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Tables of the complex permittivity of dielectric reference liquids at frequencies up to 5 GHz.

Gregory, A P; Clarke, R N (2012) Tables of the complex permittivity of dielectric reference liquids at frequencies up to 5 GHz. NPL Report. MAT 23

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This report summarises the results of a recent programme of dielectric reference liquid measurements at National Physical Laboratory (NPL). It is intended that full details of the methods of measurement will be published in the scientific literature in the near future. Comprehensive tables of dielectric relaxation parameters for high purity methanol, ethanol, propan-1-ol, propan-2-ol, butan-1-ol, dimethyl sulphoxide and ethanediol are presented over a range of temperatures (in most cases at 5º intervals in the range 10 - 50 ºC). These were derived from measurements at NPL between the years 1997 and 2000 at frequencies extending up to 5 GHz. The relaxation parameters are generally those of the single or double Debye models, which are found to offer a good fit to the measured data in nearly all cases. In addition, static permittivity data are presented for pure water, acetone, silicone oil and cyclohexane. All of the data presented is traceable to UK National Standards. Advisory notes on the use of the tables are provided.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: MAT 23
Keywords: complex permittivity, reference liquids
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Electromagnetics > RF and Microwave
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:14
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/4347

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