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An overview of the HIBISCUS campaign.

Pommereau, J-P*; Garnier, A*; Held, G*; Gomes, A-M*; Goutail, F*; Durry, G*; Borchi, F*; Hauchecorne, A*; Montoux, N*; Cocquerez, P*; Letrenne, G*; Vial, F*; Hertzog, A*; Legras, B*; Pisso, I*; Pyle, J A*; Harris, N R P*; Jones, R L*; Robinson, A*; Hansford, G*; Eden, L*; Gardiner, T D; Swann, N R; Knudsen, B*; Larsen, N*; Nielson, J*; Christensen, T*; Cairo, F*; Pirre, M*; Marecal, V*; Huret, N*; Rivière, E*; Coe, H*; Grosvenor, D*; Edvarsen, K*; Di Donfrancesco, G*; Ricaud, P*; Berthelier, J-J*; Godefroy, M*; Seran, E*; Longo, K*; Freitas, S* (2007) An overview of the HIBISCUS campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7. pp. 2389-2475.

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The overall objective of the HIBISCUS project was to provide a set of new observational data on meteorology, tracers of horizontal and vertical transport, water vapour, clouds, and chemistry in the tropical UT/LS from balloon observations at local scale over a land convective area, as well as at global scale using circum-navigating longduration balloons in the summer season for studying the contrast between land and 25 oceans. After several test flights in February 2001 and 2003, the main experiment took place in January-February 2004 at Bauru (22 S, 49 W) in the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
The present overview is meant to provide the background of the project, as well as overall information on the instrumental tools available, on the way they have beenused within the highly convective context of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone, and a brief summary of the results.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: laser absorption spectrometer, balloon measurements, tropical tropopause
Subjects: Environmental Measurement
Environmental Measurement > Atmospheric Science, Emission and Security
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:15
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/4257

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