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Prediction of the impact performance of plastics using finite element methods.

Dean, G D; Crocker, L E (2022) Prediction of the impact performance of plastics using finite element methods. Measurement Good Practice Guide. 87 (Issue 2)

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This Guide describes the application of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for predicting the impact performance of plastics and the measurement of input data. Three elastic-plastic materials models are introduced that are able to describe the large strain, non-linear behaviour of plastics when this is caused by yield and flow. These models are the von Mises and linear Drucker-Prager models available in FE packages and a new model that takes account of the influence of cavitation on plastic deformation. Limitations in the applicability of the first two models for describing the deformation behaviour of the copolymer are demonstrated. Test methods are described for the determination of property data and parameters required by these models for the simulation of impact performance using finite element methods.

Item Type: Report/Guide (Measurement Good Practice Guide)
Keywords: elastic-plastic models, cavitation, mechanical testing finite element, FEA
Subjects: Advanced Materials > Materials Modelling
Advanced Materials > Polymers
Identification number/DOI: 10.47120/npl.mgpg87
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2023 11:42
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/3454

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