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Brooks, M; Loveday, M S; Gee, M G (2001) NPL Friction Measurement Methods: data assessment techniques and a sample database. NPL Report. MATC(A)13

Brown, L J (2005) Measurement of coating adhesion using the Rockwell indentation technique. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 020

Damerell, G (1996) Assessment of simple models of the Cracking of Coatings Strained under tension. NPL Report. CMMT(A)39

Francis, P E; Cheung, W K (1994) Test method for measurement of pit propagation rates. NPL Report. DMM(A)124

Fry, A T (2002) Residual stress measurement: XRD depth profiling using successive material removal. NPL Report. MATC(MN)34

Fry, A T (2005) Residual stress measurement: XRD depth profiling using successive material removal. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 024

Gant, A J (2002) Ball cratering as a technique to evaluate microabrasion in corrosive media. NPL Report. MATC(MN)39

Gee, M; Fry, T; Edwards, G; Giannis, S (2021) Role of Metrology in the Digitalisation of Surface Engineering. NPL Report. MAT 113

Gee, M; Fry, T; Jones, H; Green, C; Roach, T (2022) Fracture and cracking in coatings. NPL Report. MAT 103

Gee, M G (1993) Guidelines for unlubricated sliding wear tests: Part 1, general approach. NPL Report. DMM(A)96

Gee, M G (1993) Guidelines for unlubricated sliding wear tests: Part 2, procedures for pin-on-disc testing. NPL Report. DMM(A)97

Gee, M G (2001) Procedure for ball cratering test. NPL Report. MATC(A)52

Gee, M G (2001) Procedure for gas jet erosion testing. NPL Report. MATC(A)53

Gee, M G (1997) Surface characterisation techniques for wear surfaces. NPL Report. CMMT(A)73

Gee, M G (2001) Wear testing standards database. NPL Report. MATC(A)07

Gee, M G; Alliston-Greiner, A* (2000) Associate programme: tribology in foresight. Framework document. NPL Report. CMMT(A)259

Gee, M G; Gant, A (2001) Procedure for rotating wheel abrasion testing. NPL Report. MATC(A)54

Gee, M G; Gant, A; Hutchings, I M* (2002) Rotating wheel abrasive wear testing. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 55

Gee, M G; Gant, A; Hutchings, I M*; Kusano, Y*; Schiffman, K*; van Acker, K*; Poulat, S*; Gachon, Y*; von Stebut, J*; Hatto, P*; Plint, G* (2004) CRATER: interlaboratory exercise description, procedure and results. NPL Report. MATC(A)168

Gee, M G; Gant, A; Hutchings, I*; Bethke, R*; Schiffman, K*; Van Acker, K*; Poulat, S*; Gachon, Y*; von Stebut, J* (2002) Ball cratering or micro-abrasion wear testing of coatings. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 57

Gee, M G; Gant, A; Hutchings, I*; Bethke, R*; Schiffman, K*; Van Acker, K*; Poulat, S*; Gachon, Y*; von Stebut, J* (2001) Critical evaluation of abrasion and wear testing of coatings by ball cratering. NPL Report. MATC(A)62

Gee, M G; Gant, A J; Byrne, W P (1998) An NPL rotating wheel abrasion test. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)030

Gee, M G; Hutchings, I M* (2002) General approach and procedures for erosive wear testing. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 56

Gee, M G; McCormick, N J; Newton, L; Darling, R (2005) Analysis of the size and shape of abrasives. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 009

Gee, M G; McNaught, I (2002) Stepwise erosion to determine the mechanisms of wear in gas borne particulate erosion. NPL Report. MATC(MN)32

Gee, M G; Neale, M J* (2002) General approach and procedures for unlubricated sliding wear tests. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 51

Gee, M G; Newton, L (2005) The determination of residual stresses in coatings by coupon bending. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 025

Gee, M G; Owen-Jones, S (1998) Wear testing methods and their relevance to industrial wear problems. NPL Report. CMMT(A)92

