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Energy methods for modelling damage in laminates.

McCartney, L N (2013) Energy methods for modelling damage in laminates. J. Compos. Mater., 47 (20-21). pp. 2613-2640.

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The initiation and growth of damage in composite materials are phenomena that precede the catastrophic failure event where a material sample or component fragments or separates into two pieces. During loading, the damage growth leads to a gradual deterioration of mechanical properties and ultimately to failure. This paper is one contribution the Third World-Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE-III), which is aimed at tackling issues related to damage, matrix cracking, initiation of delamination and their interaction with fibre failure. Participants have been provided with input data that include all of the elastic constants, ultimate strains and strengths, and the non-linear stress-strain curves for unidirectional laminae and their constituents. Various types of laminate, chosen for the analysis, are described together with the lay-up, layer thicknesses, stacking sequences and the loading conditions, defining a set of Test Cases that will be used by the organisers to assess participating theories.

This paper first describes methods used to predict ply properties from those of the fibres and matrix so that a comparison can be made with the ply properties provided. The approach of this paper to the development of damage in laminates is based on an energy methodology that requires knowledge of the dependence of thermoelastic constants on damage. As the mathematical basis of various ply cracking models to be used are too extensive for inclusion in this paper, references are given only, with complete details being given in an associated paper. The various models are applied to appropriate Test Cases provided by the organisers and results presented graphically. Detailed discussion is included on the following relevant issues; initiating defect size and shape, fibre strength, ply saturation, off-axis ply cracking, delamination, mixed mode ply cracking, and concludes with a consideration of design issues.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Theoretical models, laminated composites, ply cracking, strength
Subjects: Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials > Composites
Identification number/DOI: 10.1177/0021998312468188
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:14
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/5996

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