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Barnett, M; Morrell, R; Hill, G J; Cain, M G (2000) EC SMT project, 'CERAMELEC' WP10 - Electric Strength. NPL Report. CMMT(A)294
Bennett, E G; Gee, M G; Lay, L A; Morrell, R; Roebuck, B (2007) Tests for advanced technical ceramic materials performance. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 19
Dean, G; Read, B E; Wright, L (2002) A further evaluation of the cavitation model for rubber-toughened plastics. NPL Report. MATC(A)75
Gant, A J (2006) Ball indentation fatigue of powder metallurgy steels. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 023
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Gant, A J (2005) Notched fatigue testing of a hybrid powder metallurgy steel. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 012
Gant, A J; Roebuck, B (2002) Guide to ramped miniature thermomechanical tests for accelerated material evaluation in powder metallurgy tool steels. NPL Report. MATC(MN)23
Gee, M G; Gant, A; Byrne, W P; Roebuck, B (1999) Abrasion and reciprocating wear of hardmetals and ceramics. NPL Report. CMMT(A)166
Gee, M G; Gant, A; Van der Berg, L (1999) Fine scale abrasion testing of hardmetals and ceramics. NPL Report. CMMT(A)175
Gee, M G; McCormick, N J (1996) 3D topography measurement of ceramics. NPL Report. CMMT(A)35
Gee, M G; van den Berg, L (1999) Low load multiple scratch tests for ceramics and hardmetals. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)045
Hendrix, M*; Bennett, E G; Morrell, R; Dortmans, L J M G*; De With, G* (1998) VAMAS. Technical working area 3, Ceramics, CEN/VAMAS phase volume fraction round robin, final technical report. Technical Report.
McCormick, N J; Morrell, R (1996) 3D finite element analysis of ceramic test-pieces. Technical Report.
McCormick, N J; Roebuck, B (1996) A technique for the simulation of hardmetal microstructures. NPL Report. CMMT(A)10
Mingard, K P; Morrell, R; Jackson, P*; Lawson, S*; Patel, S*; Buxton, R* (2009) Improving the consistency of particle size measurement. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 111
Mingard, K P; Roebuck, B (2009) Electrical and magnetic measurements of hardmetals with Ni binder phase. NPL Report. MAT 33
Morrell, R (2007) Biaxial flexural strength testing of ceramic materials. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 12
Morrell, R (2002) Determining elastic moduli of hardmetals. NPL Report. MATC(MN)33
Morrell, R (2007) Flexural strength testing of ceramics and hardmetals. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 7
Morrell, R (2008) Fractography of brittle materials. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 15
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Morrell, R (1993) A review of mechanical test methods for ceramic matrix composites. NPL Report. DMM(A)122
Morrell, R; Gant, A J; Jennett, N M (2006) Characterising surface damage in advanced technical ceramics. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 027
Morrell, R; Parfitt, M (2005) A stiff facility for controlled pre-cracking in fracture toughness tests. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 034
Morrell, R; Quested, P N; Jones, S*; Ford, D A* (2006) Studio Project: DISIC - Dimensional stability of ceramic casting moulds. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 026
Morrell, R; Roebuck, B (2005) Determining residual stress in hard brittle materials by the thin strip curvature method. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 016
Morrell, R; Roebuck, B (2005) A method for high-temperature fatigue testing of hardmetals and PM materials. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 018
Morrell, R; Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G; Lay, L A (2007) Microstructural measurement on ceramics and hardmetals. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 21
Roebuck, B (1997) Bend strength measurements for hardmetals (Part 2 - analysis of results). Technical Report.
Roebuck, B (1996) Bend strength measurements for hardmetals international prestandardisation collaborative activity (VAMAS). Part 1 - Rationale and results. Technical Report.