Gee, M G; van den Berg, L (1999) Low load multiple scratch tests for ceramics and hardmetals. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)045

Gorman, D; Green, C; Booth-Downs, F; Gee, M; Fry, T (2022) Rockwell Indentation Test for Evaluation of Adhesion of Coatings - aka Daimler-Benz adhesion test. NPL Report. MAT 107

Hunt, R A; Pierse, C; McCartney, L N (1998) A theoretical approach to the indentation of layered materials. NPL Report. CMMT(A)71

Jennett, N M (2007) An introduction to instrumented indention testing. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 92

Jennett, N M; McCartney, L N; Lawrence, K; Hunt, R; Maxwell, A; Koskinen, J*; Meneve, J*; Wegener, W*; Gibson, N*; Zhihui Xu*,, ; Bushby, A J*; Chudoba, T*; Cavaleiro, A*; Herrmann, K*; Consiglio, R*; Augereau, F*; Schneider, D* (2001) Indicoat Final Report Determination of hardness and modulus of thin films and coatings by nanoindentation. NPL Report. MATC(A)24

Jennett, N M; Owen-Jones, S (2002) The scratch test: calibration, verification and the use of a certified reference material. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 54

Jones, H; Gee, M (2023) Micro-Cantilever Testing of Engineering Coatings. NPL Report. MAT 118

Loveday, M S; Brooks, M (2001) High temperature friction: a simplified approach for estimating uncertainty of measurement. NPL Report. CMMT(A)305

Maudgal, S; Sims, G D; Johnstone, J E; Jennett, N M (1998) Characterisation of surface roughness of fibres by atomic force microscopy. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)024

Maxwell, A S (2004) Comparison of coating adhesion values obtained from ASTM D4541 and ASTM C633 pull-off tests. NPL Report. DEPC-MPR 010

Maxwell, A S; Owen-Jones, S; Jennett, N M (2003) Measurement of the Poisson's ratio of coatings. NPL Report. MATC(MN)51

Maxwell, A S; Rudlin, J* (2007) Non-destructive assessment of coating adhesion. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 100

McCormick, N J; Gee, M G (2005) The measurement of the shape of abrasive particles with confocal optical microscopy. NPL Report. DEPC-MPE 010

Mendels, D A (2004) Ball-indentation of multi-layered foils. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 009

Mingard, K P; Gee, M G (2007) Measurement of wear with chromatic aberration probe. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 045

Newton, L; Gee, M G; Morrell, R (2005) Scratch edge chipping. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 026

Osgerby, S (2004) Measurement of the creep performance of coatings used in gas turbines. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 003

Osgerby, S; Saunders, S; Banks, J (1998) Measurement of fracture strain in oxide scales and coatings. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)032

Osgerby, S; Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P (1998) Scale and coating adhesion: a procedure for laboratory tests. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)026

Owen-Jones, S; Gee, M G (1997) Wear testing papers, reports and proceedings database. NPL Report. CMMT(A)90

Owen-Jones, S; Gee, M G (1997) Wear testing standards database. NPL Report. CMMT(A)89

Roberts, S J; McCartney, L N (2003) New method of measuring elastic properties of coatings: part I - theoretical approach. NPL Report. MATC(A)146

Roebuck, B; Stewart, M; Brooks, M (2005) Mapping indentation hardness. NPL Report. DEPC-MN 030

Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P (2001) Development of a test procedure for the measurement of thermal fatigue resistance of coatings. NPL Report. MATC(A)61

Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P (1998) Ductile brittle transition temperature (DBTT) measurement of coatings used in gas turbines. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)028

Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P (1998) Measurement of thermal mechanical fatigue (TMF) resistance of coatings used in gas turbines. NPL Report. CMMT(MN)029

Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P (2002) An evaluation of thermal barrier coated specimens exposed to long-term ageing tests. NPL Report. MATC(A)113

Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P; Chunnilall, C J (2001) An evaluation of tests for the adhesion of thermal barrier coatings. NPL Report. MATC(A)59

Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P; Wright, M (2001) Measurement of ductile brittle transition temperature of coatings using the small punch test. NPL Report. MATC(A)60

Tomlins, P E; Nottay, J; Zou, L (2000) The influence of thermal cycling on the adhesion of conformal coatings. NPL Report. CMMT(A)277


Aldrich-Smith, G; Jennett, N M; Hangen, U (2022) Direct measurement of nanoindentation area function by metrological AFM. International Journal of Materials Research, 96 (11). pp. 1267-1271.

