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Influence of Ohmic contact loss on measurement of dielectric properties of ultra-low-loss dielectrics.

Arnaut, L R (1997) Influence of Ohmic contact loss on measurement of dielectric properties of ultra-low-loss dielectrics. Technical Report. CEM 3

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The effect of plate ohmic contacts attached to a low-loss dielectric substrate on the measured dielectric constant and loss tangent is investigated. To this end the effect of longitudinal and transverse currents and charge pile-up in these contacts is analysed. Three types of parallel-plate capacitor are investigated: one-dimensional, circular disk and interdigital. For all three capacitor type, closed-form expressions are derived for the expectancy value of the overall tangent of the dielectric with plated contacts. A systematic set of numerical examples is presented for each capacitor type, demonstrating in detail the dependencies of the loss tangent on the various parameters. A procedure for experimental verification of the theoretical results is proposed.

Item Type: Report/Guide (Technical Report)
NPL Report No.: CEM 3
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Electromagnetics > Electromagnetic Materials
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:18
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/878

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