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Abbas, F; Allan, D W*; Ashby, N*; Hodge, C; Holland, J*; Jedamzik, D*; Langham, C D; Maleki, L*; Trowles, T* (1997) A novel concept for the direct intercomparison of the Allan Variance of frequency standards at the 10-18 level with application to metrology, global communication and navigation. In: Proc. 11th European Frequency and Time forum, 1997, Neuchatel, Switzerland.


Beattie, S; Jian, B; JohnAlcock, A; Gertsvolf, M; Hendricks, R; Szymaniec, K; Gibble, K (2018) Preliminary Evaluation of NRC-FCs2 Fountain Clock at the National Research Council Canada. In: 2018 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), 21-24 May 2018, Olympic Valley, CA, USA.

Bevington, P.; Gartman, R.; Chalupczak, W. (2020) Inductive Imaging of the Concealed Defects with Radio-Frequency Atomic Magnetometers. Applied Sciences, 10 (19). 6871 ISSN 2076-3417

Bowden, W; Vianello, A; Hill, I R; Schioppo, M; Hobson, R (2020) Improving the Q Factor of an Optical Atomic Clock Using Quantum Nondemolition Measurement. Physical Review X, 10 (4). 041052 ISSN 2160-3308

Burrows, K; Hendricks, R J; Szymaniec, K; Gibble, K; Beattie, S; Jian, B (2020) Measuring atom positions in a microwave cavity to evaluate distributed cavity phase shifts. Metrologia, 57 (6). 065003 ISSN 0026-1394


Camper, A; Skantzakis, E; Géneaux, R; Risoud, F; English, E; Diveki, Z; Lin, N; Gruson, V; Auguste, T; Carré, B; Lucchese, R R; Maquet, A; Taïeb, R; Caillat, J; Ruchon, T; Salières, P (2021) Two-dimensional phase cartography for high-harmonic spectroscopy. Optica, 8 (3). pp. 308-315. ISSN 2334-2536

Clarke, J D; Davis, J A; Laverty, J R (1999) The BIPM/IGS pilot project: a model for high accuracy time dissemination in the future. In: BEMC 99 - 9th International Conference on Electromagnetic Measurement, November 1999, Brighton, UK.

Clarke, J D; Davis, J A; Lowe, A J (1999) Characterisation of NPL's geodetic GPS time transfer receivers. In: Proc. 1999 Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, 13-16 April 1999, Besancon, France.

Collett, M A; Matthews, C E; Esward, T J; Whibberley, P B (2010) Measurement and simulation of clock errors from resource-constrained embedded systems. Meas. Sci. Technol., 21 (7). 075203

Curtis, E A; Bradley, T; Barwood, G P; Edwards, C S; Wheeler, N V; Phelan, R; Richardson, D J; Petrovich, M N; Gill, P (2018) Laser frequency stabilization and spectroscopy at 2051 nm using a compact CO2-filled Kagome hollow core fiber gas-cell system. Optics Express, 26 (22). pp. 28621-28633. ISSN 1094-4087


Davis, J A (1996) Delay stability measurements made within a two-way time transfer system using satellite ranging from several locations. In: 10th European Frequency and Time Forum, 5 - 7 March 1996, Brighton, UK.

Davis, J A; Bhattarai, S*; Ziebart, M* (2013) Development of a Kalman filter based GPS satellite clock time-offset prediction algorithm. In: 2012 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2012), 23-27 April 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Davis, J A; Clarke, J D (2001) Time and frequency transfer using GPS common-view. In: BEMC 2001- 10th British Electromagnetic Measurement Conference, 6-8 November 2001, Harrogate, UK.

Davis, J A; Furlong, J M (1997) Report on the study to determine the suitability of GPS disciplined oscillators as time and frequency standards traceable to the UK national time scale UTC (NPL). NPL Report. CTM 1

Davis, J A; Furlong, J M (1997) A study examining the possibility of obtaining traceability to UK National Standards of Time and Frequency using GPS disciplined oscillators. In: Proc. 29th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications meeting, December 1997, Long Beach, California, USA.

Davis, J A; Furlong, J M; Clarke, J D (1998) The performance characteristics of a two-way time transfer earth station incorporating a new satre modem. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), March 1998, Warsaw.

