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An overview of through-thickness test methods for polymer matrix composites.

Broughton, W R; Sims, G D (1994) An overview of through-thickness test methods for polymer matrix composites. NPL Report. DMM(A)148

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One of the initial objectives of the project" is to evaluate critically the test methods available for the determination of all the out-of-plane or through-thickness (T -T) tensile, compressive and shear properties. A decision analysis technique was applied to quantitatively evaluate each method in terms of 14 criteria, encompassing a number of key issues. These included data producibility, cost of fabrication, cost of testing, availability of a standard test method, ease of data reduction and accuracy of test data. The relative importance of the criteria was based on an assessment by industry.
The results of the analysis were not unequivocal, there were no definite winners or losers. In fact, the evaluation dearly showed that all the tests were far from ideal, and often the difference between test methods was marginal. Additional sections review ultrasonic techniques for the determination of in-plane and through-thickness elastic constants; and mode I, mode II, mixed mode 1/11 and mode ill interlaminar fracture toughness test methods. Problems associated with material fabrication of thick sections are also considered.
This report was prepared as part of the research undertaken at NPL, in collaboration with the Defence Research Agency for the Department of Trade and Industry funded project on 'Test Method Development and Prediction of Performance of Composite Components".

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: DMM(A)148
Subjects: Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials > Polymers
Advanced Materials > Composites
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:19
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/149

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