Aldrich-Smith, G; Jennett, N M; Housden, J* (2005) Adhesion of thin coatings - The VAMAS (TWA22-2) interlaboratory exercise. Surf. Coat. Technol., 197 (2-3). pp. 336-344.

Aldrich-Smith, G; Jennett, N M; Housden, J* (2005) Adhesion of thin coatings - the VAMAS (TWA22-2) interlaboratory exercise. Surf. Coat. Technol., 197 (2-3). pp. 336-344.

Bahshwan, M; Gee, M; Nunn, J; Myant, C W; Reddyhoff, T (2022) In situ observation of anisotropic tribological contact evolution in 316L steel formed by selective laser melting. Wear, 490-49. 204193

Burnett, T L; Yakimova, R*; Kazakova, O (2012) Identification of epitaxial graphene domains and adsorbed species in ambient conditions using quantified topography measurements. J. Appl. Phys., 112 (5). 054308

Butterfield, D; Gee, M G (1993) The combined effect of speed and humidity on the wear and friction of silicon nitride. Wear, 162-16 (A). pp. 234-245.

Campbell, J E; Zhang, H; Burley, M; Gee, M G; Fry, A T; Dean, J; Clyne, T W (2021) A Critical Appraisal of the Instrumented Indentation Technique and Profilometry‐Based Inverse Finite Element Method Indentation Plastometry for Obtaining Stress–Strain Curves. Advanced Engineering Materials, 23 (5). 2001496 ISSN 1438-1656

Cappella, B; Spaltmann, D; Gee, M (2022) Editorial: Tribology and Atomic Force Microscopy - Towards Single Asperity Contact. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 8. 853934

Cheung, W K; Francis, P E; Turnbull, A (1995) Test method for measurement of pit propagation rates. Materials Science Forum, 192-19 (1). pp. 185-196.

Clancy, A J; Anthony, D B; de Luca, F (2020) Metal Mimics: Lightweight, Strong, and Tough Nanocomposites and Nanomaterial Assemblies. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (14). pp. 15955-15975. ISSN 1944-8244

Dennington, S*; Mekkhunthod, P*; Rides, M; Gibbs, D*; Salta, M*; Stoodley, V*; Wharton, J*; Stoodley, P* (2015) Miniatureized rotating disc rheometer test for rapid screening of drag reducing marine coatings. Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop., 3 (3). 034004

Fry, A T; Gorman, D M; Brown, S B (2018) 3D evaluation of the oxidation and porosity in 9Cr tubing using FIB and X-ray. Materials at High Temperatures, 35 (1-3). pp. 2-13. ISSN 0960-3409

Fry, A T; Lovelock, P; Smith, N; Gee, M G; Gant, A J (2017) An innovative high temperature solid particulate erosion testing system. Wear, 376. pp. 458-467.

Gant, A J; Gee, M G (2009) Sliding wear corrosion testing of ceramics. Wear, 267 (Part 1). pp. 599-607.

Gant, A J; Gee, M G (2009) Structure-property relationships in liquid jet erosion of tungsten carbide hardmetals. Int. J. Refrac. Met. Hard Mat., 27 (2). pp. 332-343.

Gant, A J; Gee, M G (2015) Wear modes in slurry jet erosion of tungsten carbide hardmetals: their relationship with microstructure and mechanical properties. Int. J. Refrac. Met. Hard Mat., 49. pp. 192-202.