Roebuck, B (2002) Hardmetals hardness and coercivity property maps. NPL Report. MATC(MN)14
Roebuck, B (1999) Hardmetals, property review. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)036
Roebuck, B (1997) Low temperature properties of hardmetals. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)004
Roebuck, B (1999) Magnetic coercivity measurements for WC/Co hardmetals. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)042
Roebuck, B (1994) Magnetic moment (saturation) measurements on hardmetals. NPL Report. DMM(A)146
Roebuck, B (2002) An interlaboratory exercise on the magnetic properties of various WC hardmetals. NPL Report. MATC(A)78
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G (2002) Microstructure and toughness of various baseline and wide grained hardmetals. NPL Report. MATC(A)101
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G (2001) Ultrafine grained hardmetals grain size and distribution. NPL Report. MATC(MN)03
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G (2004) WC/Co Hardmetals Rockwell - Vickers hardness comparison. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 011
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G (2000) The metallographic measurement of WC grain size. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 22
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G; Byrne, W P; Gee, M G (1999) Characterisation of baseline hardmetals using property maps. NPL Report. CMMT(A)172
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G; Dickson, A (1999) The measurement of uncertainty in grain size distribution. Interlaboratory exercise. Part 1 - Reference Images. NPL Report. CMMT(A)154
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G; Dickson, A; Wicks, M (1999) The measurement of uncertainty in grain size distribution. Interlaboratory exercise part 2 - metallographic images. NPL Report. CMMT(A)230
Roebuck, B; Bennett, E G; Lay, L A; Morrell, R (2008) The measurement of palmqvist toughness for hard and brittle materials. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 9
Roebuck, B; Gee, M G (2002) Guide to ramped miniature thermomechanical tests for accelerated material discrimination in hardmetals. NPL Report. MATC(MN)15
Roebuck, B; Gee, M G; Bennett, E G; Morrell, R (2009) Mechanical tests for hardmetals. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 20
Roebuck, B; McCormick, N J; Day, A; Bennett, E G (1999) Measurement of WC grain size distribution. NPL Report. CMMT(A)141
Roebuck, B; Mingard, K P (2009) WC powder characterisation: Technique intercomparison. NPL Report. MAT 32
Roebuck, B; Phatak, C; Birks-Agnew, I (2004) A comparison of the linear intercept and equivalent circle methods for grain size measurement in WC/Co hardmetals. NPL Report. MATC(A)149
Stewart, M (1994) Survey of sub-micrometre powder size measurement for ceramic and cermet powders. NPL Report. DMM(A)152
Bermejo, R*; Supancic, P*; Kraleva, I*; Morrell, R; Danzer, R* (2011) Strength reliability of 3D low temperature co-fired multilayer ceramics under biaxial loading. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 31 (5). pp. 745-753.
Burnett, T L*; Comyn, T P*; Merson, E*; Bell, A J*; Mingard, K P; Hegarty, T; Cain, M G (2008) Electron-Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) as a domain analysis technique in BiFeO3-PbTiO3 single crystals. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Feroelectr. Freq. Control, 55 (5). pp. 957-962.
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Carpenter, M*; Nunn, J (2012) Impulse Excitation Modulus measurements of Hardmetal Rods using custom software on a standard personal computer and microphone. Mater. Eval., 70 (7). pp. 863-871.
Cox, J M; Gee, M G (1997) Hot friction testing of ceramics. Wear (203-20). pp. 404-417.
D'Errico, G E *; Calzavarini, R*; Chiara, R *; Morrell, R; Lay, L (1997) Performance of ceramic cutting tools in turning operations. Ind. Ceram., 17 (2). pp. 80-83.
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Hall, D J; Gohil, D D; Saunders, S R J; Morrell, R (1997) Novel approaches to determining oxidation phenomena in non-oxide ceramics. Key Eng. Mater., 132-6. pp. 1584-1587.
Kotas, A B*; Danninger, H*; Weiss, B*; Mingard, K P; Sanchez, J*; Llanes, L* (2017) Fatigue testing and properties of hardmetals in the gigacycle range. Int. J. Refrac. Met. Hard Mat., 62. pp. 183-191.
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Mingard, K P; Gee, M G (2007) EBSD examination of worn WC/Co hardmetals surfaces. Wear, 263 (1-6). pp. 643-652.
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Mingard, K P; Roebuck, B (2010) Mapping complex microstructures in powder metallurgy steels. Powder Metall., 53 (3). pp. 191-200.
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