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Report on a survey of LISN and absorbing clamp use.

Cook, R J (1998) Report on a survey of LISN and absorbing clamp use. NPL Report. CEM 9

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The results are presented of a survey of LISN and Absorbing Clamp users working in testing for conformance to EMC standards to meet EU requirements on EM .There are a wide range of test devices being used with a few being the most popular. Som of the variations in devices appear to be different manufacturers' versions of the same d vice. Most of the laboratories have their test devices calibrated at a UKAS Accredited C ibration Laboratory but there is, however, a significant spread in the results obtained d clearly room for improvement. There is also quite a spread in overall measurement u certainty across the laboratories and there is clearly room for improvement in calibratio methods and test methods. All would benefit from informed collective discussion 0 the assessment of uncertainty in both calibration and measurement environments.
There was not a great demand for a guidance document on the use of clamps and LISNs however some useful suggestions have been made for its content and pre~entation.

Item Type: Report/Guide (NPL Report)
NPL Report No.: CEM 9
Subjects: Electromagnetics
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2018 14:24
URI: http://eprintspublications.npl.co.uk/id/eprint/1021

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