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Maser oscillation in a whispering-gallery-mode microwave resonator.

Bourgeois, P-Y*; Bazin, N*; Kersalé, Y*; Giordano, V*; Tobas, M E*; Oxborrow, M (2005) Maser oscillation in a whispering-gallery-mode microwave resonator. Appl. Phys. Lett., 87 (22). 224101

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We report the observation of above-threshold maser oscillation in a whispering-gallery (WG)-mode resonator, whose quasitransverse-magnetic, 17th-azimuthal-order WG mode, at a frequency of approximately 12.038 GHz, with a loaded Q of several hundred million, is supported on a cylinder of monocrystalline sapphire. An electron spin resonance associated with Fe3+ ions, that are substitutively included within the sapphire at an effective concentration of a few parts per billion, coincides in frequency with that of the (considerably narrower) WG mode. By applying a cw "pump" to the resonator at a frequency of approximately 31.34 GHz, with no applied dc magnetic field, the WG ("signal") mode is energized through a three-level maser scheme. Preliminary measurements demonstrate a frequency stability (Allan deviation) of a few times 10–14 for sampling intervals up to 100 s.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:16
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/3359

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