Gant, A J; Gee, M G (2001) Wear of tungsten carbide-cobalt hardmetals and hot isostatically pressed high speed steels under dry abrasive conditions. Wear, 251. pp. 908-915.

Gant, A J; Gee, M G (2011) A review of micro-scale abrasion testing. J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., 44 (7). 073001

Gant, A J; Gee, M G; Gohil, D D; Jones, H G; Orkney, L P (2013) Use of FIB/SEM to assess the tribo-corrosion of WC/Co hardmetals in model single point abrasion experiments. Tribol. Int., 68. pp. 56-66.

Gant, A J; Gee, M G; Orkney, L P (2011) The wear and friction behaviour of engineering coatings in ambient air and dry nitrogen. Wear, 271 (9-10). pp. 2164-2175.

Gant, A J; Gee, M G; Plint, G* (2007) A new concept in liquid jet erosion: commissioning and proving trials. Wear, 263 (1-6). pp. 284-288.

Gant, A J; Nunn, J W; Gee, M G; Gorman, D; Gohil, D D; Orkney, L P (2017) New perspectives in hardmetal abrasion simulations. Wear, 376. pp. 2-14.

Gee, M G (2001) Low load multiple scratch tests of ceramics and hardmetals. Wear, 250 (Part 1). pp. 264-281.

Gee, M G (2010) Model scratch corrosion studies for WC/Co hardmetals. Wear, 268 (9-10). pp. 1170-1177.

Gee, M G (1994) Wear testing and ceramics. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 208 (J3). 153 - 166

Gee, M G; Gant, A; Hutchings, I*; Bethke, R*; Schiffman, K*; Van Acker, K*; Poulat, S*; Gachon, Y*; von Stebut, J* (2003) Progress towards standardisation of ball cratering. Wear, 255. pp. 1-13.

Gee, M G; Gant, A J; Roebuck, B (2007) Wear mechanisms in abrasion of WC/Co and related hardmetals. Wear, 263 (1-6). pp. 137-148.

Gee, M G; Gee, A D* (2007) A cost effective system for micro-tribology experiments. Wear, 263 (7-12). pp. 1484-1491.

Gee, M G; Gee, R H; McNaught, I (2003) Stepwise erosion as a method for determining the mechanisms of wear in gas borne particulate erosion. Wear, 255. pp. 44-54.

Gee, M G; Jennett, N M (2010) Accuracy counts. Mater. World, 18 (8). pp. 22-24.

Gee, M G; Jennett, N M (1995) High resolution characterisation of tribochemical films on alumina. Wear, 193 (2). pp. 133-145.

Gee, M G; Mingard, K; Nunn, J W (2023) EBSD Evaluation of Damage in Micro-tribology Experiments on WC/Co Hardmetals. Wear, 524. 204784

Gee, M G; Nimishakavi, L (2011) Model single point abrasion experiments on WC/Co hardmetals. Int. J. Refrac. Met. Hard Mat., 29 (1). pp. 1-9.

Gee, M G; Nunn, J (2017) Real time measurement of wear and surface damage in the sliding wear of alumina. Wear, 376. pp. 1866-1876.

Gee, M G; Nunn, J W; Muniz-Piniella, A; Orkney, L P (2011) Micro-tribology experiments on engineering coatings. Wear, 271 (9-10). pp. 2673-2680.

Gee, M G; Wicks, M J (2000) Ball crater testing for the measurement of the unlubricated sliding wear of wear-resistant coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol., 133-13. pp. 376-382.

Hernández-Rodríguez, P; Valerio-Rodríguez, M F; Abarca-Paredes, W A; Zhang, H; Ordaz-Hernández, K; López-Honorato, E (2020) Polymer-derived SiC/C/Al environmental barrier coatings on carbon steel. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 119 (8). pp. 456-461. ISSN 1743-6753

Holmberg, K*; Laukkanen, A*; Ronkainen, H*; Waudby, R*; Stachowiak, G*; Wolski, M*; Podsiadlo, P*; Gee, M G; Nunn, J; Gachot, C*; Li, L* (2015) Topographical orientation effects on friction and wear in sliding DLC and steel contacts, part 1: experimental. Wear, 330. pp. 3-22.

