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Aenchbacher, W*; Naftaly, M; Dudley, R (2010) Line strengths and self-broadening of pure rotational lines of nitrous oxide measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 27 (9). pp. 1717-1721.
Aenchbacher, W*; Naftaly, M; Dudley, R A (2010) Linestrengths and self-broadening of pure rotational lines of carbon monoxide measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Appl. Opt., 49 (13). pp. 2490-2496.
Afsharinejad, A*; Davy, A*; Naftaly, M (2017) Variability of terahertz transmission measured in live plant leaves. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 14 (5). pp. 636-638.
Andreev, Y M*; Kokh, A E*; Kokh, K A*; Lanskii, G V*; Litvinenko, K*; Mamrashev, A A*; Molloy, J F; Murdin, B*; Naftaly, M; Nikolaev, N A*; Svetlichnyi, V A* (2017) Observation of a different birefringence order at optical and THz frequencies in LBO crystal. Opt. Mater., 66. pp. 94-97.
Andreev, Y M*; Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F; Kokh, A E*; Lanskii, G V*; Svetlichnyi, V A*; Losev, V F*; Kononova, N G*; Kokh, K A* (2016) Corrigendum: LBO: optical properties and potential for THz application (2015 Laser Phys. Lett. 12 115402). Laser Phys. Lett., 13 (1). 019501
Andreev, Yu M*; Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F; Kokh, A E*; Lanskii, G V*; Svetlichnyi, V A*; Losev, V F*; Kononova, N G*; Kokh, K A* (2015) LBO: optical properties and potential for THz application. Laser Phys. Lett., 12 (11). 115402
Antonov, V*; Shaikhaidarov, R*; Tzalenchuk, A (2016) Single photon detection of the coherent THz radiation of HTS Josephson junctions. In: 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 8-11 August 2016, Shanghai, China.
Baca, L*; Janek, M*; Kovacova, Z*; Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M (2015) Dielectric properties of CaZrO3 investigated by Thz-TDS. In: 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 August 2015, Hong Kong.
Bendall, T M*; Hills, R E*; Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F (2015) Refractivity of water vapor at terahertz frequencies: comparison of measurements with models. In: 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 August 2015, Hong Kong.
Carslake, L; Skinner, J; Loh, T H (2024) Design and Preliminary Indoor Assessment of a Long-Range sub-THz VNA-Based Channel Sounder between 500 GHz and 750 GHz. In: 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 17-22 March 2024, Glasgow, UK.
Chick, S R; Murdin, B N; Matmon, G; Naftaly, M (2018) Metrology of complex refractive index for solids in the terahertz regime using frequency domain spectroscopy. Metrologia, 55 (6). pp. 771-781. ISSN 0026-1394
Chick, S*; Stavrias, N*; Saeedi, K*; Redlich, B*; Greenland, P T*; Matmon, G*; Naftaly, M; Pidgeon, C R*; Aeppli, G*; Murdin, B N* (2017) Coherent superpositions of three states for phosphorous donors in silicon prepared using THz radiation. Nature Comms., 8. p. 16038.
Davy, A; Pessoa, L; Renaud, C; Wasige, E; Naftaly, M; Kurner, T; George, G; Cojocari, O; O'Mahony, N; Porcel, M A G (2017) Building an end user focused THz based ultra high bandwidth wireless access network: the TERAPOD approach. In: 2017 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 6-8 November 2017, Munich, Germany.
Dhillon, S S*; Vitiello, M S*; Linfield, E H*; Davies, A G*; Hoffmann, M C*; Booske, J*; Paoloni, C*; Gensch, M*; Weightman, P*; Williams, G P*; Castro-Camus, E*; Cumming, D R S*; Simoens, F*; Escorcia-Carranza, I*; Grant, J*; Lucyszyn, S*; Kuwata-Gonokami, M*; Konishi, K*; Koch, M*; Schmuttermaer, C A*; Cocker, T L*; Huber, R*; Markelz, A G*; Taylor, Z D*; Wallace, V P*; Zeitler, J A*; Sibik, J*; Korter, T M*; Ellison, B*; Rea, S*; Goldsmith, P*; Cooper, K B*; Appleby, R*; Pardo, D*; Huggard, P G*; Krozer, V*; Shams, H*; Fice, M*; Renaud, C*; Seeds, A*; Stohr, A*; Naftaly, M; Ridler, N M; Clarke, R*; Cunningham, J E*; Johnston, M B* (2017) The 2017 terahertz science and technology roadmap. J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., 50 (4). 043001
Dudley, R A; Naftaly, M (2013) THz optical constants of liquid crystals BL037 and GT3-23001. In: 6th UK, Europe, Chine Millimeter Waves and THz Technology Workshop (UCMMT), 9-11 September 2013, Rome, Italy.
