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Measurement of residual stresses and strains in carbon fibre composites.

Maxwell, A S; Broughton, W R; Lodeiro, M J; Shaw, R (2009) Measurement of residual stresses and strains in carbon fibre composites. NPL Report. MN 7

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An investigation has been carried out to assess a range of different techniques for the measurement of residual stresses and strains in composite laminates. Residual stresses are introduced into composites during their manufacture and can significantly reduce both the performance of the material and the lifetime of the product. Residual stresses can also be extremely difficult to measure, as there are no well-established techniques for measuring their presence in these materials. For this reason, designers and engineers have often been forced to use higher margins of safety to prevent in-service failure, leading to both 'overdesign' of structures and increased weight. With the continuous drive to optimise material performance and minimise component weight, there is an increasing need to understand the role of residual stress in composites. This report assesses some of the most promising measurement techniques, which include curvature measurement of unsymmetric panels, layer removal, incremental slitting, hole drilling, Raman spectroscopy and Fibre Bragg-Gratings.

This Measurement Note was prepared as a result of investigations undertaken within the Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills funded project 'Improving quality in composite materials through provision of traceable measurements' as part of the Materials Characterisation programme.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: MN 7
Subjects: Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials > Composites
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:15
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/4441

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