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Electric field probe measurements in the NPL untuned stadium reverberation chamber.

Arnaut, L R; West, P D (1999) Electric field probe measurements in the NPL untuned stadium reverberation chamber. NPL Report. CETM 13

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Measurements results and chamber characteristics are reported for the N P L stadium re-verberation chamber in mode-tuned operation., using a miniature 3-axis electric field sensor. Results are based on the analysis of the measured stirrer data for the magnitude of the electric field, for mechanical wall stirring, at 2.5 Hz and 8.2GHz. The measured probability distributions and various associated sample statistics are compared with theoretical results for ideal chambers, showing excellent agreement. The present study confirms and extends earlier results which were based on the measurement of power density. In addition, total field anisotropy and field inhomogeneity levels are obtained from the field probe data, quantifying the reverberation performance. Some new theoretical results are also derived.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: CETM 13
Keywords: mode-stirred cavity, chamber calibration, EMC test environments, electromagnetic immunity and vulnerability testing, electric field probe, numerical modelling, random fields, statistical analysis, spectral analysis
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Electromagnetics > RF and Microwave
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2018 13:18
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/1589

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