Fletcher, J R; Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F; Andreev, Y M; Kokh, K A; Lanskii, G V (2017) Measurement of a phonon resonance in a GaSe crystal using THz free induction decay. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 92. pp. 169-172.
Furka, D; Furka, Samuel; Naftaly, M; Rakovský, E; Čaplovičová, M; Janek, M (2021) ZnO nanoparticles as photodegradation agent controlled by morphology and boron doping. Catalysis Science & Technology, 11 (6). pp. 2167-2185. ISSN 2044-4753
Furka, D; Naftaly, M; Furka, S; Šimon, E; Tomanová, K; Čaplovičová, M; Janek, M (2021) Effect of Gallium and Boron doping on dielectric and conductivity properties of ZnO sintered from nanoparticles of different morphology in THz region. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 611. 125896 ISSN 09277757
Gonzalez Guerrero, L; Shams, H; Fice, M J; Seeds, A J; Renaud, C C; Fatadin, I; Naftaly, M; van Dijk, F (2017) Experimental investigation of phase noise tolerance of SSB THz signals. In: 2017 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 23-26 October 2017, Beijing, China.
Gonzalez-Guerrero, L; Shams, H; Fatadin, I; Fice, M J; Naftaly, M; Seeds, A J; Renaud, C C (2018) Single Sideband Signals for Phase Noise Mitigation in Wireless THz-Over-Fibre Systems. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36 (19). pp. 4527-4534. ISSN 0733-8724
Hashiba, H*; Antonov, V*; Kulik, L*; Tzalenchuk, A; Komiyama, S* (2010) Sensing individual terahertz photons. Nanotechnology, 21 (16). 165203
Holland, R; Burgess, A; Molloy, J; Wright, L; Mansfield, T; Moorcroft, P; Clemente, C; Barham, R; Peters, A; Brar, L; Jones, D (2020) Performance testing for sensors in connected and autonomous vehicles: feasibility studies. Appendices. Other.
Humphreys, D A; Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F (2014) Effect of time-delay errors on THz spectroscopy dynamic range.
Janek, M; Cickan, M; Klement, R; Matejdes, M; Furka, D; Furka, S; Baca, L; Naftaly, M (2024) Temperature dependent terahertz spectroscopy study of rare earth modified smectites: Probing the structural responses. Applied Clay Science, 255. 107406
Janek, M*; Zich, D*; Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M (2014) THz spectroscopy of amines and amino acids intercalated in clays. In: 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 14-19 September 2014, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Janek, M*; Zich, D*; Naftaly, M (2014) Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy response of amines and amino acids intercalated smectities in far-infrared region. Mater. Chem. Phys., 145 (3). pp. 278-287.
Janek, M*; Zich, D*; Zacher, T*; Naftaly, M (2014) THz-TDS of chemically modified natural or synthetic layered clay systems. In: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 2014 (ICTON), 6-10 July 2014, Graz, Austria.
Katsounaros, A*; Mann, M*; Naftaly, M; Rajab, K Z*; Hao, Y*; Milne, W I* (2012) Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy characterization of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films. Carbon, 50 (3). pp. 939-942.
Kleinschmidt, P; Giblin, S P; Antonov, V*; Hashiba, H*; Kulik, L*; Tzalenchuk, A; Komiyama, S* (2006) A highly sensitive detector for radiation in the terahertz region. In: CPEM 2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 9-14 July 2006, Torino, Italy.
Kleinschmidt, P; Giblin, S P; Antonov, V*; Hashiba, H*; Kulik, L*; Tzalenchuk, A; Komiyama, S* (2007) A highly sensitive detector for radiation in the terahertz region. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 56 (2). pp. 463-467.