Davis, J A; Greenhall, C A*; Stacey, P W (2005) A Kalman filter clock algorithm for use in the presence of flicker frequency modulation noise. Metrologia, 42 (1-2). pp. 1-10.

Davis, J A; Lewandowski, W*; De Young, J A*; Kirchner, D*; Hetzel, P*; Parker, A; Klepczynski, W*; de Jong, G*; Söring, A*; Baumont, F*; Bartle, K A; Ressler, H*; Robnik, R*; Veenstra, L* (1996) Comparison of two-way satellite time and frequency transfer and GPS common-view time transfer during the intelsat field trial. In: 10th European Frequency and Time Forum, 5-7 March 1996, Brighton, UK.

Davis, J A; Pearce, P R (1993) Characterisation of the signal delays in a ground station designed for satellite two way time transfer. In: 7th European Frequency and Time Forum, March 1993, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Davis, J A; Pearce, P R (1995) Time dissemination in the United Kingdom using signals from geostationary television satellites. In: BEMC '95 - 7th British Electromagnetic Measurements Conference Digest, November 1995, Malvern, UK.

Davis, J A; Pearce, P R; Bartle, K A (1995) Sources of error in two-way satellite time and frequency transfers. In: BEMC 95 - 7th British Electromagnetic Measurements Conference Digest, November 1995, Malvern, UK.

Davis, J A; Rougeaux, B (1999) The development of a computer model of a GPS disciplined oscillator to aid error budget determination. In: Proc. 1999 Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, 13-16 April 1999, Besancon, France.

Davis, J A; Shemar, S L; Whibberley, P B (2011) A Kalman filter UTC(k) prediction and steering algorithm. In: 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium/ European Frequency and Time Forum Proceedings, 1-5 May 2011, San Francisco, USA.

Davis, J A; Steele, J McA * (1997) A Caesium flying clock experiment between NPL and USNO. In: Proc. EFTF 97, European Frequency and Time Forum, March 1997, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Defraigne, P; Achkar, J; Coleman, M J; Gertsvolf, M; Ichikawa, R; Levine, J; Uhrich, P; Whibberley, P; Wouters, M; Bauch, A (2022) Achieving traceability to UTC through GNSS measurements. Metrologia, 59 (6). 064001

Defraigne, P*; Sesia, I*; Cerretto, G*; Signorile, G*; Calonico, D*; Cantoni, E*; De Stefano, C*; Formichella, V*; Costa, R*; Cernigliaro, A*; Fiasca, F*; Perucca, A*; Samperi, A*; Cerabolini, P*; Rotiroti, L*; Simonetti, A*; Colombo, A*; Dhiri, V*; Giulianini, E*; Defraigne, P*; Ozdemir, N*; Veiga, M T*; Suarez, T*; Gandara, M*; Puech, P L*; Hamoniaux, V*; Mangiantini, M*; Varriale, E*; Morante, Q*; Wallin, A E*; Widomski, T*; Kaczmarek, J*; Uzycki, J*; Borgulski, K*; Olbrysz, P*; Kowalski, J*; Galleani, L*; Hindley, D (2015) The Horizon 2020 DEMETRA project: DEMonstrator of EGNSS services based on time reference architecture. In: 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 4-5 June 2015, Benevento, Italy.

Defraigne, P*; Tavella, P*; Sesia, I*; Cerretto, G*; Signorile, G*; Calonico, D*; Costa, R*; Clivati, C*; Cantoni, E*; De Stefano, C*; Frittelli, M*; Formichella, V*; Biserni, E*; Leone, V*; Zarroli, E*; Sormani, D*; Gandara, M*; Hamoniaux, V*; Varriale, E*; Morante, Q*; Widomski, T*; Kaczmarek, J*; Uzycki, J*; Borgulski, K*; Olbrysz, P*; Kowalski, J*; Cernigiliaro, A*; Fiasca, F*; Perucca, A*; Dhiri, V*; Veiga, M T*; Suarez, T*; Mangiantini, M*; Wallin, A E*; Galleani, L*; Hindley, D (2017) Demonstrator of time services based on European GNSS signals: the H2020 DEMETRA project. In: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, 30-31 January 2017, Monterey, CA, USA.

