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Detection of internal defects in lithium ion batteries using lock-in thermography.

Robinson, J B*; Engebretsen, E*; Finegan, D P*; Darr, J*; Hinds, G; Shearing, P R*; Brett, D J L* (2015) Detection of internal defects in lithium ion batteries using lock-in thermography. ECS Electrochem. Lett., 4 (9). A106-A109

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Effective thermal management is essential for maximising performance and durability of Li-ion batteries. Infrared thermal imaging is an established technique for studying temperature distribution in real-time with high spatial resolution; however, dynamic thermal imaging offers greater sensitivity, the ability to correct for emissivity variation and identify heat transfer mechanisms and internal defects. Here, for the first time, lock-in thermography using a thermal imaging camera is applied to Li-ion batteries to investigate the effect of periodic electro-thermal stimulation on the amplitude and phase response of both new and aged Li-ion pouch cells. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique in the detection of gas pockets formed during cell aging and propose its application in the identification of a range of internal defects in operational systems and validation of thermal models.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Li-ion battery, Thermal management, Thermal imaging, Temperature distribution, Lock-in thermography, Electro-thermal impedance, Transient thermography
Subjects: Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials > Fuels Cells
Identification number/DOI: 10.1149/2.0071509eel
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:13
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/6748

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