Koepke, C*; Piatkowski, D*; Wisniewski, K*; Naftaly, M (2010) On competition between two types of aanti-Stokes emission in Ho3+ and Nd3+ ions in glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 356 (9-10). pp. 435-440.
Kokh, K A*; Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Andreev, Yu M*; Svetlichnyi, V A*; Lanskii, G V*; Lapin, I N*; Izeek, T I*; Kokh, A E* (2015) Growth and optical properties of solid solution crystals GaSe1-xSx. Mater. Chem. Phys., 154. pp. 152-157.
Lao, R-R*; Liang, W-L*; Dudley, R A; Thompson, R (2006) High sensitivity optically modulated scatter for electromagnetic field measurement. In: CPEM 2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 9-14 July 2006, Torino, Italy.
Lao, R-R*; Liang, W-L*; Dudley, R A; Thompson, R (2006) High sensitivity optically modulated scatter for electromagnetic field measurement. In: CPEM 2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 9-14 July 2006, Torino, Italy.
Molloy, J; Naftaly, M (2013) Terehertz characterization of textiles. In: 6th UK, Europe, Chine Millimeter Waves and THz Technology Workshop (UCMMT), 9-11 September 2013, Rome, Italy.
Molloy, J; Naftaly, M (2014) Wool textile identification by terahertz spectroscopy. J. Textile Inst., 105 (8). pp. 794-798.
Molloy, J; Stavrios, N*; Litvieneko, K*; Naftaly, M (2016) Non-linear coefficients of crystals measured at THz frequencies. In: 2016 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 25-30 September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M (2015) Metrology for terahertz time-domain spectrometers. Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 9810. 98101H
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Andreev, Y M*; Lanskii, G V*; Lapin, I N*; Potekaev, A I*; Kokh, K A*; Shabalina, A V*; Shaiduko, A V*; Svetlichnyi, V A* (2014) Disperion properties of GaS studied by THz-TDS. CrystEngComm, 16 (10). pp. 1995-2000.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Andreev, Y*; Kokh, K*; Lanskii, G*; Svetlichnyi, V* (2014) Absorption anisotropy in sulfur doped gallium selenide crystals studied by THz-TDS. Opt. Mater. Express, 4 (11). pp. 2451-2459.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Andreev, Yu M*; Izaak, T I*; Lanskii, G V*; Svetlichnyi, V A* (2014) Identification of textile fiber by IR and Raman spectroscopy. In: 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 14-19 September 2014, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Andreev, Yu M*; Kokh, K A*; Lanskii, G V*; Svetlichnyi, V A* (2014) Solid solution GaSe 1-xS x crystals for THz applications. In: 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 14-19 September 2014, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Andreev, Yu M*; Kokh, K*; Lanskii, G V*; Svetlichnyi, V A* (2015) Dispersion equations for the entire transparency range of GaSe. In: 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 August 2015, Hong Kong.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Andreev, Yu M*; Kokh, K*; Lanskii, G V*; Svetlichnyi, V A* (2015) Evolution of GaSe 1-xS x phonon absorption peaks with S-doping studies by THz-TDS. In: 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 August 2015, Hong Kong.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Dudley, R A (2013) Characterisation of terahertz beam profile and propagation. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., 19 (1). 8401508
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Lanskii, G V*; Kokh, K A*; Andreev, Yu M* (2013) Investigation of modified GaSe crystal compositions for nonlinear THz applications. In: 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2013), 1-6 September 2014, Mainz, Germany.
Molloy, J F; Naftaly, M; Lanskii, G V*; Kokh, K A*; Andreev, Yu M* (2013) Terahertz time-domain characterization of various fabrics. In: 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2013), 1-6 September 2013, Mainz, Germany.
Naftaly, M (2017) Device characterization for THz wireless links. In: 2017 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 6-8 November 2017, Munich, Germany.
Naftaly, M (2013) Metrology issues and solutions in THz time domain spectroscopy: noise, errors, calibration. IEEE Sens. J., 13 (1). pp. 8-17.
Naftaly, M (2017) THz metrology for active electronic devices: state of the art and challenges. Proceedings of SPIE, 10453. 104532Z
Naftaly, M (2016) An international intercomparison of THz time-domain spectrometers. In: 2016 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 25-30 September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Naftaly, M; Cain, M G; Lepadatu, S; Buchacher, T*; Allam, J* (2016) Dielectric constants of bulk ferroelectric PZT measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Adv. Appl. Ceram., 115 (5). pp. 260-263.