Del Bino, L; Moroney, N; Del'Haye, P (2021) Optical memories and switching dynamics of counterpropagating light states in microresonators. Optics Express, 29 (2). pp. 2193-2203. ISSN 1094-4087

Denker, H; Timmen, L; Voigt, C; Weyers, S; Peik, E; Margolis, H S; Delva, P; Wolf, P; Petit, G (2018) Geodetic methods to determine the relativistic redshift at the level of 10^-18 in the context of international timescales: a review and practical results. Journal of Geodesy, 92 (5). pp. 487-516. ISSN 0949-7714

Dimarcq, N; Gertsvolf, M; Mileti, G; Bize, S; Oates, C W; Peik, E; Calonico, D; Ido, T; Tavella, P; Meynadier, F; Petit, G; Panfilo, G; Bartholomew, J; Defraigne, P; Donley, E A; Hedekvist, P O; Sesia, I; Wouters, M; Dube, P; Fang, F; Levi, F; Lodenyck, J; Margolis, H S; Newell, D; Slyusarev, S; Weyers, S; Uzan, J-P; Yasuda, M; Yu, D-H; Rieck, C; Schnatz, H; Hanado, Y; Fujieda, M; Pottie, P-E; Hanssen, J; Malimon, A; Ashby, N (2024) Roadmap towards the redefinition of the second. Metrologia, 61 (1). 012001


English, E L; Whibberley, P B; Langham, C; Hicks, D; Lobo, L (2017) Update on the NPL Time (R) service and future developments with white rabbit. In: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, 30-31 January 2017, Monterey, CA, USA.

Esteban, H*; Galindo, F J*; Whibberley, P B; Bauch, A*; Polewka, T*; Uhrich, P*; Chupin, B*; Cerretto, G*; Costa, R*; Zhiheng Jiang*, (2015) GPS time link calibrations in the frame of EURAMET Project 1156. In: 2015 Joint Conference Of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), 12-16 April 2015, Denver, CO, USA.


Furlong, J M; Davis, J A (1997) Suitabilty of using GPS disciplined oscillators as time and frequency standards traceable to the UK National Time Scale. In: Proc. 8th International Conference on Electromagnetic Measurement, 4-6 November 1997, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.


Gill, P (2001) Raising the standards (in 'Science perspective on atomic clocks'). Science, 294 (5547). pp. 1666-8.

Gill, P (2011) When should we change the definition of the second? Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 369 (1953). pp. 4109-4130.

Gill, P; Riehle, F* (2012) Possibilities for a future redefinition of the second. In: 2012 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2012), 1-6 July 2012, Washington DC, USA.

Grainge, K*; Alachkar, B*; Amy, S*; Barbosa, D*; Bommineni, M*; Boven, P*; Braddock, R*; Davis, J; Diwakar, P*; Francis, V*; Gabrielczyk, R*; Gamatham, R*; Garrington, S*; Gibbon, T*; Gozzard, D*; Gregory, S*; Guo, Y*; Gupta, Y*; Hammond, J*; Hindley, D.; Horn, U*; Hughes-Jones, R*; Hussey, M*; Lloyd, S*; Mammen, S*; Miteff, S*; Mohile, V*; Muller, J*; Natarajan, S*; Nicholls, J*; Oberland, R*; Pearson, M*; Rayner, T*; Schediwy, S*; Schilizzi, R*; Sharma, S*; Stobie, S*; Tearle, M*; Wang, B *; Wallace, B*; Wang, L*; Warange, R*; Whitaker, R*; Wilkinson, A*; Wingfield, N* (2017) Square kilometre array: the radio telescope of the XXI century. Astron. Rep., 61 (4). pp. 288-296.


Haji, M; Hill, I; Curtis, E A; Gill, P (2024) Holdover Atomic Clock Landscape Review. NPL Report. TQE 32

Harris, P M; Davis, J A; Cox, M G; Shemar, S L (2003) Least-squares anaylsis of time series data and its application to two-way satellite time and frequency transfer measurements. Metrologia, 40 (3). S342-S347

Henderson, D (2005) Essen and the National Physical Laboratory's atomic clock. Metrologia, 42 (3). S4-S9.

