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Generalized extreme value distributions of power near a boundary inside electromagnetic reverberation chambers.

Gradoni, G*; Arnaut, L R (2010) Generalized extreme value distributions of power near a boundary inside electromagnetic reverberation chambers. IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., 52 (3). pp. 506-515.

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In this paper, results of an experimental investigation of the statistical distribution of the maximum field inside a reverberation chamber is presented together with the analysis of field inhomogeneities. The investigation is relevant to the estimation of threshold levels and associated uncertainties in susceptibility of wireless communication systems subjected to interference.
Measurements were performed for both undermoded and overmoded regimes. Departures from ideal isotropic random field behavior at relatively low frequencies were generated by placing the receiving antenna close to one cavity wall.
The coexistence of a field heterogeneity and anisotropy has been observed, together with departures from the ideal statistical distributions of field and energy. Empirical distributions of the maximum value were derived for hybrid mechanical, frequency and spatial mode stirring. The maximum-value distribution is found to be of Fr\'echet type in undermoded regime, converging to a reverse Weibull distribution in highly overmoded operation, thereby crossing the Gumbel distribution when the operation is weakly overmoded. Results exhibit good agreement with previous theoretical and numerical findings.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: wireless communication, interference, maximum field distribution
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Electromagnetics > Wireless Communications
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:15
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/4793

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