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Uniaxial tests using a miniaturised test method p11 and p12 alloy steels.

Roebuck, B; Brooks, M (2007) Uniaxial tests using a miniaturised test method p11 and p12 alloy steels. NPL Report. DEPC_MPE 030

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The estimation of remnant life of materials in plant and structures is often assessed using destructive tests on specimens taken from the actual component. New and improved miniaturised testing procedures are needed in order to reduce the required sample size removed from the plant. This report details the work done at NPL using a new miniature test system, the ETMT [1-3]. Uniaxial tests have been conducted on two alloy steels, p11 and p12, with the objective to evaluate the utility of the system for conducting miniature uniaxial tests, in both monotonic uniaxial tensile tests and high stress short term constant load tests. The tests on steel p11 were conducted at 580 °C while the tests on steel p12 were conducted in the range 580-640 °C.
One of the steels, p11, was provided by University of Wales, Swansea in both the as-received and thermally exposed conditions. The thermal exposure comprised 300 h at 580 °C at 135 MPa. The time to failure under these conditions was 536 h. The other steel, p12, was provided by E.ON in two plant exposed conditions, one for 200 kh and one for 250 kh.
The report also contains three Appendices that give a test chronology for current tests (Appendix A); that provide additional background information on conducting uniaxial tensile tests in the ETMT (Appendix B) and test and calibration procedures (Appendix C) developed for the detailed use of the ETMT.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: DEPC_MPE 030
Subjects: Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials > Metals and Alloys
Advanced Materials > Mechanical Measurement
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:15
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/3871

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