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Identification and Characterization of New Materials for Construction of Heating Plates for High-Temperature Guarded Hot Plates

Hameury, J.; Koenen, A.; Hay, B.; Wu, J.; Hammerschmidt, U.; Rafeld, E. K.; Pennewitz, E.; Turzó-András, E.; Strnad, R.; Blahut, A. (2018) Identification and Characterization of New Materials for Construction of Heating Plates for High-Temperature Guarded Hot Plates. International Journal of Thermophysics, 39 (1). 16 ISSN 0195-928X

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The selection of a material for making the hot and cold plates of high-temperature guarded hot plates (HTGHPs) working up to 800 °C is still an issue. The material must be machinable, have a high mechanical stability to keep the high level of flatness of the plates and have a high thermal conductivity and a high resistance to oxidation when used in air. Nickel 201 alloy has been used in several instruments, but has shown, sometimes, problems of mechanical stability. The total hemispherical emissvity of the plates must be higher than 0.8 as recommended by the standards. Three ceramic materials, a silicon infiltrated silicon carbide (SiSiC), a machinable aluminum nitride and a sintered aluminum nitride (AlN) with high thermal conductivity claimed at ambient temperature, were selected for tests in thermal conductivity and opacity to thermal radiation. Three paints withstanding high temperatures were tested in total hemispherical emissivity and durability at high temperature. Above 600 °C, Nickel 201 alloy has a higher thermal conductivity than the three ceramics. Below 600 °C, the SiSiC and the sintered AlN shows a wide transparency spectral band at short wavelengths (below 6.5 µm). Above 300 °C, the three paints have a total hemispherical emissivity above 0.8. One of the paints has polluted the specimens of an insulation material tested in thermal conductivity up to 650 °C. The other two can be recommended to coat the hot and cold plates of HTGHPs used up to 800 °C.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: emissivity, high-temperature guarded hot plate, high-temperature high-emissivity coatings, machinable aluminum nitride, nickel 201 alloy, silicon infiltrated silicon carbide, sintered aluminum nitride, thermal conductivity, thermophysical properties
Subjects: Advanced Materials > Thermal Performance
Divisions: Engineering, Materials & Electrical Science
Identification number/DOI: 10.1007/s10765-017-2326-3
Last Modified: 18 Apr 2018 10:53
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/7849

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