Naftaly, M; Cain, M G; Lepadatu, S; Buchacher, T*; Allam, J*; Molloy, J F (2015) Dielectric constants of ferroelectric PZT at THz frequencies. In: 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 August 2015, Hong Konh.
Naftaly, M; Clarke, R G*; Humphreys, D A; Ridler, N M (2017) Metrology state-of-the-art and challenges in braodband phase-sensitive terahertz measurements. Proc. IEEE, 105 (6). pp. 1151-1165.
Naftaly, M; Dudley, R (2013) Dependence of THz optical constants on orientational alignment of liquid crystals. In: 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2013), 1-6 September 2013, Mainz, Germany.
Naftaly, M; Dudley, R (2013) Orientational dependence of THz optical constants, birefrigence and dichroism of liquid crystals BL037 and GT3-23001. Opt. Mater. Express, 3 (4). pp. 459-465.
Naftaly, M; Dudley, R (2011) Terahertz reflectivities of metal-coated mirrors. Appl. Opt., 50 (19). pp. 3201-3204.
Naftaly, M; Dudley, R A (2009) Linearity calibration of amplitude and power measurements in terahertz systems and detectors. Opt. Lett., 34 (5). pp. 674-676.
Naftaly, M; Dudley, R A (2009) Methodologies for determining the dynamic ranges and signal-to-noise ratios of terahertz time-domain spectrometers. Opt. Lett., 34 (8). pp. 1213-1215.
Naftaly, M; Dudley, R A; Fletcher, J R* (2010) An etalon-based method for frequency calibration of terahertz time-domain spectrometers (THz TDS). Opt. Commun., 283 (9). pp. 1849-1853.
Naftaly, M; Dudley, R A; Fletcher, J R*; Bernard, F*; Thomson, C*; Tian, Z* (2009) Frequency calibration of terahertz time-domain spectrometers. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 26 (7). pp. 1357-1362.
Naftaly, M; Greenslade, P J*; Miles, R E*; Evans, D* (2009) Low loss nitride ceramics for terahertz windows. Opt. Mater., 31 (11). pp. 1575-1577.
Naftaly, M; Leist, J* (2013) Investigation of optical and structural properties of ceramic boron nitride by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Appl. Opt., 52 (4). B20-B25
Naftaly, M; Leist, J*; Dudley, R A (2010) Investigation of ceramic boron nitride by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 30 (12). pp. 2691-2697.
Naftaly, M; Leist, J*; Fletcher, J R* (2013) Optical properties and structure of pyrolytic boron nitride for THz applications. Opt. Mater. Express, 3 (2). pp. 260-269.
Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F (2015) A multi-lab intercomparison study of THz time-domain spectrometers. In: 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 August 2015, Hong Kong.
Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F; Andreev, Y M*; Kokh, K A*; Lanskii, G V*; Svetlichnyl, V A* (2015) Dispersion properties of sulfur doped gallium selenide crystals studied by THz TDS. Opt. Express, 23 (25). pp. 32820-32834.
Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F; Lanskii, G V*; Kokh, K A*; Andreev, Y M* (2013) Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for textile identification. Appl. Opt., 52 (19). pp. 4433-4437.
Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F; Magnusson, B*; Andreev, Y M*; Lanskii, G V* (2016) Silicon carbide - a high-transparency nonlinear material for THz applications. Opt. Express, 24 (3). pp. 2590-2595.
Naftaly, M; Ridler, N M; Molloy, J F; Shoaib, N*; Stokes, D* (2015) A comparison method for THz measurements using VNA and TDS. In: 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 23-28 August 2015, Hong Kong.
Naftaly, M; Shoaib, N*; Stokes, D*; Ridler, N M (2016) Intercomparison of terahertz dielectric measurements using vector network analyzer and time-domain spectrometer. J. Infrared Millim. Terahertz Waves, 37 (7). pp. 691-702.