Hendre, A; Alachkar, B; Boven, P; Chen, S L; Collingwood, H; Davis, J; Dewdney, P; Gozzard, D; Grainge, K; Gravestock, C; Guo, Y C; Hindley, D; Labate, M G; Schediwy, S; Stobie, S; Stringhetti, L; Swart, G; Wang, B; Wang, L J; Waterson, M; Whitaker, R; Wilkinson, A (2022) Precise timescale, frequency, and time-transfer technology for the Square Kilometer Array. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems, 8 (1). 011022

Hicks, D; Whibberley, P; English, E L; Lobo, L; Lee, T*; Austin, A* (2016) NPLTime (R) - UTC traceable time for the financial sector. pp. 167-173.

Hodge, C (1996) Proceedings of the GNSS 2 workshop: The frontiers of time and frequency measurement. NPL Report. QM 123

Hodge, C; Davis, J A (1996) Timing options and frequency control concepts for meeting user requirements with the second-generation global navigation satellite system (GNSS2). In: Tenth European Frequency and Time Forum, Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1996, London.

Hodge, C; Davis, J A; Gallop, J C; Allan, D W*; Ashby, N*; Bedrich, S*; Cutler, L S*; Hahn, J*; Nau, H*; Kern, R H*; Lewandowski, W*; Maleki, L*; Vessot, R F C* (1996) Towards 10 millimetre real-time position determination and 30 picosecond time-transfer capability with the next-generation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). In: Proc. ION GPS-96, Session DI: GNSS and WAAS Architects, 17 - 20 September 1996, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.


Jiang, Z; Zhang, V; Huang, Y-J; Achkar, J; Piester, D; Lin, S-Y; Wu, W; Naumov, A; Yang, S; Nawrocki, J; Sesia, I; Schlunegger, C; Yang, Z; Fujieda, M; Czubla, A; Esteban, H; Rieck, C; Whibberley, P (2018) Use of software-defined radio receivers in two-way satellite time and frequency transfers for UTC computation. Metrologia, 55 (5). pp. 685-698. ISSN 0026-1394


King, M; Renedo, E (2020) The economic impact of the National Timing Centre on collaborating companies. The value of additional public funding to support the adoption of more resilient timing and synchronisation solutions in the UK. NPL Report. IEA 2


Laverty, J R (1999) Time and frequency dissemination in the UK. In: BEMC 99 - 9th International Conference on Electromagnetic Measurement, 2-4 November 1999, Brighton, UK.

Lea, S N (2007) Limits to time variation of fundamental constants from comparisons of atomic frequency standards. Rep. Prog. Phys., 70 (9). pp. 1473-1523.


Margolis, H (2023) Timekeeping fit for the future. Science in Parliament, 79 (2). pp. 4-6.

Margolis, H (2023) The UK National Timing Centre programme. ITU News Magazine (2). pp. 35-37.

Margolis, H (2018) A brief history of timekeeping. Physics World, 31 (11). pp. 27-30. ISSN 0953-8585

Margolis, H (2017) A matter of time. Nature Physics, 13 (12). p. 1234.


Petit, G*; Thomas, C*; Moussay, P*; Davis, J A; Miranian, M* (1997) Multi-channel GPS common-view time transfer experiments: First results and uncertainty study for short and long baselines. In: Proc. 29th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications meeting, December 1997, Long Beach, California.

Petley, B W (1997) Louis Essen, 1908-1997. Physics World (Novemb). p. 55.


Schiller, S*; Gorlitz, A*; Abou-Jaoudeh, C*; Mura, G*; Franzen, T*; Nevsky, A*; Alighanbari, S*; Chen, Q*; Ernsting, I*; Poli, N*; Schioppo, M*; Tino, G M*; Sterr, U*; Vogt, S*; Falke, S*; Lisdat, C*; Gill, P; Barwood, G P; Ovchinnikov, Y B; Rasel, E*; Kulosa, A*; Bongs, K*; Singh, Y*; Calonico, D*; Levi, F*; Stuhler, J*; Kaenders, W*; Bize, S*; Holtzwarth, R* (2013) Development of compact lattice optical clocks toward future space clocks. In: Lasers & Electro-Optics. Europe & International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO EUROPE/IQEC 2013), 12-16 May 2013, Munich, Germany.

Shemar, S; Fraser, G; Heil, L; Hindley, D; Martindale, A; Molyneux, P; Pye, J; Warwick, R; Lamb, A (2017) Erratum to: Towards practical autonomous deep-space navigation using X-Ray pulsar timing (vol 42, pg 101, 2016). Experimental Astronomy, 44 (2). pp. 259-260. ISSN 0922-6435

Shemar, S; Fraser, G*.; Heil, L*; Hindley, D; Martindale, A*; Molyneux, P*; Pye, J*; Warwick, R*; Lamb, A* (2016) Towards practical autonomous deep-space navigation using X-ray pulsar timing. Exp. Astron., 42 (2). pp. 101-138.

