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Algorithms for using silicon steps for scanning probe microscope evaluation

Garnæs, J; Nečas, D; Nielsen, L; H Madsen, M; Torras-Rosell, A; Zeng, G; Klapetek, P; Yacoot, A (2020) Algorithms for using silicon steps for scanning probe microscope evaluation. Metrologia, 57 (6). 064002 ISSN 0026-1394

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he 2019 update to the Mise en Pratique for the metre adopted the lattice parameter of silicon as a secondary realisation of the metre for dimensional nanometrology. In response, in this paper we present new algorithms for one- and two-dimensional analysis of atomic force microscope images of large area atomic terraces forming amphitheatre like structures on the surface of silicon. It is shown how these terraces, whose vertical separation is given by the lattice spacing of the d111 planescan be used as a height calibration standard for atomic force microscopes. Since the vertical separation of the steps is of the same order of magnitude as many errors associated with AFMs great care is needed in processing AFM measurements of the steps. However, using the algorithms presented in this paper, corrections may be made for AFM scanner bow and waviness as well as taking into account the edge effects on the silicon steps. Applicability of the data processing methods is demonstrated on datasets obtained from various instruments. Aspects of steps arrangement on surface and its impact on uncertainties are discussed as well

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Engineering Measurements > Dimensional
Divisions: Engineering
Identification number/DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/ab9ad3
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2021 15:14
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/9032

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