Naftaly, M; Tikhomirov, I; Hou, P; Markl, D (2020) Measuring Open Porosity of Porous Materials Using THz-TDS and an Index-Matching Medium. Sensors, 20 (11). 3120 ISSN 1424-8220
Naftaly, M; Vieweg, N; Deninger, A (2019) Industrial Applications of Terahertz Sensing: State of Play. Sensors, 19 (19). 4203 ISSN 1424-8220
Naftaly, M*; Stringer, M*; Dudley, R A (2008) Linearity of terahertz time-domain spectrometers. Electron. Lett., 44 (14). p. 854.
Naftaly, M*; Stringer, M*; Dudley, R A (2008) Linearity of terahertz time-domain spectrometers. In: 33rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2008.
Nourinovin, S; Rahman, M M; Naftaly, M; Philpott, M P; Abbasi, Q H; Alomainy, A (2024) Highly Sensitive Terahertz Metasurface Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency-Like Resonance in Detection of Skin Cancer Cells. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 71 (7). pp. 2180-2188.
Otter, W J*; Ridler, N M; Yasukochi, H*; Soeda, K*; Konishi, K*; Yumoto, J*; Kuwata-Gonokami, M*; Lucyszyn, S* (2017) 3D printed 1.1 THz waveguides. Electron. Lett., 53 (7). pp. 471-473.
Piatkowski, D*; Wisniewski, K*; Koepke, C*; Naftaly, M (2009) Excited state absorption spectroscopy of Nd3+ activated fluoroaluminate glass - experiment and simulation. Opt. Mater., 31 (3). pp. 541-547.
Ravagli, A*; Naftaly, M; Craig, C*; Weatherby, E*; Hewak, D W* (2017) Dielectric and structural characterisation of chalcogenide glasses via terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Opt. Mater., 69. pp. 339-343.
Ridler, N M; Clarke, R G* (2016) Establishing traceability to the international system of units for scattering parameter measurements from 750 GHz to 1.1 THz. IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol., 6 (1). pp. 2-11.
Ridler, N M; Ginleyt, R A (2017) A review of the IEEE 1785 standards for rectangular waveguides above 110 GHz. In: 2017 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), 9 June 2017, Honololu, Hawaii, USA.
Shang, X B; Ridler, N M; Sun, W J; Cooper, P; Wilson, A (2019) Preliminary Study on WM-380 Waveguide TRL Calibration Line Standards at the UK's National Physical Laboratory. In: 2019 92nd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), 19-22 January 2019, Orlando, Fl, USA.
Skalsky, S; Molloy, J; Naftaly, M; Sainsbury, T; Paton, K R (2018) Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy as a novel metrology tool for liquid-phase exfoliated few-layer graphene. Nanotechnology, 30 (2). 025709 ISSN 0957-4484
Skinner, J; Campion, J; Ridler, N M (2023) Comparison of TRL Calibration Standards and Techniques for Waveguide S-parameter Measurements up to Terahertz Frequencies. In: 2023 53rd European Microwave Conference (EcMC), 19-21 September 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Svetlichnyi, V A*; Naftaly, M; Molloy, J F; Andreev, Yu M*; Kokh, K A*; Lanskii, G V*; Kononova, N G*; Kokh, A E* (2016) Comments on "Optical properties of borate crystals in terahertz domain". Opt. Commun., 365. pp. 14-15.
Sydoruk, O*; Choonee, K; Dyer, G C* (2015) Transmission and reflection of terahertz plasmons in two-dimensional plasmonic devices. IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol., 5 (3). pp. 486-496.
Walker, G C*; Bowen, J W*; Naftaly, M; Dudley, R A (2011) A simple fluid cell for the study of bio-molecules using THz time-domain spectroscopy. Meas. Sci. Technol., 22 (3). 037003
Withayachumnankul, W*; Naftaly, M (2014) Fundamentals of measurement in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. J. Infrared Millim. Terahertz Waves, 35 (8). pp. 610-637.
Zacher, T*; Hronsky, V*; Naftaly, M; Caplovicova, M*; Emmerich, K*; Steudel, A*; Meciarova, M*; Janek, M* (2017) Terahertz time domain detection of imidazolium ionic liquid reactivity in nanohybrid materials on Kaolinite and Halloysite. Appl. Clay Sci., 135. pp. 475-484.
Zhou, J F; Ridler, N M; Shen, Y C; Huang, Y (2018) Guest Editorial: Selected papers from the 10th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre-waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT). IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 12 (11). pp. 1745-1747. ISSN 1751-8725