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Evaluation of a multi-functional adhesive test station.

Maxwell, A S; Duncan, B C (1999) Evaluation of a multi-functional adhesive test station. NPL Report. CMMT(A)177

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Development of a multi-purpose test instrument capable of characterising the properties of flexible adhesives in the liquid state, during cure and in the solid state would significantly simplify adhesives testing. Modern rheometers have sophisticated measurement capabilities and offer promise as a multi-functional technique. The oscillatory measurement functions enable measurement of the visco-elastic properties of adhesives. The multi-frequency and temperature scanning capabilities allow determination of transitions in material properties.
However, the stiffness of the instrument is a major source of error in measurements on solid materials. Techniques have been developed for correcting results for the instrument compliance. The correction factor increases as the stiffness of the sample increases. It is essential that corrections are applied when measuring ‘solid’ adhesives. Despite modifications to increase the rheometer’s stiffness, it is still too compliant to accurately determine the properties of materials with shear moduli greater than 500 MPa. However, the instrument appears to be suitable for studying lower modulus materials, such as flexible adhesives above the glass transition temperature. The high sensitivity of the measurement and control functions of the instrument may offer advantages over conventional tension or DMTA methods for low modulus materials.
The modified Carrimed CSL500 rheometer is capable of operating as a multi-functional test station for flexible adhesives. The instrument is able to measure the flow properties of adhesive resins, their curing behaviour and their mechanical properties.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: CMMT(A)177
Subjects: Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials > Adhesives
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:18
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/1247

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