Hou, X D*; Jennett, N M; Parlinska-Wojtan, M* (2013) Exploiting interactions between structure size and indentation size effects to determine the characteristic dimension of nano-structured materials by indentation. J. Phys. D, Appl. Phys., 46 (26). 265301

Jennett, N M; Bushby, A J* (2002) Adaptive protocol for robust estimates of coatings properties by nanoindentation. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 695. pp. 73-78.

Jennett, N M; Ghisleri, R*; Michler, J* (2009) Enhanced yield strength of materials -the thinness effect. Appl. Phys. Lett., 95 (12). 123102

Jennett, N M; Goken, M*; Durst, K* (2011) Nano-mechanical testing in materials research and development. Philos. Mag., 91 (7-9). pp. 1035-1036.

Jennett, N M; Nunn, J (2011) High resolution measurement of dynamic (nano) indentation impact energy: a step towards the determination of indentation fracture resistance. Philos. Mag., 91 (7-9). pp. 1200-1220.

Jennett, N M; Pharr, G M*; McHargue, C J* (2006) Instrumented indentation testing in materials research and development. Philos. Mag., 86 (33-35). pp. 5153-5154.

Jiang, L D*; Lewis, G*; Spearing, S M*; Jennett, N M; Monclus, M (2010) Development of a low temperature amorphous Si/Ti for integrated MEMS/NEMS. Microelectron. Eng., 87 (5-8). pp. 1259-1262.

Jones, H.G.; Norgren, S.M.; Kritikos, M.; Mingard, K.P.; Gee, M.G. (2017) Examination of wear damage to rock-mining hardmetal drill bits. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 66. pp. 1-10. ISSN 02634368

Krawczynska, A T; Lewandowska, M; Fry, A T (2018) Microstructural characterization and residual stress distribution in a nanostructured austenitic stainless steel. International Journal of Materials Research, 109 (9). pp. 837-843. ISSN 1862-5282

Laukkanen, A; Holmberg, K; Ronkainen, H; Stachowiak, G; Podsiadlo, P; Wolski, M; Gee, M G; Gachot, C; Li, L (2017) Topographical orientation effects on surface stresses influencing on wear in sliding DLC contacts, part 2: modelling and simulations. Wear, 388. pp. 18-28.

Liu, D*; Seraffon, M; Flewitt, P E J*; Simms, N J*; Nicholls, J R*; Rickerby, D S* (2013) Effect of substrate curvature on residual stresses and failure modes of an air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings system. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33 (15-16). pp. 3345-3357.

Loveday, M S (2008) Creep testing standards and the influence of bending. Mater. High Temp., 25 (4). pp. 277-286.

Lu, P; Wood, R J K; Gee, M G; Wang, L; Pfleging, W (2018) A novel surface texture shape for directional friction control. Tribology Letters, 66 (1). 51

Lu, P*; Wood, R J K*; Gee, M G; Wang, L*; Pfleging, W* (2016) The friction reducing effect of square-shaped surface textures under lubricated line-contacts - an experimental study. Lubricants, 4 (3). p. 33.

Lu, P*; Wood, R J K*; Gee, M G; Wang, L*; Pfleging, W* (2017) The use of anisotropic texturing for control of directional friction. Tribol. Int., 113. pp. 169-181.

Maxwell, A S; Owen-Jones, S; Jennett, N M (2004) Measurement of Young's modulas and Poisson's ratio of thin coatings using impact excitation and nano-indentation. Rev. Sci. Insrum., 75 (4). pp. 970-975.

Melandri, C*; Gee, M G; de Portu, G*; Guicciardi, S* (1995) High temperature friction and wear testing of silicon nitride ceramics. Tribol. Int., 28 (6). pp. 403-413.

