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Defining the limits to long-term nano-indentation creep measurement of viscoelastic materials

Hou, X.D.; Jennett, N.M. (2018) Defining the limits to long-term nano-indentation creep measurement of viscoelastic materials. Polymer Testing, 70. pp. 297-309. ISSN 01429418

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In this study, an instrumented indentation tester (UNHT, CSM instruments) was used for indentation creep testing on commercial polymers. This paper first evaluated the stability of the UNHT system by doing extreme long indentation creep on some three reference materials (fused silica, sapphire and diamond); then using the same set up to obtain the indentation creep data on a piece of commercial polymer for 30000 seconds. The set of data was then used to validate an n-element Kelvin model which is normally used for simulating viscoelastic behaviours

Item Type: Article
Keywords: nano-indentation, elevated temperature, isothermal contact
Subjects: Advanced Materials > Polymers
Divisions: Engineering, Materials & Electrical Science
Identification number/DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.07.022
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2018 14:54
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/8163

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