Shemar, S L; Davis, J A (1998) Improving the delay stability of a two-way satellite time and frequency transfer earth station. In: Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, December 1998, Reston, VA, USA.

Shemar, S L; Davis, J A (1999) A study of delay instabilities within a two-way satellite time and frequency transfer earth station. In: Proc. 1999 Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symp., 12-16 April 1999, Besancon, France.

Shemar, S L; Davis, J A; Whibberley, P B (2010) Preliminary results from NPL’s clock ensemble algorithm using hydrogen masers and caesium clocks. In: EFTF 2010 - 24th European Frequency and Time Forum, 13-16 April 2010, Noordwijk, Netherlands.

Slight, T J; Watson, S; Viola, S; Yadav, A; Stanczyk, S; Grzanka, S; Gwyn, S; Rafailov, E U; Perlin, P; Najda, S P; Leszczyński, M; Haji, M; Kelly, A E (2019) Recent progress in distributed feedback InGaN/GaN laser diodes. Proceedings of SPIE, 10939. 1093901

Smotlacha, V; Krehilk, P; Sliwczynski, L; Radil, J; Velc, R; Vojtech, J; Campanella, M; Calonico, D; Clivati, C; Levi, F; Cip, O; Rerucha, S; Holzwarth, R; Lessing, M; Saint-Jalm, S; Camargo, F; Desruelle, B; Lautier-Gaud, J; English, E L; Kronjaeger, J; Whibberley, P; Muller, T; Stefl, J; Steflova, M; Nogas, P; Urbaniak, R; Binczewski, A; Bogacki, W; Turza, K; Grosche, G; Schnatz, H; Camisard, E; Quintin, N; Diaz, J; Garcia, T; Ros, E; Galardini, A; Seeds, A; Yang, Z; Amy-Klein, A; Bookjans, E; Pottie, P E; Tuckey, P (2018) Project CLONETS. In: 49th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, 29 January 2018, Reston, Virginia, USA.


Tavella, P*; Sesia, I*; Cerretto, G*; Signorile, G*; Calonico, D*; Costa, R*; Clivati, C*; Cantoni, E*; De Stefano, C*; Frittelli, M*; Formichella, V*; Abadessa, A*; Cernigliaro, A*; Fiasca, F*; Perucca, A*; Mantero, S*; Widomski, T*; Kaczmarek, J*; Uzycki, J*; Borgulski, K*; Olbrysz, P*; Kowalski, J*; Cerabolini, P*; Rotiroti, L*; Biserni, E*; Zarroli, E*; Leone, V*; Veiga, M T*; Suarez, T*; Diaz, J*; Defraigne, P*; Ozdemir, N*; Blaire, Q*; Gandara, M*; Hamoniaux, V*; Varriale, E*; Morante, Q*; Dhiri, V*; Giulianini, E*; Mangiantini, M*; Wallin, A E*; Galleani, L*; Hindley, D (2016) The European project DEMETRA: demonstrating time dissemination services. In: 47th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, 25-28 January 2016, Monterey, CA, USA.

Tavella, P*; Sesia, I*; Cerretto, G*; Signorile, G*; Calonico, D*; Costa, R*; Clivati, C*; Cantoni, E*; De Stefano, C*; Frittelli, M*; Formichella, V*; Cernigliaro, A*; Fiasca, F*; Perucca, A*; Mantero, S*; Cerabolini, P*; Rotiroti, L*; Biserni, E*; Leone, V*; Zarroli, E*; Sormani, D*; Dhiri, V*; Defraigne, P*; Ozdemir, N*; Baire, Q*; Veiga, M T*; Suarez, T*; Diaz, J*; Gandara, M*; Hamoniaux, V*; Mangiantini, M*; Varriale, E*; Morante, Q*; Wallin, A E*; Widonski, T*; Kaczmarek, J*; Uzycki, J*; Borgulski, K*; Olbrysz, P*; Kowalski, J*; Galleani, L*; Hindley, D (2016) The European project DEMETRA, timing services based on European GNSS: first experimental results. In: 2016 IEEE Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 22-23 June 2016, Florence, Italy.