Monclus, M A; Jennett, N M (2011) In search of validated measurements of the properties of visco-elastic materials by indentation with sharp indenters. Philos. Mag., 91 (7-9). pp. 1308-1328.

Neale, M J*; Gee, M G (2000) Guide to wear problems and testing for industry.

Nunn, J; Gee, M G; Orkney, L; Fry, A T (2017) In situ remote hot erosion scar measurement. Wear, 380-38. pp. 217-227.

Osgerby, S; Saunders, S R J; Gohil, D D; Shafirstein, G (1997) Mechanical and chemical characterisation of coated systems. Materials Science Forum, 251-25 (2). pp. 737-744.

Pignie, C*; Gee, M G; Nunn, J W; Jones, H*; Gant, A J (2013) Simulation of abrasion to WC/Co hardmetals using a micro-tribology test system. Wear, 302 (1-2). pp. 1050-1057.

Roebuck, B; Stewart, M; Morrell, R; Gee, M G (2001) Mapping hardness. Mater. World (Novemb). pp. 16-17.

Roebuck, B; Stewart, M; Morrell, R; Gee, M G; Plint, G* (2001) Mapping hardness using automated depth sensing process. Surf. Eng., 17 (6). pp. 447-449.

Sanz, C.; Morantz, P.; Lunt, A.J.G.; Shore, P.; Chérif, A.; Schneider, J.; Mainaud-Durand, H.; Steffens, N. (2020) Evaluation of the performance variation of porous air pads on discontinuous surfaces. Precision Engineering, 62. pp. 16-22. ISSN 01416359

Saunders, S R J (1993) Measurement methods in surface engineering. Surf. Eng., 9. 293 - 299

Seah, M P (1995) Reference materials for surface analysis. VAM Bulletin, 12. pp. 27-29.

Seraffon, M; Simms, N J*; Sumner, J*; Nicholls, J R* (2014) Oxidation behaviour of NiCrAl and NiCoCrAl bond coatings under industrial gas turbine conditions. Oxid. Met., 81 (1-2). pp. 203-215.

Walker, J C; Barnes, Z; Shehata, A; Jiang, P; Kamps, T J (2023) Variable pressure scuffing of a flake graphite cast iron diesel cylinder liner. Tribology International, 179. 108155

Wang, C T*; Gao, N*; Gee, M G; Wood, R J K*; Langdon, T G* (2013) Processing of an ultrafine-grained titanium by high-pressure torsion: an evaluation of the wear properties with and without a TiN coating. J. Mechan. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 17. pp. 166-175.

Wang, C T*; Gao, N*; Gee, M G; Wood, R J K*; Langdon, T G* (2013) Tribology testing of ultrafine-grained Ti processed by high-pressure torsion with subsequent coating. J. Mater. Sci., 48 (13). pp. 4742-4748.

Wang, C T*; Geo, N*; Gee, M G; Wood, R J K*; Langdon, T G* (2012) Effect of grain size on the micro-tribological behavior of pure titanium processed by highpressure torsion. Wear, 280. pp. 28-35.

Wang, H; Li, Yanan; Gee, M G; Zhang, H; Liu, X; Song, X (2020) Sliding wear resistance enhancement by controlling W2C precipitation in HVOF sprayed WC-based cermet coating. Surface and Coatings Technology, 387. 125533 ISSN 02578972

Wang, H; Qiu, Q; Gee, M; Hou, C; Liu, X; Song, X (2020) Wear resistance enhancement of HVOF-sprayed WC-Co coating by complete densification of starting powder. Materials & Design, 191. 108586 ISSN 02641275

Wang, H B; Gee, M; Qiu, Q F; Zhang, H N; Liu, X M; Nie, H B; Song, X Y; Nie, Z R (2019) Grain size effect on wear resistance of WC-Co cemented carbides under different tribological conditions. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (11). pp. 2435-2446. ISSN 10050302

