scale Testing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49 (9). pp. 4214-4235. ISSN 1073-5623

Sun, L*; Thomas, M J*; Wynne, B P*; Palmiere, E J*; Mingard, K P; Roebuck, B (2010) Mapping microstructure inhomogeneity using electron backscatter diffraction in 316L stainless steel subjected to hot plane strain compression tests. Mater. Sci. Technol., 26 (12). pp. 1477-1486.


Turnbull, A (2008) Current understanding of environment induced cracking of steam turbine steels. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Turnbull, A; Fry, A T (2008) Residual stress determination in laser-peened high strength low alloy steel - comparison of methodologies and reproducibility. NPL Report. MAT 27

Turnbull, A; Hutchings, R B (1994) Analysis of hydrogen atom transport in a two phase alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng.A, Struct. Mater., Prop. Microstruct. Process., A177 (1 - 2). 161 - 171

Turnbull, A; Lembach-Beylegaard, E; Hutchings, R B (1994) Hydrogen transport in SAF 2205 and SAF 2507 duplex stainless steels. In: Proc. Hydrogen Transport and Cracking in Metals, April 1994, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.

Turnbull, A; Lembach-Beylegaard, E; Hutchings, R B (1994) Hydrogen transport in duplex stainless steels. In: Proc. Duplex Stainless Steels '94, November 1994, Glasgow.

Turnbull, A; Pitts, J J; Lord, J D (2006) Residual stress relaxation in shot-peened high strength low alloy steel. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 024


Wickham, M; Brewin, A; Hunt, C (2002) Rework of mixed lead-free alloys - a guide. NPL Report. MATC(A)106

Winzer, N*; Rott, O*; Thiessen, R*; Thomas, I*; Mraczek, K*; Hoche, T*; Wright, L; Mrovec, M* (2016) Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in Ti-modified advanced high strength steels. Mater. Des., 92. pp. 450-461.

Wu, J; Clark, J; Stacey, C; Salmon, D R (2015) Design and performance checks of the NPL axial heat flow apparatus. Int. J. Thermophysics, 36 (2-3). pp. 529-539.


Zhang, H; Green, C; Woolliams, P; Nunn, J; Mingard, K; Fry, A T (2022) Rapid mapping of mechanical properties of AM samples with indentation. NPL Report. MAT 116

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