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Consumer phase determination using GPS time stamping, final report.

Wright, P S (2015) Consumer phase determination using GPS time stamping, final report. NPL Report. TQE 11

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This report details the development of a GPS based instrument to determine the phasing of customer connections to the low voltage (LV) electricity network.

The phase determination method works using two identical instruments; one reference-device connected at a location of known phase; and a second field-device at a customer connection with unknown phases. GPS is used to synchronize the two remotely located devices and data is exchanged using the mobile phone network.

Calculations are performed on a Laptop connected by USB to the reference device (the field device does not require a laptop). Results can be obtained in about 20 seconds depending on the mobile phone network. SD memory cards can record all data for processing off-line, in areas with no mobile coverage.

Laboratory and field testing was carried-out on a series of LV connections with known phases. In all cases, it was shown that it was possible to determine unambiguously and correctly whether the phase of the consumer was L1, L2 or L3. No significant effects of distance or wiring were seen in these tests despite properties been fed from different primary and secondary sub-stations.

It was originally envisaged that this project would develop a prototype phase detector that could be used by Smart Meter installers to determine the phase of each property when they gain access during the planned smart meter roll-out. However, the business case for this logistically complex proposal was not proven.

Accordingly, it is envisaged that a future handheld device based on GPS could be manufactured and given to field-engineers. These devices would be used to determine the phasing of dwellings with minimal effort, minimal additional time and with minimal training.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: TQE 11
Keywords: Smart Grid, power networks, phase
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Electromagnetics > Electrical Measurement
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:13
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/6536

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