Wang, H B; Yan, X F; Zhang, H N; Gee, M; Zhao, C; Liu, X M; Song, X Y (2019) Oxidation-dominated wear behaviors of carbide-based cermets: A comparison between WC-WB-Co and Cr3C2-NiCr coatings. Ceramics International, 45 (17). pp. 21293-21307. ISSN 02728842

Williamson, E H; Gee, M G; Robertson, D; Watts, J F; Whiting, M J; Yeomans, J A (2019) Wear performance and characterisation of coatings for nuclear applications: WC-(W,Cr)2C-Ni and hard chromium plate. Wear, 430-43. pp. 169-182. ISSN 00431648

Wolski, M; Podsiadio, P; Stachowiak, G W; Holmberg, K; Laukkanen, A; Ronkainen, H; Gee, M G; Nunn, J; Gachot, C; Li, L (2017) Multiscale characterisation of 3D surface topography of DLC coated and uncoated surfaces by directional blanket covering (DBC) methods. Wear, 388. pp. 47-56.

Zhang, Hannah; Stewart, M; de Luca, F; Smet, P F; Sousanis, A; Poelman, D; Rungger, I; Gee, M (2021) Young's modulus of thin SmS films measured by nanoindentation and laser acoustic wave. Surface and Coatings Technology, 421. 127428

Conference or Workshop Item

Gee, M G; Brown, L; Bennett, E G (2011) Optical evaluation of wear volumes. In: 13th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces., 12-15 April 2011, Twickenham Stadium, UK.

Gee, M G; Fang, L*; Roebuck, B (1999) Mechanisms of wear in the high stress abrasion of WC/Co hardmetals. In: EURO PM99, 8-10 November 1999, Turin.

Gee, M G; Jennett, N M (1994) Evaluation of the mechanical properties of tribochemical. In: Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties V Symposium, 28 November - 2 December 1994, Boston, USA.

Gee, M G; Loveday, M S; Brookes, M R (1997) Measurement of Friction Under Simulated Metal Working Conditions in Miniaturised Test Systems. In: World Tribology Congress, September 1997.

Gee, M G; Roebuck, B (2000) Tungsten carbide for abrasion resistant applications. In: IMechE Conf. Powder Metallurgy in Design for Wear, Corrosion and Fatigue Resistance, 2000.

Gee, M G; Roebuck, B (1999) Tungsten carbide for abrasion resistant applications. In: Proceedings IMechE Conference on Powder Metallurgy Materials for Tribology, 17 September 1999, London, UK.

Gee, M G; Roebuck, B; Gant, A (2005) Abrasive wear testing with the ASTM B611 and modified ASTM G65 rotating wheel test systems. In: 16th International Plansee Seminar - High Performance PM Materials, 30 May - 3 June 2005, Reutte, Austria.

Mills, K C (1997) Continuous casting powders and their effect on surface quality and sticker breakouts. In: Proc. 5th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, January 1997, Sydney, Australia.

Shafirstein, G; Gee, M G; Osgerby, S; Saunders, S R J (1994) Error analysis in nanoindentation. In: Materials Research Society Symposium on Thim films: Stresses and mechanical properties V., November 1994, Boston, USA.

Shafirstein, G; Saunders, S R J; Banks, J P (1995) Adhesion testing of TiN coatings. In: Sudarshon, T S and Jeandin, M eds. Surface modification technologies VIII. Institute of Materials, 1995.

Book Chapter/Section

Gee, M G; Hutchings, I M*; Santner, E* (2006) Friction and wear. In: Handbook of Materials Measurement Methods. Springer. ISBN 9783540207856

Jennett, N M (2006) Mechanical testing of coatings. In: Surface coatings for protection against wear. Woodhead Publishing. ISBN 9781855737679

Jennett, N M; Shafirstein, G; Saunders, S R J (1995) Comparison of inderter tip shape measurement using a calibrated AFM and indentation into fused silica. In: Hardness testing in theory and practise, VDI BERICHTE 1194. VDI-Verlag GmbH, Dusseldorf, pp. 201-210. ISBN 3-18-0911948

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