Tavella, P.; Sesia, I.; Cerretto, G.; Signorile, G.; Calonico, D.; Costa, R.; Clivati, C.; Cantoni, E.; De Stefano, C.; Frittelli, M.; Formichella, V.; Biserni, E.; Leone, V.; Zarroli, E.; Sormani, D.; Defraigne, P.; Baire, Q.; Gandara, M.; Hamoniaux, V.; Varriale, E.; Morante, Q.; Widomski, T.; Kaczmarek, J.; Uzycki, J.; Borgulski, K.; Olbrysz, P.; Kowalski, J.; Gliwka, K.; Cernigliaro, A.; Fiasca, F.; Perucca, A.; Facca, M.; Dhiri, V.; Veiga, M.T.; Suarez, T.; Diaz, J.; Mangiantini, M.; Wallin, A.E.; Galleani, L.; Whibberly, P.; Hindley, D. (2017) The H2020 european project DEMETRA: experimental time services based on European GNSS signals. In: 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), 9-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.

Tino, G M; Bassi, A; Bianco, G; Bongs, K; Bouyer, P; Cacciapuoti, L; Capozziello, S; Chen, X; Chiofalo, M L; Derevianko, A; Ertmer, W; Gaaloul, N; Gill, P; Graham, P W; Hogan, J M; Iess, L; Kasevich, M A; Katori, H; Klempt, C; Lu, X; Ma, L S; Müller, H; Newbury, N R; Oates, C W; Peters, A; Poli, N; Rasel, E M; Rosi, G; Roura, A; Salomon, C; Schiller, S; Schleich, W; Schlippert, D; Schreck, F; Schubert, C; Sorrentino, F; Sterr, U; Thomsen, J W; Vallone, G; Vetrano, F; Villoresi, P; von Klitzing, W; Wilkowski, D; Wolf, P; Ye, J; Yu, N; Zhan, M (2019) SAGE: A proposal for a space atomic gravity explorer. The European Physical Journal D, 73 (11). 228 ISSN 1434-6060


Vojtech, J; Radil, J; Smotlacha, V; Velc, R; Krehlik, P; Sliwczynski, L; Campanella, M; Calonico, D; Clivati, C; Levi, F; Cip, O; Pravdova, L; Rerucha, S; Holzwarth, R; Lessing, M; Saint-Jalm, S; Camargo, F; Desruelle, B; Lautier-Gaud, J; English, E L; Kronjaeger, J; Whibberley, P; Bookjans, E; Pottie, P E; Tuckey, P; Muller, T; Stefl, J; Nogas, P; Urbaniak, R; Binczewski, A; Bogacki, W; Turza, K; Grosche, G; Schnatz, H; Camisard, E; Quintin, N; Diaz, J; Ros, E; Garcia, T; Galardini, A; Seeds, A; Yang, Z; Amy-Klein, A (2019) The CLONETS - Clock Network Services Strategy and Innovation for Clock Services Over Optical-Fibre Networks. In: 50th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications, 28-31 January 2019, Reston, VA, USA.

Vojtěch, J; Radil, J; Smotlacha, V; Velc, R; Krehlik, P; Śliwczyński, Ł; Campanella, M; Calonico, D; Clivati, C; Levi, F; Číp, O; Rerucha, S; Holzwarth, R; Lessing, M; Saint-Jalm, S; Camargo, F; Desruelle, B; Lautier-Gaud, J; Laier-English, E; Kronjäger, J; Whibberley, P; Bookjans, E; Pottie, P-E; Tuckey, P; Müller, T; Štefl, J; Šteflová, M; Nogaś, P; Urbaniak, R; Binczewski, A; Bogacki, W; Turza, K; Grosche, G; Schnatz, H; Camisard, E; Quintin, N; Diaz, J; Ros, E; García, T; Galardini, A; Seeds, A; Yang, Z; Amy-Klein, A (2018) The H2020 Project CLONETS: Clock Services over Optical-fibre Networks in Europe. In: 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 13-18 May 2018, San Jose, CA, USA.


Whibberley, P B; Davis, J; Shemar, S (2011) Local representations of UTC in national laboratories. Metrologia, 48 (4). S154-S164

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