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On the prediction and measurement of the electromagnetic fields close to a coated diffracting edge at grazing incidence.

Smith, F C*; Thompson, R P; Liang, W L; Clarke, R N; Lederer, P G* (2001) On the prediction and measurement of the electromagnetic fields close to a coated diffracting edge at grazing incidence. In: BEMC 2001- 10th British Electromagnetic Measurement Conference, 6-8 November 2001, Harrogate, UK.

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A material coating applied to the edge of a conducting plane can be used to reduce monostatic edge diffraction of electromagnetic waves from it for obtuse incidence angles. The role of such a material coating is briefly discussed. A reference coated-edge has been used as a 10-GHz test piece for optically modulated scatterer (OMS) measurements of the electric field close to such an edge, and for far field RCS measurements.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (UNSPECIFIED)
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Electromagnetics > Electromagnetic Materials
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:17
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/2218

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